Genius Warlock

Chapter 295

Chapter 295

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"Have you thought about taking a break from your work as a Solver for a while?" Forrest unexpectedly spoke up.

The remark wasn't exactly shocking, but it caught Oliver off guard.

Typically, brokers preferred to keep exceptional solvers busy rather than allowing them to rest.

But Forrest was not your average broker, and Oliver was well aware of that.

"Hmm… You're less responsive than I anticipated."

"Ah… I apologize. I was just wondering why, so I took a moment to think about it."

"You're wondering why? Do you think you know?"

"No, I'm not sure. Did I make a mistake or something?"

"On the contrary, it's because you've been too successful at your job."

"Because I've been too successful?"

Oliver furrowed his brow, not quite understanding.

Take a break because he had done his job too well?

Of course, it wasn't an unpleasant or difficult proposition. Although he didn't know the exact payment yet, he had planned to rest for a while after completing this mission.

He wasn't desperate for money, and he had obligations at the Magic Tower that required his attention.

However, regardless of all that, he was curious about the reason behind Forrest's suggestion.

Fortunately, Forrest quickly addressed his query.

"More accurately, it's because your power has become too strong, and even the influential figures in Landa are wary of it."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. Didn't you single-handedly eliminate Shamus and his followers? … Ah, don't deny it. That's not the point we're discussing here. What matters is that the world perceives it that way."

Just as Oliver was about to argue the point, Forrest deftly interrupted him. Having observed Oliver for three years, he knew exactly where Oliver would nitpick.

"What matters is how people perceive your power, regardless of your intentions. So don't waste your breath on this matter."

Oliver silently lowered his raised finger.

"Yes, I understand."

"Thank you… I apologize if my words were a bit harsh. I'm a bit tired, and there's a lot I want to discuss, so my words might have come across as too strong."

"No, it's alright. What's going on?"

"Don't worry about it… Anyway, getting back to what I was saying, you've become one of the top solvers in Landa, both in reputation and in reality. You defeated Shamus in a one-on-one fight, and that's an undeniable fact. Not even you can deny it."

Forrest's words carried an unusually firm and assertive tone, signaling that there was something significant at play. It was a clear departure from his usual gentle and soft demeanor.

Though it might seem like he was angry, in reality, he appeared more concerned. He was worried about Oliver.

"Yes, I understand. Please continue."

"As a result, you should consider yourself the successor to Shamus."


"Understand this. You may differ from Shamus in character, and you don't run a business… But people will perceive you in the same light. When someone dies, they leave their name behind, and the one who kills them inherits that name."


"So from now on, there will be more people who will try to test, manipulate, and confront you. Not just small-time troublemakers, but significant figures as well."

"Can you tell me why?"

"There are various reasons, but fundamentally, it's because they're afraid. You single-handedly solved a problem that couldn't be handled by thousands of troops. While I support you, some of Landa's influential individuals may find your very existence discomforting."

"I don't quite understand."

"It's more about feeling than understanding. People are inherently fearful, especially those who have a lot to lose. Regardless of the other party's intentions, they fear and resent those who are stronger than themselves. It's a similar emotion to jealousy… I digress. The point is, you need to take a break from work and assess the situation to ensure your safety. No matter how strong you are, if you can't gauge the situation, you're as good as dead."

Forrest's words were sincere, and Oliver, in agreement, nodded. It was a story he had heard several times before.

"I will follow your advice, Mr. Forrest."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes, I was actually considering taking a break for some time anyway."

"I'm glad to hear that. Thank you for cooperating."

"It's no problem at all… I do have one question, though. Will it be more difficult for me to stay in this city?"

"Well… It's hard to say for certain because you never know what may happen, but I don't think you'll have to leave the city. I spoke harshly to make you aware of the situation, but for every person who opposes you, there will be just as many who support you, and more might come along."

"Oh, that's a relief."

"With that said, have you ever thought about joining an organization?"

That suggestion was even more unexpected than the earlier one to take a break.

Confused, Oliver tilted his head, and Forrest sighed, trying to find the right words to persuade him.

"Do you have a reason for suggesting that?"

"Hmm… It's for the same reasons as before. You are incredibly powerful and famous. There will be people who want to control, use, or oppose you."

"But didn't you just say that there are also people who want to befriend me?"

"That's why I'm making this suggestion. It's good to have friendly relationships, but being part of an organization provides more certainty. It makes it harder for others to interfere."

"Hmm… I'm not really interested in that."

"I expected as much. But I would appreciate it if you would consider it. I'm not trying to deceive you."

"I understand."

Oliver replied promptly.

From a broker's perspective, Forrest's proposal could be seen as a betrayal. If Oliver joined an organization, there could be unforeseen complications in future dealings.

However, Forrest made this suggestion out of genuine concern for Oliver's well-being.

"Of course, your own willingness is the most important thing. If you join an organization, you will certainly gain security, but they will also expect something from you. But try to think of it positively. If you want, I can negotiate with Sisterhood, Crime Firm, Fighter Crew, and others on your behalf."

"Hmm… Can I ask a question?"

"Of course."

"Why are you so concerned when you haven't even witnessed the situation yet?"

Forrest hesitated for a moment before responding.

"…Because of your unique abilities."

"My abilities?"

"Yes… You have the ability to control the World Tree and harness the power of nature, don't you?"


"I don't mean to boast, but I have spent a considerable amount of time in Landa's hidden world, where superhumans reside. Yet, I have never seen or heard of a case like yours."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, there have been a few rare instances of mana manipulation, but I have never come across anyone who can manipulate the World Tree like you do, except for you."


"It's extraordinary. Only a few exceptionally talented wizards can handle the World Tree."


"And on top of that, you have the ability to extract the power of nature, something I have never encountered."

Listening to this, it became apparent. Even considering the World Tree, extracting the power of nature was undoubtedly unique.

Oliver had never heard of such a case.

He had attempted to extract it out of awe for Shamus' growth, power, and skills, and it had unintentionally worked.

Even Oliver himself hadn't known it would be successful.

"…Is it very unusual?"

"To be honest, yes. It's even perplexing to me, so you can imagine how it must be for the wizards."

"Wizards… you mean…"

"…The wizards of the Tower. They will be curious enough to want to capture you for research."

Research. Specifically, it meant human experimentation. It was an open secret in Landa that the wizards of the Tower conducted experiments on humans.

Oliver had tried to push that fact to the back of his mind for a while, but he hadn't forgotten it. No, he couldn't forget.

"…Are you suggesting that the wizards might attack me?"

"They might, or they might not. Making hasty judgments in this city can be dangerous. However, it's certain now that you possess such value. You're a warlock with a never-before-seen ability."


"Of course, I'm not disregarding you. Honestly, I don't think an average wizard could defeat you at this point. But not all wizards in the Magic Tower are average. And as an individual, there are clear limits, no matter how strong you are." josei

"Is that so?"

"Yes, what if they were to kidnap you while you sleep or drug your food? It's a dirty yet effective method."

"I mostly cook my own food."

"Well, they might tamper with the ingredients you use."

"Oh… That's a valid point."

"Or they might wait for you to weaken or become tired, or they might frame you… That's the difference between an individual and an organization. That's why superhumans can't simply roam freely and must maintain a certain level of restraint."

"I think I understand… I probably won't do it, but I'll try to think positively."

Forrest let out a weak chuckle at Oliver's sincere response.

He worried, even though he knew it was typical of Oliver.

"Alright. I'll stop nagging like an old man now. I apologize for bothering you with this conversation, even though you don't appreciate it."

"No, I'm actually grateful."

With his concerns for Oliver set aside, Forrest tried to trust him and spoke again.

"I'll just say one last thing and stop bothering you. Carver wants to meet you. He wants to meet at a hotel tomorrow to deliver the reward for the ABC mission."

"A hotel?"

"Yes, there's no better place than a hotel for proposing a deal. It provides a suitable location and ensures confidentiality."

"The mission is over. Does Mr. Carver have a proposition for me?"

"Well, I can't be certain, but I believe there might be."

"What is it?"

"For example, an unofficial alliance with the city."

"An unofficial alliance with the city?"

"Yes, an unofficial alliance with the city…"

? ? ? ? ? ?

"…That means precisely what it says—an unofficial alliance with the city. It doesn't exist officially, but unofficially, it entails seeking mutual safety and supporting each other when necessary for symbiotic coexistence."

Inside a 4-star hotel room, Carver reiterated exactly what Forrest had mentioned.

He explained that the city's unofficial alliance included the Magic Tower, Crime Firm, Sisterhood, and Brokers Union.

"…and the city wishes to form an alliance with you through me."

Carver made the proposition with courtesy, and Oliver remained silent.

After a brief moment, Carver cautiously continued.

"Is there something you don't like about it?"

"No, it's just an unexpected proposal."

Oliver beat around the bush based on the information he had received from Forrest.


"Yes, I didn't anticipate the city making such a proposal to me, a warlock."

"Ah… May I be frank with you?"


"First and foremost, Landa City genuinely appreciates your contributions in this mission, Dave, and highly values your abilities. Thanks to you, we not only successfully resolved the ABC incident, but we were also able to remove seven highly corrupt city council members and establish the presence of the Security Bureau both inside and outside Landa. We tackled multiple problems simultaneously."

His words were sincere.

"But, as you just mentioned, there are individuals who feel uneasy about getting too close to a warlock. It's not that they don't trust you, it's just…"

"…It's because of the societal perception of black magic. I'm fine with it, don't worry."

Carver nodded slightly in gratitude and apology.

"So, as I mentioned earlier, the city would like to establish an unofficial alliance with you, Dave, through me. Even if the nature of our relationship is exposed, we can attribute it to my personal decision. By the way, I genuinely desire it as well. It's for the sake of this great city."

Once again, his words were sincere, and Oliver responded.

"You're more candid than I expected."

"Yes, I'm not foolish enough to transparently lie and risk losing credibility."

"Oh… Are you joking?"

"Yes, but it's also genuine. I want to maintain trust with you, Dave. It's not easy to come across someone who possesses both ability and credibility."

"Hmm… Do we really need to do this? I'm just a solver."

"If you single-handedly took down Shamus and his underlings, you're no longer just a solver. Besides, this will help put the city council members at ease. They're the type of people who need safety measures to feel comfortable."

"I see…"

"Yes, they've spent their lives in the treacherous political scene of Landa, losing faith in humanity a long time ago."

"That sounds somewhat sad."

"Don't feel too bad about it. They've gained power and wealth in return."

"Hmm… What would be expected of me if I become an unofficial ally of the city?"



"You simply need to refrain from acting in a way that threatens the city of Landa. It's more of a mutual agreement of non-aggression and cooperation rather than a formal alliance. It's called an alliance because it sounds more substantial."

"I understand…"

“Appearances matter more than you might think. The higher-ranking individuals can be quite petty when it comes to the details."

"Is that also a joke?"

"No, I'm being sincere."

"I see…"

"Perhaps, the city council members would like to establish a relationship with you, Dave, in order to exert pressure on other competitors, such as the Magic Tower… But don't feel pressured. Although it may sound like a transaction, you won't be obligated in any way. You just need to think more positively when the city needs a favor."

Carver continued to persuade sincerely.

"In return, I promise to assist you in avoiding bothersome tasks like cleaning up contaminated areas or responding to city-wide emergencies, and I'll also be more proactive in helping you deal with interference from the Parter Church. Of course, assuming you, Dave, don't get caught first."

"That's quite generous."

"To be honest, compared to your accomplishments, it's nothing. I'm just trying to add a little extra."

"If it's alright, can I have some time to think? I'm not accustomed to these kinds of things and need some time to consider."

"Of course. However, I would ask you to make a decision soon. If you delay too much, the city council members may become suspicious. It's not a threat, just a concern. I hope you understand."

Oliver nodded in understanding.

"Well then, let's move on to the final step of the request."

With that, Carver took out a file and twenty anonymous bankbooks from the bag of documents that Shamus had brought.

The first thing Carver handed over was a bundle of twenty anonymous bankbooks.

"This is a reward of 20 billion for the successful completion of the ABC mission."

"20 billion?"

Oliver asked, struggling to grasp the reality of the amount that exceeded his imagination.

"Yes, considering that you retrieved 3 trillion without a scratch, we should be giving you more, but there are others to consider as well. Please understand."

Understanding wasn't necessary. The amount was so substantial that it shook Oliver's financial senses, leaving him bewildered.

"Can I really accept this much?"

"Yes, please take it. You've done the work, and it's also a token of trust."

Oliver quietly examined the bankbooks while pondering.

Gold Smith Bank, Luban Golden Jar Bank, Meminism Bank, Golden Calf Bank, and others. They were from various major and medium-sized banks in Landa, and each bankbook had a deposit of 1 billion.

"It's safer to split it into 1 billion each, although I wanted to give it all to you in one go."

"Ah, yes… Then, I'll gratefully accept it."

"It's your right. There's no need to thank me."

"May I ask what the file you took out along with the bankbooks contains?"

"It's the second gift."

"The second gift?"

"Yes, it contains information about Paladin Joanna and the orphanage she was at, as well as your official identity card in Landa."

Carver opened the file and handed it to Oliver. Inside were the details about Joanna and her related information, as well as an official identity card for Landa.

"This is a genuine ID card issued by the city's authority, not the fake one you're currently using. It's a legitimate identity card that is recognized in both Landa and the United Kingdom. With this, Dave, you'll be able to move around safely anywhere."

Though Carver seemed quite proud of his gift, Oliver was more interested in the information about Joanna beneath the ID card.

Oliver spoke up.

"I truly appreciate your thoughtfulness."

(To be Continued)


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