Genius Warlock

Chapter 330

Chapter 330

"Yes, it's nice to meet you too." Oliver responded promptly.

He greeted the humanoid entity composed of blood without a trace of hesitation, even offering a slight raised hand in acknowledgment.

Yareli, caught off guard by the unfamiliar blood magic, found herself even more astonished by Oliver's reaction, while the blood-formed figure appeared marginally flustered.

However, the narrative did not conclude there.

"Are you perhaps… the One Master of the blood magic sub-school?"

The blood-formed humanoid figure inclined its head slightly, as if validating the accuracy of the query.

[…How did you know?]

"On my first day at the academy, Mr. Derick told me in the social hall that the One Master of the blood magic sub-school had arrived. The magic you're using now is blood magic, right? Where are Mr. Derick and Mr. Felix?"

Oliver inquired nonchalantly, as if the question were of minor significance.

[Well… are you worried?]

"Yes. They're associate researchers for the professor."

His concern stemmed from the fact that they were the professor's researchers… Despite outward appearances, there was an inexplicable distortion about him. A distortion that could unnerve even those in overwhelmingly authoritative positions.

"Why did you start all this?"

In the peculiar atmosphere, Yareli interjected.

[What do you mean?]

"Why did you do this? It's outrageous for the Life School faction, which is part of the Magic Tower, to join forces with another organization and attack the guest of honor."

[You think it's too much.]

"Of course!"

Yareli, typically composed, expressed her fury aloud.

The utilization of blood magic had shattered her equilibrium, and the betrayal by the Life School faction genuinely incensed her.

What held intrigue was her anger not just for her own personal injury, but also for the situation itself.

[Well, I don't blame you. Honestly, I regret the current situation too. But I hope you understand. It's just a response to the upcoming crisis.]

The impending crisis… Yareli wrinkled her brow at the enigmatic words, while Oliver demonstrated curiosity.

The blood-conceived humanoid figure, seemingly animated, persisted in its discourse.

[I can't go into details, but there will be an event soon where heaven and hell will open. Only those who foresee and prepare for the future will survive. This is just a small sacrifice for that purpose.]

"Um… I'm sorry, but I don't quite understand. Could you explain it more simply?"

Oliver raised his hand, politely requesting elucidation, though the blood figure exhibited displeasure.

[Of course you wouldn't understand. You're not even a wizard, just an inferior race… However, Yareli, you're said to be a genius at the Magic Tower. You should be able to understand.]

"No, I don't understand either."

Yareli shook her head resolutely.

The blood figure appeared dissatisfied with the conversation's unexpected trajectory.

It appeared to have assumed it could effortlessly sway anyone once it interjected.

[Well, then there's nothing I can do… You may still be students, even if you're considered geniuses. Shall we have a more productive conversation? Join us. The outcome is already decided, and your grandmother will eventually join us as well.]

Yareli instinctively glanced at Oliver, who shook his head.

"From what I know, she's fighting Mr. Theodore right now. And quite intensely."

[That's a lie. Zenon, the personal staff member of the Red Man? What can someone like that know?]

"He's not just a staff member."

Yareli interjected, cutting off the blood-formed figure.

"Zenon can see the World Tree."

[That's a lie.]

"No, I saw it. The professor of the Magic Tower also confirmed it."

Yareli asserted with unwavering conviction. The magic tower's referred professor was likely Kevin, a fact that held its intrigue.

Despite the indirect enmity she held with Kevin, Yareli placed immense trust in him.

It was a faith transcending personal emotions, a professional trust.

"And I believe that the One Master of Skadi School, my grandmother, would not be involved in such a tragic event."

The blood-like humanoid fell into silence. Whether due to projecting himself through blood or not, Oliver could faintly sense the emotions he emanated. It was apparent the man felt humiliated, vexed, and obstinate due to the unfolding deviation from his plans.

After a pause, he compelled himself to speak composedly.

[Well, fine… If you won't seize the opportunity, there are other ways. Besides, I'm under orders from above to capture him if possible.]

The blood-formed humanoid stated, directing his gaze toward Oliver.

It was a revelation that left Oliver surprised. To capture Oliver…?

Just as Oliver, the subject of this directive, was about to solicit an explanation, both Yareli's and Oliver's magical sensitivities detected an approaching presence.

Numerous lifeforms were advancing from below, from the basement.

[You're free to choose, but you must bear the consequences. Try escaping if you dare… Oh, by the way, there are others I haven't brought here yet. I was planning to use them as materials soon, but I'll wait while you're here. After all, you came to rescue them, right?]

As if to substantiate his assertion, groans emerged from individuals who appeared to have recently regained consciousness within adjacent chambers and the corridor.

Oliver narrowed his focus.

As the blood-formed figure contended, there weren't solely blood balloons masquerading as humans; authentic humans were also present. Subtle as it might be, Oliver was now capable of distinguishing between the two.

"Did you awaken them with blood magic?"

[I woke them up with blood magic. So, what will you do? Will you continue to rescue these people, or will you run away?]

The blood-formed entity inquired, a note of mockery permeating his tone.

Feeling menaced by the presence of hostages, Yareli turned to Oliver with a puzzled expression. However, instead of offering an opinion, Oliver posed a question, akin to the blood-like figure.

"What will you do, Ms. Yareli?"

Oliver's composed voice projected an air of indifference. At this declaration, it wasn't only Yareli who appeared taken aback, but also the blood-like humanoid.

"…..Don't you have an opinion, Zenon?"

"Yes. I don't have any. Neither does Mr. Derick nor Mr. Felix."

Yareli was flabbergasted, even more so than before. After all, Oliver had apprised her about the abducted individuals, and it was Oliver who had inquired about the necessity of their rescue. Yet, when the moment of decision arrived, he refrained from presenting an opinion and instead sought hers.

Yareli was entirely justified in her sense of agitation.

However, Oliver genuinely harbored no viewpoint on the matter.

He had merely relayed the situation here as informed by Eve and had passed on this information to Kevin.

[How heartless. To speak so calmly of abandoning the people trapped here.]

The blood-like figure jeered at Oliver, yet it failed to perturb him.

"No, I simply said I have no opinion… If you want to save them, you can, and if you don't want to and escape instead, that's fine too… These people are all wizards, so they should be prepared for this sort of situation, right?"

Oliver expounded to the incredulous Yareli and the blood-like figure.

Similar to how a solver must be prepared to face death, a wizard delving into human experimentation should anticipate finding themselves in a comparable predicament, no?

If not, doesn't that seem rather peculiar?

[You're really… annoying. From the very beginning. I don't like you.]

The blood-like figure remarked, his form rippling as he coalesced a blade of blood, lunging at Oliver.

Oliver remained unreactive, while Yareli acted promptly to shield him.

As the amorphous human figure provoked and exerted pressure on her, Yareli's thoughts momentarily wavered. However, she swiftly regained her poise and deftly infused mana into the ground, promptly freezing the form in a swift pulse.

‘He can't break free, as expected.'

Oliver mused as he observed the immobilized blob-like figure, struggling unsuccessfully to shatter the ice with its own strength.

Oliver contemplated whether it might mimic Bathory's strategy and elevate its blood temperature to facilitate self-liberation. Yet, as expected, it seemed its mastery of blood magic didn't stretch so far.josei

In comparison to Bathory's proficiency, its blood magic level was strikingly low.

Oliver retrieved a tonfa from his belt, shattered the icy encasing around the trapped figure, and secured a suitable piece of ice fragment in his grasp, just in case.

Yareli, who had been spectating, gathered her mana, and with a gesture, she conjured an ice spell that raced down both corridors, arresting the advancement of the enhanced humans.

Having concluded her contemplation, Yareli inquired, "If I were to request aid, would you provide assistance?"


Oliver responded, bearing in mind Kevin's directive to safeguard Yareli and render her aid to the best of his ability.

"Do you plan to rescue the kidnapped people?"

"Yes. It seems like I'm being manipulated by the other party, but I don't think it's a good idea to leave things as they are."

Oliver concurred.

Given the effort exerted to transport the individuals to the warehouse and transmute them into blood balloons, there likely existed a motive for these actions, particularly due to the shortage of manpower.

The nature of that motive eluded him, yet intervening and taking calculated risks seemed judicious.

"The problem is whether we can distinguish between the people and the blood balloons."

"Ah, I think I can do that."


Discerning between blood balloons masquerading as humans and genuine individuals wasn't facile, yet Oliver managed to identify the nuanced disparities upon having encountered them.

Oliver collaborated with Yareli to breach the chambers housing the imprisoned individuals, identifying those that resembled blood balloons. Yareli utilized her ice magic to freeze them, preempting any prospective detonation as had occurred earlier.

Upon ensuring the area's security, Oliver proceeded to unbind those ensnared in chairs.

Most had recently roused from slumber, streamlining the differentiation process. Among those who hadn't stirred, Oliver discerned their status through meticulous examination.

The bound individuals appeared hampered in their movement due to the repercussions of blood magic, though fortunately, the blood magic's potency was modest. Oliver mitigated their condition by merely making contact and interfering with their mana.

‘As expected, the blood magic of the Magic Tower and the Bathory family is the same. The difference is the proportion of added black magic… Did they alter the knowledge of blood magic they obtained during the trade between the Bathory family and the Life School to their style?' Oliver ruminated as he liberated more than twenty people.

However, inquiries remained unanswered.

For instance, the blood magic sub-school master's assertion of receiving superior orders to apprehend him… In all likelihood, the sole individual endowed with authority to command a blood magic sub-school master was the Life School's Grand Master.

Why, then?

‘Could it be because of Professor Kevin?'

"Is this the last room?"

Yareli inquired before the last room.

Having recently been released from confinement, she found herself solitary in safeguarding over twenty frail individuals while combating enhanced humans and a handful of wizards pressuring her from all fronts.

Even if she were to attain formal wizard status, her competence would remain beyond question, surpassing even rumors.

Undoubtedly, her prolonged struggle against multiple adversaries had consumed considerable stamina and mana.

Oliver affirmed, "Yes, these seem to be the last ones."

Oliver surveyed his surroundings through the eyes of a warlock, then proceeded to speak.

Yareli let out a relieved sigh and prepared to resume their movement.

"Alright, let's move-"

Yareli's sentence was abruptly truncated. The enhanced human, previously immobilized by her ice magic, was reanimating.

Upon perceiving this anomalous reactivation, Yareli mustered her mana defensively, while Oliver attentively observed the scenario unfolding.

The life force of the enhanced human oscillated, akin to a detonating bomb, and a man with blood-red hair emerged, obstructing their path through manipulation of blood.

This figure was the very master of the Blood Magic sub-school Derick had alluded to.

With the blood strewn about, he brandished it like a blade and declared, "I guess I have to step in."

The blood-formed blades executed swift motions.

Yareli promptly cast her ice magic, shrouding the vicinity in a defensive ice wall. However, the blood blades effortlessly cleaved through Yareli's ice barrier.

Despite their weakened condition, the liberated wizards concentrated their mana to assist Yareli. Yet, the Blood Magic master transmuted the blood into needles, effortlessly puncturing the wizards' defenses.

[Blood Donation]

A scream punctuated the air as the blood needles imbedded within the wizards drained their life force, causing them to wither akin to mummies.

Predictably, the absorbed blood caused the needles to enlarge in size. Yareli was left stunned.

The master regarded her and inquired,"Are you really not considering joining us?"

Yareli momentarily repressed her mana and removed her thick glasses, fixing a fierce glare upon the Blood Magic master.

The master promptly erected a curtain of blood.

Remarkably, the section of the blood curtain that met Yareli's gaze commenced freezing.

Oliver contemplated the phenomenon.

"Issai's unique ability…! It's reckless. You can't control it properly yet, can you?" The master exclaimed, offering a somewhat sympathetic clarification.

Indeed, the cold was gradually corroding Yareli's eyes, causing fissures to form around the vicinity. Blood began congealing.

Nonetheless, Yareli remained undeterred.

"I can restrain someone like you!"

Her words resounded with conviction. The master, however, scoffed at the assertion.

"Shall we check it out? …[Bloodfire]"

With a resounding cry, the blood curtain, nearly entirely frozen, abruptly transformed into a viscous, blood-red conflagration.

The flames surged, overwhelming even Yareli's ocular defenses.

He directed the flames to engulf Yareli, who rapidly donned her glasses and endeavored to erect an expansive ice wall to thwart the bloodfire.

Though the ice barrier rapidly succumbed to the flames and dissolved.

Amidst the backdrop of fleeing wizards, the engulfing blood inferno, and Yareli, determined to combat the menace, Oliver made a daring entry into the bloodfire.


"Crazy. I knew he was nuts, but I didn't know he was crazy enough to kill himself."

Oliver's tone exuded vexation, a sentiment that seemed to amuse the master, who then augmented the bloodfire's potency.

A scheme designed to eradicate everything, leaving naught but ash in its wake.

However, an anomaly was manifesting.

Control over the bloodfire was progressively waning.

"Seeing the magic of Lady Bathory and Mr. Derick helped."

Clad in the bloodfire akin to armor, Oliver shared this insight while launching himself at the master.

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