Genius Warlock

Chapter 343

Chapter 343


For the very first time today, Theodore expressed a pained groan.

Utilizing spatial magic in this manner.

Nevertheless, the assault did not cease at that point.

Through the rifts that tore through his body, an unusually large swarm of zombies emerged. They attached themselves to the injured areas and self-destructed.

Typically, such an attack would be easily shrugged off. However, the rift-induced wounds expanded, and an intense combination of shock, heat, and malicious black magic imbued with disease rapidly infiltrated his nervous system.

The agony, akin to an excruciating toothache, coupled with the abnormal bodily responses induced by disease-infused black magic, made Theodore feel as if he had been truly struck for the first time in decades.

Nevertheless, this pain paled in comparison to the magic that Dave had just exhibited.

He not only endured Theodore's formidable thunder spell and wrested control of it, but he also divided the unified emotions and mana into two parts. This action transcended mere skill or talent.

It was comparable to extracting dissolved salt from water with bare hands.

More a matter of authority than skill.

And there was even more to be amazed by.

The fog manipulated by Gretel that had transported him here also defied the laws of magic.

Taking command of Gretel's controlled fog wasn't impossible for an exceptionally skilled wizard, but teleporting thousands of units of mana accumulated over decades was an impossibility.

Teleportation required a proportional amount of mana based on the size, weight, mass, and energy of the target. Yet, Dave simply disregarded this rule.

Even though the power extracted from the thunder spell was tremendous, it was a minor amount compared to what Theodore had unleashed.

In other words, he teleported here with significantly less mana than required.

Although it might seem insignificant, it overturned the laws of magic and was a feat achievable only by a transcendent being.

An accomplishment possible only by a being beyond human.


Gathering his energy, Theodore controlled the mana within his body, purging the various black magics of disease that had infiltrated him. He extended his massive arm to seize his target.

If he could lay his hands on that individual, he could transcend the human limits set by God.

However, Oliver acted one step faster.

Slicing through the black smoke generated by the exploding corpse dolls, Oliver approached Theodore. He utilized the entire emotion robe enveloping him to forge a sword and slashed Theodore's shoulder.

The sword, born from Theodore's own emotions and a crystal-clear image, displayed astonishing power. It severed Theodore's arm in a single strike, causing both Oliver and Theodore to tumble into the lake, creating a massive water column.


As the colossal water column ascended, the vast lake surged, and the water that shot into the sky descended like a shower.

The rippling lake eventually appeared to calm in response to the rain's sound, but another massive water column erupted due to the underwater explosion.

Two figures emerged from that water column.

The Grand Master of the Life School, Theodore, and Dave, the personal employee of the Magic Tower’s professor and a solver.

Both stood atop the water's surface using their mana.

"Impressive… It’s been years since I've been this flustered.”josei

Staggering to his feet, Theodore spoke to Oliver.

Coincidentally, Oliver felt the same.

Though he attacked relentlessly underwater to not miss the opportunity, Theodore pushed him back with overwhelming mana and emotions. Now, Theodore was healing himself.

No, it was beyond mere healing.

He used the magical arms he conjured in mid-air to reconnect the severed parts of his body, even recreating his lost limbs.

Such regenerative power was only seen in Puppet or the disciples of Human-meat Chef, and high-level warlocks.

"…Did you convert black magic into life school techniques?”

Oliver, who had been observing Theodore, asked.

“Remarkable. Most wizards usually don’t focus on black magic." Oliver spoke sincerely.

Regardless of the current situation and personal emotions, he thought Theodore's exploration and ability to research black magic and improve it in his own way were quite remarkable. To the point that he should be emulated.

"Also, you're the first person who's been this strong since Elder."

"Elder? …Who are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about Elder Merlin. Archiver Merlin."

"Have you ever fought with Merlin?"

Theodore inquired with genuine surprise, driven by pure curiosity and no hidden agenda.

In that moment, Oliver was reminded once again that the two of them were friends. Merlin had mentioned this when he had once assisted Oliver in Mattel.

"Yes… To be honest, it wasn't so much a fight as it was Elder evaluating my level. I was completely outmatched."

Oliver recollected the time he had clashed with Merlin on the icy terrain. As he had just mentioned, it had been an entirely one-sided affair.

However, Theodore displayed a keen interest in Oliver's words. The atmosphere shifted the moment he heard the name ‘Merlin.'

A blend of familiarity, long-standing feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and uncertainty shone through. Their relationship appeared complex, yet they were close.

"So how did you end up fighting with Merlin?"

"Um… It's a long story, but he wanted to evaluate my worth. Saying that power is directly linked to value."

"Sounds like him… So, what evaluation did you receive?"

"I barely passed."


"Yes. He said I had passed at the last moment, excluding the word ‘barely.'"

"Ho… What did you do to satisfy him?"

Theodore's intense curiosity was evident.

"To be exact, I don't remember well. I did light a Pilgaret…”

"pilgaret? That drug?"

"Yes… It's a special Pilgaret made of beautiful light. I used it to extract the emotions at that time… But I don't remember much after that. I also had a strange dream."

"…Quite curious. Why you satisfied Merlin and why you're not using it now… Do you not have that special Pilgaret anymore?"

"No, I have it."

Oliver patted the inner pocket of his robe as he replied.

It was the second most important item after his quarterstaff, so he always kept it with him.

Theodore tilted his head.

"…I don't understand. Then why aren't you using it?"

"Because I only have two left? …I'm saving them," explained Oliver, recalling the beautiful light derived from Duncan and Shamus.

Despite the years that had passed since he had lived in Landa, he had only managed to secure this much of the beautiful light. It was far more valuable than money.

Whether Oliver had conveyed his point inaccurately or inadvertently touched on Theodore's feelings of inferiority and anxiety, it ignited a profound anger in Theodore.

His mana fluctuated like an active volcano, and the emotion of anger emanated from him like steam.

"How dare you save it while dealing with me, the Grand Master of the Life School?"

"I've only managed to make three pieces in four years."

"But you used it against Merlin, didn't you?"

"Yes, so I have two left. Ah…"

Oliver belatedly grasped Theodore's intent and clarified.

"Um… Mr. Theodore, you're as strong as Elder, but I'm saving it because it'll be barely okay. I have no intention of insulting you."

Theodore fell into a tense silence, overwhelmed by intense anger. It seemed that Oliver had unintentionally touched upon Theodore's lifelong awareness of and envy for Merlin.

Although it wasn't Oliver's intention, this only fueled Theodore's fury.

Feeling as though all his efforts to bridge the gap between them had been nullified, Theodore exclaimed, "Is it just barely adequate? I was moderately restraining my power to test your abilities, but it seems I must have appeared quite laughable to you…!"

In his rage, Theodore unleashed a massive surge of mana and emotion that reverberated throughout the entire lake.

His presence and majesty were reminiscent of a magical power plant, clearly surpassing what any individual, let alone a human, could produce.

Observing the violent magical tempest swirling around Theodore and the tumultuous lake, Oliver spoke.

"I do not underestimate you, Mr. Theodore. Your physical strength and mana surpass anyone I have ever met."

"That's right, it's a body built through countless research to compete against Merlin. If my mana is like this lake, then your emotions and mana are equivalent to a cup… So how will you compete without using the power you used against Merlin, you who have nothing but good luck!"

Theodore regained control of the mana he had unleashed, manipulating the earth to form numerous colossal serpents.

Amidst a deafening rumble, massive serpents comprised of brown and black earth encircled the lake, overturning the surrounding forest. Each serpent stood as tall as a building, radiating an immense aura of intimidation.

Much like the titanic creations once conjured by Shamus.

Rather than adversaries to engage in battle, they were catastrophic entities to flee from.

Observing this in silence, Oliver knelt on one knee.

"So, this is why I came here… Extraction."


"Master! Master! Master…!"

At Terence's clamorous voice, Philip slowly opened his eyes.


Upon regaining consciousness, he was greeted by pain and uttered a groan without fully comprehending why.

"It hurts."

"Thank goodness it hurts. That means your nerves are functioning properly. Hey, pass me that, yes, that…! Master, please drink this."

As Terence spoke, a bitter liquid swiftly flowed into Philip's mouth. It was a potion.

Philip instinctively swallowed all of the liquid that entered his mouth.

"Good… Everyone, come this way and grab! We need to move the master!"

At Terence's command, numerous hands reached out, and several people assisted in relocating Philip.

Terence, standing over two meters tall, moved with deliberate slowness. In the meantime, Philip's vision cleared, allowing him to observe the scene unfolding before him.

"Terence. Who are these people…?"

Philip gazed at the people bustling around him and inquired, "Are these the students that Kevin and Zenon rescued? … This hurts a bit."

As soon as Philip was settled on the ground, Terrence swiftly inserted a sharp needle filled with liquid into Philip's arm.

A sharp wave of pain surged through him once more.

"It hurts…! What the… Ah, my arm is severed."

Philip remarked, looking at the absence of his arm. While he had been unconscious, it appeared that the lifespan of his golem prosthetic had expired, leaving him without an arm.

"Thankfully, you're still here. Considering you've lost an arm and you're weakened, when you fell through the ceiling, I really thought you were gone."

"The head of the Roar family dying like this… Anyway, did Kevin stop Theodore? He did rescue the kids, didn't he?"

"I'm not sure."

"What do you mean, you're not sure? Isn't the fact that you're treating me evidence that the situation has somewhat stabilized?"

That was a logical deduction.

Treating the injured typically occurs after the battle has concluded. Furthermore, the abducted wizards had been rescued.

However, reality didn't always align with logic, and Terence seemed at a loss for words as he struggled to explain this paradoxical situation.

Sensing the unusual atmosphere, Philip inquired further, "What happened while I was unconscious?"

"Black lightning and a gigantic fist… Ah… It would be better if you saw it for yourself."

Terence paused, let out a sigh, and then helped Philip to his feet. They emerged from a nearly ruined building.

Once outside, Philip sensed something peculiar.

"…Where did the mist surrounding this place go?"

"It suddenly disappeared."


"Yes, and that’s not the problem right now. Look over there."

Terrence, supporting the towering Philip, gestured toward the village center, where the lake was located.

There, an earth serpent as tall as a five-story building and an ice serpent with a human countenance were locked in combat.

Furthermore, terrifying black lightning and columns of fire erupted from the ground to the sky.

It resembled a battleground, or rather, a scene from the depths of hell itself.

"Oh, my God…"

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