Genius Warlock

Chapter 347

Chapter 347

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"I wanted to hit him… and I have something to say."

Upon hearing Oliver's response, Gretel erupted into fits of laughter. She laughed so heartily that tears welled up in her eyes.

Her mirth rivaled the joy she felt when she invited Kevin to this scholarly conference.

This exuberance wasn't solely due to her vivacious nature.

"What brings you here, Miss Rose du Bois?"

"Hmm… Are you curious?"

"Yes… Actually, I'm more curious about something else."

"Oh, what is it?"

"By any chance, are you Mr. Human-meat Chef's younger sister?"

Oliver queried, seemingly from out of nowhere.

Gretel appeared taken aback, her eyes widening with curiosity.

"Ho ho… Why do you think so?"

"The emotional state seems similar to that of the disciples of Mr. Human-meat Chef. It feels awkwardly lumped together."

Oliver responded, recollecting the disciples of Human-meat Chef who had raided the auction house and the former captain of the Fighter Crew.

While there were varying degrees of difference, their emotions and life force appeared to be oddly amalgamated, as if drawn from multiple individuals.

Gretel wore a look of surprise as she heard his explanation.

"Can you… see my emotions?"

"A little. I couldn't see them clearly when we first met, as if looking through thick opaque glass. But now, I can see them to some extent."

Indeed, when they first crossed paths, he struggled to grasp her emotions. However, following the recent confrontation with Theodore, he had gained some insight.

Upon hearing his explanation, Gretel concentrated her warlock's eyes on examining Oliver's emotions.

Curious if Oliver might be bluffing, she attempted to decipher his emotions but found herself unable to do so. They appeared too tranquil to read.

It struck her as peculiar – she could perceive his emotions, yet they eluded her comprehension.

"It doesn't seem like you're lying."

"I have no reason to lie."

"Sorry for doubting you. Most men are liars and boasters, at least from what I know."

Gretel chuckled, though there was an underlying sincerity in her words.

Though he couldn't discern the specifics of her situation, Oliver sensed an air of unfortunate circumstances around her, prompting him to add,

"There's one more reason I guessed."

"What is it?"

"Your reaction upon seeing Lady Bathory turned into a Corpse doll. ‘First' inside Corpse doll-Bathory also reacted upon seeing you."

Gretel displayed surprise and glanced at the Corpse doll-Bathory approaching Oliver.

"Thanks for the detailed explanation… I didn't expect you to share that much."

"It seemed polite to do so."

Gretel laughed again and descended gracefully from thin air, landing gently on the lake's surface. She then formally introduced herself.josei

"Let me formally introduce myself. I am another Human-meat chef, Gretel. A student at the Rokuri University and a Finger of the Black Hand."

She identified herself as a Human-meat Chef and a Finger, a reflection of her self-perception.

‘Not that it's a big deal,' Oliver mused as he reciprocated the formal greeting.

"I am Zenon Bright, a personal staff member of Magic Tower Professor, and Dave Wright, the solver from District T. Nice to meet you."

Oliver extended a courteous greeting, much like he had learned from the staff at the Angels House. Even in Gretel's singular assessment, his manners remained impeccable and truly gentleman-like.

"Yes, I've heard a lot about you. Including capturing Bathory, surviving after battling Puppet, that enigmatic old man… I was somewhat interested, but meeting you in person is even more interesting."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. A street-level solver and an employee of Magic Tower… it's not a common combination, is it?"

"It seems you're much more than that, Miss Gretel?"

Oliver's response was earnest, devoid of sarcasm.

In comparison to Oliver, who served as a solver and a personal assistant to Magic Tower Professor, Gretel proudly declared herself a Finger of the Black Hand and held official student status at Rokuri University. It was evident to anyone that she possessed a more illustrious profile.

"Plus, you are an outstanding magic user who can even cast a large-scale barrier that covers the entire village."

"Oh… did you notice that?"

"Yes, I felt it when I was interfering."

Gretel smiled once more. Not only had he observed her use the barrier magic, but he had also detected her presence throughout the process.

In theory, such a feat was possible but demanded exceptional skill. Now, she comprehended why the old man Puppet had advised her brother to avoid tangling with him.

"However, I am a bit curious as to why you chose to reveal yourself just now. Did you come to help Mr. Theodore?"

"Absolutely not. I wouldn't help an old man who says he wants to cooperate and then stabs you in the back. All I want is that old man's body."

Upon hearing her response, Oliver instinctively glanced at Theodore, who was attached to the mechanical arm.

At present, whether due to extensive battles or his grandson's spirit departing his body, Theodore was rapidly aging and in a weakened state.

Nevertheless, Oliver nodded, convinced by Gretel's demand.

Despite his frail physique and the fear that had consumed him, Theodore's physical form retained significant value.

He was an extraordinary wizard, a specimen of technology achieved by grafting the genes of countless individuals, representing the pinnacle of Life School technology. Whether it was black magic or ordinary magic, with sufficient skill, studying him could yield invaluable knowledge.

‘She could just absorb his energy by consuming him…'

"Originally, I was planning to capture you as well, but after watching you fight, it seems like it would be a bit of a hassle. I also have a promise with that old man Puppet, so… I'm going to make you a deal. Hand over that old man Theodore and his worthless grandson, and I'll just retreat."

"Are you serious?"

"Of course! I don't lie."

"That's a lie."

Oliver uttered the truth in an instant.

Gretel was displeased, her expression hardening.

"Don't take liberties looking into a lady's heart."

"Ah, I apologize."

"I accept your apology. Now, will you accept my offer like a gentleman?"

"No, I'm sorry, but I can't."

Oliver politely but firmly declined.

He had inquiries to pose to Theodore, and matters to settle with Carl. Whether Theodore could even respond in his current state was uncertain, but Oliver couldn't simply hand him over.

As a last resort, he contemplated repurposing him into a Corpse doll, just because he felt like it.

However, Gretel was not pleased with Oliver's response.

"It's rude to decline a woman's offer. I thought all men in the kingdom were gentlemen."

"I'm from Landa. Besides, I have business with these two."

"What business?"

"I have something I want to say to Mr. Carl and a few questions for Mr. Theodore. Also, I'd like to turn them into Corpse dolls. One of mine broke."

Oliver pointed at the shattered Corpse doll-Sniper. It had been closest to Theodore when he had exploded earlier.

"So, I can't afford to give in. Please understand."

With sincerity and respect, Oliver made his request, and after some consideration, Gretel seemed to comprehend.

"Hmm… Then I have no choice."

With that, she instantaneously activated spatial magic, creating multiple portals around Oliver.

The magic bore similarities to, yet distinctions from, the spatial magic taught in the School of Spatial Magic. From these portals emerged wizards who appeared to belong to the Life Alchemy department of Rokuri university and women who seemed to be practitioners of black magic.

All of them displayed considerable skill.

Just as Oliver and his Corpse dolls were gearing up for combat, bolts of blue lightning from the clear sky precisely struck their adversaries.

Those unfortunate enough to be caught in the lightning either screamed in pain or suffered severe injuries.

All of this occurred in less than a second.

The atmosphere turned frigid, and then a third voice broke the silence, saying, "That's a dodgy answer, mate."

Oliver and Gretel turned their heads to see an old man who appeared to have been there for an undisclosed period.

It was Merlin, Oliver's temporary Master.


The sudden appearance of Merlin dramatically altered the atmosphere.

Gretel's tense emotions were evidence of this.

Oliver greeted Merlin casually, though he harbored a sense of surprise.

"Hello, Elder. Weren't you not attending this conference?"

"When ya get on in years, your fancies start frothin' like a hot brew. Changed me mind, I have. But what a mess this is. Excuse me for a moment."

Merlin naturally moved to Oliver's side, took a few steps forward, and greeted Gretel.

"Good day, Gretel. Pleased to meet ya, though it's our first time."

"You must be the Archiver of this generation… I was disappointed when you said you weren't coming, but now that I see you, I'm not so pleased."

Oliver silently observed the conversation between Merlin and Gretel. The atmosphere was peculiar, as if they were simultaneously familiar and unfamiliar with each other.

"To be honest, I'm not too keen on this meet-up either. So, let's cut to the chase, eh? How 'bout you back off for now?" Merlin proposed bluntly. He seemed somewhat different from his usual self, perhaps due to the atmosphere.

His emotions were concealed behind a thick magical barrier, rendering them challenging to discern.

‘…Is he slightly irritated?' Oliver wondered, attempting to glimpse a faint glimmer of emotion through the thick magical barrier.

"That's quite an unreasonable request… I've heard that this generation Archiver is relatively mild."

"I used to be rather disagreeable. Didn't know my place, always preferred fists over words. Just reckon it's me true colours showin'. Anyhow, if ya quietly back off now, I won't hassle ya straightaway. Ya've had your fun, so it's a square deal, ain't it?"

It wasn't an inaccurate statement. Just as the School of Life Magic had abducted the wizards invited to the conference, Gretel had also apprehended conference attendees through her own subordinates from the Department of Life Alchemy.

"I don't find it sufficient, what should I do?"

"It's fine. There're moments when ya gotta step back, even if ya ain't satisfied. Like when ya come across someone who's stronger than you."

"I agree with that, but doesn't it depend on the situation?"

"What situation ya bangin' on about?"

"My subordinates are hidden here. As soon as I give the signal, the wounded will barely be able to—"


In the midst of Gretel's trade proposal, bolts of blue lightning suddenly showered down sporadically upon Lake Village from the previously serene sky.

It was a brief but telling moment, and Oliver could discern the mana and the potent yet controlled and delicate spells within Merlin's lightning.

Instinctively, Oliver understood that the lightning had struck the location where Gretel's subordinates were hiding.

"That was…"

"Just zapped a bolt where your crew was hangin' out. Reckon I've knocked the wind out of at least half of 'em; we good to keep goin'?"

It appeared to be true.

Merlin's magical barrier had grown thicker, rendering even faint emotions indecipherable. Yet, Gretel's reaction confirmed that this was no empty threat. The moment Gretel mentioned her forces, Merlin turned the tables with a single strike.

It was an astounding spell, akin to using a bombing spell like lightning for precision sniping. It required an unimaginable amount of mana and control.

Oliver already knew Merlin was an extraordinary wizard, but this seemed to transcend even that.

Utilizing her warlock's eyes and magical sensing abilities to scan the entire Lake Village, Gretel sighed with an irritated smile.

"Haaa… Indeed, an Archiver is an Archiver."

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