Genius Warlock

Chapter 351

Chapter 351

"Do you want to go to an orphanage?"

"Yes, Elder."replied Oliver to Merlin, who was engrossed in transporting the surviving wizards from the conference using multiple portals.

Given the intricate demands and the substantial mana consumption associated with portal magic, Merlin should have been directing his full attention to the spell. However, he carried on the conversation nonchalantly.

"You've always said odd things, but this time it's particularly absurd. Don't you realize how dire the situation is right now to make such a statement?"

"I apologize. That's why I'm asking you."

Oliver surveyed the wizards surrounding him as he responded.

Among them were esteemed wizards like Philip and Tilda, with whom he had conversed within the tent. Despite their attempts to conceal it, they were discreetly observing Oliver—a testament to the fact that he was on their minds.

It appeared that they hadn't completely embraced the notion that Merlin had taken Oliver under his wing due to his exceptional talent.

"Um… Which orphanage do you want to visit?"


"Surely you have a specific orphanage in mind. There are plenty of them in Landa."

"Ah… Yes, you are correct. There is a specific orphanage I want to visit. It's the Ark Orphanage in the Ark region."

"I've never heard of the orphanage, but I know where Ark is. It's practically the next neighborhood."

His statement held true.

The Ark region was on the outskirts of Galos—not precisely the next neighborhood, but not too distant either. This was partly why Oliver had made this request.

"Why do you suddenly want to go there?"

While concurrently performing the spell and engaging in conversation, Merlin turned his attention toward Oliver to pose this question.

It wasn't solely to exert pressure; he genuinely sought to understand why Oliver had this particular destination in mind.

"Um… Excuse me for a moment."

Oliver hesitated as he attempted to refer to Joanna; he found himself momentarily perplexed in his thoughts.

He wasn't sure what to call her.

Their relationship was undefined, and he couldn't quite pinpoint his feelings towards her.

Certainly, he felt gratitude towards her.

‘Thanks to her, I could step out into the world.'

However, there was also a hint of disappointment… a twinge of another emotion.

‘It was different later on.'

As Oliver contemplated this, he recalled Joanna's proposal of human experimentation to the higher-ups and her subsequent assignment to the new continent.

His thoughts were somewhat tangled.

"Um… Because someone I know grew up there."

"Someone you know?"

"Yes… I think that's the most accurate way to describe it. Someone I know."

Oliver replied, thinking of Joanna. "Someone I know." It felt right.

For an ordinary person, this might have sounded nonsensical, but Merlin scrutinized Oliver closely and inquired,

"What's your business there?"

"I don’t have any specific business. I just want to visit since I'm already this close."

It was an unconventional statement.

In this critical situation, at the epicenter of controversy, requesting permission to act independently without a clear rationale…

It was an unreasonable ask, one that should not be made, and one that should not be granted.

The dilemma lay in the fact that both Oliver, the petitioner, and Merlin, the listener, were individuals who defied common sense.

"Then, there's no choice. Go and come back."

"Thank you."

"Is it really okay?"

Kevin, who had been silently observing, raised doubts about their sincerity.

He wasn't the only one with such reservations. Some of the high-ranking wizards nearby cautiously questioned Merlin.

"No, what do you mean? Archiver… that guy is—"

"—my disciple," Merlin interjected, addressing the questioning wizard.

In his plain voice, devoid of irritation, anger, authority, or pressure, an odd sense of majesty emanated. It was a voice that made it difficult to challenge.

As a result, the wizards who had been nitpicking fell silent. However, the atmosphere grew tense.

Although this wasn't a social gathering, the situation was far from pleasant, considering the need for close cooperation.

Then, Philip, who had been silently observing, spoke up.

"Zenon, can I ask you something?"

"Are you talking to me?"

"Yes. I know where the Ark region is. It's relatively close, but… how do you plan to go?"

"I plan to walk."

Oliver replied without hesitation. He had previously walked from Wineham to Landa, so he didn't consider it a significant issue.

"Then, you'll have to walk for a few days? You could be attacked by bandits along the way."

"Yes, I'm aware."

"Clearly, you're not sane. I like it… Can you drive, by any chance?"

"Yes, I can."

Oliver affirmed. He had learned to drive for half a day when he received a request from Murphy to deter truck robbers.

Philip then retrieved a small box from his pocket and produced a palm-sized model car.

Oliver realized that this was more than just a car model.

Philip flicked his thick finger, releasing mana onto the car, causing it to return to its original size.

The vehicle was entirely black and had a rugged appearance, unlike the luxurious blue car with golden lion patterns he had seen at the harbor. It resembled more of an armored car.

"It's a special order from Company B. The exterior, windows, and wheels are all specially reinforced, so it can withstand bullets, most bombs, and even magic. It also has a Gatling gun attached."

"A Gatling gun?"

"Yes, press the black button on the center fascia and aim with the handle to shoot. Next to it, there are buttons for aiming bombs, magical shields, and camouflage fog, so be careful."

Surprisingly, Philip was serious. This car was equipped with various secret weapons, including a Gatling gun.

"Why does it have things like a Gatling gun attached?" Kevin asked incredulously.

"Because it's a man's dream."


"Don't worry, it doesn't affect the car's function. If you go in that car, you should arrive in a day."

"Can you lend me such an expensive-looking car?" Oliver questioned.

"I'm not lending it to you, I'm giving it to you in exchange for the drinks," Philip said cheerfully.

He intended to give away the car, a specially customized model from a high-end car manufacturer, in return for the drinks they had shared before they went to confront Theodore.

"To both good and bad, the Roar family can't live in debt," Philip added, and Oliver readily accepted the car.

"Thank you for your kindness."

When Oliver expressed his gratitude with decorum, Philip spoke again, displaying a satisfied expression.

"But I also agree with them."

Philip gestured toward the wizards who had initially opposed sending Oliver on his own.

Just as in the tent, a calculated emotion was evident, but there was a notable difference. Unlike typical calculated emotions, there was no selfishness or malice here—only a mixture of goodwill.

"Either way, it looks a bit odd sending you alone. We should at least attach one person to monitor you… Is that acceptable?"

Philip looked to Merlin for confirmation, and Merlin nodded in agreement.

After all, appearances mattered. Sending Oliver off by himself would raise eyebrows.

Kevin, who grasped the conversation, chimed in.

"Then I will go."

"That won't do, Lieutenant Kevin. Whatever the reason, you're also at the center of the controversy, it would be strange."

"Then, who do you plan to send?"

"Well… Terrence, will you go?"

"Me? I don't particularly mind. Think of it as a short walk. If it's an order—"

"—We will send the companion from our side."

In that unexpected moment, Tilda interjected with her icy voice.

Startled by the timing and the content of her remarks, everyone turned to look at her.

"If a companion is going, it's only fair that it comes from our side."

She had a valid point.

Sending Kevin alongside Oliver wouldn't make sense, and both Philip and Terrence, who sympathized with Oliver, weren't suitable for monitoring duties, whether in appearance or trustworthiness.

The question remained: who would go…

"Yareli will go."josei

Tilda designated her own granddaughter. All eyes turned to Yareli, standing beside Tilda, who spoke with determination.

"Yes, I will go."


"Is everything ready?"

In response to Kevin's inquiry, Oliver retrieved maps from his pouch and answered.

"Yes, everything is ready."

"I don't know what you plan to do, but please don't cause any major disturbance. No one wants any more issues here."

"Yes, understood. I will not cause a disturbance."

Upon receiving Oliver's assurance, Kevin nodded and followed the high-ranking wizards, including Philip and Tilda, through the portal Merlin had opened.

With only Merlin remaining, Oliver expressed his sincere gratitude for granting his request, and Yareli, standing beside him, also courteously greeted Merlin.

It was apparent that she held Merlin, the Archiver, in high regard.

As Merlin acknowledged their greetings and stepped into the portal, the vibrant purple entrance closed and vanished like a spent flame.

Thus, only Oliver and Yareli remained.

Much like when they had ventured alone into the basement to rescue the wizards.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry," Oliver formally apologized to Yareli.

"Sorry for what?"

"You stayed here because of me, didn't you? I'm sorry."

"Ah… it's fine, don't worry about it. I chose to stay. Besides, I've received help too."

Yareli spoke sincerely, without pretense. Despite the unexpected turn of events, she seemed to harbor no significant grievances. In fact, there appeared to be a part of her that welcomed the situation.

The specific reason remained unclear, but for Oliver, it was a positive development.

"Then that's fortunate. Shall we get going right away?"

Oliver suggested, indicating the car that Philip had provided.

Yareli nodded and settled into the passenger seat, while Oliver took the driver's seat.

Driving for the first time in several years, Oliver hesitated momentarily, perhaps due to the car's luxury. Fortunately, he gradually recollected his past experiences, one by one, and soon managed to set the car in motion.

The vehicle smoothly departed from Lake Village and merged onto the road.

"You drive well," Yareli broke the silence that had enveloped the car.

Oliver responded, "Thank you for the compliment. It's been a long time since I've driven, so I'm relieved."

"How long has it been since you last drove?"

"Um… about 2 or 3 years ago? I had driven while running away with Miss Jane. That was the first time I drove, and this is the second."

"Miss Jane is… who?"

"She's a friend of mine."

"A friend?"

"Yes, someone I met while working as a solver… Ah, I can't really talk about this any further. It's work-related."

Recalling his professional ethics as a solver, Oliver sought understanding.

Fortunately, Yareli appeared to grasp the situation and nodded, although she seemed somewhat concerned.

"2 or 3 years ago is quite a long time, isn’t it?"


"So, how did you become friends?"

"Um… We decided to be friends when we both attended a party. It was a happy day."


"Yes, I made two friends. It was a meaningful day."

"Ah… Is the person you're visiting at the orphanage also a friend?"

"Excuse me?"

"The reason for visiting the orphanage… is it another friend?"

"Ah… no, it's not. I have no other friends. It’s just someone I know. Why do you think that?"

"Just by the look of you going to find them. If it’s just an acquaintance, it wouldn't be that easy… Can I know who that acquaintance is?"

"Are you curious?"

Somewhat surprised by the question, Oliver asked. In response, Yareli snapped her fingers in the air, displaying a complex expression. Her emotions appeared a bit tangled.

"Um… To be honest, a little. Is that not okay?"

"…No, it's fine. It's not part of a request, and it's also related to the Mattel case."

"The Mattel case, as in the conversation you had with Carl?"


Yareli inquired with genuine curiosity and intrigue.

"So, who is this acquaintance?"

"A paladin."

Oliver replied as he skillfully navigated the winding road.

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