Genius Warlock

Chapter 361

Chapter 361

Professor Kevin's research office.

Oliver inquired,

"So, are other students including Derick and Felix okay?"

"Well… their mana and Life-force have been drained, weakening them physically, and their hard-earned mana has also been shattered. So saying they are ‘okay' might be a bit of a stretch."

Kevin, who had just explained what had transpired while Oliver was visiting the Ark Orphanage, responded.

Indeed, for a wizard, losing their hard-earned achievements is a profound tragedy, so Kevin's reaction was entirely understandable.

However, Oliver, who lacked wizardry skills, had a different perspective.

"At least that's a relief. If their lives are safe, they can always rebuild their efforts, right?"

It might appear that Oliver was taking the matter lightly, but Kevin knew that Oliver's concern was genuine.

Had Oliver found himself in a similar situation, he would have expressed the same sentiments.

Sensing Kevin's emotions, Oliver inquired,

"Did I perhaps say something wrong?"

"No, that's not it. You're not wrong. Being able to keep one's life in such a situation is fortunate… But don't say that in front of them. It will complicate their feelings."

"Okay, I understand."

"Then let's move on. Tell me your story. I heard from Yareli that she came back alone because you went to meet a broker for a deal. What did you discuss?"

"We didn't talk about anything too significant. He explained how he found out that I was affiliated here and asked if I would continue to stay at the tower. He also explained my worth."

"Your worth?"

"Yes, he said my worth is comparable to a mid-sized enterprise."

Oliver admitted, seemingly embarrassed.

How could he not be? Just a few years ago, he was an orphan toiling in a mine, and now he was being told he had a worth akin to a mid-sized enterprise. It felt surreal.

However, Kevin's response was different from what he anticipated.

"That's an accurate expression. You're worth that much."

"You think so?"

As Oliver questioned, Kevin appeared puzzled, as if he couldn't comprehend.

"Of course. As far as I know, you're the best solver in this city and have a wide network, don't you?"josei


"Do you remember the time I asked you to get investment from an overweight, lecherous wealthy man?"

Oliver nodded.

At Kevin's suggestion, Oliver approached Edith, the only wealthy, unsavory man he knew, for assistance when students wanted to attend a conference in Lake Village but lacked the funds.

"How many people in this Tower can do that? For ordinary students or average wizards, it's even hard to meet such people, and even for Masters, convincing them requires tremendous effort. Even then, there are countless failures."

"Hmm… could it be because the amount I asked for was relatively small?"

"Do you know the interesting thing about wealthy people?"

"I'm not sure."

"They might easily spend money on their vanity and pleasure, but when it comes to investments, they scrutinize every penny."

Oliver paused, not fully comprehending.

"…Are you saying they're stingy?"

"No, I mean they don't invest lightly. If they did, they wouldn't be in that position in the first place. That's why getting an investment is difficult."

"Oh, I see."

Kevin squinted at Oliver's response. There was something noticeably unusual about it.

It went beyond humility; it was peculiar and extreme. Most people tend to slightly overestimate themselves, but Oliver was the opposite, to an almost irrational degree.

At that moment, Oliver inquired,

"Oh, is Miss Yareli okay?"


"Miss Yareli. She came alone at my request; she didn't get in trouble, did she?"

Oliver, concerned about Yareli, who relied on her grandmother, posed a question with concern in his voice. If Yareli had faced difficulties due to accommodating his request, he would bear a sense of guilt.

"She didn't get herself in strife, so don't stress." Merlin suddenly emerged from a corner of the research room and reassured them.

Kevin and Oliver swiftly turned their heads, surprised by his unexpected appearance.

Kevin questioned, "Master… there's no need to hide anymore, so why do you appear like this again?"

"Kevin, haven't I told you repeatedly? A master got the right to pop up unexpectedly, anywhere, to give their students a bit of a fright. I'm just exercising my rights. It's fun."

Oliver focused his gaze on Merlin. Due to the dense magical barrier, he couldn't discern Merlin's emotions, but he sensed a genuineness in his words.

Merlin continued, "Anyway, Yareli wasn't particularly scolded, so don't fret. We've been too busy to reprimand her severely."

"Is that so?" Oliver inquired.

"Yeah, we had a lot to yak about, like how to deal with the Life School Faction and what our game plan is against the Black Hand from here on out."

"Ah, I'm curious about that as well. What was decided?" Kevin inquired.

"Some were sayin' we should disband the Life School Faction, but we decided we should first identify those who cooperated with Theodore and cut down on the school's authority. The situation is serious, but the school's existing value and vested interests are too complex."

For a brief moment, Oliver sensed Kevin's begrudging acceptance of the situation. Despite his resentment toward the Life School Faction, Kevin appeared to rationally comprehend the circumstances. After all, the school had played a significant role in fields like medicine and the military.

"So, who will manage the Life School Faction now? It would be difficult to control such a large faction if it's not dissolved."

Indeed, it was a valid concern. Some had initially proposed dissolving the faction for precisely this reason.

"That's why I've decided to take charge," Merlin declared, pointing to himself.

Both Oliver and Kevin were taken aback, although Kevin swiftly came to terms with it.

"…A rational choice. If you're in charge, it will certainly be controlled."

Concealing his complex feelings, Kevin posed the next question.

"What about the Black Hand?"

"We've declared war on the Human-meat Chef Chef faction of the Black Hand."

"War, you say?"

"Yeah, we can't just twiddle our thumbs after what's gone down. It's a bit complicated 'cause they're across the ocean, but it's a better situation relatively speaking."

"Why is that?" Oliver, who had been silently listening, inquired.

"We are collaborating with the Landa City and the Central Council, and even with the Parter Church. Given the circumstances, they will have to cooperate."

"That makes sense… One last question. What about this guy?" Kevin pointed to Oliver, referring to his status as a wizard. Merlin also provided an answer.

"We had a few barneys, but we've decided to give him another go under some conditions… Zenon, reckon you can whip up a paper?"

"A paper? I can write one, but why all of a sudden?"

"If it's too much to yak about, but if your paper's up to scratch, we're thinkin' about officially bringin' you into the Magic Tower. Considerin' the other wizards and students, it didn't seem like a bad idea, so I gave the nod."

Merlin addressed the matter as if it were a minor issue, but in reality, it presented quite a complex condition.

Producing a paper that would meet the standards of recognition among Magic Tower wizards was typically no easy task. While hundreds to thousands of papers were published annually, only a very small fraction received the acknowledgment they deserved.

However, Kevin and Oliver displayed no apparent apprehension.

Kevin had faith in Oliver's abilities, and Oliver had no particular reservations about the challenge.

Kevin inquired, "Do you have a subject worthy of a paper?"

"Well? It's also very sudden for me… Elder, is there a technology in the field of life school that can restore severed body parts or organs not with golem prosthetics, but with real flesh and blood?"

It was an unusual question. Merlin and Kevin exchanged glances.

"We're not quite at that level of tech yet. That's gettin' close to the realm of creation."

"Would it be okay to write a paper on that theory?"

Once more, Merlin and Kevin exchanged glances.

Then, Kevin fetched paper and pen and placed them before Oliver.

"Go on, explain."

As instructed, Oliver began to elaborate on the concept.

The core of his paper proposal was to use a small quantity of the subject's own flesh and bone as a foundation and then build upon it with additional flesh and bone to recreate entire limbs or organs.

"We would need the help of blood magic here," Oliver elucidated, sketching a circle on the paper. "We activate the core of flesh and bone by placing it in a pool of concentrated life force, then gradually add other flesh and bone to reconstruct an organ or body part. It takes some time and consumes a lot of resources, but it creates a whole body part or organ without causing rejection."

Having observed the diagrams and formulas that Oliver had prepared for his explanation, Kevin and Merlin took a moment to ponder.

At a glance, it appeared plausible.

"I understand that you can mix a bit of other bones and flesh with the core to change their properties, but how are you going to perform the precise operation of combining two cells? If the blood inside the pool gets contaminated, it's all for naught."

Instead of providing a verbal answer, Oliver infused mana into the air, constructing a magic circle. He then activated Theodore's magic spell, ‘Ptah's Assistant.'

The magical hand that materialized appeared exceptionally delicate, suggesting its ability to handle intricate tasks.

"It seems possible with this hand. It's very delicate."

Kevin, who recollected Theodore's utilization of mana to restore his own body, nodded in agreement.

By employing blood magic to stimulate the blood and flesh and using Ptah's Assistant to merge cells, it seemed somewhat plausible to craft a new body while endeavoring to alter their properties.

Upon hearing the complete explanation, Kevin remarked, "This seems more than sufficient… How did you come up with this idea?"

"I got the idea after enhancing General Philip's golem prosthetic. Also, I had an experiment that I personally wanted to try, and I thought it could be applicable here."

"An experiment you personally want to try?"

"Yes, I was wondering if we could strengthen a Corpse doll by transplanting cells endowed with powerful genes in the same manner… Ah, right, Elder."

Oliver paused briefly to collect his thoughts before continuing.

"If it's okay with you, could I use your library? There are reference materials in the Life school Tower library that I should consult, and it doesn't seem appropriate for me to go there. There were relevant books and papers in your library, and I'd like to consult those. Also, there's something else I'd like to ask you personally."

"What would you like to ask?"

"Yes, didn't we make a promise last time?"

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