Genius Warlock

Chapter 383

Chapter 383

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Oliver, who had just awakened, proceeded to take a shower.

Warm water cascaded over Olivers head, trickling down his neck, back, and chest, carrying away any impurities from his body as it flowed down the drain.

Thanks to a restful nights sleep, his mind felt rejuvenated and more alert, prompting Oliver to commence his cleansing routine.

Following his shower, Oliver emerged, patting himself dry with a towel. He applied moisturizer to his face and body before donning a leather mask and gazing into the mirror.

However, the reflection staring back at him was not Oliver but Dave, Landas solver.


After scrutinizing his appearance in the mirror and ensuring everything was in order, Oliver changed into fresh attire and lightly spritzed himself with perfume.

The hostesses at Angels House had emphasized that a true gentleman from the Kingdom should wear cologne.

But Im not a Kingdom gentleman; Im a person from Landa.

Could you please just go along with it?

After applying the cologne, Oliver reverted to his usual Dave persona and opened the door to leave.

Outside, dozens of people were clustered in various corners of the living room and on the stairs.

Despite the houses size, the number of evacuees was substantial, making the space feel cramped. When they spotted Oliver, they awkwardly stood up and bowed their heads and waists.

Their emotions were a mix of fear, awe, confusion, and discomfort.

Olivers previous request for them not to kneel before him had seemingly added to their confusion.

Hmm I have a lot to do, Oliver thought, observing the dozens of people bowing to him.

Have you finished showering, Master?

Marie, who had been waiting for Oliver, stepped forward.

Yes, I feel refreshed.

Im glad to hear that, she replied, bowing respectfully.

Watching Marie, Oliver determined his next course of action.


Yes, Master.

Is everyone eating well? I filled the fridge with food before leaving, but is it enough?

Before departing for Wineham, Oliver had prepared not only written portal spells but also a substantial amount of food, recognizing that people needed sustenance whether they were on the run or evacuating.

He had filled the pantry with vegetables, meat, bread, canned goods, and more, but he was concerned about whether it would suffice given the larger-than-expected number of evacuees.

Marie assured him, Yes, everyone is filling their bellies gratefully, as if it were a generous feast provided by you, Master. Furthermore, the Childs are distributing the rations well, so no one is going hungry.

Ah, thats a relief. So they did well Wait, Childs?

Oliver paused, tilting his head. The term Childs struck him as peculiar.

Yes they asked to be referred to as your magnificent creations.'


Uncertain of what to say, Oliver sighed. He never anticipated they would introduce themselves in such a manner.

Did we misunderstand something?

No, its not that Where are these Childs? First and Third?

They are dining at the moment.






Maries words held true.

In an unused room within Olivers mansion, Child-First and Child-Third were indeed partaking in a meal.

They were feasting on the life force and emotions of The Chosen Ones evacuees whom Oliver had taken in.

This is unexpected, remarked Oliver, entering the room and witnessing the scene before him.

Corpse doll-Bathory and Shamus, known as First and Third, had people kneeling before them, their mouths open as they slowly absorbed their emotions and Life-force.

The amount consumed was small enough not to be life-threatening.

They appeared quite content as they dined, smiling, but their expressions shifted to surprise when they made eye contact with Oliver, who had just arrived.


Da, Dave?

Oliver surveyed First and Third, as well as the individuals who willingly offered their Life-force and emotions while kneeling.

It still didnt appear to be a life-threatening amount.

Emotions could naturally recover, and Life-force could be replenished through proper nourishment and rest.

Nonetheless, something didnt sit right.

Silently studying the room, Oliver politely excused himself from the people present before heading toward First and Third.

As if entranced by Olivers peculiar aura, the onlookers made way, while First and Third retreated, using each other as shields.

However, there wasnt much room to retreat in the cramped space.

Eventually, Oliver stood before them, his head slightly tilted.

In the heavy silence, Oliver spoke softly.

First, Third.



Were you too very hungry?

First and Third nodded hesitantly, their postures stiff, as if reprimanded by a parent.

Hadnt I prepared something for you to eat?

That was accurate. Before departing for Wineham, he had stocked up on a surplus of emotions, Life-force, and mana for the children, as he was unsure how long the task would take.

However, the mission had concluded much sooner than anticipated, so there was no shortage of resources for the children to consume, even if they indulged.

So why did you drain these peoples emotions and Life-force?

Oliver inquired calmly, causing First and Third to tightly clutch each others hands.

Because freshly drained is tastier?

First summoned the courage to answer.

Indeed, despite the abundance of provided emotions and Life-force, they had chosen to drain people because freshly harvested resources tasted and felt significantly better.

It was akin to the difference between canned meat and fresh meat.

They simply couldnt resist.

Furthermore, the emotions these individuals held towards Oliver were a perfect match for the childrens preferences.

So we ate it just a little.

First concluded while monitoring Olivers reaction, and Third, who had transformed into Shamus, nodded in agreement.

Oliver regarded First and Third in silence, tilting his head slightly in thought.

Although he appeared somewhat unconventional, there was no apparent threat, yet everyone in the room held their breath, observing Oliver.

As if they were witnessing a ticking time bomb.

After a prolonged silence, Oliver slowly grasped the hands of First and Third.

The hands of Corpse doll-Bathory and Shamus.

Despite the deliberate pace, First and Third did not resist and remained still. Oliver brought their two hands together, holding them.

First, Third do you desire freedom?


Do you wish to leave me and live freely?

First and Third rapidly shook their heads.

Im not angry, nor do I have any ulterior motives. You can speak honestly.

First and Third exchanged glances and repeated their earlier headshakes.

Ah, no its not that.

Yes its not that.

Is that so Then, will you do me one favor?

Oliver gently squeezed the hands of First and Third. It wasnt painful, but both First and Third appeared uncomfortable with just that small amount of pressure.

Would you mind not freely draining other peoples emotions, Life-force, and mana except when working? And even then, could you please consult with me first? Is that possible?

Upon hearing Olivers courteous request, both First and Third promptly nodded in agreement.

Uh, yes understood.

Comprehend comprehended.

Satisfied with their responses, Oliver nodded appreciatively.

Thank you for understanding. Do you have anything else to say?

Oliver asked this while glancing at one of the individuals who were kneeling in the room. They appeared to have something on their mind.

That is um, we are fine.

Oliver knelt down, bringing himself to eye level with the people.

What do you mean youre fine?

We offered our emotions and Life-force willingly. If its for the great creation of God, Child, then we would do anything

Oliver gently placed his hand on the speakers shoulder and lowered his head. Although it was a simple gesture, it conveyed deep compassion and understanding.

Thats not okay.

Excuse me?

Its not okay. The way youre treating your own bodies. Also

I am neither a God nor anyone special. Theyre just Child, not great creation of God.

But great creation of God sounds good

First mumbled softly, and Third nodded in agreement.

Oliver briefly closed his lips before continuing.

Oliver redirected his attention to the individuals who had willingly offered their Life-force and emotions to the Child and addressed them.

Everyone take good care of yourselves. Its your body after all.

The individuals couldnt find words to respond. Oliver stood up and turned to First.

How much food do we have left at home?

Upon hearing the question, First took a moment to consider before responding.

Not much because there are a lot of people

Good Marie.

Yes, Master.

Would you mind accompanying me to do some grocery shopping?

Grocery shopping?



As requested, Marie accompanied Oliver to the market.

Considering the number of people they were providing for, they purchased vegetables, fruits, bread, and meat. The store owner was taken aback by the quantity they ordered.

The store owner double-checked if the order was accurate, and Oliver confirmed it with the payment.

Seeing the actual money, the store owners rolled up their sleeves and personally gathered the items Oliver had requested, even adding some extras.josei

Your meat order is ready.

The butcher placed a stack of packaged meat on a shop cart.

The unexpected large order delighted the butcher.

The meat is all fresh, and Ive added a few extras.

Gratefully, Oliver paid immediately, thanking the butcher for their service.

With a thick stack of bills in hand, the owner happily counted the money and then made a suggestion.

I should be the one thanking you Anyway, how do you plan on carrying all this? It seems like a lot for just two people. If you want, give me your address. Ill have my guys deliver it to you.

This was the same offer extended by the owners of the vegetable and bread shops they had visited earlier.

Although appreciative of their kindness, Oliver politely declined.

I appreciate the offer, but Im fine. I can carry it.

In response, Oliver swung the bag he was carrying on his back to the front and unzipped it. Just as he had done at the bread and vegetable shops, he carefully placed the meat inside, one piece at a time.

Oh Is that a magic bag?

The surprised butcher inquired, to which Oliver nodded.


My, my. Looking at the amount you ordered, I knew you werent an ordinary customer, but youre even more unusual. Do you work in the Magic Tower?

Im not sure myself. Id have to ask.

Aha, youre a wizard looking for a job in Magic Tower! I hope you hear some good news. If you settle down here, come back. Ill wrap up some of my good meat for you.

Thank you for your kind words.

Oliver engaged in casual conversation with the butcher and then exited the shop.

As he stepped onto the street outside, Oliver spoke to Marie.

Thank you for coming with me.

No, not at all, master You could have just ordered us to go shopping; Im actually sorry.

No, I wanted to go shopping myself. Its fun. The act of shopping itself is Also, you all are not allowed to go outside yet.


You see, if you want to roam freely in Landa , you need to get permission from the city first Besides, I have something specific to discuss with Marie. So, you dont have to feel sorry that Im the one going shopping.

Marie didnt respond but seemed lost in thought.

Master Are you thinking of leaving again?

Marie asked, her eyes reflecting various uneasy emotions. Paradoxically, as stability settled in, Maries fear grew. She worried that her master, her God, might depart once more.

Oliver halted his steps and turned to address her question.

Do you like sweets?


Do you like sweets? Like cookies, cake, or ice cream.

Taken aback by the sudden query, Marie replied.

Ah Yes, I do like them, master.

Then, shall we go eat some now? I also want to eat cookies at the moment.

(To be Continued)

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Genius 58September 19, 2022In "Warlock"

Genius 378January 17, 2024In "Warlock"

Genius 30August 1, 2022In "Warlock"

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