Genius Warlock

Chapter 83

Chapter 83

The minion under the [Erase exit] spell moved low along the ground.

[Erase exit], the black magic that can erase one’s presence seemed to be effective not only on humans but also on zombies, and as if to prove it, the hordes of dozens of zombies armed with swords, axes, and firearms did not notice the minion.

The minion naturally moved between the legs of the zombies, reached the center of the horde, and then…


It created a huge explosion.




Zombies’ screams were heard along with the explosion.

Oliver used Warlock’s eyes.

As expected, the hordes of zombies flocked towards the area when the explosion was heard, and Oliver gave additional orders to the minion that moved further away.

“Please, Minion.”

At those words, a non-human scream echoed from far away.





It wasn’t very loud, but the sound was clear. When the screams were heard, the zombies that were coming toward Oliver’s direction stopped and all moved to the place where Creepy Scream was heard.

As Oliver nodded, Joe and the mercenaries armed with swords, axes, and shovels began to sweep the hordes of zombies that had barely survived the explosion, with no difficulty.

The scary thing about the zombies was, they were in an overwhelming amount.

Oliver opened his mouth after shattering a few of the heads of the Zombies.

“I think it would be good to move quickly. I dispersed them with [Creepy Scream], but once they found there is no one, they will come back here again. I think the zombies here are all smart.”

The mercenaries just nodded their heads without showing any reaction to those words, but the expressions of the warlocks, including Joe, were unusual.

It was basic common sense that zombies are stupid, and the words zombies and smart doesn’t fit in the same sentence. It couldn’t be even considered a pun.

And if it wasn’t a pun, it was meant to be a terrible disaster.

At this moment, Joe and his party including Oliver were in the middle of such a disaster.

Oliver decided to help Joe and his party to see whether zombies were really attacking the solvers with weapons, and somehow he was able to confirm that it was true.

“All right, then let’s move again.”

Everyone started walking at those words.

The place they were currently going to was where Joe’s other colleagues are, and according to the communication device, they are currently in an abandoned building inside the contaminated zone.

The voice that came from the communication device said that they were attacked by a swarm of zombies while searching for the Looters and warlocks hiding in the contaminated zone and were forced to defend themselves.

It seemed like a pretty dire situation.

Each zombie was not a big deal, but as their number increased, the danger increases exponentially.

They were in a state where they only had supplies that they prepared for simple cleaning.

If the bullet and emotions were consumed, they would have to fight the zombies with their bare hands, which was no different from telling them to die.

“No matter how you look at this, it seems like we are being hunted… and it’s pretty well-organized.”

As Oliver was figuring out the situation, Joe came up to him and said,

“First of all, let me say thank you. For following me willingly.”

“No. I was just curious to see the zombies attacking with weapons, that’s why I followed you.”

“Well, okay… So, what do you think about this? Zombies forming troops, wielding weapons, and moving systematically?”

“Well, it’s certainly not a normal case.”

Oliver said with a very euphemistic expression.

Even if the zombies were given orders, they could basically only attack and wait, but looking at them moving like this, they seemed more like beasts.

The bigger threat was not the fact that zombies wielding weapons, it was them wielding weapons skillfully.

A simple command was enough to make them attack someone, but to make them use the weapons skillfully, continuous and precise control was needed, which could not be done without a considerable number of warlocks.

With those thoughts in mind, Joe asked.

“How many do you think are there?”

“I don’t know…”

Oliver thought for a while.

According to Anthony’s research book, giving and managing such detailed orders was possible only with a senior disciple, and the average limit that one senior disciple can handle was 20. If it goes beyond that, the movement of the zombies becomes sloppy, and their efficiency decreases.

“There are more than a hundred or two hundred zombies we saw as we passed by… Then, does that mean that there will be at least dozens of warlocks targeting us?”

“Um? I don’t know the details either… But, that would be the case only if we are lucky.”

“If we are lucky?”

At that moment, a mercenary shouted a little.

“Everyone, stop! We’ve arrived there.”

At that shout, Joe and Oliver, who were moving quietly, stopped.

As the communication device said, hundreds of zombies were surrounding a huge building, and the problem was that they were not just screaming and messing around, but they were attacking properly.

It was an unbelievable sight.

Some zombies were pulling a ladder and trying to climb the building, there were ones that went to the top of the next building and tried to jump from there, and there were zombies that were trying to break windows and doors with axes and sledgehammers.

“Fu*k… am I dreaming or something? Are we at war with those hordes of zombies?”

A mercenary said as if he was exhausted mentally.

Anyone would have said that if they saw hundreds of zombies moving like an army. It was a natural reaction.

Oliver also wondered how that was possible, and at that moment, he detected something.

Oliver looked back.


Something was detected under the ground at a distance of about 200 meters.

It was a large number of zombies who awakened suddenly.

“First of all, we need to plan a strategy. Does anyone have a good idea?

“Um… I don’t think there will be time for that.”

“Look at this guy… Thank you for your help, but don’t try to act like our boss.”

“Ah, sorry. The reason I said this, is because of the number of zombies that are behind us now. There is quite a lot.”

At that moment, one zombie moved and pulled another, and slowly one after another the zombies started to come up to the ground.

It seemed like they were positioned here from the beginning to attack those who came to help.

“What, what? What now?”

“Wait a minute.”

Joe calmed the bewildered mercenary and focused his energy on his eyes like Oliver. The other warlocks also activated their warlock eyes.

“Damn… we need to move right now! A horde of zombies has really caught up with us. There is a fu*king lot of them!”

“What?! You said there wasn’t anything nearby.”

“I don’t know. I didn’t sense anything a while ago!”

Oliver intervened.

“It’s like a cellar, someone prepared the bodies and activated the magic to turn them into zombies as soon as someone comes here. I think it’s a trap. It seems like we were being lured.”

Hearing that, the mercenaries were agitated, but without minding them, Oliver asked Joe and his gang.

“Can you lend me some emotions? Two flasks.”

The warlock named Sam was terrified.

“Come again?”

“I’m sorry. I’ll pay you back later. If we make a mistake now, we’ll be surrounded by zombies.

“Give it,” said Joe, and Sam frowned.josei

“Why should we give ours to that damn guy…. He..”

“Does anyone else have the firepower to wipe out those zombies with that amount right now?”

At Joe’s words, Sam clenched his teeth and gave two flasks of emotions to Oliver.

Oliver immediately extracted the emotions from the flask.


[Las Bomb]

[Black Dart]

Oliver created a massive [Las Bomb] after targeting the zombie swarms surrounding the building.

Then, after putting [Las Bomb] on the black darts, he shot them toward the target.

The black darts pierced the wind and went toward the zombies who looked at them dumbfounded.


A small explosion occurred.

After extracting the remaining emotions, Oliver ran forward with Joe and his party.

Due to the explosion, the zombies who were only concerned with the building suffered great damage and the formation was disturbed.

Using the gap created, Joe and his party ran toward the building following Oliver.

Oliver arrived at the front of the building filled with the cries of zombies, and Joe who arrived after him shouted out in front of the tightly closed building.

“It’s me. Joe! Open the door!”

A crack appeared in the front door, which had been blocked with all sorts of things, followed by the sounds of things being removed.

As soon as the door opened, Joe and others quickly entered through the door.

Oliver turned and looked at the fallen zombies outside the building.

Seeing that Joe hurriedly called Oliver.

“What are you doing? Come inside!”

When Oliver entered the door, the people who opened the door, quickly moved the things and blocked the front door.

“…were there only this many people in the group?”

Oliver looked at the few people and asked.



With those words, someone came down from upstairs.

He was wearing a protective suit similar to the mercenaries of Joe’s gang but had an additional shoulder guard.

He was a man, and he seemed to be a Reinforced human.

“Thank you for coming! After all, you didn’t abandon us and came to save us.”

“No, we were also locked up. Suddenly, a swarm of zombies poured out.”

As if to prove Joe’s words, someone shouted.

“Oh, damn it…! Another horde of zombies appeared around the building!”

The screamer was a woman with a uniquely shaped shotgun, and a silk hat on her head.

“Uh, aren’t you the one who was with Mr. Arthur?

The silk hat woman looked at Oliver.

“…?…ah! The Warlock from District T who said he didn’t want to be on the same team as us?”

“Um, yes, that’s right. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to be on the same team… Anyway, nice to meet you.”

“Ah… I didn’t want to meet you like this, but anyway, nice to meet you… Was it you, who attacked the zombies a while ago?”

She spoke normally but her emotions were in a mess, and it wasn’t just her, the emotions of everyone inside the building were in a mess.

“Yes, it was me.”

When Oliver answered, the woman with a silk hat said something to another colleague who was sitting next to her and then headed somewhere.

Oliver wondered where she was going, but at that moment, the mercenary who had been talking to Joe spoke to Oliver.

“Hey, hello. My name is Hugh. I am the captain of the Goodman mercenary. It is really nice to meet you in such a situation.”

He said in an urgent voice. It seemed like he desperately needed Oliver’s help.

“Nice to meet you too.”

“The situation is urgent, so I will ask you straight-forward. The bombardment that happened before. Did you do it?”

Oliver nodded.

“Then please help us! Once again, use that black magic to open the way.”

Just as Oliver was about to say something, the woman with a silk hat who had just gone somewhere came with a man.

It was Stonefist Arthur.

“Hey, Dave, nice to meet you again. Help us.”

Not just Arthur, but several people came from different directions of the building and asked Oliver to help.

Oliver, who heard everyone, looked around and said calmly.

“Um… I’m curious…can I ask you a question?”

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