Genshin Impact, Breezing Through Teyvat

Chapter 240

Chapter 240

Nothing for a while. Hope you enjoy.

Did not proofread for shit so you might find some mistakes...

Chill with us!


Lying on a plain bed in equally plain room was Amy.

In contrast to her outstretched limbs, her expression was dyed with shame.

Her head had dropped down into the pillow, hiding her face as much as possible from the man standing in front of the bed.

Her eyes were squeezed shut so tight she could barely see him staring at her in amusement.

She wanted nothing more than to hide under a blanket and disappear, why did she have to try doing something so bold?

Her body curled in on itself, as if trying to hide from the world.

The room was eerily quiet, save for the sound of her breathing, and that of the steady beating of her heart. It was loud enough for it to be heard in the silence surrounding her.

The man slowly approached her, his footsteps echoing throughout the empty room. He sat himself next to her on the edge of the bed, not bothering to reach out for her, he just stared at her. His bright golden eyes watching every movement of hers carefully.

"Not afraid, are we now?"

His deep voice questioned playfully, a grin adorning his face.

After all, she was the one who initiated this intimate setting, invited him here, and allowed him to touch her...

She wasn't going to run away from him now, though; not when the opportunity presented itself.

At first, Yomite planned on having a peaceful date, but who would have thought his cute girl would gather enough courage and force such lewd ideas upon him.

With him being the prince of her dreams, however, he would certainly welcome her plan and make the best out of it to make both of them feel good.

"I-I'm not scared," Amy defended shakily.

"You shouldn't be, I don't bite. Still, you're beautiful and so adorable when you flush like that."

Her face reddened deeper and deeper with each word uttered. "...T-Thank you..."

Barely able to breathe properly, she dared to glance over at him, catching sight of his close proximity, watching him gaze curiously at her.

His sharp eyes and full mouth sent adrenaline surging through her blood.

There was nowhere in Teyvat she'd rather be right now than in his arms. Her cheeks took on a rosy hue at the sight.

Seeing him near her as well made her skin warm, anticipating his powerful scent mixing with hers, pushing its way into her nostrils.

Unbidden, tears formed at the corners of her eyes.


He gently tilted her chin up, gazing lovingly at her at that very moment.

Leaning forward, he lightly brushed his lips against hers.

His hand moved slowly along her thigh, feeling her whole body tremble.

Without any warning, he removed the towel, revealing the faint and perfect pale flesh underneath, her smooth and toned legs coming into view and welcoming his touch. She was now completely bare before him.

He gazed into her eyes for a brief moment, as if thinking how to proceed with the gorgeous woman in front of him, before unexpectedly leaving a kiss on her thigh, tickling her. "Yomite…?!"

Amy called out, a slight whine escaping from between clenched teeth. She was so embarrassed by her current situation, she didn't even know what to do with herself right now.

Touches and kisses of his on her leg made her timid reactions turn into strong response.

However, his touch also seemed to soothe her anxiety somewhat, bringing her mind back to reality as she relaxed somewhat... Her breath also hitched slightly in anticipation as she felt his fingers slowly move upwards.

Feeling a bit bold, he continued to kiss down her knee until he reached her ankle, kissing the tender spot gently as if making sure not to hurt her in anyway.


She let out an involuntary noise as her entire body trembled once again.

It was hard for her to remain calm. It was too easy to elicit pleasurable moans from the petite woman beneath him.

As he continued kissing her leg, his hands began to travel higher, reaching the soft parts of her thighs.


Amy gasped softly, moaning as he proceeded to suckle on her thighs, alternating between nibbling at them and caressing them with his.

He trailed kisses up the inside of her thigh, pausing every so often to nuzzle against her skin before proceeding to climb her leg higher up.

Her breathing became heavier with each step he traveled upwards, her toes spreading apart ever so invitingly.

The heat within her stomach grew hotter, causing her heart rate to quicken even further.

As expected, her smell was unique and strongly arousing, sending his libido soaring higher and higher in response.

Finally arriving at his destination, he immediately pressed his lips against her entrance.

Before she knew it, he was already licking her most precious place, causing goosebumps to erupt across her skin.

A heavy moan escaped from her throat as her arousal intensified. His tongue traced the contours of her sex, teasing her sensitive flesh.

She gasped for air, her hands gripping onto the edge of the mattress below her tightly. His tongue felt divine, incredibly soothing, mixing together perfectly with his fingers that began caressing her clit.

This was it.

This was what she had been waiting for all this time, albeit what she was also afraid of...

She couldn't help the whimper which escaped her lips as he slipped his tongue deeper and deeper inside her.

A small cry left her throat as she felt something foreign slip past her barrier.

Her heart was pounding erratically in her chest, causing her pulse to skyrocket. Suddenly, an odd sensation washed over her, leaving her dazed and unable to concentrate on anything else.

It felt like a thousand little butterflies had taken flight within her tummy.

They fluttered their wings, creating gentle beats against her insides. Tenderly, he began fondling her lower region, working hard to please her trembling core.

A wave of euphoria passed through her and she became more and more lost within her own blissful haze.

Everything around her went completely silent. All she heard was her heartbeat roaring loudly in her ears. It sounded like it was coming closer, and closer...

Her thoughts began to scatter, making no sense whatsoever, completely intoxicated by the feel of his light kisses.

And then she felt it; a light tingle spreading throughout her entire body.

Like someone had just tickled her in her belly.

Immediately, her vision began to blur and her muscles stiffened.

The only thing remaining within her vision was the outline of Yomite's figure looming over her, his large hands caressing her thighs, massaging them.

She felt a burst of pleasure pass through her body, causing her muscles to contract in reaction.

The feeling of climax quickly followed suit and she squirmed slightly beneath him, her feet instinctively resting on his back, while he continued his relentless assault on her.

The divine liquid emitted by her gushed outwards, emptying into the bed sheets underneath her as her muscles seized up in pleasure. Her legs spread wider and wide, letting go of all restraint.

Through tear stained eyes, she looked down at the man who continued servicing her in slow and tantalizing motion...

When her orgasm had long since gone, she felt slightly fatigued due to the excessive amount of juice being produced.

The final sensation was that of pure exhaustion taking hold, washing over every pore of her being.

Her loins were pulsating like fire, requiring constant rhythm.

As the initial spasms subsided, she found herself unable to move at all.

Her mind was completely blank as she lay there, utterly spent. It seemed that time stopped altogether once she came, but only for a short while.

It felt as though minutes flew past quicker than she could handle.

It was just foreplay, though. A preview of what would soon follow...

What would happen next though?

How could she even begin to fathom what awaited her?

And how was she supposed to move when she was no longer feeling any coherent thoughts from her head?

Her senses simply didn't function anymore, turning off one by one, like a failed fuse box.

"Yomite..." She whispered, trying to regain some semblance of awareness, but failing miserably.

Amy was aware this was just the 'beginning' of something bigger and more permanent that awaited them both.

She knew she wasn't truly prepared to experience anything more amazing than this moment.

Yomite, with great patience and love, tended to her.

He kissed away each of her tears as they slipped from her green eyes and set right onto her beautiful face.

When his tongue finally ventured into her mouth again, Amy melted like butter.

Another soundless groan escaped from her lips as she welcomed his passionate sensual dance inside her warm mouth.

His skillful mouth was nothing short of incredible.

But perhaps most astounding of all was the sheer power behind the slow movements of his fingers kneading her waist.

Yomite did not desire any hasty advances; instead, he savored every minute detail of this woman's experience and wanted to make eure she enjoyed it as much as possible.

It was Amy's first time having such vigorous attention given to her erogenous zones.

Being a virgin, Amy lacked experience in matters of physical intimacy.

Therefore, she was still very unprepared for the effects of passionate arousal she was experiencing within the tiny confines of the room.

She let him take the lead, as he was clearly more experienced in the realm of sensuality.

And the electricity between them was so sweetly natural and delicate, infinitely beautiful to witness.

In spite of all his gentleness, however, her smooth skin turned tense under his hot hands.

As he caressed his palms softly across her hips, she squeezed her legs closed.

Soon after, she dug her heels firmly into the bedsheets and turned slightly sideways so as not to impede the foreplay.

Everything was going well, but there was something going through her mind at this exact wonderful moment...

"Yomite...did you have a...lover before you met Hu Tao?"

Although barely intelligible, her voice rang clear above the crescendo of bliss he was sustaining upon her.


This caused an uncharacteristically awkward few moments of silence, "...Yomite?"

"...Eh...a few..."

Just then, his warm breath captured the tip of her earlobe, startling her.

She tilted her neck upwards towards his touch, accepting his playful kiss gently upon the shell of her ear.

"I'm sorry if it's personal...I would just like to know."

Once more he paused.

"...I've...been with around nine girls before I met Hu Tao and you...but..." His tone was unsure as he considered what to say before he finally made his final decision.

She was his lover, someone who would accompany him for a very long time.

She deserved to know a bit.

"Not in this world...I am not from this world..."

"I know." She murmured in a gentle manner, "I knew for quite some time, and I'm happy you finally considered me trustworthy enough to tell."

He froze in shock, staring intently at her.

That threw him off completely.

His identity had been a secret for the most part, no one really knew. Hu Tao was the only one who found out by herself due to being way too smart for her own good, and now it seemed that Amy also knew the truth for quite some time.

Maybe it wasn't really bad to tell his closest comrades of his true identity.

Zhongli found out Yomite was not of this world the moment he saw him. If other godlike beings could see through him with one look, he saw no point in hiding it from his party members...

What was the best choice regarding his identity?

He didn't know...but for now, he decided to tell his closest people the truth they deserved to know.

"I'm sorry for not mentioning it sooner...but it's just such an unbelievable thing I thought telling somebody about it would do me more harm than good."

He didn't like it when protagonists in isekai stories told other people they were reborn into their world, but he didn't see any harm in telling his close friends in this case.

Quite the opposite, actually.

Amy smiled, and said with sincerity: "I understand, please know that I don't mind that you hid it from us...that being said... I'm very interested about your world...but don't talk about it now..." She brought his hand towards her entrance and spoke again, "Please make love to me."

He wasn't expecting that determined reply and nodded in agreement, sliding one finger carefully into her.

Not to deep, just enough to preserve her hymen. She was wet enough to make it almost frictionless.

Her eyes closed against the unbearable vulnerability of being spread out naked and fingered

The warm finger penetrated her slick folds, resulting in a long drawn out groan her body was incapable of suppressing.


Groaning deeply, she tightened her muscles around it, desperately wishing he'd put another inside of her instead of that single digit.

Taking a deep breath, she summoned the last bits of energy within her, somehow finding the strength to lift her hips to meet his movements.

The single finger moved in and out in a leisure pace, milking all the pleasure from her sensitive tissue.

Soon enough, a second soft finger joined its partner in penetrating her entirely, tickling and touching places of intense pleasure she hadn't felt before.

With each thrust of the two fingers moving in unison, she found it increasingly difficult to breathe properly and the sweat dripping down from her brow was beginning to dry upon the sheets below her.

No words or thoughts left her head, her senses just focused on the purely delicious sensations rocking through her entire system.

Her blush reached as far down as her neck by the time she finally exploded into an unending stream of wetness, her body convulsing violently and releasing a powerful flood of fluids which drenched both his fingers and the mattress below her.

After some time passed, Yomite pulled his fingers out of her and wiped away the sticky substance with the corner of the sheet.

Her breathing was heavy, her heart racing, she couldn't bring herself to open her eyes for fear of losing any little bit of that overwhelming orgasm that was still swirling in her head.

"Nnh, mwah..."

His finger entered her once more and he gently began kissing Amy again and again, so she would relax and accept his intentions fully.

She slowly inhaled him in, until it got to a point she couldn't help but be overwhelmed with him.

She surrendered, loving how pleasurable and fulfilling it felt to be taken over by him, to be at his mercy under his weight in such a romantic manner.

He caressed her breasts lightly, wrapping his large hand around the petite twin peaks and fondling them to drive her deeper into heat with her submission.

With a timid look of lust in her eyes, her nipples hardened under his caring touch, teasing his fingers along for stronger, firmer tugs. "Mm...Kiss me..."

She gasped, clutching his shoulders to deepen the intensity.

It seemed that kisses were what she craved, a weakness that did not escape him.

He kissed her tenderly, turning that delicate redness on her cheeks up to flames with his sincere kiss, which radiated with care and affection for her.

As per the passionate desire shown in her flushed face and fumbling body, it became clear her intentions had been set out.

Slowly, deliberately, he increased his hand movements, not pushing them into hyperdrive, rather building the momentum carefully from the start.

She yearned for the sensation to never end, she was crying, yet her eyes begged him for more.

He flicked his tongue against her exquisite breasts, savoring her twitches and moans.

In response to the intimate gesture, Amy clutched his hair, her nails scratching lightly against his scalp as she moaned softly, her body trembling and quivering under his onslaught.

Every time he touched her, she moaned.

He didnt know if it was simply pleasure she was experiencing, or if she was that ticklish. Maybe a bit of both.

But it made no difference. He adored each movement, testing every inch of her skin with light feathery touches while still keeping the pressure down and consistent, prolonging the overall experience.

For sure though, there was no pain in her cries. At least not yet.

Yomite's eyes remained glued to her beautiful form, with main focus being her delighted entrance.

He knew it before...but...josei

(It' small...)

He felt a sense of Déjà vu...

It was soaking wet, but could it really fit his...?

Hu Tao was highly acrobatic so they somehow managed to do it without a problem, but Fischl was nowhere near as flexible as her...

(I need to be careful...)

As he gazed at her most precious part while thinking, Amy started to tear up, afraid he was disattisfied with something.

His mind was racing as he stared at her and swallowed thickly, the sight of her being so beautiful was making his member throb.

He saw she was plenty wet, but just to make sure she was feeling comfortable, he massaged her entrance some more.

Taking his towel off, he put it aside and positioned himself between her legs, gently parting them.

Both of them were now, fully naked.

Amy gulped down after seeing his member. She didn't cry or turn away.

He didn't know whether she was moved by courage or by cowardice.

Amy stared at his member with a hint of disbelief. "...Th-That's...incredible..."

She saw his hard-on when she gave him a lap pillow all those weeks ago, yet seeing it directly in front of her, made her feel a bit frightened.

She had never seen a real penis before and had always assumed from some books she read that most men had a small and slim size, in order to better enter a woman.

However, seeing the full length of it right in front of her, was quite shocking to say the least.

The thought of having something this big inside of her made her want to shrink away.

But the fact that it was his, made her feel a bit of relief. It was reassuring to have the knowledge that he didn't plan to hurt her.

"Can I?" he asked quietly, not wanting to scare her.

Though she wasn't exactly scared, she definitely had her reservations.

And that included the thought of something so massive going inside of her.

Even if it was nothing harmful, there was a chance that it might be quite painful...

She took a few seconds to answer, "Yes..." and unconsciously nodded in reply, overwhelmed by the warmth and love he projected towards her with those sparkling golden orbs.

Once she did, he began to slowly push it inside of her, causing her to wince in slight discomfort.

"Sorry," he apologised, noticing she grimaced.

Amy nodded. "...Don't worry about it...Ugh..."

Once the first inch had entered her, she gasped, immediately tensing up tightly.

"Ah...!" she cried out weakly as she felt a sharp stabbing pain, causing her body to tense even more.

"Are you okay? Does it hurt?" he inquired, glancing down at her in worry.

She nodded, biting her lower lip.

However, after a few moments, she realised that it was starting to get easier to bear, as she became accustomed to the strange invasion and began focusing more on the sensations, rather than worrying about how long it would take for the painful process to finish.

With every inch that she pushed into him, she gradually began to relax and enjoy it, her back arching and her legs spreading wider, trying to get used to the invasion further down her body.

Meanwhile, Yomite was in disbelief.

He expected it to be a tight fit, but this was way beyond his expectations...

(She is even tighter than Hu Tao...I don't think I can go through this...)


She winced in pain as his throbbing penis pried open her soft, hot walls, stretching the tissue with some difficulty.

Half of his penis was almost all the way in now and the landslide of pleasure crashing over him was unbelievable.

Yomite took her lips, trying to ease her pain.

He didn't think a single kiss was going to heal the anguish and pain of losing her virginity, but at the very least, she did look a lot less pained now.

Her prince just took her virginity.

He was real, and not a figment of her imagination.

He was kissing her and making love to her at this very moment.

"You're doing great," He praised her, "You're amazing, just bear it for a few more minutes and the pain will pass."


The sight of the blood dripping from the point of their union was strangely erotic, stirring him uncontrollably as his erection pulsated insistently inside of her.


Seeing her wince so much made him ask in worry, "...Should I...wait a bit after all?"

"Nho...ish...not that bad..." She replied, slightly breathless from the pain.

"Okay..." He continued with his movement while lowering his head to give her a deep kiss.

He was sure it must have been hurting quite a bit.

It didn't stop her from returning his passion however, as she wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing their lips even closer together, deepening their embrace.

Her sweet aroma filled his senses and he enjoyed her scent even more.

Her natural musk caused excitement to boil in his veins.

All that was left was to let nature take its course and engage with her beauty completely.

Fischl was embarrassed, but happy.

She just wanted to seal their relationship as fast as possible, feeling slightly competitive as Hu Tao was winning by a long mile and was rubbing it to her face at any occasion she could...

And he accepted Fischl's decision swiftly.

Little by little.

Just as he was thinking how he passed a certain threshold where the resistance on her part was weaker, his member slid right in and pressed into her deepest spot.

Fischl's core was so hot he felt his brain melting away.

Rendered unable to think by the pleasure, he mindlessly leaned down to kiss her again and again.

Fischl, still unaccustomed to the feeling of his penis inside of her, twisted around and took a few harsh breaths... Dropps of sweat appeared on her forehead, but in spite of her obvious discomfort, she looked satisfied and happy.

Unable to bear it any longer, he slowly started to move back and forth, pushing his penis in and out of her pussy.

Every thrust of his hips was followed by a lewd squelch noise that echoed throughout the quiet room.

He didn't want to check if it was from the blood, her love juices or his precum...

The sounds added to his already high emotions, until his body temperature was spiking wildly and he did whatever he could to relieve some of that pressure.

Her breath became hotter and hotter.

They kissed and embraced deeply, letting themselves drown in the blissful sensations as their bodies moved in perfect synchronization.

The pleasure of her sweet entrance around his member enveloped him completely.

Her erotic sighs tickled his cheek, she was so different from the Fischl he had always known.

From gentle and cool, she turned into someone needy, ardent, and sexy, allowing him free reign and access to her soul.

Sure enough, everything he desired came true within the sweet haze, confirming how true these feelings were between them.

Her strong, womanly scent and her moans filled the room and pushed him into overdrive, sending him pouding into her.

He couldn't stop, it felt too good, but he wanted to feel even better, so he slammed his hips against hers again and again...

Without another word, he lifted her legs high above his head and pressed his face onto her smooth calves, licking and sucking her sweaty flesh feverishly, excited with the rush of her pheromones flooding his brain.

He worshipped her legs for as long as possible.

Then, completely captivated by the taste of his princess, his mouth moved upwards to attack her feet, planting several kisses across her delicate skin.

Just devouring them like dessert at the best meal ever.

"Y-Yomite!?" she cried out in surprise, she was looking puzzled and embarrassed by his sudden antics, "I-I took a shower...but feet are dirty..."

"Shush, it's fine..." he gazed into her green eyes, "Your natural smell and taste gives me goosebumps... I'm showing my love right here right now…a little massage for my lover after she gathered so much courage is the least I can do for you."

"...A-Alright...if that's what you wish for..."

Embarrassed, she turned her face away and hid behind her shaking hands...Trying desperately to hide her red cheeks.

All her sexy parts were clean and smooth.

Her skin was unbelievably soft and her taste was intoxicating like honey to his palate.

Any part of her body made him go crazy and her reactions to everything were so honest, innocent and sensual.

This girl...she just made him so damn the point he wanted to taste everything he desired...

The genuine innocence running through her being made him incredibly turned on...

Her reactions during sex showed just how pure of heart she truly was, and more importantly... That she trusted him implicitly.

Unlike Hu Tao, who became extremely erotic the moment they had sex for the first time, Fischl, or rather...Amy was just so charming no matter what she did or said.

Everything about her seemed endearing and cute, which added to her overall attractiveness.

It was a special combo of innocence, vulnerability and a willingness to admit her feelings that drove him wild with lust.

Her body, slightly cold from the spring water was slowly warming up in his warm embrace, and the sound of her gentle whimpers and gasps were making him lose all rationality...

They were melting and becoming one from this.

With each of her moans, his desire to conquer her was stirred up inside of him. He wanted to do so many things to this woman but he knew that she wasn't ready yet for any of it.

After several minutes of savoring her legs and slowly pumping into her with a steady motion, he picked up the pace. His hardening penis was throbbing rapidly due to constant friction with her bottom cheeks, while his entire body began quivering uncontrollably at the heavenly wetness of her.

His erection finally reached its limit. His entire body stiffened and trembled violently. It felt like his heart had stopped beating.

Soon enough, the sensations grew stronger and louder until finally, an explosive release burst forth from within, releasing all of his seed deep within her womb.

He remained still for a short period before gently caressing her tender body as if she was a precious jewel.

Both were silent, stunned, ecstatic.

Amy held on for dear life as he filled her like an overflowing cup, pouring it all inside of her with reckless abandon, his arms tightening around her waist as she lay on the bed.

Slowly closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath of air, she tried desperately to gather enough strength to move.

However, she failed miserably.

Her legs locked around him tightly, their bodies connected at such a degree of intimacy...

Amy felt as light as a feather, mostly due to the release of energy that poured into her through his seed.

As she wringed his penis dry, he huffed in pleasure.

The pleasure that sent a jolt down his spine.

He slowly pulled out of her, and the cum he just pumped in started to trickle out in large volumes.

"Yo...mite..." Her heaving breaths drew his eyes to her chest.

Her eyes wandered, unfocused. "Sex is...incredible..." She smiled contently, as she could still feel his heat inside of her.

Amy felt her heart collapsing, her knees buckling beneath her, her jaw letting out weak moans as her consciousness became hazy, as though she was about to give up and lose control of herself.

She was trembling intensely due to their intense lovemaking, feeling so overwhelmed with emotion that her face was almost unrecognizable.

But eventually, he could see that the tears were streaming down her face.

He wiped them off of her face with his fingers, kissing her lips tenderly and holding her close to him as he continued rocking his hips into her softly.

He could feel her body shuddering with every thrust, "You're beautiful," he whispered into her ear. "Like a princess in my arms."

In response to his words, Amy gave a quiet whimper and buried her face in his neck, not wanting to let go.

They stayed like that for a few minutes.

Their bodies both exhausted but still enthralled with the same thoughts and emotions.

After Yomite pulled out of her, he brought his flaccid member to her mouth.

Amy didn't understand at first, unsure of what he wanted, before realization hit her, making her turn red all over.

His member was still covered with sperm from her earlier bout of orgasmic bliss. His juices and her own were mixed together into a sticky mess that gave the most unique smell Amy had ever smelled. It wasn't unpleasant though. In fact, she found it to be very lewd, in its content as well as by its look...

"Would you mind?" He asked softly, trying to lift her head up.

"N-No...I wouldn't..."

Her cheeks were now bright crimson, giving her lovely features an appealing red glow.

Amy quickly worked up the courage to begin licking off the viscous residue coating his shaft.

Her moist lips pressed to his length, forcing out a breathy sigh as it slowly slid inside of her mouth.

Warmth and moisture surrounded his hardened crown. Then, soft licks mixed with her saliva, massaged the area around the shaft.

She clumsily wrapped her luscious tongue around his member, tasting her first load of manly goo that still remained on the tip.

For a second there, she kept licking and slurping at the tip with relish, completely focused only on devouring his masculine essence.

Eventually however, she noticed his penis was hardening, which ended up causing an unexpected change of position.

"I'm sorry, I'm hard again. Wanna go for a next round?" Yomite asked.


She looked up from his glistening member, her thoughts still clouded by what just happened between them. Only then did she realize what he meant when he said 'next'.

He was referring to having sex again...






The sounds of a heavy mattress creaking and repetitive sound of flesh hitting flesh echoed throughout the room.

It's been well over three hours since Amy and Yomite made love for the first time...though that time frame has blurred as the two lovers grew more intimate and deeply familiar with one another.

Breathless and panting now, both Yomite and Amy slowly disengaged from their intense physical union, having their orgasms moments apart.

Though their lovemaking session never ended, simply because Yomite wasn't tired enough to break contact, Amy let him do as he pleased with her.

It was a tender sex that overflowed into the blankets around them, leaving both soaked in white love juices and covered in blanketed handprints left by both of them.

They were filled with romance that encouraged both to share their most precious secrets with each other and during their love making session, they had small talks about things they never told to anyone before...sharing little pieces of themselves. They used such time to savor the sweet affectioante feelings that often grew within a short span of time...things such as how was Yomite's life in his world, what did he do, and so on.

Right now, Yomite was steadily nearing climax for the sixth time that night.

Amy, who was under him at the moment, had her head burrowed in the pillow, exhausted...

Her lungs completely caved in as she panted heavily, hands clenched over the sheets to prevent more waves of orgasmic pleasure ripping through her chest, but to no avail.

His large hands squeezed her knuckles, as he vigorously pumped into her insides to please both of them, pushing past her walls with his blunt thrusts that always seemed to hit just the right spot without letting her escape.

Her hips continued on moving slowly at first, until every one of his movements sent seismic tremors vibrating through her body.

But once her ecstasy levels rose to its apex, the tempo of their intercourse suddenly changed, becoming extremely fast and if they needed to drain every ounce of sexual energy left inside of their bodies.

Yomite's arousal eventually carried both of them over the edge, causing his member to spew its remaining contents deep inside of her entrance for the sixth time that night.

Clutching onto one another tightly, neither wanted to move or pull away from each other...instead allowing the mingling forces of both their bodies overtake their sanity, driving them towards complete madness.

However, even their desperation did not give way to actual madness, rather a primal urge of mutual satisfaction took over both of them.

Their bed sheets became a canvas for simultaneous emissions of both cum and sweat, and pillows were also stained with a variety of bodily fluids.

"...mi...mite..." A gasp escaped her lips, as she came the last time that night.

Her hands instinctively found her way to his butt during the aftershocks that rumbled throughout her body.

Amy collapsed under him for a while, too dazed to react properly.

One more kiss from his side was enough to calm her down...enough to send her off to sleep peacefully.

She could still feel a finger gently grazing her breast though, as the final sign of their new, affectionate relationship.

Soon, she fell asleep for real...cudding herself off to a peaceful ending.

After a few more gentle touches of her hair, accompanied by various whispers of 'I love you', Yomite quietly and without further ado, got up from the bed and went to take a shower.

There was still a place he needed to be today.

After getting ready, he covered Fischl with a blanket and headed out.

To watch the Rite of Descension which would soon occur later that evening. He promised Lumine and Paimon he would come along with them.

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