Get to Know about Wife Fan

Chapter 15 - She Wished that A Beautiful Flower Would Come Out of Her Smile.

Chapter 15 - She Wished that A Beautiful Flower Would Come Out of Her Smile.

Chapter 15 – She Wished that A Beautiful Flower Would Come Out of Her Smile.
October 31, 2019 Get to Know about Wife Fan
After the concert, there was a celebration banquet. Huo Xi finished drinking in one round, and it was early in the morning when he went back to his room. Take a mobile phone to send a microblog for fans to pay attention to safety on their way home, and then turn it over at will to see the red carpet hot search yesterday.

Sheng Qiao in the picture is far from the girl with low self-esteem and cowardice in his expression.

He thought about it and called.

After connecting, the voice in the earpiece as always contains a happy smile, “Huo Xi, is your celebration over?”

She knew himself quite well. He said, “you’re here tonight?”

“Of course, I took a lot of pictures!”

He thought she would be depressed for a while. He didn’t expect that she was still in the mood to see his concert.

Huo Xi said after a pause, “I was too busy to prepare for the concert before. I didn’t have much time.”

In fact, he wanted to care about the recording. Now, everyone in the circle is sighing.

Star shining media took her dare not to explode the nude photo, and then wantonly blacked and splashed her dirty water. How could it be that she was so open-minded to go out? Although she won the sympathy of the whole network, in the eyes of the insiders, this self destructing reputation is too much to lose.

Later, when others saw her, they would associate with her. This is the female star who took nude photos. Although no one has seen those photos, those who explore color will always follow.

Once someone is finding fault with her, this is a pain. One poke is the right one.

It seems that she is really different from before. That is what he has never seen in her. Courage, confidence and optimism.

Huo Xi thought about it and organized the words: “if there is something I can do, you can tell me.”

Sheng Qiao shook her head repeatedly: “it’s not necessary, it’s all the small things, it will be solved soon. I’m very happy that you forwarded my Weibo and called me in a special way. “

Contentment always makes you happy. She knew that a long time ago.

She was happy: “Huo Xi, you have a rest earlier. It’s been a hard time. The concert is perfect.”

So far, Huo Xi didn’t ask, “fine, good night.”

“Good night!”

Hearing idol saying good night, Sheng Qiao did sleep very well even didn’t make one dream. The next day, she woke up naturally. After washing, she squatted on the toilet and logged into the account of official backup Committee. She was about to start editing today’s good morning blog. All of a sudden, the fans of official Weibo rose by 500000 in one night!

Her efforts to maintain the data of forwarding, commenting and liking before also had a qualitative leap, changed to three digits!

Whether it’s from compassion, curiosity, or just attracted by the beautiful red carpet pictures, being willing to pay attention to the official blog of a star’s backup committee indicates that the other side is no longer anti-fans at least. Even if they transform from a anti-fans to a passer-by, it is enough to make Sheng Qiao happy.

Not for attracting fans, but for the world without anti-fans!josei

Meanwhile, Huo Xi’s Weibo released a termination statement with star shining media, announcing the establishment of his own studio. Fans remember that he forwarded Sheng Qiao’s termination Weibo before. It turned out that he was about to terminate his own contract with star shining media, so they dispelled all previous speculation and forwarded and congratulate their idol for working alone.

After breakfast, Sheng Qiao called Qiao Yu. Yesterday, he reminded her that she had a document to sign today. Sheng Qiao called to confirm with him. After all, star shining media had stopped her schedule for a long time. She also planned to go shopping in the afternoon and buy something for her house.

After calling twice, someone answered. Qiao Yu’s voice was flustered: “I’m sorry, Miss Sheng, I have something to do today. I’ll bring you the prosecution document tomorrow.”

Sheng Qiao asked, “what’s the matter? What happened? “

“My mother is ill, I have to take care of her and I will contact you tomorrow,” said Qiao Yu.

Then he hung up.

Sheng Qiao was stunned for a while. Qiao’s mother’s health has not been very good. The roots of the disease that she had in the early years have appeared when she was old. In addition, her legs are inconvenient to move, so she has been using a wheelchair instead of walking. Qiao Yu’s voice is so flustered. Has something happened to her mother?

Sheng Qiao’s head exploded and her ears were buzzing. She called again to find out which hospital they were in, but he didn’t answer them several times. Sheng Qiao was in a hurry. She didn’t know what to do. She took a taxi to Qiao’s villa.

The door of Qiao’s house was closed and nobody opened it after knocking for a long time.

Sheng Qiao didn’t know what to do, so she just sat in front of the door.

It’s dark. The winter night always comes too soon, accompanied by the cold wind, which makes Sheng Qiao shiver. She goes out in a hurry and doesn’t wear a scarf and gloves. She feels her limbs are freezing.

She rubbed her hands, held them around her mouth, and then covered her ears and rubbed them.

The green track in front of the house ran past a boy in sportswear, ran to the front, stepped on it, and retreated. After a while, he took off his earphones and shouted to the side, “Sheng Qiao, what are you doing here?”

She rubbed her head up. Although the night was too dark to see each other’s face clearly, she recognized him just by his voice and body shape.

“Huo Xi!”

She was a little happy, and suddenly stood up to walk over, but sat for too long, numb limbs, the moment to get up a stagger, toward the front down.

Fortunately, Huo Xi was quick to respond. He stepped over in two or three steps, held her by one hand, rubbed her fingers against the back of her cold hand, and frowned.

Sheng Qiao holds his arm, twists and turns. When she recovers, she apologizes and thanks again. Huo Xi looks at her for a while and asks, “what are you doing sitting in front of someone else’s door when it’s so cold?”

“Wait… wait for someone.”

“You know the family?”

“The lawyer I hired is from this family…” She didn’t want to lie to idol, half covered and perfunctory, and quickly changed the topic: “Huo Xi, are you running at night?”

“Um.” He looked at her for a few eyes, and saw that she was shivering with cold words around her arms. “If someone doesn’t come back, you’re going to freeze to death here?” he said in a low voice.

Sheng Qiao didn’t speak. She smiled happily at him.

It’s so close. Yesterday, he was still the light she couldn’t touch on the stage, today he stood in front of herself, within reach.

She wanted to hold him on tiptoe and tell him that she liked him so much.

No! You can’t! Stop your dangerous thoughts at once! Huo Xi doesn’t like physical contact! Don’t bring discomfort to him! Love is restraint! Restrain yourself!

Then Huo Xi found that the woman in front of him stepped back two steps seriously and patiently.

“… How long are you going to wait here? “

“Wait another two hours.”

He frowned and looked at the sky. For a while, he said quietly, “go to my house and wait. It’s too cold outside.”

What’s more, the security guard of the community will soon start patrolling. You are a popular female artist, and you are currently in a lawsuit, not to mention paying attention to the impact. He thought she became smart. How could she look so stupid?

Sheng Qiao’s eyes lit up in a flash. Last time she went to idol’s house, she just cried, but she didn’t observe the environment. Does she finally get another chance?

She immediately raised her step: “let’s go.” After two steps, she thought of something. She turned to him and asked, “Huo Xi, there is no paparazzi in this community, right? Never be photographed. “

He brushed past: “you can pack yourself a little more tightly.”

Speaking, he saw Sheng Qiao quickly took off her coat and wrap her head layer by layer…

The first thing when she comes in the house is to draw the curtains.

The house turned on the heat, the heat from the bottom of the feet up, the whole person finally warm up. She sat on the sofa and looked around. Her inner deer was about to die.

This is idol’s home. Sure enough, this is the house that the star should live in. It is beautiful, low-key and generous. The layout is exactly the same as that of the Qiao family, but the decoration style is colder, revealing a hint of coldness.

In the past, Qiao was very rational. Idol to fans, that’s the sun shining in the sky. You can absorb his heat for your own warmth and growth, but you can’t dream of approaching the sun.

Keeping a distance between each other well, he will shine as idol, and you will support as a fan. Don’t ask too much, it’s the best and happiest state.

However, now the sun is sitting opposite her, Sheng Qiao feels like she is going to be melted.

Huo Xi took up the remote control and turned on the TV. He didn’t seem to want to talk to her, he invited her into the room to have a rest just because of his kindness. Sheng Qiao once again blew a wave of idol’s kindness in the bottom of her heart, held back her excitement, and turned her eyes to the TV program.

It was a documentary on TV, a monk in plain clothes, trudging through mountains and rivers, leaving his hometown for the western regions to seek the Scriptures. It was broadcast that the monk was found to have been smuggled by the soldiers guarding the pass. Sheng Qiao looked for a while and said to Huo Xi, “the leader of the beacon tower is Xuanzang’s believer. He not only didn’t convict him and repatriate him, but also sent him food and water, told him the way across the border, and asked him to go to the fourth beacon tower. Xuanzang got lost halfway through the journey. Then he met the king of Gaochang, and they became brothers…”

Huo Xi turns his head and stares at her: “no spoiler!”

Sheng Qiao: “Oh.”

After a while, as Sheng Qiao said, Huo Xi suddenly lost interest. After looking at her, he asked, “Have you seen it?”

“Well, I prefer documentaries.”

What she didn’t finish saying was that she liked watching Journey to the West best. Because she liked it, she began to understand the real Xuanzang in history. After reading all the records about Xuanzang in history, she even understood the rise and fall of Buddhism. If you like, she can talk with you about Mahayana and Mahayana for one day.

Huo Xi seemed a little surprised. He picked up his eyebrows and said nothing. He also changed his documentary, the theme of which is “The Silk Road”, and just released a title. Sheng Qiao was very excited: “I also have seen this, and it is talking about …”

Huo Xi raises his hand and turns off the TV.

Sheng Qiao: “…”

What are you doing?

I just want to find a topic to talk with you.

Huo Xi takes out his mobile phone, opens the game, and Sheng Qiao hears the familiar music of glory of kings on the opposite side, and immediately comes to the spirit: “Are we playing together! I am very good at playing A Ke!”

Huo Xi: “…”

The two quickly formed a team on the line.

Sheng Qiao is good at playing all basic professions except tank. Huo Xi is very stubborn to play shooter all the time, but the level is… How to say it is good or bad depends on the strength of the teammates.

Teammates give power, he takes advantage of the development, five kill can take, teammates do not give strength, he is also a mediocre record, can only mix.

Fortunately, Sheng Qiao’s technology is not blowing. Basically, it’s OK to bring two people to win. Huo Xi used to play by himself. Now he has a master flying in front of him. He suddenly thinks that lying down and winning is a good choice.

So he began to row…

Anyway, one Sheng Qiao is equal two. He fights with soldiers and pushes towers. He can also enjoy the grass, water and monsters in Kings Canyon.

Then Huo Xi was scolded by his teammates.

The middle way mage lies on the ground and types after he died: “rubbish shooter ***”.

The words that are blocked behind are not good words. Huo Xi ignores them directly. As a result, he sees Sheng Qiao, who is killing all sides, stop and type and ask, “who is rubbish mage scolding?”

——I scold whom is rubbish.

——Why scold yourself? You are the most rubbish in the scene.

——Ha ha.

——Ha ha about what? Can you speak human language? Can you do human things? Can you be a human?

——You fu*******

——Pupils should learn to type before playing games. Have you finished your homework? Do you want daddy to teach you to write?

Huo Xi:…

In the end, the game lost. Sheng Qiao didn’t come out of the spring in the second half of the game. She yelled at the mage all the way and didn’t say any dirty words. Across the screen, he could feel the mage was yelling with anger.

He looked up at Sheng Qiao.

She picked on the tip of her eyebrows, and he saw the fierce strength of her face. It seemed that she could see his sight. At the moment when she looked up, her eyebrows and eyes were gentle. She wished that a beautiful flower would come out of her smile.

“Play the game, don’t swear,” Huo Xi said.

She quickly nodded, and said with stubborn “but scolding you is forbidden.”

Huo Xi bowed his head and started another game. He decided not to row.

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