Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 202 - Xiao Mei Debuts

Chapter 202 - Xiao Mei Debuts

Chapter 202—Xiao Mei Debuts
Xiao Mei!

A Miao recognized this woman without asking. If Xiao Yue was a trouble to her, then this Xiao Mei filled her with disgust.

Who would stare straight at someone else’s husband?

“Ignore her,” Shen Xinglan obviously had noticed. He lifted A Miao up and walked into the room.

Xiao Mei stared at their backs, while a determined glare flashed in her eyes that announced her confidence.

“What’s your idea about what she might do?” Jiang Quanyu and Xiao Yue, who got off from the car behind, had seen everything. “You know how terrible she is when she goes bananas.”

Xiao Mei smiled and said, “I’m afraid that not only may we fail to get the bronze mirror and jade pendant, but also we might confront Shen Xinglan directly.”

“She doesn’t dare,” Jiang Quanyu frowned and said, “the bronze mirror and jade pendant are something the Xiao family want to get their hands on for three whole generations. Xiao Mei doesn’t dare to do anything, at least not before they haven’t got them.”

He glanced at Xiao Mei and said, “So, this is your chance.”

“You want me to better behave because once Grandpa notices me, she will immediately put her claws on my head.” Xiao Mei taunted and said, “you care so much about other people’s wives; aren’t you afraid of your own wife’s jealousy?”

A Miao and Shen Xinglan had already entered the hall, and people kept coming up to say hello. Jiang Quanyu had no choice but to say, “I will not forget our engagement, and will not put you in danger as well.” Xiao Mei sat down and silently picked up a glass of wine.

Indeed, but the premise of everything was… that the woman you loved was fine.

“Hey, who is that woman?” Xia Haixin stopped the Xia Family’s second child who had just finished toasting.

Xia Hailin smiled with flush and said, “Which woman?”

“As soon as she came in, you hurriedly went up to her with such hospitality. Don’t think that I am blind and can’t see. Who is that woman?” Compared with this second brother, Xia Haixin’s face looked not so good.

His nerves kept jingling, feeling that things were about to go down.

“Oh, that woman!” Xia Hailin said, “Didn’t you see her coming in with Jiang Quanyu? She is the eldest daughter of Xiao’s family, sister of Jiang Quanyu’s wife. ”

After saying that, Xia Hailin pushed Xia Haixin away and went on mingling.

“The Xiaos… ” Xia Haixin muttered, “what brings them to City S?”

“Dad!” Xia rushed over. “Youran said that the rest of the shares has been bought by one person.”

Xia Haixin staggered and almost fell, “What? Isn’t it all in the hands of retail investors?”

“We don’t know what’s going on either,” Bai Youran followed Xia Wan and said, “when I checked, they were indeed retail investors, but when I look at it today, it…”

Bai Youran also felt regretted, wondering who was behind the stunt. Originally, the plan was to secretly buy the rest of the shares back. At that time, he would have some say in the Xia family. But who could have known there should be an obstacle on the road.

“Would it be Shen Xinglan?” Xia Wan looked at the man who was talking with A Miao with his head down, and said without showing his jealousy out, “he publicly sold the stock, but then secretly bought it back.”

“I have no idea, ” Bai Youran shook his head and said, “but that guy has always been sly and sneaky.”

Another person, a woman, suddenly emerged in Xia Haixin’s mind.

“I am very glad that everyone can come to the party today!” The lights suddenly dimmed, leaving only the bright spotlights on the front stage.

Xia Hailin stood on the stage, and raised her glass with a high spirit, “today’s party first is for my return, and second…” he smiled, “is to celebrate the advent of the new era of the Xia family!”

“President Xia!” Out of nowhere came several reporters, and asked at the right time, “does that mean the Xia Group will be taken over by you?”

“Exactly!” When Xia Hailin threw out this word, there was a commotion burst.

Then, a person rushed up to the stage.

“Shut up!” Xia Haixin grabbed Xia Hailin’s collar and said, “What nonsense! Who gives you the right to say these things?”

Xia Hailin pushed him away calmly and said, “Brother, what’s with the hurry? Since I dare to say it, I have my own reasons. “He waving his hand, someone sent a document to him.

“You see, this is the signatures of the board of directors. Everyone unanimously has decided that I will be the new president of the Xia Group.”

“Impossible!” Xia Haixin quickly took the document from him, “why you? The numbers of shares in our hands are the same!”

Xia Hailin adjusted his tie and said, “Brother, you’d better see it clearly before saying anything. Our numbers are the same, but my friend who supports me still has 30% in hand!”

“How could this be? How could…” Xia Haixin trembled.

Xia Wan hurriedly held him and said, “Dad, what happened? Uncle, are you now taking advantage of us with outsiders?”

“Wan, how can you say this?” Xia Hailin posed as her elder, “Even if I myself take over the company, you still have nearly half of the shares. You are still a board member, or if you wanna go to any department, just say it!”

Xia Haixin was furious, “Okay, good! You are truly my good brother. I underestimated you. We’ll just see about that!”

After that, he pushed Xia Wan away and stumbled out.

“Dad!” Xia Wan and Bai Youran hurriedly followed him.

When they reached the door, they saw Xia Mei wearing a sparkling golden dress.

“Hey! Where are you going, Xia Mei?” Xia Mei said with pride and stared at Bai Youran a few seconds.

Bai Youran didn’t expect to run into Xia Mei. For a second, Xia Wan has glanced at him coldly.

“I haven’t seen you for a few years, and almost didn’t recognize you,” Xia Wan said, “you have changed a lot!”

Xia Mei became more complacent. She chested up and said, “Of course, everyone will grow up, but you, my cousin, don’t look so well!”

“Yeah, people have to grow up!” Xia Wan didn’t mind her and said, “I didn’t expect you to become mistress-like. If you didn’t talk to me, I definitely would have thought you were some home-wrecker.”josei

“How dare you!” Xia Mei’s face changed.

Xia Wan pushed her away. “Piss off. I don’t have time for you.”

“Humph!” Xia Mei stamped her feet and sneered at the couple’s back. “I’ll see how long you can laugh.”

Before the banquet was over, Xia Hailin invited Xiao Mei to go on the stage.

“I am very pleased to cooperate with President Xia. On behalf of the overseas Xiaos and the Jiang Family, I hope there are more opportunities to cooperate with people of City S.” She showed off openly her background without hiding her arrogant face.

The reporters popped out again and asked, “Excuse me, Miss Xiao. I heard that your cousin is the wife of President Jiang. Since you are now holding the shares of Xia Group, does it mean that the Jiang and Xia Families will cooperate in the future?”

“Oh, I can’t make decisions for my brother-in-law. You should ask him!”

She changed her words and stated that she couldn’t decide right after the speech that she could speak for the Xiao and Jiang Families. It made A Miao hate this woman even more, and could not help but pinch the man beside her.

“Hungry?” Shen Xinglan was busy giving her soup.

It was not something from the banquet, but the pigeon matsutake soup that Song Baohua cooked and kept within an insulation pail before they came.

“Do you hear what she said?” A Miao felt guilty and found herself a bit cross the line.

Shen Xinglan pushed the bowl to her side and said, “No, what do you care about her for?”

“It’s not because I want to, but she is coming.” A Miao pointed.

Shen Xinglan turned and saw that the woman was already only five steps away. He turned his head back as if he didn’t see her.

“It’s not hot anymore. Drink it now in case it turns cold.”

A Miao picked up the spoon with a twist of her mouth. However, before she tasted it, she heard something.

“Xinglan! Long time no see.”

All the noises around suddenly went down, and then there was whispering. Everyone was waiting to see what would happen next.

“Have a piece of meat.” Shen Xinglan put a piece of pigeon meat in her spoon.

A Miao tried not to laugh. “I don’t want to. It’s tasteless!”

“Just one piece, sweetie. You haven’t had anything this evening.”

The sound of whispering obviously raised.

Xiao Mei’s smile went weaker, yet her politeness still remained. She turned to A Miao, restoring relaxation in her eyes before speaking.

“Hello. I am Xinglan’s classmate!”

A Miao felt that she was not as shameless as Shen Xinglan. She blinked and said, “Miss Xiao, right? Who is this Xinglan you are talking about?”

Poof! Shen I standing behind her almost burst out laughing, and Little Demon shot him a glare.

“You are really good at joking, Miss A Miao. What do you think who is Xinglan?” Xiao Mei’s smile turned cold. She was nothing but a bastard in the Xia family. How dare her to talk like this!

Shen Xinglan wiped A Miao’s mouth and said, “It is too rough here. Let’s go home to have dinner.” He fiercely pushed the chair and stood up.

“Ah!” Too close to him, Xiao Mei didn’t stand still and fell backward.

The people on the spot exploded with gasps. Xiao Mei reached out and wanted to catch Shen Xinglan. But he leaned over to pick up A Miao and left.

“Be careful!” Xiao Mei fell into an embrace.

Xia Fan helped her to stand up, and then immediately let go of her.

“Thank you.” Xiao Mei said with a bad tone and a more annoyed look.

“Miss Xiao.” Xia Fan smiled and said, “I hope that my words will not make you angry. If I were you, I would never do this in public…”

Xiao Mei glanced at him. “What do you mean?”

“It’s not convenient to say here. Let’s go to the lounge!” Xia Fan gestured as a gentleman to let her go first, which made Xiao Mei regained a bit of dignity. She nodded slightly, taking Xia Fan’s arm and left.

Shen Xinglan carefully held A Miao into the car.

“Will she piss off?” A Miao sighed. “Why bother?”

There would always be such people like her, who thought everyone should praise her and put her in the first place, like a sun hanging in the sky. Once people stopped turning around her, they became sinister and unreasonable.

“Disgusting.” Shen Xinglan was sullen, and if he didn’t leave, he would have kicked that woman out.

A Miao asked, “Why disgusting?”

Xiao Mei wore some perfume, and A Miao must admit that the perfume smelt very good…

“Weren’t you sick at hearing her say my name?” Shen Xinglan blinked. “Are you happy when someone calls me Xinglan?”

A Miao immediately changed her attitude and said, “No! I couldn’t wait to put the tablecloth into her mouth!”

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