Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 208 - Lipstick Mark On His Shirt

Chapter 208 - Lipstick Mark On His Shirt

Chapter 208 Lipstick Mark On His Shirt
Le Yi came out of the ward, noticing Shen Xinglan stand at the door.

“Why don’t you go in?”

Shen Xinglan glanced at the ward and asked, “Is he dead?”

“He!” Le Yi rubbed the space between his eyebrows and answered, “He won’t die, but he’s still in a coma.”

“That’s fine, lest we need to tie him up.”

Le Yi shook his head. “All right, at least now we can rest assured. I believe that Ding V will soon find Chi Ling without him in the way.”

“I hope so.” Shen Xinglan turned away. “I am leaving now. I am counting on you here.”

“Lil Xi is coming up. He will look after Ouyang.” Le Yi twisted his neck. “I need to go back to see Ling Lang.”

Shen Xinglan got back into the car, noticing A Miao was still staring at the ultrasound.

“Go home and pack up. We will live outside tomorrow.” Shen Xinglan took her hand and kissed. “We can hide from sunstroke since it’s getting hot.”

After taking a photo of the ultrasound and sending it to someone, she asked Shen Xinglan, “Aren’t you still have many things to deal with? Let Auntie Song and Little Demon go with me.”

“Nothing is more important than you.” Shen Xinglan squeezed her face and frowned unhappily. “You have lost much weight these two days. I have to supervise your eating.”

There were many forest parks in the south of City S. Shen Xinglan selected one that the Shens invested. A Miao happily went reading the introduction of the park after Shen Xinglan told her his choice.

“Be a lamb and stay safe. Le Yi told me that Ouyang had woken up. I am going to visit him,” Shen Xinglan kissed A Miao and said. “I will be back soon.”

A Miao curled her lip. “So soon?”

“If he were still in a coma, you wouldn’t have said that.” Shen Xinglan petted her head. “Don’t go to bed until I get back.”

A Miao was kindhearted. Though she appeared to be dissatisfied with his waking up, deep down she was actually a bit relieved. Otherwise, she would have always felt guilty for his death.

“Shishi, Ouyang has woken up.” A Miao immediately made a video call with He Shishi after Shen Xinglan left. She still wore a bandage on her face, but at least, the covered part had decreased, and A Miao could finally see her eyes.

“I know that he won’t die.” He Shishi leaned against the bed board and started to paint her nails. Women should always be in perfect condition. Heavy was the hand that wore the crown. As long as she did not give up, she would still be a queen.

“Don’t you want him to be safe too?” A Miao yawned.

He Shishi smiled brightly. “Of course I do! Otherwise, who shall watch me torture that stupid Chi Ling.”

“…” A Miao could felt her hatred towards Chi Ling through the screen. “Are you going to kill Chi Ling?”

“You little fool. Death is the easiest punishment for a person. How can I be so kind!”

He Shishi didn’t tell anyone that if it hadn’t been for Chi Ling who had pushed her at that critical time, she wouldn’t have been captured so easily. Ouyang Jin must have known nothing about this as well for Chi Ling was also caught when he arrived.

It was also impossible for Chi Ling to tell Ouyang Jin about the truth.

“Hasn’t he always been saying that the stupid woman is just a bit naive and impulsive, but actually kindhearted and helpful?” He Shishi checked her nail polish and continued. “Then I will let him realize how vicious this goddess in his eyes is…”

Shen Xinglan went to Xiao Mei’s villa instead of the hospital.

“Come to my house tonight if you want to who he is.”

Xiao Mei left this message during the day.josei

Shen Xinglan was punctual for the appointment after careful consideration.

“Boss, we will watch the monitor closely and rush in if anything happens!” Shen I hid the monitor under Shen Xinglan’s collar, looking as if their boss were about to give his life.

Shen II pushed Shen I away and showed the red dots on the screen to Shen Xinglan. “There are only five bodyguards in her villa. We can handle them.”

“Do not rush in until I make signs.” Shen Xinglan got off the car and ordered. “If I can’t, you can do what you think is appropriate.”

When Shen Xinglan left, Shen I scratched his head and asked, “What does Boss mean? What does he mean he can’t?”

“I have told you that you should often use your brain. You are becoming more and more stupid.” Shen II ignored him and said, “Watch the screen.”

Xiao Mei leaned against the recliner. Her long black lace dress looked like a deadly rose. Xiao Mei was mind-blowingly charming under the crystal chandeliers.

“You’ve been late for two minutes!” She sat up straight. Two thin strips landed on her shoulders. The nightgown completely revealed the curves of her voluptuous breasts. Her tiny pink nipples were faintly discernible under the thin lace.

Shen Xinglan sat on the sofa opposite her. “Who was it?”

“What are you talking about?” Xiao Mei chuckled. “Can’t you see me?” She got up and walked toward the wine cabinet as her white thighs were exposed. Shen Xinglan could almost see all her skin while she was pouring wine beside the cabinet.

“Don’t say anything upset!” Xiao Mei poured two cups of wine and said, “You know who I am and I have already used my beauty and body to attract you. I’ll be really angry if you still ignore my feelings.”

Shen Xinglan looked at the woman who was coming to him. He said in an impatient tone, “I only have ten minutes. We have nothing to talk about if you aren’t straight to our topic.”

“You…” Xiao Mei held tightly to the glass of wine and took a deep breath to calm down. “Why not have a drink? I’m used to drinking while discussing.”

She pushed the wine glass to Shen Xinglan and showed her attitude of having a drink before they start.

“Forget it.” Shen Xinglan ignored her and prepared to leave.

Xiao Mei quickly stopped him and asked, “Don’t you really want to know the secret of the bronze mirror and jade pendant? Don’t you want to know the reason why that young man was against you? Don’t you want to know why he investigated your wife?”

Shen Xinglan stopped. The reason he came here was mainly about A Miao. He certainly wanted to find out why photos of A Miao appeared in the institution. As for the young shooter, he was not so eager to know now.

“I can check it by myself.” Shen Xinglan looked at her coldly. “I used to think that Miss Xiao won’t use such kind of dirty ways to cheat me. It seems that I have overestimated you.”

Xiao Mei couldn’t stand him anymore and spluttered. “Why am I always inferior to her in your eyes? I am better than her both in appearance and figure. If you are with me, you will also get support from the Xiao family. What’s wrong with you to choose her over me?”

“It seems that Miss Xiao won’t tell me who it was.” Shen Xinglan looked down at his watch without listening to her. “If you do not want to tell me the truth, this is the first time and the last time you shall appear before me.”

Shen Xinglan disregarded Xiao Mei’s face and continued. “Also, stop challenging my patience. I would kill you if you continue to hurt A Miao.”

“Shen Xinglan!” Xiao Mei suddenly pounced and hugged him tightly. “I won’t let you leave! If you stay here tonight, I am going to tell you the secret of the bronze mirror and jade pendant! I will tell you everything!”

Shen Xinglan pushed away Xiao Mei and said in a cold tone, “You made me sick. Do not touch me.”

“You will regret it!” Xiao Mei awkwardly stood up.

Shen Xinglan had already reached the gate and turned around the moment he opened the door. “I have already regretted visiting you for your silly words.”

He fiercely closed the door and left. Xiao Mei chased him out and leaned against the door frame, wearing a strange smile.

“Boss!” Shen I opened the car door and asked, “Are you all right?”

He could even feel Xiao Mei’s attractive body through the screen, let alone she had hugged Shen Xinglan.

“Throw it away,” Shen Xinglan took off the coat and said with a disgusted voice. “Drive now.”

A Miao had just had morning sickness and gasped when he got home.

“Puke again?” Shen Xinglan tenderly held A Miao into his arms.

A Miao was about to creep on him habitually but suddenly pushed him away and asked, “What is this smell of you?”

“What?” Shen Xinglan lowered his head and smelled. “Why can’t I smell it?”

A Miao waved and said, “Maybe it’s the taste of the hospital. You’d better have a shower first. I am going to throw out if you touch me again.”

“All right. Have a good rest. I will take a shower now.”

Shen Xinglan undressed and entered the bathroom. A Miao got out of the bed to put his clothes into the laundry basket that the housekeeper would send to dry cleaners the next day. But when she picked up his shirt, she noticed a light red mark on the collar.

“Impossible…” She stepped back and sat on the bed. Then she opened the top light in a furry and carefully observed the shirt.

A lipstick mark!

Shen Xinglan came out while drying his hair and noticed A Miao had fallen asleep. He quietly got under the blanket and was satisfied to see A Miao’s head leaning on his chest.

“Good night, my honey!” He lowered his head and kissed her cheek, closing his eyes.

A Miao bit her lips in the dark. She was eager to ask him about the mark but she couldn’t. There was also a voice in her mind, comforting her that it must be a misunderstanding.

A Miao did not know when she finally fell asleep with all the doubts. It was already another day when she opened her eyes.

“Are you awake?” Shen Xinglan picked up the clothing and helped her dress. “It’s already noon. Let’s have something before we set out.”

A Miao did not say a word but stared at him straightly. Shen Xinglan touched her head gently. “Haven’t slept enough yet? You can keep on sleeping in the car, or we can’t leave today.”

While A Miao was washing her face and brushing her teeth, Shen Xinglan took the suitcase outside the room to Little Demon and let him bring it downstairs. Then he held A Miao’s hand down the stairs.

“I’m full.” A Miao pushed the bowl away with only a few sips of the porridge.

Shen Xinglan frowned. “You ate nothing. Are you okay?”

When she saw A Miao nodded, Song Baohua said quickly, “It doesn’t matter. I will put it in the thermos. You can have it on the way.”

“Thank you for taking all the trouble,” Shen Xinglan thought for a while and said. “Also put in some snacks please.”

A Miao leaned against the car with her eyes closed. She didn’t want to vomit. She had already forgotten the morning sickness for the lipstick mark was all over her mind. She still hesitated to ask Shen Xinglan about that mark.

In the villa, Xiao Mei put on her pajamas and walked to the mirror. She looked at the red and purple hickeys on her skin and smiled. Then she raised her hand and touched the red ones on her neck.

“Shen Xinglan! I am going to see how much trust that woman has in you!”

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