Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 216 - The Luxury Game

Chapter 216 - The Luxury Game

Chapter 216 The Luxury Game
The breakfast was rich and delicious. The soup was also added with a little pepper that A Miao liked. Obviously, someone had already known her very well.

“If Miss A Miao is full, we can sit on the terrace. I heard that it is good for pregnant women to have more contact with nature.” Before A Miao responded him, Yu Sihan had gotten up and gone out to the wooden terrace.

“You don’t have to be afraid. Young Master has a good temper and usually won’t get angry.” Song Baohua helped her stand up.

A Miao pursed her lips, followed Song Baohua to the outside, and slowly sat down on the cane sofa with a thick snow-white cushion. She looked at the boy opposite.

“Let’s play a game after a meal!” As soon as Yu Sihan waved his hand, one of the long-awaited servants came out with a box in her hand.

A Miao looked at these poker-faced people wearing maidservants’ clothes. Standing at the front was a middle-aged man, who was probably the housekeeper. Seeing A Miao looking at him, he also nodded at A Miao.

“What is this?” A Miao turned her eyes to the table.

In the open box, there were eight lattices, each of which seemed to have… pokers?

“Everyone randomly draws a card, and whoever has a big number can ask the other a question.” Yu Sihan smiled like an innocent child. “How about that? As for Miss A Miao, it’s a good chance!”

A Miao nodded and said, “OK.”

She had no other way now, except to protect herself, and she could only learn more about Yu Sihan. She believed that Shen Xinglan must be trying to find her. Before he came, she should protect herself and the baby in her stomach.

“Lady first!” Yu Sihan made a gesture of invitation.

Without hesitation, A Miao took a card from the nearest lattice, then turned it over, and found it was 10 hearts. But the key point was that the 10 hearts on the card and the material of Arabic numeral 10 were sparkling like rubies.

“It seems that you are not lucky. I won!” Yu Sihan showed his card.

A Miao looked at it and frowned. “You have 5 hearts while I have 10 hearts. I should have won.”

“Ha, ha…” The little boy smiled with special purity. “Miss A Miao has made a mistake about the rules. Whoever has the card that can be exchanged for more money will be the winner.”

“… What do you mean?” A Miao didn’t understand completely.

Yu Sihan raised his card. “Can Miss A Miao find any difference between our cards?”

“Your card is white.” A Miao couldn’t help closing her eyes. Without knowing the material of her 10 hearts, she also didn’t know what material his sparkling 5 hearts were.

“Because my card’s face is made of diamonds and yours is ruby.” Yu Sihan looked at her innocently with his head tilted. “Diamond and ruby, which one is valuable?”

A Miao looked at the cards in dismay and thought crazily that the man was ill. “Are you sick? Who can make this kind of poker just for playing games?” This had been beyond her opinion about values, and even Shen Xinglan was not so luxurious. “Sure enough… Compared with the child in front of me, my man is a normal person.”

“Do you love Shen Xinglan very much?” Yu Sihan suddenly asked her.

“Huh?” A Miao did not react at once.

“I won. That’s my first question.”

“Yes.” A Miao said immediately.

Yu Sihan picked the corner of his mouth and said, “Come on, and you still draw first!”

A Miao got a blue one this time.

“Sapphire.” She twitched at the corners of her mouth, and she had not been used to such an extravagant way of playing.

Yu Sihan got the pink crystal and said, “Ah! I lost!”

It seemed that he was happy to lose…

“Okay, you ask!”

A Miao, “…”

“Is bronze mirror jade pendant the key to treasure or the map?”

Yu Sihan looked at her unexpectedly and then smiled. “You are worthy of Shen Xinglan’s woman, and you are very smart! Two answers can be ruled out at once.”

“It’s common.” A Miao was not afraid at this time, probably knowing that he would not do anything to her.

“The bronze mirror jade pendant is both the key and the map,” Yu Sihan said frankly, “next round.”

A Miao immediately drew another one. “I should win.” She turned the card over and it was diamond.

“You win.” Yu Sihan got a ruby this time.

“Do I have something to do with the bronze mirror jade pendant?”

Yu Sihan looked at her and said, “You are part of the key, too.”

“Why?” A Miao blurted out and saw Yu Sihan pick up his eyebrows and say, “This is the next question.”

A Miao was impatient and immediately reached for the card.

“You lost.” Yu Sihan turned over his card.

His card was sapphire and A Miao’s was crystal.

“Which will Shen Xinglan choose, you or the treasure?”


Yu Sihan smiled. “What if it is not ordinary treasures?”

“This is the second question.” A Miao also picked her eyebrows.

“Ha, ha…” When Yu Sihan shook his head and was about to continue, a man in a black suit came and whispered something in his ear.

Yu Sihan nodded. “Show Miss A Miao around in case she is depressed.”

After that, he stood up and left without waiting for A Miao’s reaction.

“A Miao, let’s go!” Song Baohua helped her up and said, “Look, I said Young Master has a good temper!”

A Miao ignored her, shook off her arms, and walked alone toward the beach.

“What are you doing?” Song Baohua quickly caught up.

“Are you afraid of my suicide?” A Miao sneered. “Don’t worry, and I won’t die even if you die.”

Song Baohua smiled with embarrassment. “I know you still blame me, but you are clear how I treated you these years!”

“Since you treated me well, you could betray me and tie me up to someone else?” A Miao stood by the sea, and the water was lapping her on the back of her feet, cooling down her skin to her scalp.

She shivered and said, “It’s hard to bear humiliation and sufferings for you for more than a decade, just for sending me here.”

“Anyway, I used to take care of you and was whole-hearted to you,” Song Baohua looked at her and said, “it’s our Milord’s order before his death to bring you to see Young Master. As long as you cooperate well, Young Master won’t embarrass you after the success of the affair.”

A Miao covered her ears. “I don’t want to listen. Leave me alone.”

“Well…” Song Baohua quietly retreated, but still did not leave, looking at her from afar.

Shen family.

“Is there any news?” Le Yi stepped in followed by Lil Xi and Ouyang.

Shen Xinglan stood in front of the window, staring out of the window with somber eyes.

“He’s been like this all day.” Shen I whispered. “Stay still and don’t talk to us.”

Le Yi took a glance at Ouyang and went behind Shen Xinglan. “Shen, a piece of good news and a piece of bad news, which one do you want to hear first?”

“The bad one.” Shen Xinglan slowly turned his head and stared at two people.josei

Ouyang’s face was still somewhat pale and he hadn’t recovered from his serious injury. He pointed to the living room and said, “Can we sit down and talk? You’re not tired, but I am!”

“Get something to eat.” Shen II poked Little Demon, who quickly slipped into the kitchen.

Shen Xinglan sat down and said, “Say it.”

“The bad news is the Yu family is very difficult to deal with.” Ouyang Jin called home. When the older generation heard that he inquired about the Yu family, they immediately stopped him and asked him to quickly go back and stay out of this mess.

“That is to say, if we gather the power of the whole Killer Island, I’m afraid… We can’t hurt the Yu family either.”

Shen Xinglan rolled his eyes and asked with a somber face, “What on earth is the background of Yu family?”

“I don’t know.” Ouyang Jin shook his head. “In a word, it’s hard to deal with.”

Le Yi said before Shen Xinglan spoke, “Don’t try to do anything. We’ll go there with you with enough people from the island. If we really can’t survive to come back, I will let Ling Lang find a way of living for the rest of people.”

“I must follow you!” cried Lil Xi, who kept silent. “I want to rescue A Miao”

Ding V raised his claw.

“I will go too.” Wei Meng said with a sullen face.

Ling Lang sat beside her with stomach outstretched. “What are you going to do?”

“I want to meet that person named Yu…”

The atmosphere suddenly became solemn, and it was Ling Lang who broke the silence first. “What about the good news?”

Lil Xi clapped his head and said, “Yes, yes, yes! Look at this.”

He turned on the computer to display the satellite map.

“Here, I found that the red dot disappeared every 72 hours.”

Shen Xinglan stared at the red dot, frowned and asked, “How long did the red dot disappear?”

“Five minutes.”

Ouyang Jin said, “Enough!”

Five minutes were enough for them to board the island.

“What is this place?” Ling Lang questioned. “What if it was not suitable for landing at all?”

Lil Xi enlarged the map. “Judging from the location of the buildings on the island, it should be a back door or something. I guess it is used to handle garbage or transport something.”

“This is good news!” Le Yi patted Shen Xinglan on the shoulder. “You have to eat something quickly, and then we will begin to deploy. We can start off when we are ready!”

The housemaid put the dishes on the table. Maybe because they finally found a breakthrough, everyone had some appetite.

“Ouyang, you can’t follow us.” Shen Xinglan thought of something. “Your injury…”

“I’m fine!” Ouyang Jin patted himself on the chest. “I can’t charge, but it’s okay to act as a lookout.”

Wei Meng looked at him expressionlessly. “Where is Shishi?”

“…” Ouyang’s expression changed. “Don’t you keep in touch in private?”

“We had no contact yesterday,” Wei Meng said straightforwardly, “that’s why I asked you.”

Ouyang pursed his lips. “I think she should be back soon.”

He was right. He Shishi came back three days later.

“It is so unfortunate for A Miao to make friends with you! How come every time something happened to her, and no one killed you?”

He Shishi, wearing ten-inch high-heeled shoes, stood with her arms akimbo in the living room of Shen Xinglan’s house, pointing to a row of men in front of her. If her eyes could kill people, Shen Xinglan and the other guys had died hundreds of times.

“Birds of a feather flock together, and like attracts like! None is good.” She was too tired to curse and sat down on the sofa to rest.

Wei Meng seldom tenderly handed her a cup of tea and touched her face by the way.

“It’s so beautiful, and I can’t see any scar here.”

He Shishi’s left face was tattooed with a rose, just covering the scar.

“Nonsense! It is charged by centimeter, and it is several thousand dollars per centimeter!”

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