Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 229 - Just Leave!

Chapter 229 - Just Leave!

Chapter 229 Just Leave!
Chief A Ka found her grandmother’s notes and relics, studying the solution day and night, and finally discovered something important on the third day.

“Look here.”

In the morning, A Ka asked Shen Xinglan and the others to come here and showed them one of her grandmother’s notes.

The note was written on old, yellowed paper and the crooked characters were not Chinese.

“It says that my grandma fell in love with a man outside and had a sexual relationship with him. However, the man went out and never came back.”

Chief A Ka sighed and said, “No wonder my mother forbade us to see my grandmother’s relics. It was in order to cover up her infidelity.”

“Is there anything else?” Shen Xinglan asked, not interested in that issue.

Putting aside her emotions, Chief A Ka turned over a few pages and said, “Before he left, my grandmother sent him a pair of well-fed vermin, which she got by accident, as a token of love.”

“When did that happen?” Wei Meng added, “Didn’t your grandmother cultivate the pair of vermin?”

“It happened 80 years ago,” A Ka answered after thinking for a while. “According to the note, my grandma didn’t cultivate them.”

A Miao and Shen Xinglan exchanged a look, then asked, “Was that man Yu Sihan’s grandfather?”

“Probably,” Shen Xinglan said. “Aside from all this, have you found the solution?”

A Ka turned over the note to the end and said, “Yes, we have several ways. According to your wife’s condition, we can force out the vermin by using medicine.”

“By taking medicine?” Shen Xinglan asked, frowning.

“No, a medicated bath.” Chief A Ka hesitated, and then answered, “But I can’t guarantee it will be 100% harmless to the fetus.”

A Miao asked in shock, “What do you mean?”

“I am not sure,” Chief A Ka said with an apology in her eyes. “Maybe it is harmless. At least the raw medicine is totally harmless to you and your baby.”

Noticing that A Miao was frightened, Shen Xinglan lifted his hands to her shoulders and said, “Let’s go out to think it over.”

“Wait a minute…” Chief A Ka said.

Shen Xinglan turned around and frowned at her hesitation to speak out.

“You can speak freely.”

A Ka made up her mind and said, “I have one more requirement.”

“Just say it,” Shen Xinglan said without any facial expression or surprised emotion.

A Ka raised her arms, pointed at Ouyang Jin, and said, “I… I ask for him to marry my daughter.”

“…” No one understood what had happened before.

Xu Shiguang thought he must have misheard because he had become familiar with them during these days, especially with Ouyang Jin, who was good-looking and had a better temper than Shen Xinglan.

“Chief A Ka… what did you say just now?” he asked, “Who will marry you daughter?”

“Ouyang Jin,” A Ka said with determination, “Otherwise I won’t help you.”

A Miao responded first. “No!” She could not agree to such a requirement. Ouyang Jin was not a thing that should be exchanged.

“I have a good daughter,” A Ka said hurriedly. “As long as you are willing to marry my daughter, you can stay here, do anything you like, and even inherit my status.”

Xu Shiguang was displeased and said, “There is no benefit in staying here. What’s more, your daughter died of disease. When did you have another daughter?”

“She’s my god-daughter,” A Ka said, with an expression that showed she really cared for her daughter.

However, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.

“Chief A Ka, I can’t give in to your demand.” A Miao refused again. A Ka became more urgent and said, “Believe me, he won’t regret marrying my daughter!”

Ouyang Jin said to A Miao, “Let me handle it.”

“Chief A Ka,” he smiled and said, “is this your demand or your daughter’s demand?”

A Ka answered quickly, “It is my daughter’s demand.”

“May I ask the reason?” Ouyang Jin tilted his head and said, “I’ve never met her before. Why does she want to marry me?”

“You have met her before,” A Ka answered, bearing Chi Ling’s suggestion in mind. “But I can’t tell everything. You will be surprised at that time.”

Chi Ling said she wanted to give Ouyang Jin a surprise. At the time of the wedding, Ouyang Jin would be willing to marry her once she appeared.

“Give us some time.” Ouyang Jin nodded to Shen Xinglan. After leaving A Ka’s home, they went toward a big tree outside.

Xu Shiguang shouted first, “What did she mean? She can’t do that! What if her daughter is very ugly?”

“I can’t agree,” A Miao looked at Ouyang Jin and said. “Although you did something wrong to He Shishi, you can’t sacrifice yourself to help me.”

Then she looked at Shen Xinglan who nodded and said, “We have other ways. There is no need to meet her demand.”

“Guys, don’t be silly.” Ouyang Jin smiled and said, “If I want to leave, nobody can stop me.”

Wei Meng, who had kept silent for a while, nodded and said, “You rascal! You want to cheat them.”

Ouyang Jin planned to consent to the marriage and leave after the vermin in A Miao’s body had been killed. He did not mind the wedding at all and could leave even after he had sexual relations with A Ka’s daughter.

“Thank you for your compliment,” Ouyang Jin said with a smirk.

Xu Shiguang patted his thigh, and said, “That’s right. It was A Ka who made unfair demands. What’s more, we will also help her build bridges and dams. That’s enough.”

“Will that work?” A Miao said with worry.

Shen Xinglan stroked her hair and said, “If Ouyang Jin wants to leave, no one can stop him.”

“I have no problem with it.” Ouyang Jin said with confidence, “But I’m worried about A Miao. You should ask Le Yi if the medicine is harmless to A Miao and the baby.”

Shen Xinglan went out of the stockaded village to make a phone call to Le Yi, who answered after a while.

“The fetus is now less than seven months old. If you decided to give birth now, the survival rate would only be 30%.”

“Can we kill the vermin after the full term?” Shen Xinglan asked.

Le Yi sighed, then said, “It can’t be guaranteed that the vermin would not harm the fetus before she gave birth.”

Both methods were risky.

“Send me the name of her raw medicine,” Le Yi finally suggested. “I will ask some professionals. If the medicine is harmless, we had better settle it now.”

There would be more risks if they were to wait longer. They should take action now to prevent irreversible results.

“Got it.” Shen Xinglan had the same idea.

After returning to A Ka’s home, Shen Xinglan told A Miao his decision.

“I’ll listen to you.” A Miao looked at him seriously and said, “No matter what will happen to the baby, we won’t abandon our own child.”

Shen Xinglan gave her hug, kissed her hair, and said, “Don’t think too much. You and our daughter will be safe.”

Chief A Ka was very happy to hear their response.

“We will hold the wedding tonight!” she said happily and then invited several young men to help her. They communicated in their local language. Before leaving, these young men smiled at Ouyang Jin.

Maybe they were congratulating him on being the groom.

“I need to prepare something now. We will start to eliminate the vermin after the wedding,” A Ka said. She was in a hurry to tell Chi Ling the good news, so she let Shen Xinglan and A Miao go back first.

“Do not eat or drink from now on.”

Ouyang Jin also wanted to leave with them. However, the two young men at the door who had just smiled at him went to take him away.

“I guess they are going to dress you up,” Xu Shiguang said, but he still followed Ouyang Jin out of worry.

Wei Meng stood still for a while, then chose to follow them as well.

After returning to the bamboo cottage, A Miao walked around restlessly out of worry and anxiety. Although she said she did not need to sleep, she fell asleep quickly after Shen Xinglan put her in bed. After dark, Shen Xinglan woke her up.

Shen Xinglan opened the door of the bamboo cottage and said, “The wedding is about to begin.”

A Miao saw that red lanterns had been hung up in the whole village, and she heard some musical instruments being played from afar.

“Come on!” She tidied up her clothes and said, “Let’s go.”

All of the villagers crowded in the front of Chief A Ka’s home, singing and dancing around the fire. Some people nearby were roasting pork.

“Here!” Ding V waved to them.

After walking into the bamboo cottage on the right side of Chief A Ka’s house, they saw Ouyang Jin in a red folk costume, drinking among the people, with a funny pheasant’s feather on his head.

“Everybody is here!” Xu Shiguang shouted. A Ka came out holding a well-dressed girl.

A Miao whispered to Shen Xinglan, “She looks beautiful. Unfortunately…”

This girl could have married a good guy, but now she would be abandoned in the end.

However, Shen Xinglan, A Miao, and the others were shocked when they saw the bride’s face.

“Chi… Chi Ling?” A Miao asked with rising anger, “Why you are here?”

Ouyang Jin calmed down as if the girl in front of him was a stranger.

“A Miao…” Chi Ling walked toward them and said in a low voice, “Hold your tongue if you want to eliminate the vermin.” Then she raised her head and said to Shen Xinglan, “I believe Mr. Shen also know how to act.”josei

“How dare you!” A Miao said and wanted to slap her face.

“Go ahead,” Ouyang Jin said suddenly.

A Miao stared at him in shock. Ouyang Jin patted her shoulder and mouthed: “Don’t worry. I know how to act.”

According to the customs in the stockaded village, this couple should worship the ancestors first, then parents, and finally all the people in the village, followed by singing, dancing, and drinking around the fire.

“You two, follow me!” Chief A Ka said to Shen Xinglan and A Miao, “Let’s go to the back to eliminate the vermin.”

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