Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 233 - The Siblings Found that They Were Caught in a Trap of Their

Chapter 233 - The Siblings Found that They Were Caught in a Trap of Their

Chapter 233 The Siblings Found that They Were Caught in a Trap of Their Own Making
Xia Mei looked at him incredulously. “What do you mean?”

“That means if you don’t obey, you’re out of here!” Xia Fan lit another cigarette, which he needed to suppress his inner unrest and excitement.

Fifty million was enough to get him back on his feet, and if Shen Xinglan gave him that money, he could get rid of his present life.

“Mom, look at my brother!” Xia Mei complained to Qi Yahong, who was sitting nearby.

Qi Yahong’s eyes were red and swollen as if she were ten years old. Tears came down again when she heard Xia Mei’s words.

“Xiao Fan, if you can get the money, see if you can get your father out, or you can at least shorten his sentence for a few years.”

Xia Fan took a long drag on his cigarette. “Mom, forget about it. My father and uncle have already spent a lot of money. Otherwise, they will not be sentenced for just five years. No matter how much more money you spend, it will be useless. You can either go abroad with me or stay here.”

Seeing Qi Yahong looking at him, he pursed his lips. “Rest assured. I will transfer the living expenses to your account, and you can also visit my father from time to time.”

“You want to abandon us?” Xia Mei screamed.

Xia Fan stared at her. “Didn’t I say that? As long as you don’t toil and obey, I’ll take you abroad.”

“Then I’ll stay!” Qi Yahong thought, “You don’t have to give me any money, I still have some here. It will cost a lot of money for you to start a company.”

“Mom, you’re so good to understand me!” Xia Fan held Qi Yahong’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, when my dad gets out of prison, my company will be on track. By then, we will be back to City S and let the Xia family set sail again!”

Everything was in Xia Fan’s plan. He seemed to have seen how excellent he would be in the future. But the third day was almost over, and his mobile phone did not receive any reminder of payment.

“Brother! They certainly don’t want to pay for it.” Xia Mei said in a panic, “What shall we do? What should I do?

Xia Fan snorted coldly, “Then sell it to those who need it.”


A Miao was grabbing Shen Xinglan to play a psychological test game when she saw Shen I walk in with a strange expression.

“What’s wrong?”

“Xia Fan…” Shen I stammered.

A Miao, “Did he put the video online?!”

“No.” Shen I drew his lips. “He… he sold the video to Jiang Quanyu.”

Shen Xinglan’s face turned black. Before A Miao said any word after an exclamation, her cell phone rang.

“Jiang Hua…” She glanced at Shen Xinglan, and the latter snorted coldly.

A Miao spat out her tongue and pressed the answer button.

“A Miao!” Jiang Hua’s voice came over the phone. “Do you know…”

“I know.” A Miao interrupted. “It’s not me in the video. We’ve got a way to deal with it.”

Jiang Hua was not surprised at all. “Well, I guess so…”

Xia Fan came to his office to look for him. He showed him the video and asked him for 20 million yuan. Jiang Hua was all on the video at that time, so he gave him money without hesitation. But when Xia Fan left, he calmed down gradually and felt there was something wrong, so he hurried to call A Miao.

“That’s good. There must be a backup copy in Xia Fan’s hand.” Jiang Hua still could not help asking, “Is there anything I can do?”

A Miao smiled and said, “No, thank you! But your money…”

“Hehe! Rest assured.” Jiang Hua heard her laugh and felt relieved. “I will make him pay.”

When she hung up the phone, she heard Shen Xinglan sneering there.

“Only a fool can do such a thing.”

At the same time, Xia Fan thought the same way.

“What’s good about that ba*tard!” Xia Mei had jealousy all on her face. “That Jiang Quanyu is also a fool, spending money on other’s wife, idiot!”

“You think he’s a real fool?”

Xia Fan scoffed, “It’s just that he wants to take this chance to say a few words to A Miao.”

“20 million for a few words with her?” Xia Mei was even more jealous, “Hmm!” “Insane.”

Xia Fan was too lazy to explain to her. As a man, he understood Jiang Quanyu more or less. Perhaps doing so would make him feel closer to A Miao and it was the only way to prove that there was a connection between their worlds…

“Go!” Xia Fan handed Xia Mei a flash. “Send it to the forum you often visit.”

“Video?” Xia Mei accepted without knowing why. “Didn’t we get the money?”

Xia Fan poked her head and said, “Is there only water in your head? Did Shen Xinglan give that money? Since he doesn’t give us the money, then he should be ready to pay the price!”

Then, on a weekend morning, a section of hot video made everyone excited. Only the headline alone attracted millions of netizens.

“The wife of the president of Shen Group had sex with her cousin at a hotel. The whole video in HD!”

“Bang!” Shen Xinglan kicked the chair to pieces.

“Oh, don’t be angry!” A Miao took his arm calmly and comforted him. “We knew he would send it out! There’s nothing strange about that he would write it this way.”

Seeing him still had a gloomy face, A Miao had to come up and kiss him. “You know it’s not me in that video, so don’t be angry!”

“Let’s go to have breakfast.” Shen Xinglan kissed her in return while trying to suppress the impulse to crush Xia Fan into ten thousand pieces.

A Miao asked while walking, “When shall we let that woman come forward?”

“Wait for a while!”

The video’s impact was substantial, and it went to the headline on the very day. A lot of journalists surrounded the doorway of Shen Xinglan’s home. They had a sense of propriety, so they dared not to rush up. They just waited for anyone to go out. Then, they would rush up to him immediately.

Xia Fan didn’t have such a good time. The journalists knocked on the door and requested an interview directly. He coped with a few words and got impatient. Seeing Xia Mei flaunting herself in front of the camera, he let her deal with them.

“Well, we are victims too. We don’t know who shot the video.”

Journalist, “Does Miss Xia know the reason? Why would Mrs. Shen have a date with Mr. Xia?

“It’s all in the past. Wouldn’t it be bad for me to say it now?” Pretending to twist her waist, Xia Mei then exclaimed and said, “But A Miao has been very brave all the time! I admire her courage so much for drugging my brother in order to get the family property.”

The Journalist, “What? Was it Mrs. Shen who cheated Mr. Xia?”

“Yes, it’s scary, isn’t it?” Xia Mei covered her mouth pretentiously. “My grandpa expelled her out at that time. However, no one knows why Director Shen fell in love with her. And now, she is even going to have a baby. Alas… I feel it not worthwhile for Mr. Shen!”

The journalist, “…”

When A Miao saw this on TV, she wanted to spit at Xia Mei.

“How could a person be so shameless?” A Miao thought.

“Don’t be angry, they’ll eat their own bitter fruit in a minute.” Shen Xinglan touched her hair on her head.

This thing provoked much discussion among people. In the end, people didn’t even know who exactly the father of the child in A Miao’s stomach was. A talk show with high-ratings suddenly conducted a survey about nearby girls. And one of them even said something in the interview that surprised everyone.

“Didn’t you know that I am the heroine in the video?” Her words roused an uproar.

Then there suddenly emerged a lot of quite talented people on the internet. They restored and magnified the image of the woman in the video through technology. Anyone with eyes could see that woman looked totally different from A Miao.

Immediately after that, a journalist went to interview the nearby girl.

“I don’t know! But I can tell from Mr. Xia’s performance that he is really a strong one in bed,” said the nearby girl with her chest up. She laughed. “But I suspect that he used aphrodisiac. Haha!”

“You asked me why I made the video. But how should I know? Rich people have weird habits, and some guys like to be watched when having sex!”

The journalist, “…”

“Boss, Jiang Quanyu made his move.”

Shen Xinglan raised his eyebrows and said, “What did he do?”

“He locked Xia Fan up with a couple of men.” Shen Yi’s smile was a little lewd. “These people are all bodybuilding coaches, and they were drugged.”

“What about Xia Mei?” When Shen Xinglan remembered what the woman had said to the journalist, a streak of coldness flashed across his eyes.

Shen I shook his head and said, “She is hiding at home and dares not to come out these days.”

“Get her out.” Shen Xinglan lifted his lips and said with a cruel smile, “Wait till Xia Fan’s over there, and then send her in.”

When Xia Mei woke up from the pain, she found herself pressed by several men. She wanted to scream in horror, but her mouth was gagged. At the same time, she smelled a fishy and stinky smell.

“Wwww…” From her face, tears fell down on the floor. Time passed. Xia Mei didn’t know how long it had taken that she almost felt that she was going to die.

The door was kicked open with a bang.

“Brother…” She made a fragmented sound.

But it seemed that Xia Fan could not see or hear. He cut the dagger in his hands down. Four or five men in the room were cut before they could react. Someone stood up in a hurry to resist, but he chopped at the person’s head, not knowing where Xia Fan got such great strength.

Seeing all the red blood, Xia Mei looked at Xia Fan alarmedly, who now was walking toward her with blood all over him, and he raised the dagger.

“Ah!” She screamed, and Xia Fan slashed straight in her face.

“Bang!” Almost at the same time, there came a gunshot, and then the police rushed in.josei

In the end, things Xia Mei saw was Xia Fan’s figure, slowly falling to the ground and his protruding red eyes…

“Boss, he’s dead.” Shen I walked into the dining room. He whispered to him after casting a glance at A Miao.

A Miao did not hear clearly. “What did you say?”

“Xia Fan is dead.” Shen Xinglan gave her a piece of fish. “How did he die?”

In their ways of torturing, death was the best way out. The torture to Xia Fan had just begun, and Shen Xinglan would not let him die quickly.

“It was Jiang Quanyu…” Shen Yi glanced at A Miao again and said, “The drug he gave Xia Fan will make people lose their nature and have a violent temper.”

“He is unable to accomplish anything, but liable to spoil.” Shen Xinglan gave a cold hum.

A Miao ignored his little thoughts and asked, “What about Xia Mei?”

“Xia Fan chopped at her once. She is now in hospital.”

The hospital.

“You’re awake.”

As soon as Xia Mei opened her eyes, she saw Xia Wan sitting beside her bed.

“You’re lucky. The doctor said the cut wasn’t serious. He just hurt your nose.”

“My… Where’s my brother?” Xia Mei felt a burning pain on her face. She took a breath and asked. She wanted to ask Xia Fan why he chopped at her and why he did it.

Xia Wan saw the hatred in her eyes and said with some amusement, “You don’t need to hate him. Xia Fan is dead. The police killed him.”

“Dead… dead…” Xia Mei murmured. Suddenly, she became agitated. “How would he die? How could he die? What about me and mom if he is dead? No! You must have lied to me. I want to see my brother. I must see him!”

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