Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 240 - Yaya Has a Fever

Chapter 240 - Yaya Has a Fever

Chapter 240 Yaya Has a Fever
Shen Xinglan booked an extremely large villa. With an excellent geographic position, it was located precisely on the edge of the reserve area, from which they could see the zebras and giraffes through the window.

“Ya! Yiya!” Chu Bai and Yaya sat on the carpet and stretched their hands toward those animals.

A Miao was busy packing things. She turned back and wanted to ask Wei Meng to look after the two little guys, but to find nobody here.

“There!” Ling Lang made a signal with her lips.

Following Lin Lang’s gaze, A Miao rolled her eyes. Wei Meng had gotten in the SUV parked outside, and Ding Wu was starting the car…

“Where are they going?” A Miao found the little black leopard also missing.

“They are going to broaden the horizons of the little black leopard.” Ling Lang shrugged her shoulders. “Don’t count on her. You have to get rest, too. Have a rest for two hours, then you can continue to pack up.”

A Miao waved her hands. “I have to write out the menu first, and go out to buy something. There are only three days left before New Year’s Eve. We have to decorate the room at least!”

“…” As for Ling Lang, she did not know how to do all of this.

“Then I will look after the kids.”

She had to find something to do, didn’t she?

Shen Xinglan and Le Yi came back from outside.

“Is it Ding V that drove the SUV away?” With this, Le Yi found that there were two fewer people, so he understood.

“Ah, ah! Ba, ba, ba!” Chu Bai, who was only around five months old, was probably beginning to speak. But he only said to Shen Xinglan, “Ba, ba.”

Le Yi picked up his son with a solemn face. “Say dad!”

“Ya, ya!”


“Ya, ya, ya!”

Ling Lang took her son back. “He doesn’t know how to say dad. Why are you in such a hurry?”

“That’s true, Yaya cannot say ‘ba, ba’!” A Miao wiped Yaya’a saliva away. “Only one month younger than Chu Bai, but Yaya seems much sillier than him.”

Shen Xinglan glanced at her grumpily. “Obviously, it’s he who looks sillier.”

“Yi, ya, ya, ya! Ba, ba!” Chu Bai opened his two big eyes to stare at Shen Xinglan, who just poked his head. This scene made Chu Bai’s father very jealous.

Yaya suddenly cried. A Miao knew that she was hungry at this time. So she carried her upstairs for breast-feeding. When A Miao left, Ling Lang asked, “Is she fine during this time?”

“No.” Shen Xinglan’s face turned gloomy.

Le Yi put the drinking water that he just bought into the refrigerator. “Don’t talk about this topic in the new year. There’ll be trouble if A Miao finds something.”

“That’s true.” Ling Lang nodded her head. “It was my fault. I shouldn’t have mentioned it.”

Even though none of the people mentioned it, Shen Xinglan still felt quite worried. Fortunately, he had never expressed his happiness and sadness on his face, so A Miao didn’t find out anything. On New Year’s Eve, everyone got together to make dumplings, but there came a special guest.

“This gorilla seems to like Yaya very much!” Le Yi opened some red wine and looked at the little guys who were playing on the carpet.

The little black leopard was soon familiar with the environment here. It was probably due to the nature of wild animals. The little leopard liked to run into the conservation area. Of course, it did not dare to run far away and just played around. Unexpectedly, it came back one night followed by a little gorilla.

“I have asked the caretaker who told me that it has a mother.” At first, A Miao was anxious because that little gorilla was very interested in Yaya and it even took her into its arms.

Wei Meng took out several photos. “We photographed his mother yesterday.”

“It’s so big!” Looking at the big gorilla, which was about half the height of a man, and then the cute little one, A Miao could not help swallowing some saliva. “It seems that everything is cute when it is little…”

Yaya put her rattle into the mouth of the little gorilla. A Miao felt so scared that she snatched it right away. The little gorilla bared its teeth to her, but it became quiet immediately after Wei Meng threw a banana to it.

“As expected, it only likes Yaya!” A Miao also found that this little gorilla held a different attitude toward her daughter.

Wei Meng glanced at her. “Because it is male.”

A Miao: “…”

Time spent in nature always passes by quickly. In the twinkling of an eye, it was the end of the month already. All of them had to go back. On the day when they left, the little gorilla ran toward them. It circled around on the spot restlessly as if it knew that they were going to leave.

“This is a souvenir for you!” A Miao put Yaya’s photo in a featured photo frame made from local wood. And she used a long rope to hang the wooden frame around the little gorilla’s neck.

“Ow, ow, ow ow, ow, ow!” The little gorilla hampered his chest, ran to Yaya, and touched Yaya’s face carefully.

A Miao could not help crying. If it were not for the fact that it was not good for the little gorilla, she would keep it at home.

“It is reluctant to leave its child bride.” Wei Meng’s words spoiled the show.

A Miao: “…”

It was expected to be a happy holiday. However, there happened to be an accident after the plane took off. Yaya got a fever suddenly.

“How is it going?”

“37 degrees.” Le Yi put down the thermometer. “Don’t worry. It’s a low fever.”

With care and love, A Miao wrapped ice cubes in a towel and put the towel on Yaya’s head. The baby’s face was quite red, and occasionally it would hum a few sounds uncomfortably.

“Why did Yaya get a fever?” Shen Xinglan hugged A Miao. “Did she catch a cold?”

Le Yi was still looking Yaya over. “It’s not like a cold.” He listened to her lungs. “Her respiratory system has no problem, and her throat is not red.”

“A fever means that she has inflammation.” Ling Lang put Chu Bai in another aircraft cabin and had Wei Meng and Ding V look after him.

A Miao became anxious. “But everything’s fine, isn’t it?”

“Don’t worry.” Shen Xinglan grabbed her. “Hasn’t Le Yi said that it’s normal for the baby to get a low fever?”

Le Yi nodded. “Generally, it will be easy for a baby to get a low fever due to external stimulation when they are four to six months years old. Chu Bai had the same situation last month. When he recovered, he was able to say dad.”

“He just made some noise.” Ling Lang still could not understand what Le Yi had in mind. Obviously, their son only uttered those sounds unconsciously…

But Le Yi pretended to not hear what she said.

“Apply physical cooling to him. If his temperature goes up to 39 degrees, I’ll give him an injection.”

The over 10 hours of flying exhausted A Miao, and Yaya still had a low fever. When the journey passed halfway, Shen Xinglan forced her to have a rest.

“I will accompany Yaya. Go to sleep for a while.”

A Miao’s eyes were red. She shook her head. “How can I fall asleep? Yaya, she…”

“Her temperature has stayed the same.” Shen Xinglan pushed her onto the sofa bed. “When the plane lands, we have to go to the hospital. If you are also ill, who should I take care of, you or our daughter?”

Shen Xinglan took her shoes off and covered her gently with the quilt. He lowered his head to kiss the corner of A Miao’s mouth. “Don’t worry. I will continue to administer the physical cooling to Yaya. If there are any changes, I will come here to call you.”

“You should be careful, and don’t fall asleep!” A Miao was still worried.

Shen Xinglan pinched her nose. “I can stay up late, so go to sleep quickly!”

As the light in the aircraft cabin turned dark, A Miao closed her eyes, but she could not fall asleep. It was unknown how long has passed when A Miao finally dozed off. Then in a daze, she saw Yaya crawling on the ground alone.

“Yaya!” A Miao yelled at her, but the little baby crawled farther away.

A Miao hurried to chase after the baby then picked Yaya up from the ground. The little baby turned her head back. But to A Miao’s surprise, it had many mouthparts like an insect, and it wanted to bite her.

“Aa!” A Miao shouted sharply and opened her eyes.

“Bang!” Shen Xinglan pulled the door of the aircraft cabin open. He ran up to her in a hurry and asked, “What happened?”

“Where is Yaya? Where is Yaya?” A Miao jumped up and was about to rush out.

Shen Xinglan pulled her. “Yaya is fine. You should put on your shoes first.”

Shen Xinglan dragged A Miao to put her shoes on. He gave her a coat and had her go to the next aircraft cabin.

“Didn’t the fever go away?” A Miao touched Yaya’s forehead, but she didn’t feel very hot. She thought that it was probably because the ice cubes had cooled her forehead down.

Shen Xinglan put the towel on Yaya’s head again. “No, but her temperature didn’t increase, either. Le Yi checked on her just now. There’s nothing wrong with her.”

“Will we be there soon?” A Miao pulled the partition open. It was dark outside.

Shen Xinglan gave her a cup of water. “You have slept for just hours. It’s still early.”

“Did Yaya drink the milk?” A Miao took the water and asked.

“Yes.” Shen Xinglan pointed to the feeder nearby. “She drank a lot.”

A Miao breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. Remembering the look when she just woke up, Shen Xinglan frowned and touched her face.

“Why do you have so much sweat on you? What have you dreamed about just now?”

“It doesn’t matter…” A Miao threw herself into his arms. “A nightmare. I broke out in a cold sweat.”

Shen Xinglan patted her back slightly and comforted her. “I have just searched on the Internet. Children will occasionally get a fever before six years old, it’s a process of growing.”

“I know…” A Miao nodded her head. “I’m too nervous, am I?”

Shen Xinglan smiled. “I feel the same way because it is our first time to have a child. We should stay calm next time.”

“Won’t you two get some sleep?” Le Yi pulled the door open and saw that they were still there. “There are still three more hours before we arrive!”

A Miao sat by Yaya. “I cannot fall asleep. You go to have some rest. You can leave us alone.”

“Well, I will have the flight attendant prepare some food later for you.” Le Yi yawned and walked into the bathroom.

Shen Xinglan coaxed A Miao into eating something. Then he kept staring at Yaya. A Miao opened the partition and found the outside clouds light up, so she hurried to wake up Shen Xinglan.

“The day breaks!”

“Uhm, we’re going to land.”

They informed the hospital long before. So workers in the hospital immediately took Yaya to the observation room. In a hurry, they drew her blood and gave her a blood test.

“How about it?” A Miao saw that Le Yi took the test results out and she instantly walked up to him.

Le Yi glanced at Shen Xinglan and gave the test result to him with an entangled expression. “It’s the same blood as A Miao’s…”

“What does that mean?” A Miao’s heart sank. “What does it mean that she has the same blood as me?”

Shen Xinglan rubbed the test report in his hand. It was the last thing they wanted.

“What happened to Yaya?” A Miao grasped Shen Xinglan’s arm and asked. “Tell me quickly!”

Shen Xinglan held her shoulder. “A Miao, Yaya… In Yaya’s body, there may be…”

“There may be what?” A Miao looked pale, but she punched Shen Xinglan playfully. “Don’t scare me! Say it now!”

Le Yi could not look anymore. He simply gave the answer to her for Shen Xinglan. “The vermin in your body didn’t disappear. It probably has transferred to Yaya.”

“Hahaha…” A Miao laughed worse than she cried. “Stop kidding me! How can the vermin be in Yaya’s body? The chief has already got the vermin out!”josei

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