Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 243 - They Get Together Today

Chapter 243 - They Get Together Today

Chapter 243 They Get Together Today
The day of departure—

A Miao, Shen Xinglan, Le Yi, and Ouyang, as well as Wei Meng and Ding V, who volunteered to go, were all here now. According to Shen Xinglan’s habits, they opened a bottle of spirits and toasted to their departure.

“Go there together and come back together!”

It was the insistence of everyone that they had to return safe and sound no matter what happened.

“Do you want to see the two babies again?”

A Miao shook her head. “Please take care of them.”

“Trust me!” Ling Lang patted her shoulder. “I have told my previous colleagues, and they will send a few people to protect us.”

Lil Xi also nodded seriously. “I have arranged a security system that covers the entire outside area around the villa. I can guarantee that others can never break in the villa!”

“Hehe! Well done.” A Miao also patted his shoulder.

Lil Xi was so moved that he left while covering his face in embarrassment.

“Boss,” Shen I came in from the outside, “the plane has arrived.”

Shen Xinglan glanced at everyone. “Let’s go.”

At the same time, Yu Sihan’s plane was also ready to take off from his island.

“Young Master, several people from the Xiao family and the Jiang family are coming.”

Yu Sihan narrowed his eyes and saw a few people come up to him quickly.

“Master Yu.”

Jiang Quanyu looked at him. “We are here for the appointment.”

“Is she from the Xiao family?”

Yu Sihan glanced at the woman behind him.

“Great wits always have short memories. Master Yu, we have met before.” Xiao Yue smiled. “When you came to visit my cousin the last time, I was there, too.”

A few months ago, Yu Sihan had been to the home of the Xiao family. The minute he saw Xiao Mei, who was alive but no better than dead, he knew that her life was over already.

“I just didn’t expect that they would let you come.” He knew who Xiao Yue was. She had to have had exceptional abilities to be able to persuade the Xiao family to let her come…

Jiang Quanyu looked a little anxious. He wanted to ask something, but in the end, he swallowed his questions.

Yu Sihan noticed his expression. He sneered and got on the plane. “Come on. We are late already.”

“We are here.” Ouyang Jin retracted his gaze from the window. “It seems that Yu Sihan has not arrived yet.”

Looking at the port where a lot of ships were docked, A Miao’s heart was terribly upset. At this time, one hand reached out from her side and held her hand firmly.

“We will get off the plane.” Shen Xinglan looked at her.

She saw her figure reflected in his black pupils. Gradually, her heart calmed down. After that, she nodded heavily. “Okay!”

“Hello!” One person came over when they had unloaded everything.

Shen Xinglan recognized that they had met before on the island.

“Where is Yu Sihan?” he asked.

The person bowed in a very polite way and said, “I am sorry that Young Master has not arrived yet. Please come with me and board the ship first!”

They followed him all the way deep into the port. Finally, they arrived at a large ship.

“…” A Miao didn’t know how to describe the ship. She thought it would be a big yacht but didn’t expect that it would be such a huge ship…

When they got on the ship, the man directly took them to the right. “We have prepared those rooms for you. You can choose any room as you wish.”

“You and A Miao should stay in the innermost room.” Le Yi observed the surroundings. “Ouyang and I will stay in the outermost room.”

Shen Xing looked around. “No, have Ding V stay in the outermost room.”

“But Wei Meng…” A Miao also thought that the outermost room was not safe enough.

However, Ding V had already rushed to the room with Wei Meng.

“Ding V has a sensitive nose, so if there is anything wrong, he can find it first.” Shen Xinglan patted her face. “Let’s go arrange our luggage.”

Everyone had gone to their room, but Le Yi did not move.

“Do you still have any problems, sir?”

“Who is this room for?” Le Yi pointed to the extra room opposite them.

He had known that Yu Sihan was rich, but he had never thought this guy would be so wasteful. This ship was a large oceangoing ship. Usually, it was used by the shipping companies to catch fish overseas. But Yu Sihan had reconstructed it into a passenger ship…

Moreover, he made significant changes to this ship. Le Yi believed that even the facilities on those best luxurious cruises were no match for that of this ship.

“Hehe, that room is certainly for other guests.” After saying that, the man bowed and left.

Ouyang Jin poked his head out from behind the door. “Why don’t you go in the room?”

“It’s nothing.” Le Yi opened the door thoughtfully.

A Miao put the luggage in place and checked the room, while Shen Xinglan just sat there watching her. The third time that he saw her check the dagger she hid under the pillow, he instantly took her into his arms.

“You are too nervous.”

“…” A Miao stiffened a little and then leaned her head against his neck. “I am not as experienced as you. It is the first time for me to participate in a group activity, so I cannot calm down.”

Shen Xinglan smiled. “But you were awesome when you went out to steal things previously, weren’t you?”

“That was different.”

Previously, she had stolen things by trickery, and she had learned some kung fu in those years. So she had been able to come and go freely every time.

“There are traps in the cemetery.” A Miao looked up. “I heard that even nowadays, no one dares dig in the tomb of King Qin. Since the tomb we will explore is related to King Qin, it certainly will not be simple.”

Shen Xinglan kissed the corner of her mouth. “Now you are so nervous. I think we can do something to distract your attention.”

“How can you still think about sex under such circumstances?” A Miao slightly scratched his face.

The man looked at her with a teasing smile. “Then don’t walk around to seduce me.”

“I didn’t!”

Because of his joke, A Miao felt much more relieved.

“Don’t feel so anxious.” Shen Xinglan rubbed her head. “We have so many people here!”

“Shen!” Then, there came the voice of Le Yi from outside the door.

In a hurry, A Miao jumped off of Shen Xinglan, who seized the chance and pinched her ass. Then he stood up to open the door.

“Yu Sihan is here.” Le Yi couldn’t help smiling when he opened the door and saw A Miao blushing. But soon, his expression turned very strange. “Besides him, there are two more people…”

Shen Xinglan was not surprised at all when he saw Jiang Quanyu.

However, A Miao widened her eyes in surprise.

“It has been a long time.” Jiang Quanyu greeted her with a smile. “I have prepared a gift for your daughter. I will ask someone to send it to your place when we go back.”

A Miao adjusted her expression and said, “You don’t need to be so thoughtful…”

“It is a must.” Jiang Quanyu interrupted her. “At least, I am her elder.”

A Miao did not talk anymore because the face of the man beside her appeared unhappy…

“Everyone is here!” Yu Sihan came out of a room. He walked up to Shen Xinglan without knowing if he did it on purpose or not. “Although you have conflicts with Mr. Jiang and the Xiao family, they are all the successors of the bronze mirror jade pendant. We should rely on each other’s patience and understanding over the next few days.

“Don’t trigger internal contradictions!” he added.

Shen Xinglan snorted, “Do you know nothing but nonsense?”

“Young man, try not to worry!” Yu Sihan said with a sophisticated tone, which sounded really amusing.josei

Because he had such an innocent young face…

But everyone here knew who he was, so his face would not fool anybody.

“Follow me.” Yu Sihan turned around.

As Le Yi had expected, the ship was luxurious and fully equipped. They took the elevator to the bottom and entered a meeting room, in which the decoration showed that Yu Sihan was rich and wilful.

Even the walls were transparent, through which they could see the sea directly.

“Wonderful.” Wei Meng ran up to the walls the first time she saw them.

The others sat around the table, and soon after, some people served them various kinds of drinks as well as exquisite snacks and cakes.

Upon seeing all of this, A Miao seemed to not be surprised at all. “Don’t be so shy.” Yu Sihan ate a piece of candy and then said, “We have to be at sea for half a month at least. I advise you to eat and drink as you like and enjoy my seven-star cruise!”

Then his expression changed a little. “Otherwise… it will be a pity if we cannot come back.”

“Here you are.” Shen Xinglan gave A Miao a few pieces of cakes and a cup of milk tea.

Le Yi suggested that Yu Sihan show them the chart. “At least we should know where we are going.”

“You must not have found it on the map, right?” Yu Sihan looked at him with a taunting expression.

Le Yi admitted generously, “No, I haven’t found it yet, so I want to know.”

“Hehe!” Yu Sihan pressed a button on the big meeting table in front of him with a smile, and a transparent map arose in the middle of the table with a toot sound.

Everyone’s attention focused on the map. Yu Sihan continued to operate it. “This is where we are now.”

A red dot appeared on the holographic map.

“The island is on the high seas and it will only appear in some special cases.” The holographic map flashed a little and a blue zone appeared before them.

Yu Sihan pressed the button again, and a red dot appeared right in the middle.

“This place is our destination. It will take half a month at least for us to get there if we set out now.”

The red hair on Ouyang Jin’s forehead shone under the crystal lamps. With an evil smile, Ouyang Jin cast a glance at Yu Sihan. “What are the special cases that you have just said? Is it when tides come in or when the moon becomes full?”

He paused a little. “Or… do we need to throw living people into the sea to show our respect to the god of the sea, the mermaids, or the sea monsters?”

“What a great imagination.” Yu Sihan applauded him. “And if I told you that one of them is the special case, what would you do?”

Ouyang Jin’s smile slowly disappeared, and he gazed at Yu Sihan gloomily.

“I’m just kidding! Take it easy!” The latter laughed.

A Miao twisted the corners of her mouth and thought, “What a pervert…”

“What do you think?” Everyone returned to the room of Shen Xinglan after an hour.

Ding V had checked the room and made sure that there were no bugs. After that, they began to analyze the situation.

“We should be safe on the ship,” Le Yi said first. “He had spent so much time and money on this ship, so it is impossible for him to make any movements to harm us now.”

Ouyang Jin shrugged. “He’ll still need to sacrifice us to the sea monsters after we find the treasures!”

“How can there be so many sea monsters?” Wei Meng looked at him with an emotionless face.

Seeing that A Miao keep a straight face all the time, Shen Xinglan knew that she had become nervous once again. He sighed in his heart and held her hands.

“I’m fine.” A Miao forced a smile. Seemingly thinking of something, she said, “Xiao Yue and…”

She did not dare to mention Jiang Quanyu, in case Shen Xinglan would become unhappy again.

“Don’t worry about any of them.” Shen Xinglan curved his lips. “Whether we can find the treasure or not, they are staying on the same boat as Yu Sihan.”

Le Yi nodded. “That’s true! Otherwise, he would not have brought them here.”

“Which means that he needs seven people to find the treasure.”

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