Global Evolution: I Have An Attribute Board

Chapter 470

Chapter 470: I am a ruthless recording machine! (7500 words,

Unexpectedly obtained a chaos crystal, which surprised Chu Zhou very much.

Such an S-level cosmic wonder, even the overlord of the universe, would not be easy to obtain.

"The person who gave me the Chaos Crystal should be one of the six overlords of the company..."

Chu Zhou guessed in his heart, and felt that the person who gave him the Chaos Crystal was probably the "Lord of the Prison Dragon" among the six overlords.

after all.

The overlord of the universe is the top executive of human beings. He manages everything and considers the development of the entire company and even the entire human race.

Basically, he rarely pays attention to his mere World Master.

Only the 'Lord of the Prison Dragon' who once set a record on the Purgatory Ranking will pay attention to who broke his record.

and thus focus on yourself.

Chu Zhou was not too obsessed with figuring out who gave him the Chaos Crystal. When the time came, he would naturally know.

After he put away the Chaos Crystal, he flew to Zuo Yue and others.

"Tsk tsk, Chu Zhou, I know you are perverted, but I didn't expect you to be so perverted."

Zuo Yue was amazed, and looked at Chu Zhou with the eyes of a monster.

Bingselin covered her mouth and smiled: "This time, many people will probably be dumbfounded after hearing the news."

As she spoke, she also motioned Chu Zhou to look at the core members around her.

Chu Zhou took a glance, and immediately found that many core members were full of admiration in their eyes.

He just smiled lightly.

"Old...Old Chu, you want to continue?"

Shryukin spoke excitedly.

He knew that Chu Zhou's plan this time was to complete the Purgatory Altar, Vientiane Ladder, Instant Labyrinth, and Tongtian Tower in one day.

Chu Zhou's achievements in breaking into the altar of purgatory almost blinded his eyes.

He is looking forward to Chu Zhou's next performance.

"Of course we must continue!"

Chu Zhou said decisively.

He sat cross-legged directly, and his consciousness entered the mirror universe world.

Seeing that Chu Zhou's consciousness entered the mirror universe, Zuo Yue, Bing Selin, and Xiliujin hurriedly guarded Chu Zhou's side to protect Chu Zhou.

At the same time, they separated part of their consciousness and entered the world of the mirror universe.

Li Lei, Thaddeus and others saw this scene, and then thought of the conversation between Chu Zhou and Shiliukin just now, a thought suddenly popped up in their hearts:

Chu Zhou will not want to go through the Vientiane Ladder, the Instant Maze, and the Tongtian Tower, right?

As soon as this idea appeared.

They also immediately sat cross-legged, separated part of their consciousness, and entered the world of the mirror universe.

"Could it be that Chu Zhou is going to go to places such as the Vientiane Ladder today?"

Other core members, seeing the actions of Chu Zhou and others, as well as Li Lei and others, also had some vague guesses in their hearts.

They were shocked, and they also landed into the mirror universe world one after another.

Mirror universe world.

Pristine mountain.

Starting square.

"Go to Vientiane Ladder first!"

Chu Zhou said to Zuo Yue and others, and immediately rushed to the location of the Vientiane Ladder.

Many people who followed Chu Zhou and others to the Yuanshan Mountain, saw Chu Zhou and others rushing towards the location of the Vientiane Ladder, and immediately confirmed their previous guesses.

"Confirmed, Chu Zhou will indeed go to places such as the Vientiane Ladder today, hurry up..."

These people said excitedly, and hurriedly chased after Chu Zhou's figure.

At the same time, the news that Chu Zhou would continue to enter Vientiane World and other places quickly spread throughout the headquarters of Mirror Image Company.

Many people were immersed in the shock that Chu Zhou just brought.

Now that they heard that Chu Zhou was going to continue to enter Vientiane World and other places, they were all shocked, and then they landed in Yuanshan Mountain one after another.

Even many venerables and princes were alarmed, and they also split their consciousness and entered the primitive mountain.

"Is this the Vientiane Ladder?"

Chu Zhou raised his head, and an extremely majestic ladder came into his eyes.

This sky ladder stands on the top of the cloud-shrouded mountain, stretches zigzagging towards the sky, and extends towards the end of the sky, as if it wants to connect to the distant horizon.

Before the ladder, there stood a stone tablet as smooth as a mirror.

Chu Zhou glanced at the stele briefly, and found that lines of information appeared on the stele, showing the identity, name, and layer number of the characters.

"It seems that at this time, many people are rushing to the ladder..."

Thinking like this, he stepped onto the ladder under the gaze of Zuo Yue and the others, as well as many eyes.

Soon, his figure disappeared into the clouds.

I wonder if Chu Zhou can create another miracle this time?

Zuo Yue and others, as well as all the people who were paying attention to Chu Zhou, all fixed their eyes on the smooth stone tablet.

Vientiane Ladder.

After Chu Zhou stepped onto the first ladder, he immediately discovered a similar experience to that in the purgatory space.

In the ladder, there was a mysterious force that enveloped his body.

Make him unable to use any power other than the power of rules and laws.

"I don't know, how will the Vientiane Ladder test my law and rule comprehension?"

Chu Zhou was walking on the first ladder, looking around curiously.

He didn't see other people on the ladder.

He guessed that the Vientiane Ladder is the same as the Purgatory Altar. After everyone steps into the Ladder, they will be transported to the only space.

Boom! !

Suddenly, a loud noise that opened up the world came from the depths of the ladder.

Chu Zhou looked up and found that the sky was cracked, and a multicolored river hundreds of millions of miles long seemed to spread from the end of time and space.

Chu Zhou was shocked.

From that long river of billions of miles, he felt the breath of countless laws and rules.

It seems that this long river is a collection of countless laws and rules.

Although, he knew that this long river was fake.

is simulated by the mirror universe network.

He was still in shock.

"Emperor Xi, you are really great, to have created something as perverted as the Mirror Universe Network..."

Chu Zhou thought with emotion in his heart.


In an instant, the colorful river that is hundreds of millions of miles long poured down from the nine heavens and landed on the ladder.

The rolling river water washed down along the ladder after layer.

The river water hit him, and Chu Zhou's figure couldn't help but tilt slightly.

He immediately felt that the river contained the power of laws and rules.

These forces are washing over his body at this moment, forcing him to keep retreating.

At this moment, he finally understood how the Vientiane Ladder tested his rules and understanding of rules.

He must use the power of law or the power of rules to counteract the power of laws and rules that wash over him.

He must 'go upstream'.

Otherwise, he will be washed out by the river.

He can also feel that the power of laws and rules contained in the river washing him now is actually not sufficient, and it is not difficult for him to counteract these "impacts".

"It's not difficult at the beginning, but it will become more and more difficult later on..."

Chu Zhou thought, directly mobilizing the power of space rules to offset the 'impact force' of the river, and strode forward.

Soon, he walked through the first floor of the ladder and stepped onto the second floor.

"Chu Zhou, the core member of the secret realm of chaos, passed the first-level ladder assessment!"

A burst of electronic sound rang in Chu Zhou's ear.

"Sure enough, on the second ladder, the 'impact' of the river is stronger!"

Chu Zhou soon felt that the 'impact' of the river water became stronger.

But to him, it was still very weak.

He mobilized the power of rules on his body, easily offset the 'impact force', and continued to stride forward.

Besides the Vientiane Ladder, Zuo Yue and the others, as well as many others, were all staring at the mirror-smooth stele.

Soon, Chu Zhou's information was displayed on the stone tablet:

"Chu Zhou, the core member of the secret realm of chaos, passed the first-level ladder assessment!"

"I don't know about Chu Zhou, how many ladders can he pass this time?"

Many people communicated in low voices curiously.

Among them, even some venerables and princes are communicating.

Everyone wants to see if Chu Zhou, who just performed a miracle at the Purgatory Altar, can perform another miracle.

"There must be no problem with Chu Zhou on the 21st floor in front... It depends on how many floors can be passed behind!"

Zuo Yue talked to Bingselin and Shiliukin.

The Vientiane Ladder has a total of ninety-nine floors.

Generally speaking, the core members of the secret realm of heaven and earth can break through the tenth floor.

The core members of Xuanhuang Secret Realm can break through the fifteenth floor.

The core members of the Primordial Secret Realm can break through the eighteenth floor.

The core members of the Chaos Secret Realm can pass through the twenty-first floor.

Chu Zhou is now the number one core member, the top 21, so he must not be difficult.

In the Vientiane Ladder, Chu Zhou easily broke through the fifteenth floor of the Vientiane Ladder and stepped onto the sixteenth floor.

After stepping on the sixteenth floor, he found that the "impact" of the river was not only stronger, but also changed in the river.

Large whirlpools appeared in the river water, adding powerful tearing forces to the river water in addition to the 'impact force'.

However, this still can't help him.

He only used the power of the space rules, and easily offset all the forces of the river water on him.

With one breath, he rushed through the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth floors one after another.

Stepped onto the nineteenth floor of the ladder.

At this time, in the river, the 'impact force' increased by more than a hundred times.

The maelstrom that appeared also became densely packed.

In addition, countless wind, fire, thunder and lightning suddenly appeared in the river.

The overwhelming wind, fire, thunder and lightning blasted towards Chu Zhou like head and face.

When waves of wind, fire, thunder and lightning bombarded his body, Chu Zhou immediately felt the power of law and the power of rules contained in them.


These wind, fire, thunder and lightning, the power of law and the power of rules contained in them are very complicated. They are not normal wind, fire, thunder and lightning at all, and they are countless times stronger than normal wind, fire, thunder and lightning.

At this moment, Chu Zhou still felt that all the attacks could be neutralized by mobilizing the power of the space rules.

Therefore, he still did not use the power of other rules.

He continues to 'swim upstream'.

"Chu Zhou, the core member of the secret realm of chaos, passed the nineteenth floor ladder assessment!"

"Chu Zhou, the core member of the secret realm of chaos, passed the twentieth ladder assessment!"

"Chu Zhou, the core member of the secret realm of chaos, passed the 21st floor ladder assessment!"

Soon, he passed the three ladder assessments one after another, and stepped onto the twenty-second ladder.

At this time, the river water regeneration changes.

One after another weapon phantoms flew out of the river and roared towards Chu Zhou.

"The Vientiane Ladder is worthy of its name!"

Chu Zhou saw the phantoms of the weapons flying out one after another, he sighed with emotion, mobilized the power of space rules with both hands, and then blasted out suddenly.

Dense cracks in space spread forward like lightning.

Tear up the phantoms of weapons.

In addition to the Vientiane Ladder, the information of the stele will be updated synchronously:

"Chu Zhou, the core member of the secret realm of chaos, passed the 21st floor ladder assessment!"

Seeing this information, everyone's attention was immediately concentrated.

They knew that the real test for Chu Zhou was coming.

"Who created the highest record of the Vientiane Ladder?" A Venerable asked his companions.

"It was created by Master Beicang. Before he was promoted to Venerable, Master Beicang stepped onto the 97th floor of the Vientiane Ladder. This record has been maintained until now, and no one has broken it. Now it depends on whether his disciples can break it gone?"

Another Venerable said.

"Hehe, does this count as an alternative confrontation between master and apprentice?"

Another Venerable said with a smile.

The conversation of several venerables was heard by everyone.

Suddenly, many people couldn't help but have strong expectations for this "alternative duel between master and apprentice".

Beicang King, who was the company's number one pride back then, was also the number one man's pride.

Chu Zhou is now the number one pride of the company and the number one pride of mankind.

King Beicang and Chu Zhou still have a master-student relationship.

This kind of master-student duel across time and space is so attractive.

Everyone is full of expectations for the result.

Someone directly posted a post on the internal forum of Mirror Universe Company:

#Beicangwang VS Chuzhou, a duel across time and space, who will win? #

This post just appeared on the internal forum of Mirror Universe Company, and it immediately exploded.

Many, many members of the mirror universe company have expressed their opinions in the posts.

Many members of the Mirror Universe company outside the headquarters have also logged into the Mirror Universe world, and then teleported to the Primordial Mountain, to the location of the Vientiane Ladder, ready to witness this master-student duel across time and space.

The post above was quickly forwarded to some public forums.

Suddenly, in the universe, countless warriors who saw the post were all boiling.

Their consciousness, unable to enter the original mountain, is always paying attention to the post, waiting for the final result.

In Vientiane Ladder...

Chu Zhou made great strides all the way.

The situation in the river became more and more complicated. In addition to the maelstrom, wind, fire, lightning, and phantom weapons, there were also terrifying scenes and attacks such as ice and snow storms, meteorite natural disasters, and starry sky behemoths.

But none of these can stop Chu Zhou.

Outside the Vientiane Ladder, everyone stared at the rapidly refreshed information on the stele with bated breath.

"Chu Zhou, the core member of the secret realm of chaos, passed the thirtieth ladder assessment!"

"Chu Zhou, the core member of the secret realm of chaos, passed the 60th floor ladder assessment!"

"Chu Zhou, the core member of the secret realm of chaos, passed the 90th floor ladder assessment!"

In less than an hour, Chu Zhou broke through the 90th floor of the Vientiane Ladder in one go.

"This... this is too fast!"

The core members of Zuo Yue and others were shocked beyond measure when they saw this scene.

Even the venerables and princes at the scene could not keep calm.

As the number one pride of mankind, Chu Zhou can break through the 90th floor of the Vientiane Ladder, which is acceptable to everyone...

But the speed is too fast.

It's only been less than an hour...

Many members of the Chaos Core Secret Realm probably only reached the twentieth floor in an hour.

In such a comparison, the other core members of the secret realm of chaos are much, much worse than Chu Zhou.

"King Beicang's vision is so accurate! He chose an extremely terrifying freak as his personal disciple!"

A prince with a sea of ​​stars floating behind his head spoke quietly.

The surrounding venerables and other princes nodded in agreement.

Who says no?

If they had such disciples, they would probably wake up laughing in their dreams!

After a while, everyone's eyes suddenly focused.

A look of horror appeared on their faces.

The information on the stele has been refreshed again:

"Chu Zhou, the core member of the secret realm of chaos, passed the 97th floor ladder assessment!"

Seeing this message, everyone gasped slightly.

There is no doubt that Chu Zhou has already tied the record of King Beicang.

However, although everyone was shocked, no one spoke.

Everyone stared at the stele.

They wanted to know if Chu Zhou could go one step further and surpass King Beicang.

The atmosphere at the scene became tense unconsciously.


While everyone was waiting nervously...

The information on the stele has been refreshed again:

"Chu Zhou, the core member of the secret realm of chaos, passed the 98th floor ladder assessment!"

Seeing this message, everyone's heads seemed to be buzzing.

Everyone realized that Chu Zhou had officially surpassed the record of King Beicang.

Chu Zhou won this alternative master-student duel across time and space.


Don't wait for everyone to calm down.

The information on the stele has changed again:

"Chu Zhou, the core member of the secret realm of chaos, passed the test on the ninety-ninth floor ladder!"

The moment this message appeared, the entire stele suddenly burst into incomparably intense colored light.

at the same time.

The winding stretches to the sky, as if extending to the end of the vast ladder of the sky, at this moment also blooms with endless colorful light.

The clouds and mist entwined on the Vientiane Ladder also boiled one after another, turning into colorful auspicious clouds.

A mighty divine light extended down from the end of the ladder, in which stood the figure of Chu Zhou.

Everyone looked up at the figure in the mighty divine light, as if they saw an ancient and stalwart god, stepping on the divine light, descending to the world.




Everyone stared at that figure, feeling indescribably shocked in their hearts.

"Chu Zhou...he cleared the Vientiane Ladder again!"

After a long time, someone exclaimed.

Many core members at the scene were all elated.

"It's amazing!" A prince, deeply moved, "It seems that our Mirror Universe Company will have another figure that shocks all races in the universe, just like the King of Beicang back then."

"Hahaha, this is a good thing! The younger generation of our company has been inferior to the Infinity Fighting Arena and the Cosmic Adventurers League in recent years... Now that Chu Zhou appears, the situation has finally been reversed."

A Venerable said with a smile.

The other venerables and princes looked at Chu Zhou with joy on their faces.

Although Chu Zhou is not their disciple.

But they were still very happy to see talents like Chu Zhou appearing in the company.

In the final analysis, they and Chu Zhou are actually part of the company and a community of interests.

The better Chu Zhou is, the stronger the company will be, and they will benefit from it in the future.

The news spread quickly.

In the universe, countless fighters who have been paying attention to this "inter-temporal master-student duel" were also shocked when they learned the final result.

Under the shocking eyes of everyone, Chu Zhou walked down the Vientiane Ladder and walked in front of Zuo Yue and the others in a daze.

"Let's continue to the Setsuna Labyrinth!"

As Chu Zhou spoke, he flew towards the direction of the instant maze.

"oh oh…"

Zuo Yue hasn't recovered yet.

Bingselin and Xiliukin were shocked, and quickly took Zuo Yue to chase after Chu Zhou's figure.

"What? Chu Zhou actually wants to go through the Instant Maze? Could it be that he plans to go through the Purgatory Altar, the Vientiane Ladder, the Instant Maze, and the Tongtian Tower in one day?"

"He has already cleared the Purgatory Altar and the Vientiane Ladder... Could it be that he will also completely clear the Instant Maze and Tongtian Tower next?"

Everyone was boiling.

Many venerables and princes could not calm down.

They all flew towards the direction of Setsuna Labyrinth.

Many people looked at Chu Zhou's back and had an intuition in their hearts that maybe they would witness the birth of an unprecedented freak today.


Countless fighters in the universe, before they calmed down from the shock just now, got the news that Chu Zhou was going to continue to enter the maze.

After a while, they boiled again.

Many of them also had a premonition that they might witness the birth of an unprecedented freak today.

Rama, Hughes, Fengyan, Salomon and other top human beings, after hearing the news, all of them are paying close attention to the latest news of Chu Zhou.

"Setsuna Labyrinth, here we come!"

In Chu Zhou's eyes, a majestic palace group filled with dreamlike light appeared.

This group of palaces stands on a majestic mountain peak, from the lowest to the highest, there are a total of seventy-two palaces.

This is the Setsuna Labyrinth.

Chu Zhou stared at the Setsuna Labyrinth, and information about the Setsuna Labyrinth appeared in his mind.

Purgatory altar, the test is the strength of the divine body;

Vientiane Ladder, the test is the understanding of rules and regulations;

In the maze of the moment, the test is the strength of the soul and will of the warrior.

He calmly walked towards the first palace.

Zuoyue and others, as well as many others, were waiting outside, staring at the smooth stone tablet outside the Chasha Maze.


The moment Chu Zhou entered the first instant maze, he appeared on a vast dry land, and above his head, there was a huge grinding disc the size of the moon suspended.

The millstone rotated slowly, driving the whole world to rotate.

Chu Zhou immediately felt that his soul was also being grinded by some kind of terrifying force, as if it wanted to grind his soul into pieces.

"This... this is the soul grinder!"

He recognized the origin of that huge millstone almost instantly.

The huge millstone is condensed from the profound meaning of the soul millstone in the soul rules.

He can also condense a soul mill.


The power of the soul mill in this world is beyond imagination. He simply compared it, and it is more than a hundred times more powerful than the soul mill he condensed himself.

Looking up at the slowly rotating soul mill, Chu Zhou smiled.

He feels that clearing the Maze of Instant is easier than clearing the Purgatory Altar and Vientiane Ladder.

His soul origin is too powerful.

Before the trial of reincarnation, his soul origin was thirty times that of other ordinary world masters.

Thirty times the source of the soul, this is the limit that the Lord of the World can achieve.

Even if Chu Zhou continues to refine and absorb the soul stones in the secret realm of Montenegro, he still cannot break through this limit.

However, after Chu Zhou experienced endless reincarnation in the tomb of reincarnation, his limit broke through.

His soul origin has grown a lot.

After returning to the headquarters, he has been absorbing the soul molting of the lord of reincarnation and the high-quality soul power in the twelve reincarnation beads, so that his soul origin has surged again.

Now, his soul origin is fifty times that of other world masters.

He didn't know how strong the Venerable's soul source was.

But he feels that his soul origin is no weaker than the High Venerable.

The soul grinding disc in the sky is used to test the soul strength and will of the world lord...

To Chu Zhou, it was just pediatrics.

Chu Zhou sat down directly, then lay on the ground with his head in his hands, looking at the slowly rotating soul grinding disc in the sky, letting the power that permeated the soul continue to grind his soul.

As he expected, the origin of his soul is far beyond ordinary world masters.

Moreover, it is still in the ancient tomb of reincarnation, after undergoing endless reincarnation.

The grinding power that penetrated into his soul couldn't do anything to him at all.

This made him feel a little bored, so he closed his eyes and rested.

I do not know how long it has been.

He is teleported to the second palace.

He still lay on the ground without covering his head, and did not open his eyes.

Such a scene, if others see it, they will probably be directly confused.

Others entered the maze of the moment, facing the terrifying grinding power of the soul mill, which one was not trembling, urging the power of the soul with all their strength, and resisting the grinding power?

There is no one like Chu Zhou who has been lying down all the time.


Everyone is also watching the information on the stone tablet constantly refreshed.

Every time it is refreshed, it means that Chu Zhou has passed another instant maze test.

Soon, the stone tablet showed that Chu Zhou had passed the examination of the seventieth moment maze.

If it was before today, everyone would be shocked and excited to see someone pass the test of the 70th Instant Labyrinth.

But not long ago, I witnessed Chu Zhou clearing the Purgatory Altar and the Instant Labyrinth. Now seeing Chu Zhou pass the test of the 70th Instant Labyrinth, everyone became a little numb and immune.

Still still very shocking.

But everyone's reaction was much calmer.

Another moment passed.

The information on the stele is refreshed again:

"The core members of the secret realm of chaos, passed the test of the seventy-second instant maze!"

The moment the information was refreshed, all the seventy-two palaces burst into incomparably bright light.

The whole mountain, under the brilliant color light rendering, seems to have become a fairyland.

Chu Zhou flew out of the last moment maze with brilliant light, and landed in front of Zuo Yue and the others.

"This time the test is a bit boring, but I came here to sleep in for a while!"

As Chu Zhou spoke, he yawned and stretched.

Like just waking up.

Zuo Yue and the others froze when they heard this.

Could it be that Chu Zhou fell asleep all the way through the maze in the moment?

"Chu Zhou... Did you just pass the customs while falling asleep?" Zuo Yue couldn't help asking.

Others, including many venerables and princes, all pricked up their ears.

"Yes!" Chu Zhou nodded calmly, "My soul origin is slightly stronger than ordinary world masters by 100,000,000 points... The soul grinding disc in the instant maze has no effect on me."

"Standing in it is too boring, so I can only choose to sleep."

"Well, fell asleep and fell asleep, it seems to have cleared the level!"

When a group of people heard the words, they all petrified!

Everyone looked at Chu Zhou dully, as if asking the sky, what kind of monster is this?

Especially those core members, their hearts were hit by a critical attack one by one.

What the fuck...

Every time they entered the Instant Labyrinth, which time were they not trembling? When was it not in the maze of the moment that I felt the pain of the soul being cruelly grinded?josei

However, the person in front of him didn't feel the soul grinding, and just passed the level lying down.

This gap is...too big.

"We are still short of Tongtian Tower, let's continue!"

As Chu Zhou said, he flew in the direction of Tongtian Tower.

Zuo Yue and the others looked at each other, and then forcibly suppressed the agitated emotions that had just emerged, and chased after Chu Zhou's back.

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