Global Evolution: I Have An Attribute Board

Chapter 521

Chapter 521: crush! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

Chapter 521 Crushed! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

"You traitor, you actually obey the command of humans?"

Lan Shan couldn't help being extremely furious when he saw the blue devil on the opposite side killing him.

They belong to the Blue Demon Ancient Tree Clan, but they are one of the royal families among the Mana Clan.

Even an unrivaled giant like the "Lord of Zhouguang" gave them three points of face for the Blue Demon Ancient Tree Clan.

Therefore, when it saw its own people surrender to Chu Zhou, a human being, and obey Chu Zhou's command, it felt a great shame.

The blue devil looked at the opposite blue mountain and smiled coldly.

Lanshan is not it, so how do you know what it's like to have life and death in the hands of others?

If you are not obedient, you will die.

It doesn't want to die.

What's more, Chu Zhou, the master, treats him very well.

If it wasn't for the great help of its master, Chu Zhou, it doesn't know when it will be promoted to Venerable.

"Without further ado."

The blue devil said coldly, controlling the hundreds of thousands of tree warriors he created, and killed the millions of tree warriors on the opposite side.

Its own blue light is surging, countless runes rise, and dark blue chains of order shoot out from it.

Go to the huge ancient blue devil tree on the opposite side.

"The disgrace of my family, I shall be punished!"

Lanshan was extremely furious, and the towering tree body burst into a tsunami-like energy wave.

Countless mysterious runes surged out of it, condensing into giant dark blue hands like ancient mountains, grabbing the chains of order.

At the same time, under its command, the army of millions of tree people on the sea broke out in a war with the army of hundreds of thousands of tree people controlled by the blue devil.

The treant army created by the blue devil is obviously much weaker than the treant army created by the blue mountain.

Especially among the treant army created by Lanshan, there are ten venerable tree warriors.

Soon, the blue devil's treant army was defeated and suffered heavy casualties.

The chains of order that traversed the void were also crushed by huge dark blue hands.

The blue devil was hit by a dark blue hand, and instantly vomited blood and flew hundreds of miles backwards. One-third of the branches on his body were broken by the shock.

"It's so strong...I'm not its opponent at all."

Blue Devil looked at Chu Zhou with a bitter face.

It seems to be saying, master, if you don't make a move, I will die.

Chu Zhou saw Lan Mo's bitter face, smiled lightly, and looked at Zuo Yue and the others.

"Zuoyue, Bingselin, Shiliukin, you go!" he said.

"I've been waiting for this moment."

As soon as Chu Zhou finished speaking, Zuo Yue let out a long roar of excitement, holding the blade of war in his hand, and rushed out aggressively.

"I also want to see the gap between myself and the High Venerable."

Bing Serin, who was always calm, was rarely eager to try at this time. A surge of soul waves like the sea erupted from her body, and a gray torrent emerged at her feet.

She stepped on the black, gray and white torrent, rushing towards the tree man army.

As for Shiryukin, his figure gradually faded, and then disappeared abruptly.

"Let's go help too! Although we are not real venerables, we are also false venerables. The combination of the three of us, together with our hole cards, is enough to compare to an elementary venerable."

Long said in a deep voice.

"Yes! We cannot miss such an opportunity to sharpen!"

Sol and Chanjapasa nodded one after another.

Afterwards, the three of them also rushed out.

Chu Zhou saw that Long and the other three were also participating in the battle, so he didn't stop him.

Long is right, the three of them teamed up, plus some cards on their hands, are enough to compete against the elementary venerables.

With the addition of Zuo Yue, Bingselin, Xiliujin, Long, Saul, Changa Posa and others, the defeat of the Blue Devil and its army of treants quickly regained some of their momentum.

But still at a disadvantage.

Seeing this, Chu Zhou asked Qian Xing Teng to join the battle.

With the addition of Thousand Star Vine, Lan Mo and others finally managed to stabilize the situation.

The five elders, including Zuoyue, Bingselin, Xiliujin, Blue Devil, and Thousand Star Vine, had to deal with ten elder-level tree warriors, and basically each of them had to deal with two elder-level tree warriors.

Treeman warriors are essentially manufactured war tools.

Realm and power are instilled.

Therefore, the strength of the tree man soldiers is not comparable to that of creatures of the same level, and is basically the weakest of the same level.

Zuoyue and others, when faced with ten venerable tree warriors, even though they were disadvantaged in numbers, they still managed to cope.

Especially Zuo Yue, holding the blade of war in her hand, like a goddess of war, with monstrous fighting power, killing two venerable treant warriors retreating steadily.

The dragon, Sol, and Chanjapasa cooperated with the treant warriors created by the blue devil, and fought frantically with the millions of treant warriors created by Lanshan.

Lan Shan looked a little ugly when he saw that all the treant warriors under his command were blocked.

"Damn it all!"

Lan Shan said indifferently, the majestic and huge tree exploded with energy fluctuations like heaven and earth, and in the sea below, tsunamis as tall as mountains and mountains were set off.

Armored giant energy hands stretched out from it, shattered the void, and grabbed Zuo Yue and the others, as well as Long and the others.

However, before these armored energy giants caught Zuo Yue and the others, they all collapsed.

The figure of Chu Zhou suddenly appeared in front of Lan Shan's body, with black hair fluttering, his face calm, and he looked at Lan Shan expressionlessly.

"You are a high-ranking venerable, at least you have to save face, so don't intervene in the battle between the elementary venerables."

Chu Zhou said calmly.

Lan Shan stared deeply at Chu Zhou without speaking.

Suddenly, it started.

To be precise, it was talking.

Its ferocious and terrifying face suddenly opened a mouth full of sharp teeth, and spit out a beam of blue energy light beam that seemed to be able to destroy the world at Chu Zhou.

The void with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles was instantly shattered into countless fragments.

The sea below is also boiling and shaking violently.

It's not just Lanshan who is doing it.

The six masters of the magic sound tribe also shot at the same time.

The terrifying magic sound instantly resounded through the world.

Circles of black sound waves that seem to be able to annihilate everything violently blast towards Chu Zhou.

Facing such an attack, ordinary high-ranking venerables probably cannot escape death.

But Chu Zhou's face was calm and calm.

The 'Book of Ten Thousand Laws' appeared silently above his head, with strands of white light filling the air.

Suddenly, the 'Book of Ten Thousand Laws' was opened, and the third page was opened directly.

The phantom of a mighty river of time and space emerged on the pages of the book.

This page is filled with pale light.

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of miles around became a stopped world.

Whether it is Zuo Yue and the others in the battle, or the treant soldiers, the boiling and roaring sea water, the light beams tearing apart the void, the circles of black sound waves, or the blue mountain and the six masters of the magic sound tribe...everything , all stopped.

In this pale world that stopped, Chu Zhou left his original position like a stroll in the garden, and passed through the attacks with ease.

The next moment, the stopped world returned to normal.

That terrifying blue beam of light, and circles of black ripples, hit Chu Zhou's original position fiercely.

A loud bang directly blasted Chu Zhou's original position into a huge hole.

The space in the hole was annihilated into nothingness.

However, neither Lan Shan nor the six masters of the Moyin clan were happy at all.

They all found that their attacks fell through.

Seeing Chu Zhou who appeared not far away from them at some point, they couldn't help but sweat secretly.

When did Chu Zhou appear there?

What happened just now?

They didn't know when Chu Zhou left his original position... This made them feel terrified.

"Magic sound clan..." Chu Zhou looked at the six magic sound clan masters with sharp eyes, "...Your clan is so annoying. Every time you see me, you yell and make a scene. Can't you be quiet? Is it a little?"

Six Venerables of the Magic Sound Clan: "..."

What the hell, we live by shouting.

You keep us quiet?

Are you polite?

Chu Zhou didn't care what the six masters of the Moyin tribe were thinking, but felt that they were too annoying, so he did it.

The "Book of Ten Thousand Laws" flew over the six masters of the magic sound tribe like lightning. First, a pale phantom of time and space torrent landed, instantly imprisoning the time and space where the six masters of the magic sound tribe were located.

The six masters of the magic sound tribe suddenly came to a standstill, like puppets, dumbfounded.

The next moment, the 'Book of Ten Thousand Laws' opened its fifth page.

In an instant, countless words of "kill", as well as countless lotus flowers, sword glow planets, torrential rain, etc. descended.

The six magic sound masters who were in a stopped state were directly strangled into a blood mist in an instant.

Chu Zhou opened his hand to grab the six blood mist from the air, and the six blood mist flew into his palm like a tired bird returning to its nest, and was swallowed by his palm.

"Damn it, time and space stopped just now!"

"He actually comprehended the laws of space and time!"

Lan Shan saw the whole process of the six magic sound masters being easily suppressed and killed by Chu Zhou, and his whole body went numb.

My heart was full of shock and trembling.

Chu Zhou can comprehend the law of reincarnation, which is already very against the sky.

Who would have thought that he would have comprehended the laws of space and time?

The law of time, although not as mysterious as the law of reincarnation, is also one of the most powerful taboo laws in the universe.

Those who are strong in the law of time have always been invincible at the same level.

At this moment, it also understood how Chu Zhou dodged the joint attack of it and the six masters of the magic sound clan just now.

must have also used the trick of stopping time.

"How could his luck be so good? He has comprehended the laws of reincarnation and time and space, and he has also obtained the word 'A', and... he is also a disciple of King Beicang..."

Lan Shan quickly thought about what Chu Zhou had, his eyes turned red with jealousy.

He seriously doubted whether Chu Zhou was the illegitimate child of God.

Otherwise, why do so many good things always happen to Chu Zhou?

"Give you a chance to surrender to me!"

At this time, Chu Zhou looked at Lan Shan indifferently.

Lan Shan was furious when he heard the words.

"Chu Zhou, you are too arrogant, I am a member of the majestic Mana clan... How could I submit to you as a human being?"

Lanshan screamed, the towering and huge tree burned with raging blue flames, and the energy emitted formed an extremely terrifying energy tsunami.

"I can see that you are only entering the gate of the law of space-time. Although the law of space-time is mysterious...but it is not invincible."

"With the power of the law of space and time that you have now, I can counteract the effect of the law of space and time as long as I constantly stimulate my own power of the law."

"The six idiots just now didn't realize this, so they hit your space-time stop and were easily killed by you."

"But I'm not like them!"

On the body of Lanshan, the power of law boils, resisting all external power of law.

"Nothing is different!"

Chu Zhou heard that Lan Shan was unwilling to surrender, his eyes were filled with murderous intent, "Since you don't want to live anymore, I'll give you a ride."

He pointed at the 'Book of Ten Thousand Laws', and the 'Book of Ten Thousand Laws' immediately erupted with a princely pressure, cutting towards the majestic and huge tree of Lanshan like lightning.

The mighty five-color divine light, the huge reincarnation gear, the long river of time and space, the vast chaotic sea, the immeasurable sword light, etc., burst out from the "Book of Ten Thousand Laws".

At this moment, the entire cosmic sea seems to be pierced by the 'Book of Ten Thousand Laws'.

Terrible energy fluctuations spread hundreds of millions of miles away.

"A princely weapon!"

Lan Shan felt the terrifying coercion emanating from the 'Book of Ten Thousand Laws', and felt chills in his heart.

It didn't expect that Chu Zhou's weapon was so terrifying.

Prince-level weapons are precious and rare. 99.9% of princes only own one prince-level weapon.

Some newly promoted princes even use venerable weapons.

It is precisely because princely-level weapons are very precious, under normal circumstances, it is difficult for the Venerable to obtain a princely-level weapon.

Now seeing that Chu Zhou sent a princely weapon, Lan Shan immediately wanted to dodge.

Just, obviously late!josei

The "Book of Ten Thousand Laws" slid across the huge tree, like cutting tofu with a knife, and cut off the towering tree of Blue Mountain from the middle in an instant.

At the same time, a large amount of power of the five elements, power of reincarnation, power of time and space, power of chaos, and immeasurable sword energy spread upward to the two sections of the tree.


Lan Shan screamed miserably.

soon turned into countless fragments.

Chu Zhou reached out and grabbed a Law Godhead in his hand.

"Good kill!"

Lan Momo saw from a distance that Chu Zhou had killed Lan Shan forcefully, and couldn't help shouting in joy.

It heard just now that Chu Zhou wanted to conquer Lanshan.

And this is what it does not want to see.

If Lan Shan also surrendered to his master, then Chu Zhou would have two ancient blue devil trees under his command.

It has no uniqueness.

Moreover, its strength is not as good as that of Blue Mountain.

It feels like that, it will cause its status in Chu Zhou's heart to decline.

Therefore, it never expected to see Chu Zhou take over Lanshan.

Now that Chu Zhou directly killed Lan Shan, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After the death of Lanshan, the millions of treant warriors created by it, as well as those venerable treant warriors, also acted like puppets without energy support. They moved slower and slower and made more and more mistakes.

Soon, ten venerable treant warriors were killed by Zuo Yue and the others.

The other treant warriors made by Lanshan gradually turned into logs.

Chu Zhou didn't take a second look at the wood.

He has already studied the Treants created by the Blue Devils.

Knowing that these treant warriors only have an extremely rare source of life in their bodies, even if they swallow it, the attribute points they get are better than nothing.

That's why he didn't attack the army of millions of trees...

Chu Zhou was too lazy to look at the wood, and focused on the seven kingdoms of God.

After he killed six magic sound clan masters and Lan Shan, he also used the law of time and space to seize their kingdom of God.

"Hope they're not poor ghosts!"

He muttered, and then began to activate his divine sense to scan the seven kingdoms of God.

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