Global Evolution: I Have An Attribute Board

Chapter 549

Chapter 549: Promoted to prince! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

Chapter 549 Promoted to a prince! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

【Attribute points: 27.06 trillion (+23 million)】

Looking at the attribute points on the attribute panel, Chu Zhou was ecstatic.

To break through the barrier between the venerable and the prince, roughly 10 million trillion attribute points are needed.

His current attribute points are enough to meet the requirements.

"It's time to be promoted to prince."

Chu Zhou didn't hesitate at all, and let the attribute panel break the barrier between the venerable and the prince as soon as he had a thought.


The attribute panel was shaken, and a surging mysterious force surged out of it.

Sweeping every cell in his body, as well as his soul.

Thoroughly transform his body and soul.

At this moment, every cell in his body, like a sapling that has been dry for a long time, is frantically devouring that mysterious force.

His soul, also tempered by mysterious power, is constantly strengthening.

The essence of his whole life is undergoing sublimation and transition.

At a certain moment, deep in his body, there was a sudden cracking sound, as if some kind of mysterious shackle was broken.

In an instant, he felt like a bird that had escaped from a cage.

There is a feeling of freedom and unrestraint.

"The barrier between the venerable and the prince is broken."

Chu Zhou was ecstatic.

At this moment, he clearly felt that every cell in his body, as well as his soul, communicated with the universe without hindrance, and swallowed the energy of the universe freely.

This behavior of absorbing the energy of the universe has become the instinct of the body and soul.

He doesn't need to deliberately control it.

That is to say, from now on, even if he does nothing, the energy in his body will continue to increase, becoming more majestic and vast.

"Sure enough. Prince-level beings and venerable-level beings are two lives at completely different levels."

"However, I only possess some of the characteristics of a prince now. I am not yet a real prince."

"One must increase the comprehension of the law and upgrade the godhead of the law to be considered a real prince."

Thinking about it in his heart, he made the attribute panel upgrade the law of reincarnation.

The property panel vibrates again.

A large amount of mysterious power swept his whole body.

At the same time, the hidden law of reincarnation was triggered by the attribute panel.

Over the Magic Mountain Continent, the situation changed drastically, and the sky of the entire Magic Mountain Continent suddenly became distorted and blurred.

Countless shadows of gears bigger than the sun emerged.

Especially the gear phantom in the center, which feels bigger than a hundred suns.

The phantoms of huge wheels, the big wheels with small wheels, are all slowly turning.


At this moment, all creatures in the entire Magic Mountain Continent, no matter who they are, heard the roar of gears turning at the soul level.

A trace of mysterious mighty power spreads in the soul level of countless creatures.

"Then... is reincarnation?"

Countless creatures murmured.

Except for the creatures above the Venerable level, all other creatures suddenly fell asleep.


Many powerful men above the Venerable Master looked up at the huge gears that seemed to be slowly driving the entire universe, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

The legend about 'reincarnation' has been circulating in the universe for countless years.

Many people know that 'samsara' is mysterious and inaccessible.

Few people have seen the real 'reincarnation'.

But at this moment, they felt that they had seen 'reincarnation'.

Perhaps, 'Reincarnation' is like this.

"Chu Zhou summoned 'Reincarnation'?"

Zuoyue, Bingselin, Xiliujin, and Zhulong Wang and other human powerhouses, at this moment, looked at the phantom of the gears covering the entire sky, and looked at Chu Zhou's figure, and their expressions were also moved.

Among them, only Chu Zhou controlled the power of reincarnation.

There is no doubt that this 'reincarnation' was summoned by Chu Zhou.


King Beicang looked up at the mysterious gear phantoms, his face extremely solemn.

The "law of gods and magic" he comprehended is a very powerful law.

But he understands very well that it is still far from being able to compare with the 'Law of Reincarnation'.

'Law of Reincarnation', this is a power that anyone can fear.josei



In the sky, the most gigantic gear phantom shook violently, shooting out an incomparably huge beam of reincarnation light.

The samsara beam of light blasted through billions of time and space, covering Chu Zhou's body.

At this moment, countless insights about the law of reincarnation emerged in Chu Zhou's mind.

The reincarnation godhead emerged above his head.

After the reincarnation godhead appeared, it immediately began to devour the reincarnation divine power in the reincarnation beam of light, as well as the countless reincarnation runes and lines of reincarnation law in the beam of light.

The reincarnation godhead trembled violently, the internal structure seemed to be transforming rapidly, and traces of mysterious and mysterious aura swept out like a storm.

At a certain moment, the godhead of reincarnation suddenly soared, and a princely reincarnation aura, like a storm, swept every corner of the Magic Mountain Continent.

Chu Zhou's whole body exudes an illusory light of reincarnation.

Behind him, countless phantoms of rotating reincarnation gears emerged.

"No... no way? Chu Zhou has been promoted to prince?"

Candle Dragon King looked at Chu Zhou's figure with dull eyes as if he had suffered from dementia.

His face was full of disbelief.

King Mammoth, Venerable Yunmeng, Venerable Gold, Master Lanruo, Venerable Chihuo and other human powerhouses all seemed to be petrified.

They looked at Chu Zhou dumbly, unable to say a word.

"Is he promoted to prince so soon? Many years sooner than expected."

Beicang King also showed a slight look of surprise on his face.

On the other hand, Zuo Yue, Bingselin, and Xiliukin reacted relatively calmly.

They have seen too many miracles on Chu Zhou.

have long been used to it.

See you again now, and I don’t think there is anything.

"Just kidding! It hasn't been ten years since Chu Zhou was promoted to Venerable, so he was promoted to the prince of the universe?"

"Unbelievable! What kind of freak is this?"

"The total age is less than a hundred years old, and it has been less than ten years since becoming a venerable... Such a young prince of the universe is probably the first person in the history of our universe."

In the Magic Mountain Continent, many powerful existences above the Venerable level were also shaken at this moment.

In the void, Chu Zhou slowly opened his eyes, feeling the power in his body, which had increased by more than a hundred times, and couldn't help being excited.

【Name: Chu Zhou (Elementary Universe Prince)】

【Attribute points: 60 trillion】


【Five elements rule: 30% (more than 60% of the rule of gold and the rule of wood are combined)】

【Law of Reincarnation: 40%】

【Law of Time and Space: 30%】

"Finally become the prince of the universe!"

Looking at the information on the property panel, Chu Zhou's heart fluttered.

The prince, also known as the king of gods, is definitely a high-end power in the universe.

When the overlord does not appear, he can basically walk sideways in the entire universe.

According to the information he has learned, there are only a few hundred princes of the universe among the entire human race.

Becoming the prince of the universe is definitely an amazing achievement.

Moreover, he entered the realm of princes by virtue of the law of reincarnation, and his strength is much stronger than princes of the same level.

"Unfortunately, after breaking the barrier between the venerable and the prince, and upgrading the comprehension of the law of reincarnation to 40%, the attribute points are almost completely consumed."

Chu Zhou looked at the remaining 60 trillion attribute points on the attribute panel and sighed softly.

However, he quickly cleared up his mind.

In any case, it is a great joy to be promoted to the prince of the universe today.

With a thought, he withdrew his godhead and suppressed the power fluctuations on his body.

In the sky, the huge reincarnation gears gradually disappeared.

"Chu Zhou, you are such a terrifying monster!"

Candle Dragon King and others, when they came to Chu Zhou, looked at Chu Zhou with the eyes of a monster.

Chu Zhou's promotion speed has completely exceeded their comprehension.

What is not a monster?

"You don't have to do this. I'm just talented, just a little bit better than you."

Chu Zhou smiled slightly and joked.

He has long been used to such gazes.

Zhulong Wang and others rolled their eyes together.

A little bit?

It’s a billion points!

"Let's get out of here as soon as possible. Stay here... I'm afraid that some existences will not be able to resist."

"The law of reincarnation is too tempting."

At this time, King Beicang said seriously.

Something exists?

Could it be the saint of the universe?

Chu Zhou and the others were shocked.

Indeed, the law of reincarnation is also very attractive to the saints of the universe.

The "Lord of Reincarnation" of human beings was the law of reincarnation on his body. He was coveted and besieged by many saints of the universe, so he had to choose reincarnation.

Now Chu Zhou has comprehended the law of reincarnation to the level of a prince.

It is normal for a cosmic sage to be tempted.

After thinking about this, Chu Zhou and the others did not dare to stay here any longer.

King Beicang directly tore apart the great universe, took Chu Zhou and others across the universe.

After Chu Zhou and others disappeared, the entire Magic Mountain Continent was stirred up and boiled.

During this period of time, too many major events that could be recorded in the annals of history have occurred in the Magic Mountain Continent.

First, Chu Zhou was besieged by many princes and armies of Zerg and other forces. Instead of dying, Chu Zhou rebelled against the princes and killed countless alien troops.

Afterwards, the powerful human beings appeared, and King Beicang appeared, killing many foreign princes and armies.

However, there was another killing round in the killing round, and the overlord of the six realms appeared in avatar, besieging and killing the King of Beicang.

Who would have thought that King Beicang would be promoted to the overlord of the universe, kill the clone of the overlord of the six realms, and then destroy the remaining princes and armies of other races.

Finally, Chu Zhou was also promoted to the prince of the universe in the battlefield, and at this time, it was less than ten years before Chu Zhou was promoted to the venerable.

These shocking events happened one after another, like thunder explosions that opened up the world one after another, making countless people in the Magic Mountain Continent stunned.

The sensation and excitement in the Magic Mountain Continent is just the beginning. It is conceivable that when the news of what happened on the Magic Mountain Continent spreads, it will definitely cause a huge sensation among the universe sea and the universe.

After King Bei Cang took Chu Zhou and others to leave the Magic Mountain Continent, he found a human base closest to the Magic Mountain Continent, and left the universe sea with the help of the interstellar portal in the human base.

Canglong Star.

Like Xiyu Star, it is one of the eight major logistics bases in the human territory, and it is also a fixed delivery point for the cosmic army, from which a large number of cosmic troops are continuously transported to the "Battlefield of Ten Thousand Races".

"Bruce, have you heard the news from the 'Battlefield of Ten Thousand Races'?"

Sairei, the guard of the interstellar portal, said to his companions excitedly.

Serre is a four-eyed person with four eyes on his face,

At this moment, his four eyes all revealed a hint of fanaticism.

The Bruce he was talking about was a member of the Three-Tails tribe, with three snake tails behind him.

"Serey, have you forgotten that my news is always better than yours? I don't know what happened on the 'Ten Thousand Years Battlefield'?"

Bruce said to Serre angrily.

"I guess you know." Sairei didn't care about Bruce's tone, and said excitedly, "Master Beicang, you are indeed the number one prince of our mankind. After 300 million years, he reappeared, and his ability is equal to The avatar of the overlord of the six realms...and, there is also a promotion to the overlord of the universe."

Bruce heard the words, his expression was no longer calm, and there was a hint of admiration in his eyes, saying:

"When I was young, Lord Beicang was the idol I admired. Sure enough, Lord Beicang will not disappoint, and finally became the overlord."

Serei: "Master Beicang has become the overlord. This is a great joy for us humans."

"What is shocking is that not only Master Beicang has become the overlord, but Master Beicang's disciple Chu Zhou has also become the prince of the universe."

"You know, before Chu Zhou entered the 'Battlefield of Ten Thousand Races', he was just a world lord."

"One year after entering the 'Battlefield of Ten Thousand Races', Chu Zhou became a venerable, and just six years later, he was promoted to a prince... Such a speed of promotion is simply unimaginable."

Bruce also exclaimed: "Master Chu Zhou is indeed an unprecedented freak."

"A prince less than a hundred years old is unprecedented!"

"Fortunately, he belongs to us humans. Otherwise, we will have trouble sleeping and eating."

Cerei and Bruce talked about the news about King Beicang and Chu Zhou, excited and amazed.


Not only them, but the entire staff of Canglong Star who knew the news were chatting excitedly at this moment.

Suddenly, circles of water rippled above the interstellar portal.

A group of astonishing figures walked out of it.

"came back."

"After more than six years, we finally returned to our own territory."

"Yes! These years of wandering in the cosmic sea are precarious and crises occur frequently. Although it is very exciting, it is still comfortable to stay in our own territory of human beings."

Chu Zhou, Long, Sol, Chanjapasuo, Zuoyue, Bingserin, Xiliukin and others walked out of the water curtain, feeling the familiar atmosphere of the human territory, with a trace of ease on their faces color.

Recalling the years of **** storms in the sea of ​​space, they all felt like they were in a dream.

Beicang King and other human powerhouses smiled faintly when they saw the reaction of Chu Zhou and others.

They have experienced many times the feeling and reaction of returning from the experience of the "Battlefield of Ten Thousand Races".

have long been used to it.

"Dragon, Sol, Chanjapasa, let's separate here! Contact us in time if you need anything."

Chu Zhou bid farewell to the three of them.

Long and the three nodded slightly.

They belong to different forces and have their own destinations.

Now it's time to separate.

Anyway, they can be connected through the mirror universe network at any time, and separation is nothing.

Soon, Chu Zhou, Zuo Yue, Bingselin, and Xiliukin boarded the spaceship of King Beicang and left Canglong Star.

Long, Saul, and Chanjapasa also left with their teachers.

Cerre, Bruce, and many Canglongxing staff didn't realize who they had just seen until Chu Zhou and others disappeared.

Everyone is very regretful.

They should have gone up to say hello.


The article of "Battlefield of Ten Thousand Races" is over. After reading it, I roughly wrote 88 chapters, at least 350,000 words, which is much longer than expected.

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