Global Evolution

Chapter 209

Chapter 209

Chapter 209: 209

Therefore, the three little guys looked at the scenery in front of them for a long time, and their faces showed a very happy expression . josei

These three young mature guys, from the day of their birth, were doomed to live a tense life . Since Liu Chang had been in contact with these guys for so many days, he seldom saw them show such expressions . Therefore, it is very rare that he did not disturb them . Until they recover from the stupor .

"It’s beautiful . " The boss laughed, "if only I could live in this kind of place . "

"Yes . " The second nodded and looked at Liu Chang, "you used to be very happy . "

"Unfortunately, we don’t have the chance . " The old three took a long breath, as if to spit out the unexpected beauty from his heart, and then said: "forget it, two of you, work . Today we spent so much energy to send him here, not to enjoy the beautiful scenery . "

"Yes, work!" The boss sighed, then stepped on the grass all over the ground, and slowly walked to Liu Chang’s, "you know the purpose of our coming here . "

"Yes, training makes me stronger . " Liu Chang nodded, "but what about the training content?"

"Combat skills and vision usage . " The boss said: "skills are divided into scientific combat methods and the application of this method in actual combat . "

"For example, how to hit people is the most effective, how to kill people is the most convenient, and how to avoid bullet shooting is the most scientific . These are all previous research experiences . " "But if you want to learn all this knowledge, it’s a long process - for you guys with average IQ . But today . Let’s take a shortcut here . Our three brothers will join hands and pour this knowledge into your mind by force . . . "

"Wait . How to force perfusion? This sounds a little like the Kung Fu you heard about when you were a child? " Liu Chang looked at the three children, "but when I grew up, I knew that everything with this kind of oil hammer was as unreliable as Dali pills . Don’t say such unscientific words, OK?"

"Well, that just makes it easier for you to understand the meaning of this thing . In fact, the whole city of this event is called, using external force to accelerate the blood supply speed of your brain and the activity and excitability of neurons around your brain to achieve the effect of greatly improving the memory function of your right brain in a short time The boss finished the long word in one breath . Then he took a breath and said, "so you understand?"

"I don’t understand . " Liu Chang shook his head, "but it’s easier for me to believe that . "

"Let’s get started . " Come back to work, boss

"I don’t have to sit down or lie down or something?" Liu Chang looked at the three approaching children, showing a puzzled look .

"No . Don’t stick to it in your dreams . " As soon as the old saying was finished, Liu Chang felt dizzy and dizzy - and then, a lot of picture information, text information, even dynamic video information, 3D information . A flash into his mind, and then he felt the magical "never forget" effect, these things in front of his eyes, even if only fleeting . He can still feel these things have been exactly imprinted into his mind, lingering . Like the warmest picture in my memory, I can’t forget it .

This process lasted only a short time . Liu Chang wakes up from the dizzy feeling, and then looks back on his mind . Countless knowledge about combat, such as guns, fighting tools and even the mechanics of bricks, has filled his mind, making him feel that he has become a combat expert at this moment .

"How to breathe is the most economical way to save physical strength in combat, and where is the most scientific place to use the sole of your foot to exert force in running . . . " Liu Chang murmured in situ for a while, then looked at the three children standing in front of him, "it’s amazing, I even remember them all!"

"Just remember . " The eldest three in Liu Chang’s dream, just finished this sentence, the color of their bodies suddenly faded a lot, which is not directly proportional to the color and resolution of the surrounding landscape . This feeling is like a 30 megapixel photo, and suddenly two 8-megapixel people and objects come in . It looks very disharmonious .

"What’s the matter with you?" Liu Chang looked at this amazing picture and knew that it was definitely not a good thing .

"Brain weakness, we’re overpowering . " The old man said indifferently: "it’s OK . Although this dream is yours, we imposed it on us . Therefore, it has nothing to do with you . It’s just that we are tired, so it doesn’t look so bright . "

"Well, it’s like a light bulb that used to have 3000 watts, but now it’s only 800 watts left . " Looking at Liu Chang’s still uneasy look, the second continued to explain: "but brain waves are like generators . As long as we are not dead, as long as our brain cells are not dead, it is always flowing . We have a sense of propriety . Don’t be distracted . "

"Don’t be distracted, because the next thing we need to do is to officially start the training . What we just did is just to tell you what is right . " The third came to Liu Chang and slapped him on the buttocks - first, because he was only able to get here; second, he knew that this could ease the seemingly tense atmosphere a little . So, after patting his buttocks, he still showed his obscene smile and explained, "it’s different to know that things are right, and that you can use the right things in a crisis . Theory is theory, and actual combat is actual combat . What is memorized in the brain can never be compared with that memorized by muscles . It is convenient and useful to come in combat . I don’t believe that in the battle between you and stream, you will have any time and mind to think about what bullshit knowledge! "

"So, these days . . . " "Knowledge is not power, posture is power!"

"Shit, you little boy, how can you understand so many disgusting things?" Hearing the old three "posture is strength", Liu Chang’s worried look finally weakened, "I don’t know what books Li Qingshui let you read in those years . "

"Look at everything . " "He didn’t have so much time to manage us, so he left us a database and some big hard disks that recorded everything in the pre era . That thing, almost everything in the Internet age before . What’s more, you’ve just learned a lot about our learning ability . We can’t forget it . We know more than you do . "

"Yes, there are several hairs on teacher Lian Cang . We can count them all at a glance . " The boss is also rare to cooperate with the third .

"How many?" The second one heard the boss’s words, but it was rare that he showed a puzzled look like Liu Chang . "I really don’t count that . "

"I won’t tell you . " Seeing the huge shock and doubt on Liu Chang’s face, the boss laughed and continued: "when you finish the course I gave you, I will tell you . "

"Yes . " "Ha ha" a smile, Liu Chang bowed and patted the wretched child on the shoulder and said with a smile, "what are you waiting for? Let’s go

"OK, the first lesson of training is to teach you how to use melee weapons . " The eldest brother said, the air hand extended, a huge sword appeared in his small hand, and then, he handed the color is very weak and weightless things to Liu Chang .

"This is a weapon model that we have developed . It is a weapon that can maximize your physical advantages according to your body status and muscle strength . Of course, this knife should be 97 . 3 kg . However, we have consumed too much EEG energy today, and "fantasy" can not produce more specific things . Therefore, today’s weightless thing, you can use it first . "

"Er . . . " Liu Chang looked at the huge weapon with simple shape but strong sense of strength and line in his hand, and asked in doubt: "why use close combat weapons? From the oil hammer to the sword, why is everything so like the martial arts routine? "

"Well, because in this era, melee weapons are indispensable - especially for creatures like you who have entered the middle and high end of evolution . " "Weapons are used to kill the enemy, so your opponent decides what kind of weapon you use," the boss explained . Well, take flow for example . Do you know how far flow can run in a second? "

"I don’t know . The limit speed should be 10 meters per second . " Liu Chang rolled his eyes and recalled the scene of the last battle with Liu . "Even if the acceleration of the battle is less than the limit speed, there should be more than 50 meters per second . "

"Well, next question, how many meters can you see?" Boss’s next question .

"Now, the ultimate visual range can reach about 74 meters . " Liu Chang wants to understand what, "I measured . "

"OK, now you can see 74 meters in the fog . If Liu kills you, the time difference between appearing in your sight and slapping you on the head is about 0 . 9 seconds to 1 . 5 seconds . During this period, if you use shredded meat, how many shots can you fire?"

"About one or two . " Liu Chang finally understood, "even if you use Gatling, you can’t shoot a few shots, so if you’re close, you’ll be completely different from having a big sword with bare hands . "

"Yes, a hundred kilos is nothing to you now, even more important and better . " The boss sighed, "because the heavier the weapon, the stronger the lethality . This is the truth to prevent the universe from being universal . However, the weight of a weapon is not always based on one person’s strength . If the weight of the weapon itself exceeds your weight, even if you can easily swing it, you will be carried away by your own weapon in the battle . So, add in your body weight, 97 . 3 kg, is the most suitable weight for you

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