Goblin Kingdom

Volume 1, Chapter 73.5

Volume 1, Chapter 73.5: At the Gi Village

Volume 1, Chapter 73.5: At the Gi Village

Name: Gi Ga Rax

Race: Goblin

Level: 89

Class: Noble; Guardian

Possessed Skills: Spearmanship C+; Overpowering Howl; Omnivorous; Instant Kill; Adherent of the King; Spear Throwing; Warrior's Soul; Indomitable Soul; Insight

Attributes: None

Subordinate Beasts: None

Abnormal Because of the Status

artificial leg - fighting prowess is down 30%


Reshia groaned at the scene before her.

A gift from the “king” had arrived just a while ago, and tidings say that the four tribes have joined under his banner. The campaign was a success.

But that didn’t matter, what was truly important was that “thing” before her.



Cynthia and Gastra have been groaning ceaselessly from a distance a long while now. They didn’t dare approach Reshia.


Reshia looked again at the black tiger before her.

“This is a rider-beast that the king has sent for Lord Gi Ga. It is our Paradua Tribe’s black tiger. Please accept it.”

The goblin that came riding on that rider-beast politely bowed his head. He seemed to resemble those humans that loved horses, but a second look at the goblin’s face would make anyone forget such thoughts.

“Lady Reshia…”

When Lili returned from her hunt, she noticed Reshia glaring at the rider-beast, deep wrinkles drawn upon her forehead. Panicking, she hurriedly walked up to Reshia.


Meanwhile, Gi Ga, the one-armed one-legged goblin, was so overcome with emotion that he could not say a word past a groan. Reshia ill-humoredly nodded to the goblin’s affections.

Lili approached Reshia, unaware of that pressure that seemed to strike fear even in the heart of the rider-beast.

For the meantime, I should try and get her away from it, she thought.

“Lady Reshia?”

“Congratulations, Lord Gi Ga.”

“As expected of our king!”

“Thank goodness. Thank goodness!” josei

The beast warrior, Gi De, the water magician, Gi Zo, the spearman, Gi Da, each and every single one of them congratulated Gi Ga, while Reshia’s countenance darkened and Lili’s heart went pitter-patter.

“L-Lady Reshia?”

Lili turned Reshia around.

“Oh, you’re back?”

It was her usual smile, Reshia’s usual smile, but… something was different.

“The king hasn’t forgotten about Lord Gi Ga.”

“This must be a reward for your loyalty, Lord Gi Ga. Our wounded comrades will be glad to hear of this.”

“Thank goodness. Thank goodness!”

Reshia twitched for an instant, then in the next moment she froze. Gi De’s words hadn’t escaped her, and her smile went as stiff as a doll on strings, leaving even Lili to freeze.

It was then that it finally occurred to her why Reshia was acting this way. But that was only an understanding, an understanding of the

cause. And that by in itself was not enough to solve the problem at hand. Yet, be that as it may, she could not just stand idle either. For if this were to be handled poorly, not one person here would be getting off scot-free from the eruption of Mt. Reshia.

“S-Surely the king must…”

She could not stand the tense atmosphere, so she tried to say something.

“Surely the king must what?”

But Lili’s poor attempt was only met by Reshia’s cold voice. She was smiling, but that was exactly what made it terrifying. Lili shivered.

“…Must be busy.”

“Must be busy?”

At that moment, the sound of clicking seemed to have reached her ears. The freezing air from before had fully frozen over. This is bad, Lili thought, but it was too late. She had no way out. If she tried to forcefully change the direction of this conversation, Mt. Reshia will certainly erupt.

“I’m sure next time…”

But she can’t give up, not until the end.

“Next time… But what about this time?”

Ah, that’s not good, she realized.

“Why!? Why don’t I get anything!!!”

Those words were said with so much power that even the poor black tiger couldn’t help but prostrate in fear.


While Lili was trying to cheer Reshia up, Gi Ga Rax was struggling to ride the rider-beast.

He sat himself on the saddle and grabbed the reins, but no matter what he did, he could not clamp his tiger-steed hard enough because of his prosthetic leg.

A little speed from the black tiger, and Gi Ga would immediately find himself patting his back on the ground.

But he did not give up.

If the words of the messenger were to be trusted, then the king had boasted of his loyalty as the greatest amongst the goblins.

If so, then there was no other choice. He had to respond to it, to the king’s faith. He had to ride the black tiger.

Day after day, hour after hour, Gi Ga worked himself to the bone, trying to ride that black tiger. He fell and fell, and many more times did he fall. But in time, those falls grew less and less.

Impressed by his improvement, even the Paradua messenger couldn’t help but become zealous at teaching. And they trained from morn till dusk, day after day.

“That’ll be all for today, Lord Gi Ga.” “I can still do more…”

Gi Ga still couldn’t ride with his spear, but he was proficient enough now that he could ride with one hand.

“No, we’ll be riding in the evening tomorrow, so you should get some rest.”


Gi Ga affixed the reigns to the black tiger’s mouth and patted its head.


The black tiger happily purred, and the messenger from Paradua went wide-eyed.

“Looks like you’ve gotten used to Hakuou already.”

“It’s because of your exceptional teaching, Lord Alashd.”

Aluhaliha had sent his adjutant, Alashd, as messenger out of consideration for the Gi Village. Being older than Hal, Alashd has much hunting experience under his belt. He may be a little worse at the spear, being only the 3rd best spearman in the tribe, but with Aluhaliha retiring, that 3rd would soon be 2nd.

“I was wondering what the boss was thinking when he sent me, but I think I understand now.”

“What do you mean?”

The two goblins chatted as they led the black tiger to the village.

“He told me to see - with my own two eyes - the King of the East’s loyal subject. The boss seems to be really serious about unifying the goblins under him.”

Alashd laughed at the puzzled Gi Ga.

“Once I’m done with this mission, I’ll be one of the elders. And of course, the boss would want me to give my opinion then.”

“Is that necessary?”

What a hassle, Gi Ga’s face seemed to say. Alashd laughed even harder at that.

“Right, it’s certainly a hassle. But to lead a tribe, that much is necessary.”

“…Hmm, our king is indeed great.”

“…But of course.

And so, the two goblins returned to the village along with the setting sun.


Name: Alashd

Race: Paradua Goblin

Level: 70

Class: Rare

Possessed Skills: Mounted Spearmanship; Riding; Spearmanship C+; Leadership C+; Charge; Cooperation C+; Beast Heart; Adjutant's Knowledge; Sixth Sense

Attributes :None

Subordinate Beasts: None

Beloved Steed Shiou

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