Goblin Kingdom

Volume 3, Chapter 203 - Gi Ba Hagar (1/3)

Volume 3, Chapter 203 - Gi Ba Hagar (1/3)

Volume 3, Chapter 203 - Gi Ba Hagar (1/3)

“Gi Zu, retreat to the right flank! Gi Gu, advance!”

The Goblin King ordered the goblins, and the goblins were able to successfully fight while retreating.

He led the fight against Pena by focusing on their weak points, but as expected, they couldn’t do as much damage to the enemy when they had to retreat while fighting.

Pena also had healers among the ranks of their rear guard, and the wounded would immediately be brought to them to be tended to.

Moreover, because of the enemy army was made up of adventurers, which were used to fighting monsters and monster beasts, they were used to getting hurt.

Perhaps the goblins would have a much easier time if they were fighting an army composed mainly of conscripts that were formerly farmers, but unfortunately, the adventurers were simply too familiar with death. And as swords for hire, they were also used to bloodshed between humans.

That’s why even when the battle had reached a point where the humans should’ve started to pull back, they didn’t. And instead of being afraid, they bravely charged onward.

The Goblin King was gradually becoming impatient, but he didn’t want that to show on his face, so he bellowed out a great howl and swung his great sword.

At this rate, wouldn’t they eventually catch up to the borderlands, which they had intentionally allowed to go ahead?

The Goblin King stood in the front lines fighting bravely against the humans, but he couldn’t grasp the state of the battle.

The adventurers stood before him, and he destroyed them with his great sword, but even he was beginning to tire.

Unfortunately, he could not leave the front lines, for without him, the front lines would surely immediately be exhausted and be forced to retreat.

Although the duke class and the noble class were also present, only the Goblin King could actually lead the army.

In other words, the only reason that these hordes of goblins are able to function as an army is because the Goblin King is there to lead them.

Without him, only destruction awaited the goblins.

The Goblin King pushed down whatever impatience he felt to a corner of his heart as he focused on swinging his great sword against the enemy.

The battle had begun when the sun was at its peak, but time passed, and now it was pointing to the west.

The night was the hour of the monsters. The Goblin King believed that if they were to make a move, they had to do it with the most advantageous circumstance possible.


The head of the forces of Pena, Allen, continued to receive reports of casualties that made one want to avert his eyes, but the results were equally great.

They were gradually driving the goblin forces to a corner.

Although the front lines of the goblins hadn’t collapsed, the goblins were gradually falling back.

Allen believed this was because the power of his forces was greater.

Of course, there was no way he could know that the goblins were protecting the people of the borderlands. Even if he had received such a report, he couldn’t possibly believe it.

In order to end this battle, he would lead the Blue Knights and finish off the enemy once and for all.

All the Blue Knights believe that’s what Allen would do.

However, it was almost time for the goddess of darkness, Verdna, to spread her wings and welcome the hour of the night god, Ya Jansu.

Everything has gone well for them until now, so the deciding battle would be difficult.

One wrong step and all their efforts would be put to waste.

Allen was at a loss. josei

Should they brave the dangers of the night and attack the goblins? Or should they take extra caution and wait until the next day before attack?

But on the other hand, if they waited for tomorrow, the goblins might well recover. Or they might even run. Allen couldn’t stop thinking such things as he watched the battlefield looking for an opportunity.

Before long a messenger on horseback came to him.

“Reinforcements from Elrain Kingdom! 6,000 horsemen!” The messenger said.

When the surrounding blue knights and adventurers heard that, they clamored.

Victory was at hand! Morale rose to an all time high.

But if the Red King defeated the goblins here, Allen’s respected queen would be affected.

This was not a battle they could give to the Red King. They had to win it by themselves. Only then would it have meaning.

In that case, then it might be necessary to muster all of the blue knights and attack.

Allen considered his next move as he watched the adventurers fight the goblins.

“How long until they arrive!?” Allen asked.

“Approximately 2 hours!” The messenger replied.

The figure of the Red King rushing madly ahead within the dark of the dusk flashed through Allen’s mind.

Allen made up his mind.

“Spread the flanks. Surround the goblins,” he ordered finally.

“Are we…!?” Allen’s adjutant asked.

Allen nodded.

“We will attack with all of our strength. Ready yourselves within 30 minutes! The Blue Knights will go around to the right flank and bring chaos to the rearguard of the enemy! We finally have the monsters by the heels! We’re not about to give this to Elrain Kingdom!”

As morale rose up high among the forces of Pena, the formation of their army started to take on the shape of a bird spreading its wings.

While the battle between the forces of Pena and the goblins continued, with each side taking turns being the dominant force, the vanguard of the Red King led by Saldin were making their way toward the goblins.

“What did the scouts say!?” Saldin yelled from atop his horse.

“Pena’s camp is half a day to the west,” his trusted friend yelled back.

“Bastards! We’re kicking it up a notch!”

Saldin lightly kicked the stomach of his horse as he urged his army to go faster.

“Those who can’t keep up, just follow later! We’re attacking the goblins with Pena from both flanks! Don’t lag behind, riders!”

The forces Saldin led were the adventurers and soldiers that survived the defeat of Razuel. They numbered 5,000. He also had the soldiers given to him by the old enchanter, Grave, adding another 1,000 sorcerer cavalry (mana guard) to his forces.

The mana guard platoon could be said to be Grave’s precious child. So, the fact he was willing to lend them to Saldin showed just how much he was expecting from him.

“To the west!”

Saldin pointed his sword toward the west as he pulled the reins on his horse and changed direction.

“We’ll take the heads of those goblins!”

Because Saldin was more spirited than normal, the morale of the army was naturally lifted.

“A reward will be given to the first spear! I will personally negotiate with our clan leader, Brandika, for it!” Saldin said as he brandished his sword above his head.

Saldin took the lead as he rode onward, voices shouting in glee as adventurers and soldiers rode after him from behind.

Two hours later, the wings of the goddess of darkness have already covered the surroundings, and voices of fighting could be heard from up ahead.

Half of Saldin’s soldier fell behind on the way here, but Saldin didn’t think that was a problem.

“Mana guards, cast flame bullets at my command! You will casting them in a volley 3 times!”

Saldin squinted his eyes as he tried to see through the dark area up ahead.

“Now! Aim toward the sky and shoot!”

The mana guards aimed toward the sky and casted their flame bullets.

Half of the one-thousand mana guards shot their flames up high.

In an instant, flames illuminated the surroundings, lifting up the veil of darkness and laying bare the terrible spectacle that was the battlefield.

Saldin thought poorly of Pena’s forces as they expanded toward both flanks. Meanwhile, he moved his entire army around the left.

“Tell the dimwits of Pena that we’re taking this one!” Saldin said to a nearby soldier before riding away. He didn’t even wait for the soldier to respond.

“Onwards!” Saldin yelled.

The brilliance from the light of the flame bullets reflected off Saldin’s long sword, turning that sword of his into a torch for the soldiers to follow.

“Second volley! Fire it just like you did the last!”

When they were passing the Pena encampment, the mana guards fired another volley.

The corners of Saldin’s mouth lifted up when he saw the goblins and the adventurers fighting.

As he smiled that bandit-like smile, he put strength into his grip on his sword.

“After the last volley, you bastards are to breakaway! Understood!?” Saldin told the mana guards.

The adjutant of Grave’s platoon nodded in response, and Saldin turned away with insanity in his eyes.

“Third volley. Let those goblins have it!!”

700 flame bullets rose up into the sky before descending and crashing into the flanks of the goblin army. As wall of flames were erected, Saldin ordered for the charge to begin.


Clouds of dust rose up behind Saldin’s force of 2,000 horsemen as they began their charge.


With great vigor, the Red King began their charge.

But Gi Jii Yubu’s regiol was not just about to watch themselves be burnt and skewered.

They equipped large shields to minimize the damage from the flame bullets, then when Saldin’s horsemen began charging toward them, they raised up their spears.

“They’re coming! Push out!”

At Gi Jii’s command, they put down their large shields and held their spears with both hands as they ran to meet the incoming horsemen.


Each army bellowed out a war cry.

Roars clashing, the very air shook, and horses flew into the air as goblin limbs fluttered in the sky.

“Don’t cower! Push back!”

Gi Jii Yubu the battle demon encouraged the goblins and they fought as hard as they could. Unfortunately, the difference in numbers was simply too great.

The forces Gi Jii led now numbered only 300 after all the fighting they’ve been through.

With such a huge difference in numbers, Gi Jii had no choice but to call for a retreat after only pushing back the enemy a little.

Still, they were able to pour cold water over the enemy’s high spirits and slow down their momentum, so their attack could still be called a success.

The Goblin King used the opening Gi Jii’s army made to command the army.

“Gi Gu, retreat but don’t allow the front lines to collapse! Rashka, we’re going to the left. After me!”

At the Goblin King’s behest, Rashka and his Gaidga tribe met the cavalry in front, while the Goblin King himself took the soldiers under his direct command to meet the cavalry going left.

Gi Go Amatsuki the sword king and the others became like two spears as they bore out the enemy camp, while the Gaidga tribe’s fierce attack made the hole they bore bigger.

After temporarily dulling the enemy’s momentum, the Goblin King judged that they couldn’t survive being attacked from two sides

They could no longer wait. They had to retreat now. So, he ordered the entire army to retreat.

“Gi Zu! Gi Jii! We’re retreating the entire army! Keep the enemy here!”

“As the king commands! Rouse yourselves, goblins!”

The platoon that had been exhausted the most was none other than Gi Gu’s platoon, but still, Gi Gu took the lead and attacked the adventurers.

The rare class goblins followed him from behind. Each and everyone acting just as one would expected from Gi Gu’s subordinates, attacking with perfect coordination.

Their blood-stained axes bashed into the skulls of their foes. And when they’d judged that the enemy’s momentum had weakened, they turned around.

To protect the back, Gi Zu and Gi Jii took the flanks of the scattered clans that were attacking them, then they retreated even further.

The Goblin King himself protected the rearmost part of their line while the goblins fled into the darkness.

“Not yet. It’s not over yet!” Saldin spat from atop his horse while covered in goblin blood. “Tell the platoons coming after us! There’s no time to rest! We’re pursuing them!”

The platoons that were left behind were now just catching up. Saldin had originally planned to bring them into formation when they arrived, and then throw them into battle.

But if the goblins were retreating, then things were different.

Now that Saldin could smell victory on the horizon, he was going to pursue the goblins.

“Tell the stupid turtles of Pena to chase after the goblins! Our signal will be the flame bullets!”

After sending a nearby adventurer as a messenger, Saldin took the platoons that just arrived and began heading north.

He spread out the mana guard that Grave entrusted him, then as the dark of the night was illuminated, he chased after the goblins.

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