God of Crime: Strongest Mafia Boss

Chapter 417 CH 403

Chapter 417 CH 403: SHARING IS CARING

Inari muttered the word 'Everything' with such ambiguity that one would need to be either deaf, blind, dumb, or asexual, or just have pretty much all the disabilities at the same time, to not understand what she meant by the utterance of such a word.

Adam had to admit… admit at this moment that he was greatly taken aback by her words and actions. After all, they did not match her inner thoughts in the least. It was such a jarring and bizarre scene that he literally got goosebumps all over.

'This woman is truly bipolar or something worse… Damn…'

Her aura was a mix of different colors, denoting various emotions blended into one. This alone was not enough to make Adam feel weird. In the first place, humans always had many different emotions going through their minds so having a mix of an amalgam of emotions could be said to be the norm for almost all humans.

However, in Inari's case… this mix of emotions and their range was just a little too extreme. Sometimes, he was able to sense very extreme feelings and emotions that were seemingly on the opposite side of the spectrum emanating from her at the same time.

Like now, she seemed to be attracted to him somewhat but at the same time, another of her color showed that she was mostly disinterested in him. Earlier, when he first laid eyes on her… he could see that she had both love and indifference for Yui at the same time.

"What do you mean by Everything?"

"My, do you wish to make a lady embarrass herself, young man?"

She blushed ever so slightly and showed a meek attitude as she laid down her next set of words, "I simply mean that I will dedicate this wretched body of mine to you. You can do as you wish— your greatest fantasy, your dirtiest desire, I will take them all and serve you to my fullest. I will show you the utmost heights of pleasure, like of which you have never felt before…"


Adam nodded his head in understanding. He was still bewildered by the display of her extreme swing in emotions but there was one thing he knew of at the very least, and that was…

"I am sorry to say this to you but— your body is not worth as much as you seem to think."


For the first time since he met the mature fox-like woman, the expression on Inari's face seemed to truly break into pieces. It was as if the words he had uttered were so surprising that she was unable to register them fully or maybe, she was just not able to comprehend and make sense of them.

"I apologize. It seems like I was unable to hear what you said. I must have been mistaken there. What did you say again, young man?"

"Oh dear…" Adam shook his head and pressed his temples after hearing Inari's words. He could feel the headache coming as he spoke in a plain tone, " You heard my words perfectly right? Your body is not worth as much as you seem to think."

The expression on Inari's face became slightly cold and unfeeling as Adam reuttered his words. "I must say, this is the first time I have ever heard such a thing being said about me."

"I can already guess, yeah…"

Inari's lips kept twitching as though she was searching for a retort to deliver to the rude young man before her. She wondered if it was some sort of reverse psychology trick but she had to dismiss such thoughts as the truth was completely laid before her eyes. She could see it, see that he truly wasn't interested in her. Not even a single bit.

This came as a big blow to her self-esteem. While she had never given her body to anyone but her now-deceased husband, Inari knew how attractive she truly was. Even without the powers of the Kitsune, she was an extremely beautiful and ravishing woman and when the charm and allure of the Kitsune were added into the mix, she was simply a walking calamity like no other.

People fought to the death just to get her acceptance. Some people left everything they owned behind simply to have a single occasion, an instance, to spend some quality time with her.

A literal cult was created around her over the course of her existence and in her opinion, without the slightest hint of vanity, her beauty did not fall even when compared to deities such as Aphrodite and Freya, the two goddesses of beauty belonging to two different pantheons of the Gods. Even Chang'E, the ever-alluring and mesmerizing moon goddess, was merely her equal in her humble opinion. Her beauty, her allure, her charm— everything about her was out of this world. [1]

"Am I not beautiful?"

"You are."

"Am I not to your taste?"

"You perfectly fit my taste."

"Are your eyes rotten?"

"I have a supernatural vision. I assure you it is beyond the 20/20 sight."

The more she spoke the more bewildered she seemed to become. In the end, she couldn't help but ask in a soft tone,

"Are you perhaps not interested in women?"

Adam burst out into laughter as though he had heard the greatest joke of his life, which ironically was, and it took some time for him to gather his bearings before he could speak. "Is me thinking your beauty is not worth it truly that surprising to you? I am straight, I like beautiful women and just in case you ask, and I am sure you would have, no… I am not impotent nor in a committed relationship with anyone."

Adam crossed his legs, the left trudging over the right, before speaking in an indifferent tone, "To start, while I do find you attractive, that is all there is to it. I would be happy to mingle my body with yours, but you see, in this exchange, you seem to think that your body is somehow worth the hassle for me."

He grinned, "I do not lack sex nor do I lack women to love. I can say with assurance that there is no human woman in this world I cannot seduce and even for those parts of the supernatural I believe I can get anyone I want if I so wish. Be it voluntarily or not."

Adam was not a rapist and he had no desire to become one right now. But if he was the kind of man who was controlled by his baser instincts, he could have his way with literally any woman he wished. It didn't matter if they were part of the supernatural world or not.

"You may have thought that you were about to face a young inexperienced man or perhaps you had too much confidence in your charm, but I will have to apologize in advance to relay this information to you… I am simply immune to everything that is you…"


Inari's eyes opened wide as if she had finally realized something. Adam expected her to show more anger but this time, a large smile formed on her face, and for the very first time, her inner and outer emotions seemed to have gotten in sync.

"I understand."

Inari nodded and gently changed her position. Going from a simple seiza to a rather elegant Dogeza.

Adam's eyes twitched a bit at the display. For many, the Dogeza was simply a funny joke or a meme on the internet about Japanese culture. But he knew that this was one of the most humiliating ways to ask for forgiveness for those who knew its importance. Only when one was facing someone they considered as supremely superior to them or when they were begging for their lives would they bow in such a way…


"I beg your forgiveness for the way my words and actions may have irked you."

Adam stopped speaking and listened intently to the words being relayed,

a foolish woman who has lost her way."

"I will retreat for now and come up with a proposal that will satisfy your esteemed self."

'Well…What in the nine fucking infernal realms is happening this time?'

"You know… Your switch in emotions is extremely jarring to witness."

"Fufufu~ I apologize for that as well. Just think of it as the actions of a foolish woman who has lost her way."

Something was weird here.

"I initially came because I wished to have a better look at the man who conquered the hearts of my two daughters. But my… my… It seems like you have managed to steal my heart as well."

She grinned ever so slightly at that remark and Adam was startled to realize that— her words completely matched her emotions this time around. He was lost out of his wits at the display before his eyes…


When Adam came to himself at the next moment, he realized that he was back to the normal world with Inari already standing and walking past him.

"Well… My dear~! It seems like I will have to go now."

She gently waved at Adam before walking further away. josei

Now alone, Yui looked at Adam with an absolutely bewildered gaze, of the likes he had never seen her show him before; not even once.

"Just what the hell actually happened?"

Adam gave a bitter smile as he covered his face with his hands,

This was perhaps one of the most 'what the fuck' meetings that happened to him throughout his bizarre life.

"I wish I could answer that question… but, I need the answers myself…"

This was perhaps one of the most 'what the fuck' meetings that happened to him throughout his bizarre life.




Meanwhile, in her car, which was already speeding away from the Wild Hunt bar, Inari gazed slightly at the spider that was dangling on the ceiling of her car.

"As always, this technique of yours is indeed flawless. As long as you do not actually take control of the body, there is no Prana emitted by the individual beings."

Inari laughed when the spider swung all around as though angry at her for some reason,

"Dear daughter of mine… Do not worry…. I will not steal him from you. After all, sharing is caring, don't you think? Fufu~!"

The ride continued with the gentle laugh of Inari and the angry somersaulting spider moving all around.


[1]: Aphrodite and Freya are respectively the goddesses of Beauty in their respective pantheons. Greek and Nordic, to be exact. Most people know that Freya is not only a goddess of Beauty but also a goddess of Magic, Love, Sex, and War. What many people don't know is that Aphrodite also has the same domain.

Basically, there are two Aphrodites depending on their origin. Aphrodite Urania. This one was born from the foam of Uranus's testicle in the sea. Said Testicles had been cut by Kronos if I remember well. Then you have Aphrodite Pandemos or as I like to call her, Aphrodite the slut.

Anyways, Aphrodite Urania was worshiped in Sparta under the name of Aphrodite Areia which means Aphrodite the Warlike, or Aphrodite Encheios which means Aphrodite with a spear. Those versions of Aphrodite have a Babylonian Origin and they are related to Ishtar— the Queen of Heavens who was also a goddess of love, beauty, sex, and war.

Freya is the greatest slut in my opinion, at least from what Loki said. Freya fucked nearly all the gods in her pantheon and even her brothers.

Finally, we have Chang'E the goddess of the moon. Chang'E, previously known as Heng'E, is a very interesting case. Basically, we have two versions.

She is the wife of Houyi. The man who shot down Nine Golden Crow (Suns) who were scorching the ground. Houyi received two elixirs of immortality as a reward and wanted to share it with his wife.

So here are the two versions. In the first oldest version, Chang'E is basically a bitch and she stole the two portions and drank them to become a goddess.

In the new version, while Houyi was out, his disciple wanted to steal the elixir and also rape Chang'E. So she drank the two portions and ascended.

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