God of Fishing

Chapter 1962 - Time Dao Fruit

Chapter 1962 - Time Dao Fruit

Chapter 1962: Time Dao Fruit

Han Xuan didn’t go to find a place with Han Fei. On one hand, Han Fei was more mobile alone. On the other hand, Han Fei still had a lot of things to do, and Han Xuan couldn’t help him much.

Because Han Fei was getting more and more familiar with the Vast Ocean Navigator, he was getting better and better at finding the way. He still took out the route map he bought from the Martial Emperor City, reciting in his heart the safe place he needed to find.

The Vast Ocean Navigator pointed at the end of an abandoned route very close to the Sea of Mist. This route was only half way, and when it reached the place the Vast Ocean Navigator pointed at, there was no road.

Han Fei estimated that there must be a reason why this route wasn’t fully developed. Since even the Vast Ocean Navigator felt that this place was most suitable for Yin-Yang World and Water-Wood World, Han Fei certainly wouldn’t doubt it. josei

Because the time for the Monarch Palace to open was drawing near, Han Fei was very fast and didn’t dare to waste too much time.

It only took Han Fei two days to find this abandoned route among the complicated routes.

Just like other abandoned routes, he often encountered some Venerables on this route, but fortunately, he hadn’t encountered any Sea Establishers yet.

Of course, it would be great if he could meet a Sea Establisher. Han Fei felt that he had consumed a lot of energy in this battle in the Wild Abyss and needed to replenish his energy.

Unfortunately, he didn’t get what he wanted this time. Although there might be many kings in the Raging Sea, they weren’t common on abandoned routes. So far, Han Fei had walked a lot of non-route areas but encountered Sea Establisher-level giant beasts less than five times.

Swish ~

In the void, with a flash of golden light, Han Fei appeared in the sea with the crystal ball in his arms. Looking around, there was nothing but water.

“Huh? There seems to be no road.”

Han Fei scanned around with his perception and found an endless Seaborne Prairie about 500,000 kilometers away.


“Hiss ~”

Han Fei couldn’t help raising his eyebrows. “Is there really such a huge Seaborne Prairie? I can’t see the end of it. It’s probably a million kilometers wide!”

Swish ~

After a few seconds, Han Fei rushed into the Seaborne Prairie. He sensed it and found that the spiritual energy here didn’t seem to be much higher than outside!

Suddenly, Han Fei’s heart did a flip. This was strange. Because this was an endless Seaborne Prairie and there were few people here, the spiritual energy here should be richer than elsewhere. But in fact, the spiritual energy here was comparable to the outside world.

This meant that in the depths of this Seaborne Prairie, there was a place or something that swallowed spiritual energy. Only this could explain why this route was only developed by half.

Obviously, the developers couldn’t continue anymore. They even sold this route to the Martial Emperor City for money, but the Martial Emperor City didn’t expand this route either, which meant that there might be something here that even the Martial Emperor City was afraid of.

Han Fei didn’t break in rashly. Although the Vast Ocean Navigator pointed here, which meant that this was the most suitable and safest place in the Yin-Yang World and the Water-Wood World, the Vast Ocean Navigator didn’t say if this place was safe for him.

Han Fei couldn’t help but take out the Nine Palace Luck Ruler, and the ruler fell on the “Greatly Auspicious” divination result. This surprised Han Fei. Was this what it meant by “One who survives a great disaster is destined to good fortune”?

Han Fei had guessed that this place might be dangerous, but he never expected it to be a “Greatly Auspicious” place for him. Anything that could be said to be “Greatly Auspicious” for him now must be a very useful resource for Sea Establishers.

Since the Vast Ocean Navigator and the Nine Palace Luck Ruler both showed that he could enter this place, Han Fei didn’t hesitate and went straight into the depths of the Seaborne Prairie.

Han Fei perceived that too many creatures had appeared, including many Venerables. But this was not the key. When Han Fei entered about 5 million kilometers away, he suddenly stopped.

However, at the end of his perception, a city appeared where spiritual energy was abnormally gathering.

“A giant city?”

The city Han Fei saw was at the bottom of the sea. Too many places had been covered by algae. The city didn’t seem to be small. It had a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers. Many buildings had collapsed, but he could vaguely distinguish the outline of the city.

If it was just an abandoned city, Han Fei wouldn’t be surprised. However, this map of the Martial Emperor City had been sold countless times, so there were definitely many people who had explored this place. If they had discovered this place, wouldn’t they come here to search?

However, this place seemed to be quite primitive. There were no signs of battle, which meant that the intruders had either retreated or died quietly.

Han Fei was vigilant. All the spiritual energy here was gathered in this city, but it was clearly a ruin. Where was the spiritual energy flowing to?

“Twin Divine Technique.”

Han Fei didn’t dare to advance rashly. Although the divination result was “Greatly Auspicious”, he was always cautious.

Anyway, he’d rather be more careful.

His black-mist body quietly entered the city. However, what Han Fei didn’t expect was that the moment his body entered the city, a faint blue light seemed to appear in front of his eyes, and his body began to age.

“Hiss, flow of time?”

Almost in an instant, Han Fei understood the problem here. No wonder no one came here even though this place was abandoned. It turned out that this city was enveloped by the Great Dao of Time.

Han Fei wanted to leave the city immediately, but to his shock, he couldn’t.

Han Fei suddenly understood. He looked down, his strength shook, and smoke and dust filled the air. He found that under the moss-covered seabed sand, there were piles of bones.

“Hiss… Once people come in, they can’t leave anymore. Because the time acceleration has been activated, time here is different from the outside world. The time in this world is faster. Although the flow of time here doesn’t seem to be very fast, it has also separated this place from the outside world.”

Therefore, the history of this city shouldn’t have been long. It was just that the flow of time accelerated the aging of the city that the city declined.

Similarly, because of the time acceleration, the growth speed of all plants in the entire city was several times or even dozens of times that of the plants outside. Under such circumstances, of course, this place would continuously absorb spiritual energy from the outside world. Only in this way could the spiritual plants in the city grow quickly!

Han Fei figured out the cause and effect in a moment, and blue light circulated on the black-mist body and began to reverse time. A moment later, Han Fei left the city after time stabilized.

“I see.”

Han Fei smiled and immediately fused his twin bodies. Since he already knew that this place was strange, this city couldn’t stop him anymore.

There must be a reason for the time problem here. Han Fei stepped into this space, blue light circulating on his body, and he was not disturbed by this place.

As the saying went, there must be a reason for a strange place to appear. There must be a special reason for this place to be like this.

And this reason was too easy to find. Han Fei just scanned around with his perception and found out that the reason came from a spiritual fruit, which was a pure blue flowers tha bore a sapphire-like fruit.

However, this spiritual fruit was obviously not so easy to pick, because Han Fei found that within thousands of kilometers around the spiritual fruit, there were bones everywhere.

Not only humans, but there were also sea demons and ordinary marine creatures. They all failed to pick the spiritual fruit, so they left their corpses behind. As time went by, these people’s corpses were almost reduced to dust.

Han Fei didn’t care about it. He took a look, and information popped up in his eyes.

< Name > Time Dao Fruit

< Introduction > A spiritual treasure of heaven and earth, growing in a place of time disorder. If you take this fruit, you may have a chance to comprehend the Great Dao of Time. This fruit is surrounded by a time barrier produced by heaven and earth. Don’t take it forcibly. Once you touch the time barrier, complicated time changes will happen.

< Quality > Spiritual Treasure of Heaven and Earth

< Contained Chaotic Qi > 1,065 Points

< Effect > Eating it, you can comprehend at least one time technique. It can be eaten repeatedly.

Seeing that it was a spiritual treasure of such a high level, Han Fei knew that it wasn’t easy to get. Han Fei looked at the small barrier that emitted a faint blue halo for a long time.

The old turtle said, “Can you? Do you want to call Nian’er out?”

Han Fei nodded slightly. “The Great Dao of Time is too profound and complicated. Although I might not die if I take it myself, the result might not be good. I’ll let Nian’er take it.”

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