God of Fishing

Chapter 1137 - You Are My Light

Chapter 1137 - You Are My Light

Chapter 1137: You Are My Light

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Ximen Wuqing felt that he was about to explode. No matter what, he would never expect that Ximen Zhan, who was an advanced Explorer, would die at the hands of a high-level law enforcer.

However, when he heard the words “the only disciple of the four venerables of the Grand Myriad Mountains”, he was horrified.

What did it mean? The fool that Ximen Lie mentioned had such a high status?

Ximen Linglan looked at Han Fei with a complex look.

For some reason, she wasn’t used to the eloquent Han Fei.

Of course, Han Fei had noticed Ximen Linglan’s gaze a long time ago. All these years, he had been stared at by this gaze. To be honest, he had complicated feelings.

He vaguely remembered the scene where Ximen Linglan fought the three Venerables alone.. However, at that time, he mistook that Ximen Linglan had an affair with Old Han.

But now, he really regretted it. How stupid he was!

And there was still Jia Wuxing. If he guessed right, the scene in his mind showed that Jia Wuxing was already a peak-level Explorer in the battle of moving the mountain.

However, in order to protect everyone from moving the mountain, he sacrificed himself and turned into a knife, fighting a head-on clash with a Venerable.

At this moment, Han Fei really wanted to say, What a man!

Han Fei turned around and gave Ximen Linglan a calm smile. Then he turned around and his expression suddenly changed. “Today, Ximen Lie must die. Seniors, please help me seal the void. I don’t want to let go of any of these people.”

Hearing that, all the explorers present were shocked.

Someone shouted, “Hey, even if you are the disciple of the four venerables, do you know what you are doing? We human race don’t have many strong masters. If you make the Grand Myriad Mountains fight us, when the sea demons attack, who will defend an empty city?”

Han Fei suddenly pointed his finger and shouted, “If you dare to say another word, I’ll kill you first. Also, my name is Wang Han, Marshal Han on the Avenger.”

Han Fei was extremely domineering as he looked around at everyone. “I have 500 years. Even if you all die, the human race won’t die. You underestimate the survivability of human beings and think too highly of yourselves. A group of explorers clamoring to resist the sea demons. Do you think you’re qualified?”

Ximen Linglan watched blankly at Han Fei who was scolding a group of explorers and looked extremely domineering, thinking to herself, Is this how he was originally?

However, in the eyes of Jia Wuxing and the others, Han Fei’s current performance made their blood boil.

Look, what was overbearing?

Look, what was domineering?

Marshal Han was an advanced law enforcer. Regardless of whether he was relying on the Grand Myriad Mountains or not, he was still one of the most powerful.

The old bull hummed. “Wang Han, our king is not here. We can seal their retreating path, but we won’t attack them.”

Han Fei smiled and said, “Thank you, Senior. I’ll kill Ximen Lie. One-on-one.”

Han Fei twisted his head and pointed at Ximen Lie. “I’ll give you a chance. I heard that you snatched Linglan’s spiritual heritage. I heard that you think a level-eight spiritual heritage is very strong. Very good, I’ll give you a chance. If you beat me, you can leave.”

Ximen Lie’s eyes glowed.

Just now, he was really shocked. He never expected Han Fei to have such a strong background. However, as an advanced law enforcer, you want to fight me alone? If I can lose, I’ll be an Explorer for nothing.

“Wait a minute.”

Suddenly, a shout interrupted them.

Ximen Linglan stepped into the air and stood beside Han Fei. “Let me.”

Han Fei frowned slightly.

However, thinking of the future Ximen Linglan, he nodded slightly. “Okay, be careful.”

In battle, Han Fei was a man who would use any means. Even if Ximen Linglan lost, he would still kill Ximen Lie.

After 28 years of being a fool, he finally woke up. With the Grand Myriad Mountains behind him and the four venerables as his masters, who would he be afraid of?

Han Fei pointed at Ximen Wuqing. “Old b * stard, let Linglan send your precious grandson to the next life first. Just wait a little longer.”

“How dare you!”

Ximen Wuqing shouted, “Wang Han, even if we really start a war today, do you think the Grand Myriad Mountains will win? There are 12 Explorers on the human side. Where do you get the confidence?”

The Single-Horned Rhinoceros hummed. “The Elephant is on its way here. Dumb Tiger should be here soon, so should Old Bear. Are three peak-level Explorers enough? If not, Ape Three and Lady White should be coming too. They are two peak-level explorers. Do you human beings want to call some people over?”

Han Fei remembered Ape Three, who was one of the big apes who watched him being dragged away with a smile every day when he was in the Beast King Valley. From Ape Three to Ape Seven, there were all peak-level explorers. Ape Three came probably because he was the nearest.

As for Lady White, it was the name of the Six-Tailed White Fox. She was a tough one! Back then, when he went to launch a sneak attack with the tiger, the two of them were beaten up by her and fled like rats.

Ximen Wuqing’s face immediately turned black. Was this f*cking brat so powerful? How many strong masters had the Grand Myriad Mountains deployed?

Unlike the people of the Grand Myriad Mountains, Ximen Wuqing and company didn’t inform the others at all because they wanted to divide up the resources of the Avenger alone.

After all, the Avenger had been robbing for seven days in a row, so there must be a lot of resources on the ship. However, they were caught in their own scheme in the end.

The big advance ship on the human side had already begun to retreat. Everyone on the ship panicked. Damn, they were here to catch people, not to be beaten up!

The big crocodile suddenly said, “Should we take down that boat?”

Han Fei smiled casually. “This boat is not bad. I’ve taken a fancy to it. Don’t say that I don’t treat human beings well… Human beings can leave, but the boat shall be left behind. Whoever needs to be punished will be punished sooner or later. Now, small potatoes can leave, but the big fish can’t leave.”

On the Avenger, someone immediately shouted, “That’s right. You almost destroyed our ship. Leave the boat behind.”

Someone shouted, “How can one ship be enough? We need two such huge ships.”

Jia Wuxing shouted, “No! What’s two boats worth? We lost five boats earlier, so they’ll have to return ten.”

Someone echoed, “Yes, Old Jia is right. Ten ships.”

Han Fei grinned, and his voice echoed in the air, “Heard that? You can go back and tell your families to prepare ten such ships… Forget it, I won’t take advantage of you. Leave this one behind and prepare ten three hundred-meter-long ships to send over. After all, if I rob them myself, that won’t be the case.”

Han Fei agreed with Jia Wuxing and the others very much.

The reason why he wanted to keep this big ship was that Han Fei remembered the real Avenger. It was a big ship thousands of meters long with dense arrays engraved on it. With his current array skills, he should be able to do it.

However, carving ten boats at the same time was a bit difficult. Therefore, it was better to have smaller boats. After all, there were only 20 people on the Avenger. Why did they need so many boats?

Instantly, those people’s faces turned green. Well, shall we give them the ships?

Swish swish swish!

Someone had already escaped. josei

No matter what, they had to take this opportunity to report back! Or, there must be explorers on their way to the Storm Strait. They had to quickly call for reinforcements.

However, before they ran far, Han Fei’s voice sounded leisurely, “You can call for reinforcements, but remember to bring the boats over. I’ll remember this.”

Han Fei had just started the show. Then he turned his eyes to the old crew members on the Avenger.

Han Fei asked, “Who here do you have a grudge against?”

As soon as Han Fei asked this question, someone immediately shouted, “Marshal Han, that guy is called Li Jiao. He’s a junior Explorer, right? He’s the one who f*cking killed my two brothers. At that time, he was still a peak-level law enforcer.”

“Yes, Marshal Han, the one in green. This guy is extremely cruel. He takes advantage of the fact that he comes from a large family and specializes in snatching the resources of law enforcers. My biological brother was robbed and killed by him back then.”

“Yes, Marshal Han…”

Han Fei waved his hand. “So everyone here has a problem.”

With that, Han Fei swept his gaze across. “You heard it. As the strong, you can’t set an example but compete with the weak for resources and use your comrades as the shield. Why do we want such strong masters? You, junior Explorers, I’ll give you a chance. If you defeat me, you can leave, regardless of whether you live or die.”

When Han Fei spoke, he couldn’t help but glance at the void.

And the beast king hiding in the void couldn’t help but touch his chin. What does this kid mean? Did he find out? That’s impossible! How could he find me?

The beast king thought to himself, but didn’t take it seriously.

As far as he could tell, this boy was quite arrogant after he woke up. However, this was in line with the beast race’s style. He particularly despised those big clans.

It wasn’t just him. Neither the Giant King nor the Water Immortal liked the big clans. Therefore, in the past, if they had to negotiate with human beings, they would have Tianqing represent them.

Because Tianqing was fast, those big clans didn’t have the ability to trick him. Secondly, Tianqing was always expressionless, which made it easier for him to communicate with human beings.

On the human side, Dongfang Qi said frankly, “Wang Han, what exactly do you want?”

Someone softened and said, “We can talk.”

Han Fei sneered. “Can we talk now? Sorry, I don’t want to talk. As for what I want, it depends on her.”

Han Fei looked at Ximen Linglan with a smile. “She said that she wanted to overthrow the rule of the big clans; she said that she wanted to make everyone in Yu City a free person; she said that the Avenger will uphold justice in the human world, and all the people shall be united to defend against foreign enemies.”

Han Fei looked at Ximen Linglan again and smiled gently. “Am I right?”

Ximen Linglan nodded quickly. Han Fei had awakened. She would listen to him.

Han Fei turned his head and shrugged. “I think she’s right. So, I want there to be no big clans in Yu City… Is that clear enough?”

At first, Yi Yue boarded the Avenger, thinking that she was going to die. And then she, dumbfounded, watched the silly Marshal Han suddenly turn into the only disciple of the four venerables.

Now, she, still dumbfounded, watched Han Fei boss around these strong masters.

As for Jia Wuxing and the others, their bodies had already begun to tremble with excitement.

Everybody was excited. Marshal Han was truly overbearing. Only Marshal Han could say that.

The beast king who was eavesdropping scratched his butt and nodded slightly. Five hundred years, although not long, war was not something that could be launched overnight.

He knew that there were many big clans in Yu City. If those big clans’ resources were scattered, humans might really welcome an era of full rise.

More importantly, he believed that Han Fei’s choice was definitely a choice that was in line with the times. If it went against the development of the age, Han Fei certainly wouldn’t do that.

With this in mind, the beast king continued to watch the show.


All of a sudden, the void trembled, and a ferocious tiger jumped out of the void crack. As soon as it came out, it roared loudly.

“Which idiot wants to touch my disciple? Let me swallow him.”

The Rhyhorn hummed. “Stupid tiger, don’t flatter yourself. If the king hears you, he will definitely beat the hell out of you.”

Big Tiger shouted, “The king doesn’t have time for this trivial matter! Haha… Wang Han, I heard that your spiritual consciousness has awakened. Do you still remember me?”

Han Fei scratched his head. What a disgrace! He had never succeeded in a sneak attack with this guy.

However, on the surface, Han Fei still grinned. “Master Tiger, long time no see.”

The big tiger jumped over, put its big head next to Han Fei, and shouted, “How can it be long? I’ve only been on the sea for a few rounds, and the time has passed. I finally took a nap, but when I heard that you were beaten up, I immediately came over.”

“Stupid tiger, you talk too much.”

The void was torn apart again. Lady White walked over gracefully and glanced at Wang Han. “Yes, you’ve become much stronger.”


The void cracked again, and Ape Three jumped out with a big stick. He said with a smile, “Wang Han, it’s been so long. Why didn’t you come back to the Beast King Valley? Phew, little Linglan, you’re already an intermediate Explorer? You’ve improved a lot!”

Ximen Linglan greeted Ape Three respectfully. She had never walked out of the Beast King Valley at all. Therefore, she didn’t know Tiger, Lady White, and the others well. What she was familiar with was demonic plants, but she didn’t know this one who came now. Swallow-tailed Glede didn’t come either, and the War Giants were too slow to arrive either.

Therefore, when she saw Ape Three, she respectfully greeted him.

On the other hand, the faces of Ximen Wuqing and the others turned even paler. What should they do? They hadn’t even started to fight yet, and the strong masters came one after another without stopping! In the blink of an eye, the strong masters from the Grand Myriad Mountains were enough to crush them.

Han Fei said, “Seniors, Linglan and I will take care of this matter first.”

Then Han Fei continued, “Ximen Lie, fight now. Also, does anyone else want to challenge me? If you win, you can leave. Don’t say that I didn’t give you a chance. Maybe I’ll change my mind later.”


The tiger roared, “Did you hear that? Hurry up if you want to fight.”

Lady White poked the Tiger King’s head. “You’re too loud. Shut up and let Wang Han deal with it.”

Ximen Linglan held two knives in her hands. “Ximen Lie, I’ll take back what you snatched from me myself.”

Ximen Lie knew that if he didn’t fight this battle, he probably wouldn’t be able to leave today.

At this moment, he narrowed his eyes. “Okay, then let’s fight. Ximen Linglan, in the cultivation world, the strong prey on the weak. If you give me another chance, I will still do that. Now let me show you what a level-eight spiritual heritage is like.”

Lady White said lightly, “Is she going to fight him herself?”

Han Fei nodded slightly. “This is her path. She must win.”

In the past 18 years, the two of them had experienced all kinds of things on the sea, which could definitely be called a legend. They had encountered three places where a Venerable died, and both he and Ximen Linglan had survived. How could a pampered Ximen Lie be a match for her?

“Captain, kill him.”

“Captain, kill this pretty face.”

“Captain, cut him into pieces with three blows.”

Ximen Lie held a long sword, and behind him, a seven-headed python appeared.

However, as soon as this giant python appeared, it fused with Ximen Lie.

The old bull hummed. “Seven Ultimate Python, not grown up yet.”

The two knives in Ximen Linglan’s hand hovered. “Ximen Lie, is this your trump card?”

Ximen Lie’s face was livid. The time was too short. Whether it was his spiritual beast or contractual spiritual beasts, they hadn’t grown up yet. However, they could always increase his strength. Therefore, he was attached to a Flag Fish and an Eight-Tailed Golden Carp.

He knew that he was facing a difficult battle that concerned his life. He didn’t have an advantage in terms of realm. He was a junior, while Ximen Linglan had reached the peak of a junior.

Since he couldn’t distance himself in terms of realm, he could only use secret techniques.

At the level of Explorer, the effects of the secret technique were already extremely weak. A flame burned, and Ximen Lie’s strength soared and doubled.

Ximen Linglan stepped in the air, and behind her was an inky black fog. In the black fog, a pair of scarlet eyes appeared.

Ximen Linglan said coldly, “You can take my spiritual heritage, but you can’t take my naturally-endowed spiritual beast. It’s called the Sea Subversion Banner.”

Han Fei had seen the Sea Subversion Banner more than once. It was indeed a kind of creature, but it was a mist-like creature. Han Fei had never encountered such a weird creature before. It could be said that Ximen Linglan was definitely a Heavenly Talent if her spiritual heritage was intact.

The Sea Subversion Banner was as powerful as the Purple Sand Eel, but it was even weirder. It could wrap creatures up and swallow them, including their flesh and soul.


Unlike Ximen Lie, Ximen Linglan had experienced ten times more battles than Ximen Lie. The Sea Subversion Banner had been growing. Especially after going to sea, the supply of Spirit Awakening Fluid had been endless, and she went through one battle after another.

Therefore, the fusion of the Sea Subversion Banner made Ximen Linglan’s strength enter the realm of intermediate Explorer.


Ximen Linglan’s figure disappeared. At that moment, Ximen Lie’s eyes constricted. So fast!

Ximen Lie didn’t know that Ximen Linglan had also learned the Heavenly Void Divine Movement. Otherwise, she would definitely not be as confident as before.

“Seven Kill Seal.”

Seven mystic lights formed an array in midair.


A gray fog swept towards Ximen Linglan. However, the endless black fog poured out, like Le Renkuang’s big mouth, swallowing the gray fog in one bite.


The yellow mist swirled, and when Ximen Linglan was swallowing the gray mist, she tried to tie it up. However, Ximen Linglan’s scimitars rotated, with black and white on them, which quickly turned into a saw.

This was the Supreme Yin-Yang Wheel that Han Fei had used, or the Little Yin-Yang Wheel, which had taken them out of danger several times.

Ximen Linglan was used to learning from Han Fei. Even if this wheel didn’t have any Dao runes, it still had a special power.

The confinement array was broken in an instant.


The sword tide was like a waterfall, rushing at Ximen Linglan.

However, what made Ximen Lie speechless was that Ximen Linglan had an old turtle lying on her back. It turned out to be an array? Damn, how could it be an array?

There was a burst of laughter on the Avenger.

Jia Wuxing laughed. “Captain hangs around with Marshal Han every day, and even I know a few arrays. Can Captain not?”

Although an Explorer couldn’t do whatever he wanted as a spirit gatherer, he could still control spiritual energy very smoothly after decades of observation.

With the Yin-Yang Wheel and the Coiled Turtle Array, Ximen Linglan broke another seal.


When he saw the shield, Han Fei smiled. If the shield worked, wouldn’t armorists be invincible?

The black-and-white Yin-Yang Wheel instantly turned red. The Yin-Yang Wheel slashed the shield, and at the same time, Ximen Linglan held two knives in her hand. Black fog surrounded her, and the surrounding space was corroded by the black fog.

Ximen Lie only felt that the energy and spiritual energy were disappearing, and the powerful effect of the level-eight spiritual heritage was directly reduced by half.


The double knives were like gold and stone, turning into weapons and penetrating through Ximen Lie’s battle suit.

The sword in Ximen Lie’s hand turned into thousands of swords, intending to cut apart Ximen Linglan. However, the latter turned into mist and seemed to pass through his body.

In the next second, Ximen Linglan appeared behind Ximen Lie and held the double knives in her hand again.

Ximen Linglan said, “My knife is my law.”

After only one slash, Ximen Lie was seriously injured, and a large amount of black fog spewed out of his body. In the next moment, the black fog spewed out seemed to wrap Ximen Lie up, and his flesh and blood were withering.

Ximen Wuqing shouted, “Ximen Linglan, he is your brother.”

Ximen Linglan’s eyes were cold, and her hand flashed in the void. She activated the Heavenly Void Divine Movement Technique at the highest speed, and in a blink of an eye, a thousand knives hacked into the black fog.

In a moment, a crystal white skeleton fell from the sky. The Sea Subversion Banner swallowed both flesh and soul.

Ximen Linglan turned her head slightly and looked at Ximen Wuqing. “How can you say that? You robbed me of my spiritual heritage and forced my mother to die. Do you expect me to acknowledge you? Or this brother?”

Ximen Wuqing’s heart shivered. He was extremely surprised by Ximen Linglan’s real combat power. How could she be so strong? She even broke the Seven Ultimate Seal? Were her double knives her law? They could even ignore defenses within a small range? And her ability to turn into black fog, her black and white wheel, and her way of instantly condensing arrays…

But no matter what Ximen Wuqing thought, Ximen Lie was dead.

In fact, from the beginning to the end, Ximen Linglan had only used one attack, and the following million attacks were just her venting.

The Avenger was full of shouts.

“Congratulations on your revenge, Captain.”

“Congratulations on your revenge, Captain.”

Han Fei came to Ximen Linglan, reached out, touched her head, and looked at the black fog. Frowning slightly, he comforted her softly, “People should embrace the light. Even in the darkness, you must become your own light.”

After a moment of silence, Ximen Linglan gently hugged Han Fei. “You are my light.”

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