God Of Immortals

Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Titan Lord Luyang [I]

Reaching a general decision, they headed towards the lunar mountain. Shortly after, they arrived at the lunar plain before cautiously approaching the base of the mountain. After all, the whole mountainous area was the domain of a titan lord. As they moved closer to the mountain, a voice suddenly boomed out from its center.

"I've been expecting you."

After feeling a gust of wind, they found themselves standing at the top of the lunar mountain. From a quick look-around of their new surroundings, they knew they were in a worldly domain. Worldly domains were the most powerful domains any cultivators could manifest on the mortal plane. They were still trying to figure out why they were teleported to where they were standing when the voice sounded again.

"I knew you will come sooner."

They were wondering where the words were coming from when a mild flick of light began to reveal a huge man sitting on a meditation mat, wearing a simple yellow robe. The wonderful shine of the man's head was of no mistaken identity. They quickly raised their cupped hands with a respectable bow.

"Greetings, titan lord Luyang."

Ju Feng, who was caught in the moment, suddenly became aware of his situation and hurriedly followed suit, bowing deeply. He knew his body and soul, could be disintegrated by an angry titan lord before he even realized what he had done wrong. Even the thoughts of reincarnation gave him shivers.

"You have my greetings too, immortal ones."

Lord Luyang swiftly glanced at them while making a quick assessment of their various states.

"I believe you've already figured out where you are. Yes, you are in my personal domain."

Realizing they were still standing, the titan lord gestured towards the mats that were in a semi-circle in front of him.

"Please, do have your seats.

Titan Lord Luyang waited for them to sit down before continuing.josei

"I guess you all want to know about my becoming. Yes, I will tell you. It's been a long time since I've had an audience like this. Alright, from the beginning, I was created a yellow mountain. No awareness, no mind, no thoughts, and surely, no soul. Just a simple mountain. But during the rapid expansion of this universe, so much cosmic energy was released which had enormous effect on some natural things. Although not many experienced the effects, but the few that did, received the powering aftermath of the energy.

Hundreds of millions of years ago, with the passage of time, its effects on me started to manifest. I slowly began to gain awareness. I started to reason. I began asking myself many questions. What was I? Where was I? And why was I? Slowly, I began to understand, and gradually, I became a sentient being."

Stopping temporarily, Lord Luyang looked from one face to the other. Registering their devoted attention, he nodded and continued.

"After gaining awareness, I continued to absorb the cosmic energy nonstop. Many millions of years after gaining sentience, I realized I could transform into a mortal form. That was my immortal attainment. Unlike immortal mortals like yourselves, we titans don't cultivate since we are natural elementals. But we have our own ways to eternal life. It may be difficult and may take longer time, but we do have titan sovereigns who have reached true eternity. I know what you are all thinking. Yes, we do meditate to gain soul enlightenment. The more the meditation, the more the awareness. The more the awareness, the more the reasoning."

With furrowed brows, the titan lord stopped and rummaged through some stored information in his memory.

"Many years after the great war, a titan king entered the void looking for the Irolon-black-star. An ultimate dark coloured core believed to exist in the void. Why was he searching for it? Did he even know its location? Up till now, we still don't know. But one thing we do know is that, there's a few ultimate cores in existence. The ones we know are the Icarion-Blue-Stone from our universe, the Iderian-Red-Orb from chaos and the Irolon-Black Star from the void."

The titan lord paused for a second as a sad distant memory came into fore.

"The titan king was well aware of the dangers of the void. He believed he was well prepared for the forces inside it. Unfortunately, he came across an entity he couldn't properly phantom. From the memories he left behind on the memory stone, he said the entity was of pure dark energy. Darker than the elements of shadow, but in different forms of manifestation.

They battled. However, from the manifested aura of the entity, the titan king knew it was already a lost cause. But somehow, he managed to escape with his true soul, leaving his immortal body behind in the void. Still, his soul was gravely injured during the escape. It disintegrated upon entering our universe, but not until he put the information in the memory stone.

The Nefrims[watchers] guarding one of the primordial gates were the one that saw him first, and called for the assigned celestials."

A rift appeared in the space beside the titan lord Luyang. It was indeed a spatial dimension. They watched as a small golden jar containing what appeared to be an elixir, and six golden cups, flew out of it. In a swift invisible move, the elixir was poured into the cups, and all were served without them leaving their positions.

After downing his drink in one gulp, the titan lord continued.

"When the celestials saw the information on the memory stone, they swiftly informed the divines. And the divines immediately identified the void entity as one of the manifestations of the Tartar-Atram. An embodiment of nature that had been declared an existential threat to this universe and any other universal dimensions. It was the right declaration due to the destructive existence of the entity, and the extremely deadly atramental energy it was using. That was the same energy that attacked you. Might not be the same entity, but it's the same energy."

That was a lot of information to process for the mind of Ju Feng. From the information received, he now knew that the atramental energy was from the void, and that the Tatra-Atram or its relatives were trying to kill him and his mother. But why? He had also come to know about a titan king who went into the void and died on coming back. Did he even find the core he was looking for? What were the cores for?

Ju Feng had so many questions to ask that he didn't even know where to start. While deliberating on the questions, he heard the voice of his mother which brought him back to the present.

"Titan lord Luyang, do you know why the demons are after us?"

Asked Zhang Xiu Ying concernedly.

"Unfortunately, I don't. But know this, the reason must be a grevious one since they don't care about the deaths of others to get to you. And that's dangerously alarming. That puts you in a serious mortal danger."

"But can they still come back here?"

"Oh, they can. And from what I've seen, they will. But I think it won't be for the time being. By now, they must have known of my existence on this plane."

Glancing at Zhang Xiu Ying, the titan lord let out a short breath before shaking his head.

"Zhang Xiu Ying, you need to realize what you are truly capable of as a demigod. You should be much more powerful than you are now. I have a feeling about your true nature, but I will get to that later."

"Titan lord Luyang, pardon me for asking this, how can we fight them?"

Zhang Li Qiang asked with a little reservation due to the prolong moment of silence from the titan lord.

"Absolute power is all you need. Although powerful elemental energies are needed to fight an enemy like this, you simply need to be more powerful. If you are, you won't need to fear the atramental energy in this universe. Why? because their power is limited here in this universe due to the protection of the Alpheron core."

The titan Lord paused to look at their comprehensive faces and smiled before continuing.

"You live in that ancient cave at the outskirt of the village, don't you? Make good use of what you have."

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