God Of Immortals

Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Titan Lord Luyang [III]

Ju Feng continued to train very hard for the subsequent six months following their visit to the lunar mountain. His effort was showing on his strength-filled body. The True-World bodyweight technique was constantly using Ju Feng's own body nutriments to develop his body strength. And his body wasn't short of nutriments it had received from the rainbow spirit pill, the magical beasts and the blue crystalline his mother had been consuming while she was pregnant.

He knew the more the body strength, the more the power his body could wield. And he had been focusing greatly on building his body strength, yet, he felt he was not doing enough. Thus, again, he increased the level of his training. The more he trained his body, the more he also trained his martial hand combat technique, the Shifting-Heavens—the only non-affiliated hand technique in his ancestral treasury.

For a while now, he had abandoned his swords training. Since he had already learned the fundamentals of swordsmanship; the moves and the stances, and he had no swords technique to learn from, he had decided to leave swordsmanship for the time being. Besides, he was still young, and he had ample time to continue with swordsmanship in the future. Well, provided there would be a means for him to learn one.

But in the meantime, he would be developing his body strength and practicing the hand combat technique.

On one beautiful morning, Ju Feng was practicing his martial arts when the titan lord arrived at their place. He wasn't aware of lord Luyang's arrival until he saw him approaching the training area with the rest of the family.

The titan lord? Here?

Ju Feng's heart raced rapidly as his brain began to process different scenarios.

What would the titan lord say of his training? Wouldn't lord Luyang say he was too weak?

Immediately, he increased the tempo of his training, while keeping an eye on their approach. He hoped the titan lord would see his hard display and come to a good conclusion of him. Ju Feng waited for them to get closer before stopping. He quickly bowed, raising his cupped hands.

"Greetings, titan lord. Forgive me for not welcoming you sir."


Lord Luyang smiled with a slight nod of his head. Since stepping on their land, he already took a glance of the whole area.josei

"I was coming from a nearby place, so I decided to check on everybody here. Nothing there to forgive, young one. Hope you don't mind me disrupting your training."

"Nothing for me to mind about, sir. It's a big honour having you here."

Again, Ju Feng bowed low.

"Hm, alright then. I saw your training and I have to say I'm really impressed with it. You are really training hard, young one. And your body strength is ahead of your age level. This is truly remarkable. Hm, that technique you are using, would be the bodyweight technique. Am I right?"

"Yes, titan lord sir."

"Good. You see, Terra titans have natural innate abilities similar to the methods of your technique. It's actually the reverse of your technique. Our bodies comes with natural weights, therefore, we gradually transform these massive weights into massive strength for our nascent souls avatars. The result is the same weight and strength, but with different appearance. As you can all see with me now, I'm no longer in the form of a mountain but in human's. And most importantly, with the same strength."

Lord Luyang knitted his brows together in thoughts for some seconds as he glanced at them. From his knowledge about mortals, he seemed to know a few things about how the mortal body worked.

"For you, it's a bit different. You are all human immortals on the path of true immortality, apart from you, Asura. You were born a demigod. However, you can still benefit from what I'm about to show you."

The titan lord said, indicating Zhang Xiu Ying.

"Physically, humans don't have huge sources of weight for your body to transform into strength. But that's where your blood streams comes in. You have blood that contains nutrients. These nutrients are what you will transfer to the outside. You may ask, why is it needed when you can use your chi to fortify your body? Because strength based on Chi is not permanent. The strength will revert back, once you stop the Chi flow or you run out of it. So, for your strength to be long-lasting, you have to use the nutrients in your blood."

Looking thoughtfully at them, the titan lord raised his hands as he demonstrated.

"First, Let me show you the method the best way I can and the rest will be up to you."

The titan lord spent some minutes showing them how his ability works, and how they can use it to reverse the True-World bodyweight technique to work for them too. He watched them as they continued trying it out until they grasped the concept of the reverse method. His face was all smiles as they expressed their deep appreciation in a joyful state. Lord Luyang noted their gratitude and nodded in acknowledgement before turning towards the pond, smiling.

"Fortunately for you, you don't have to worry much about the sources of nutrients. You have the pond."

Lord Luyang turned to look at their surprised faces while maintaining his easy smile.

"The pond?"

"That pond?"

"Well, the pond is soul calming when meditating, lord Luyang, but we don't gain nutrients from that."

Zhang Wang Jing said looking around confusedly.

"Lord Luyang, please forgive us for not understanding. But how are we fortunate to have the pond?"

Zhang Li Qiang asked after recovering a little bit from the effect of the titan lord's words.

"Well, it won't be your fault if you don't know about it. There's a divination array on the pond, divine sense or spiritual sense can't see beyond the surface anyway. Unless you are an hegemon. It will just appear like a plain pond. Let's check it out together then."

Lord Luyang turned and started walking towards the pond with the Zhang family following him. Reaching the pond area, he slowly turned around to face them while gesturing towards the pond.

"The Wanshou Moon pond. A natural soul relaxer. However, the main treasures are at the bottom of the pond."

The titan lord paused, still enjoying the puzzled but anxious looks on their faces. Then, despite the depth of the pond, lord Luyang reached into it with a phantom hand, and removed a stem of a yellow-white lily. He removed a yellow flower, put in his mouth and started to chew. He offered the remaining yellow flowers to them to try, but gave Ju Feng one of the white flowers.

"The white flowers are less potent. The lucent yellow-white lily. It's effect on the mortal body can be of high significance. The leaves, flowers and tubers that can all be eaten raw or cooked, any how you prefer. It's all good."

Immediately Ju Feng swallowed the chewed portion of the white flower, he could feel its raging effect inside his body. Despite staggering around a little bit before falling on his knees, he continued smiling. It felt like a dream to him since he was only recently thinking about how to truly increase his body nutrients. The plant was what his body had been asking for. Lost in his own thoughts, he didn't know when he spoke up.

"Thank you titan lord sir."

"Hehehe, wait till you see the Devonian armoured turtles, young man."

Now magical turtles in the pond? It was simply too much for Ju Feng to contain. He raised his head up to the sky and felt his eyes welled up to the compassionate look from his mother and grandparents.

Seeing the effect on Ju Feng, lord Luyang decided it was time to let the family be. He changed the topic as he moved away from the pond.

"I will take my leave now, there are some important things I need to take care of."

"We promised you our hospitality lord Luyang, please come and dine with us."

Zhang Wang Jing said expectantly.

"Hm. Don't mind the trouble then."

Lord Luyang responded with a soft smile as he joined the family for refreshments where they talked about the excellence of the food, food varieties, and farming, among others. Moments later, lord Luyang took his leave.

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