God Of Immortals

Chapter 238

Chapter 238: Time [IV]

The world had stopped working the night she'd lost Brant. Right and wrong became concepts that belonged to other people. Perhaps she was more at home in Mistshore after all. At least she could understand the place now, what created and sustained it as well as what kept it apart from the rest of the city.

The Warden put a hand on her shoulder. Chang Chang couldn't meet his eyes. She remembered that day, sitting in his office with Brant. His face had been gray, lifeless as he read the account of the fire and his son's death.

"I would have been glad of someone to punish that day," Tallmantle said, as if reading her thoughts. "But it wasn't you I wanted. I stopped believing in the gods that day. I didn't care whether any of them lived or died, because I thought they had forsaken this world. They'd forsaken my son."

Chang Chang did look up then, but she couldn't read his expression. "Do you still believe that?" she asked.josei

"I don't know," the Warden said. "I've learned to put my faith in this city and the men and women who serve to keep it thriving. I look to them for aid and inspiration when I need it. So far, those forces have been enough to sustain me."

Chang Chang nodded. She knew that kind of strength. Ju Feng and Fa Mu and Zu Ruo had been hers. "What will happen to him?" she asked.

She was speaking of Ju Feng. They both knew it. "He did bring you to the Watch, as I instructed, though it was after considerable delay," the Warden said. "Unfortunately, it's been made clear that he can't be trusted to act under our direction. That leaves two options, as I see it."

"You can't send him back to the dungeons," Chang Chang said. "I owe him my life."

"I don't enjoy the prospect," the Warden said, "which is part of the reason I inquired after your immediate plans. Will you take up your great-uncle's shop and stay in Waterdeep?"

Chang Chang shook her head. "I considered it, but no. My family wanted me to see more of the world than Waterdeep."

It was a desire she'd never found in herself before. But she knew the breadth of her life now, and the urgency and wanderlust in her blood had flared. The time to begin her journey was now or never.

The Warden nodded thoughtfully, as if he'd been expecting her answer. "I suppose I could recommend a period of banishment from the city for Morleth. A man of his resources should have no trouble finding a direction in the world. Perhaps that direction will coincide with yours."

Chang Chang grinned. "You might ask him about this course of action before you undertake it. He may vastly prefer the dungeons to being saddled with me indefinitely."

"I have already asked him," Tallmantle said. "He has agreed to keep an eye on you for me."

Chang Chang didn't know how to respond. Her throat constricted around emotions she couldn't begin to handle. "My thanks," she said roughly, "for everything."

"Gods and friends go with you, lass," the Warden said, "wherever you choose to walk."

When Chang Chang stepped outside the barracks, she didn't immediately see the monk. Ju Feng stood in the shadow of a building several paces down the street.

"Were you waiting for me?" she asked when she reached him.

"I would have waited in Tallmantle's office with you," Ju Feng said, uncrossing his arms, "but I can only spend so long in the place. I break out in a rash."

Chang Chang fixed a look of annoyance on her face. "So the Warden thinks I need watching after does he? What makes him think you're the man for this task?"

"I'm still alive," Ju Feng said, shrugging. "No small accomplishment, where you're concerned."

"Hmmm," Chang Chang said. "I suppose you're right. Will you be vexing me the entire journey?"

"At least halfway there and back."

"I see. I suppose I'll have no choice but to pay you back in kind." Chang Chang took a step closer to him and leaned in. When it became clear she was about to kiss his cheek, Ju Feng stepped back, his hands on her shoulders.

Chang Chang smiled up at him teasingly, but he didn't return the humor. His eyes were shadowed under the brim of his hat.

"Don't," he said simply.

"Don't what? Don't kiss me now, or don't kiss me ever?" she said. "You already know the outcome. What can it hurt?"

"I don't know anything," Ju Feng said. "Nothing is carved in stone."

"Finally, he admits it. His gift is not infallible," Chang Chang said. She brought his gloved hand to her lips and kissed the back. "Congratulations."

"Mock me if you want, but you're not giving up either," he said. "You wouldn't be leaving Waterdeep if you didn't think there was something to find in the world that could help you."

"I admit it freely," Chang Chang said. "Aldren's burden was lifted. But if such a cure doesn't exist for me, I'll live the remainder of my life as well as I can. And I'll have my taste of adventure besides."

"Lead on, then," Ju Feng said.

Chang Chang nodded, but she did not turn in the direction of the city gates. "I have a stop to make first, to Fa Mu's shop."

"It's closed up," Ju Feng said. "Going there won't change anything."

"I know," Chang Chang said, "but I need to go anyway."

They walked in silence, and Chang Chang was surprised, when she turned onto the butcher's street, to see Zu Ruo standing in front of the shop. She held the signboard with its painted haunch of meat in her hand.

"I didn't expect you'd get roped into helping him," Chang Chang said when they walked up.

"Didn't think it myself," the dwarf woman said. She made way as Fa Mu's bulk crowded the doorway. The butcher's bright red hair caught the sunlight. His teeth flashed in a wide smile when he saw Chang Chang. He dropped the hammer and nails he was carrying into his apron pocket and went to her.

He swept her up in a hug that was ten times as crushing as the one Kersh had given her. Chang Chang had no breath left to protest.

"Almost done here," he said when he released her. "Just need to board the windows for winter, then we can be on our way."

"She came to make you reconsider," Ju Feng spoke up.

Chang Chang elbowed the monk in the ribs. She smiled sheepishly under Fa Mu's black glare. "I'll be fine, Fa Mu. Ju Feng's coming with me, and what about your shop?"

"Got it all with me," Fa Mu said. He trotted around the side of the building and came back with a small cart and pony. "We need provisions, and I'm goin' to see to it you don't starve on hard rations. Besides, I've got recipes for the road," he said proudly. "There are spices and meats out there in the world Waterdeep never sees. How can I pass up the chance to bring some back? This is research, is what this is, an investment. Got nothin' to do with you," he said, grinning broadly.

Chang Chang looked at Ju Feng, who shrugged. "I don't mind eating good food," he said.

She appealed to the dwarf woman next, but Zu Ruo shook her head. "Nothing to me if he goes or not, but I'm staying. The Cradle's a mess, and I'm still looking forward to dealing with the pretty elves," she said, a wicked light gleaming in her eyes.

The dwarf nodded curtly. "I do, but not for you, so don't let your conscience prickle you. After Tarvin led you off the Isle, we got word from the guards that Saragui's dead."

Chang Chang was shocked. "How?"

"How do you think? It was the elf. The survivors said he had a pair of pretty elf princesses with him." Zu Ruo looked at Ju Feng. "Might be you were onto something about my death waiting in the Haven. I owe you thanks for letting me live long enough to get my revenge on the pretties. But in the meantime, do we leave the butcher here?"

Chang Chang didn't know what to do. The thought of leaving Fa Mu alone on the walkway was a physical pain. He would be vulnerable to any attack until the Watch arrived.

"I have to protect him," she said to Ju Feng, half in defense, half in apology.

The spell had gone awry the first time she'd used it. For once, that would work to her advantage.

She put a hand in her pouch, grasping the cameo as she'd done in the Haven. She pictured the woman's face in her mind, the blue curve of her cheek, carved forever in stone. Letting the image float in her consciousness, she wove the spell.

Mist slid off her hands and coiled in the air. It took on the shape and substance of the woman in lace. She stood before Chang Chang in her vaporous gown, her face impassive.

Chang Chang didn't know exactly what to do. The last time, the servant had automatically gone where her mind willed it. She remembered that she'd been mentally screaming for something to aid Ju Feng.

"Can you understand me?" she asked the strange apparition.

Still, her gaze lingered on Fa Mu. She took a step toward him, but Ju Feng laid a gloved hand on her arm.

Chang Chang sighed. "Fine. You're all baggage, though, and nothing but."

Ju Feng bowed. Fa Mu grinned wider.

When they passed beyond the city gates, Chang Chang silently composed the letter in her head.

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