God Of Immortals

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: The Future Of A Past [I]

Since reaching the Jindan stage by forming her golden core at the valley of the gods, Zhang Xiu Ying's spiritual aura had become divine. It could be overpowering to lower level cultivators if not masked. The heavenly advancement of her demigod's power showcased the massive increase in her level of power. The demigod could now use her divine aura to generate more powerful spiritual force before releasing it through the body blasts which could cause great damage.

And her bloodline heritage? The divine evasion? Zhang Xiu Ying could now escape any potential attacks or cultivators without leaving any traces of her path behind. Unless the one attacking her, was another divine demigod, a golden core of equal power and above. But the best part of her universal gift was the new stage of her spititual sight which was knocking on the doors of nascent soul's realm.

A glimpse of full godhood.

Ju Feng looked at his mother in full delight. She had become a legendary figure, following the path of the powerful titan lord. Now, his major concerns had been reduced by a great deal. He wouldn't need to worry much about those things like before. Although his family were still worried about him leaving the safety of their cave alone, they had now accepted the inevitability of his cultivator's life. Sooner or later, they knew he had to enter the outside world of cultivation where he would have to carve out his own path.

Hence, they had concluded he would need adequate preparation. Especially, with the Tartar-Atram and the nether demons chasing after their lives. They had been providing him with the needed foundation according to their ancestral ways, but his trainings were limited to the basics since he wasn't a fire affiliate. That had left the last option.

A sect.

He no longer needed to stay at home to be safe. With the presence of the titan lord and his mother who was now a golden core, not much was left to fear around the village anymore. He would have the chance to visit the village more often on his own now. Maybe, he could mingle with other children in the village since he had no friends of his own.

Due to the restrictions placed on him with his social life, he had dedicated his life to cultivation and arts. But after learning about their reasons, coupled with what he saw at the lunar plain, he totally agreed with the decisions of his family.

Ju Feng closed his eyes as he recalled the words of his grandparents on the events of the past.josei

His family was from the White-Fountain village on the Nanjing continent. Although it was a relatively large village, the people lived peacefully among themselves. But one day, the peaceful village was thrown into utter chaos when they were attacked by an army of demon fiends. They had entered their village through an open portal at the center of the village. And instead of the demonic chi or nether energy, the demons manifested a shimmering dark energy they now knew as atrament.

Majority of the villagers had died or vanished from the ensued battle, including his father. The last they had seen of him was his fights with the demons amidst the envelope of the black mass. After that, they hadn't seen nor found any traces of him again. Even Zhang Xiu Ying could no longer feel his presence.

They knew of deadly attacks that could disintegrate a body. Maybe, the shimmering dark energy was one of those deadly attacks. Refusing to accept that possibility, they had searched everywhere for him but to no avail.

After a long consultation with the village's Xue-Wu, the village's chieftain and the elders had appeared at their residence. The Xue-Wu, who had a divine abyssinian cat used for divination, had also consulted the augur bones to reveal the cause of the attack.

The Zhang family.

No mistakes about it, the demons had attacked their village due to them. With a particular name on the list. Zhang Xiu Ying. A name that would eventually bring death and ruin to the village if it continued to exist among them. Based on the divination of the oracle bones, the Zhang family knew they couldn't stay any longer in the village. Hence, they left their village and its continent behind, and moved to another continent. The continent of Nanjing.

Upon arrival, they had found the quiet place on the outskirt of the Sky-Spring village they were now living. They had decided to maintain a cautious relationship with the villagers due to the fear of another demons' attack. They even had to use their ancestral defensive arrays to hide their location.

And they had been successful in hiding safely, until recently. How the demons located their location baffled them to no end. Since a quiet life made no difference, they had told Ju Feng of the whole situation.

When Ju Feng was recieving all those information, he was also having the faintest of insight into the nature of the circumstances. He couldn't totally lay his hands on it, but he was having a feeling of eternal enmity between him and the Tartar-Atram.

The entity who used the nether demons to take his father away from him. He knew his father died before he was born, but now, he knew the reasons. The same power that was now trying to kill him and his family. There was no other way around it. He needed to trust his childling instict on that matter, whatever that was.

Ju Feng pushed the thought of his father and his birth place, to the back of his mind as he walked towards his mother.

Seeing her son approaching, Zhang Xiu Ying waved him over.

"Can you hold this for me, son?"

She handed him a large empty granite jar as she prepared to milk one of the goats.

"Yes, ma."

"By the way, what brings you here at this time? And don't tell me it's nothing."

"Ma, I was thinking, maybe I can take the milk to the market today. I know the procedures, mother. You know I've been following you before. So, maybe, I should try today by myself?"

"Hmm, okay son. Then let's quickly finish milking the goats so you can be on your way."

Lost in their different thoughts, they continued milking the goats. Zhang Xiu Ying knew her son just wanted to take a walk in the village, but she was still a bit nervous about it. However, due to the new developments, she understood there was no need for her to be worried about him going alone to the market. She could monitor his movement anywhere in the village with her divine sight. And if there was any problem, she could be there in a matter of seconds.

They quickly finished with the goats, makIng two large jars filled with milk. They packed the two jars into the back basket, and Ju Feng carrying the basket on his back, left for the market.

Ju Feng was a very strong boy by the standard of a young cultivator, but much stronger than they could even imagine. How could they even believe his nature as a young mortal cultivator, if they could see his full strength. He comfortably carried the large basket containing the jars of milk on his back while humming to himself, smilingly. Since it was quite a walk to the market, he was taking his time to enjoy the scenery of the beautiful landscape.

And due to its location at the center of the village, Ju Feng had to take more road-turns before he could reach the market. He was turning to the road that entered the village when he noticed a girl of his own age staring at something on the floor.

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