God Of Immortals

Chapter 35

Chapter 35: The Last Sages Sect [IV]

Ju Feng had spent a whole week pushing his dantian to the extreme, and he had finally succeeded. What he did would have been mortally dangerous to any other cultivator of his age and level. Even an adult cultivator with levels lesser than the middle stage of Zhuji would have been in a damaging situation.

But he had done it. Mainly to the fact that the Timeless Soul technique had enlarged his dantian to a notable proportion, and was now deepening his dantian. Hence, he could absorb a greater amount Chi into his dantian without any visible side effect on himself. 

In delight, he bowed his head and smiled. Minutes later, he raised his head slowly and looked around his room triumphantly before catching sight of the manuscript on ancient weapons. There was something about weapons that kept attracting his attention. His family put great trust in their weapons, just like others around him. His grandfather once told him weapons were part of a martial artist. 

He stood up and walked up to the small oak table where the book lay without flinching. Finally, he had time to read the book about ancient swords. After locking his door, Ju Feng brought out some dried and well preserved turtle meat and smoked lily tubers. He had packed enough for the duration of his stay here if he rationed properly. He started to read and eat his meal at the same time. He couldn't even remembered the last time he had been to the refectory to eat. He had his turtle meat to sustain and nourish him.

With the amount of turtle meat he was eating, Ju Feng wondered if he was going to have an armoured body like the turtle shell? It would have looked really good on him, but with the turtle's shell? He wasn't sure about that. Others would certainly call him turtle monster. Some might even kill him for the shell? Okay, no shell then.

Returning his thoughts to the present, he started reading the book on the ancient weapons.


There were tales of mortals and immortals, weapons masters of their kinds. Records of incredible acts performed with their weapons. Acts that were later told in tales as mythical or legendary acts.

Legendary deeds of the immortal weapons celestials and gods during the time of the primordial origins, and thereafter. Some of them fought in the great wars alongside the primordial beasts, and also in the wars after. Those were their immortal acts and the colossal weapons they used. The manuscript was compiled from different sources, both known and unknown.

Ju Feng started glancing through the immortal swords. He didn't need to see their deeds, but could just check what made them so powerful.

Zagaroth [Infinite Sorrow]. The ancient sword of the immortal human celestial Zhang Li. A sword of unknown origin and of unknown materials composition. It was the sword which severed the armoured head of one of the nine primordial arch-beasts. The war generals known as the primevals.

Flammorad [Dark Flames]. The historic axe belonging to the immortal giant celestial Phadria. The flaming sword which caused great destruction on the Deragor realm on the heavenly plane on fire, burning a greater part of the realm. Unknown origin and unknown materials.

Azamarr [Dirge Maker]. The archaic glaive of the immortal human god Tan Zhiqiang. The sword that split the immortal world of Star-Spark into two separate halves. Unknown origin and unknown materials composition.

He continued reading at a glance, the tales of the mighty weapons of the immortals. They were all made of unknown materials and even their origins were unknown. It took him less than thirty minutes to finish with the immortal weapons. He lost interest in them after reading for several minutes. After all, they were weapons of gods with unfathomable powers. Those were godly achievements, how could mortals like himself relate to such?

Slowly, he turned to the pages on the weapons of the mortals. Powerful weapons used by mortal masters in the ancient days. In both major and minor worlds. Their tales were known throughout the universe. Especially, tales of their weapons. To those weapons masters, their swords were an extension of their existence.

Weapons which became symbols of their universal figures.josei

Obsidia [Shadow Lance]. The legendary spear belonging to the human cultivator, Cao Hong. A sword made from the core of the Far-Dark star and the obsidian rock retrieved from the heart of the Dawnfire volcano on nether plane. The sword that killed the nether titan, Barcoda.

Bhamroc [Heavens Doom]. The renowned war hammer of the dwarf cultivator, Figril Ironforge. A hammer made from a rare meteorite and the core of the divine beast, Forgarth. There was a war between a twin worlds. Two worlds joined together by the same core. The war was about the right to sovereignty on the planet. The two worlds had been fighting furiously with their battles threatening the lives of the mortals.

Upon seeing the danger of the situation, the dwarf decided to settle that permanently. He raised his hammer, and the intent of the war hammer was equivalent to the weight of the heavens, causing the two worlds to fall on their knees. And with a single downward strike, he divided the core of the two worlds into two parts. From then on, each of the two planets was having its own core. The act which ended a war of an eventual total destruction.

As Ju Feng continued checking the pages for the weapons and their origins, he came to the page of swordsmasters Ding Bang. That was a tale he had heard before, nonetheless, it was one he could read again. To see if there were missing details in the stories he had heard before.

Gaddel [Frozen Blade]. The mighty sword of the hegemon swordsmasters Ding Bang. A sword of pure night silver from the heart of the Deep-freeze star, and coupled with the core of the mighty primordial ice creature, Vascera.

The tale happened on the mortal Planet of Eira.

The demon invasion led by the damon supreme, Margamoth, had threatened the survival of the human race in that minor world. The mortal cultivator, Ding Bang, was the last line between the human race in this world, and their extinction in the hands of the damon supreme, Margamoth.

The daemon supreme had come with fifty thousand demon soldiers, two hundred daemon lords and fifty daemon kings. They were marching to victory through the Snow-fox valley from the north to the south after decimating the northern part of that world. But then, they met the immortal cultivator Ding Bang, who was leading an alliance army of cultivators over thirty thousand warriors of cultivators from the foundation pillars to the nascent souls. It was a desperate time which called for desperate measures.

The battle was fierce and furious. The army of Ding Bang had been having the upper hand despite their smaller number, the cultivators were fighting without fear or hold, until the demons initiated the Burning demon triangle, an absolute formation. A formation that required fifty thousand daemons, two hundred daemon lords and fifty daemon kings. A formation that brought nether-fire to the mortal world. Any cultivator touched by the nether-fire would instantly disintegrate into ashes.

Ding Bang army of cultivators were dying left and right. They couldn't retreat since it meant the destruction of their world. Hence, they made their final stand. Yet, his men continued to die in numbers. With nothing left for him anymore, he called his sword to be with him one final time. And the sword heard his voice. His voice made the mighty sword broke its final barrier towards gaining awareness, becoming a sentient.

On that day, Gaddel, the historical sword of ice made its name known throughout the mortal plane and the great beyond. With the aid of the frozen valley, the sword started generating massive ice energy, the likes which had never been seen before. The sword was transmitting part of the energy into Ding Bang which made his body trembled uncontrollably.

Ding Bang, who was filled with unprecedented ice energy, began radiating enormous ice energy in the likeness of a cultivator who had reached godhood. He raised the sword up, and slashed down diagonally, causing the demons formation to rumble. Slashing down two more times, the formation crumbled as if it was nothing, making the demons to panic in fear. Swinging the sword left and right, many demons began to die in the hands Ding Bang.

All the attacks of the demons were repelled by the walls of ice energy, emanating from his body. Ding Bang continued to cut them down until only one remained.

Margamoth. The damon sovereign.

They battled nonstop for the following two days. It was a brutal battle of will and power. Mountains were levelled, seas were vaporized as destruction touched everything. But on, they fought. Then, on the third day, the sword made the ultimate sacrifice to bring an end to the damon supreme. It began to gather all the ice energy from the surrounding, and from the universe and used it to form a deep-freeze dome around the damon supreme.

Immediately after, the sword pushed its intent and all the essence energy from its primordial core to its sharp tip to generate the divine Total-Frozen-Deep. The move, irreparably damaged the sword's core, but destroyed the defence of the daemon supreme. It pierced the demon's body directly to his soul, freezing and shattering it to pieces. That ended the war of demons.

One hour later, Ju Feng put the book down, and started thinking about the power of the weapons. The legendary cultivators were mortals, something a mortal like him could more than relate to. They were known mortal cultivators, and their mighty swords were of known origin and the materials used in making them. He was able to gain ideas from them, though not that he would just start looking for a deepfreeze star and start looking for demons to fight or something.

The information was precious, nonetheless.

With time on his hands, Ju Feng brought out his parchment and began writing down permutations of materials. Only if he could actually make his own legendary sword. Letting out a deep breath, he remembered the phoenix feather sword of his mother, the white wyvern sword of his grandfather and the flaming claws of his grandmother.

He put his parchment away and finished the rest of the turtle meat and lily tubers. Subsequently, he closed his eyes and started meditating using the Timeless-Soul technique. He felt a heavenly calmness as he activated his inner peace. With his soul relaxed, he closed his eyes and fell asleep with a smile on his face.

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