God Of Immortals

Chapter 37

Chapter 37: The Last Sages Sect [VI]

In the world of cultivation, there were three types of dantian in the body connected by the chakras. The lower dantian, the middle dantian, and the upper dantian. Those were the energy centres in the body. 

The lower dantian was located near the navel part of the body, and was the root of immortal cultivation. Energies from the Lianchi stage [Chi gathering level] to the Yuanying stage [nascent soul level] were stored in the lower dantian. This dantian could be assess by true mortal cultivators.

The middle dantian existed near the heart of a cultivator. It began from the Shexian stage [godhood level] to the Tianshang stage [Celestial soul level]. The dantian could be used by true immortals.

The upper dantian which was initiated at the Shensheng stage [Cosmic divinity level], was located at the centre of the head. And it could only be attuned to by the cosmic divines.

Chi was the necessary vital force for any cultivator on the road to immortality. Any mortal cultivator aiming to achieve eternal life must first gather Chi into the dantian, then refined and condensed it. Afterwards, the Chi condensed Chi must be changed into a bronze core, all the way to a golden core. And from there to a nascent soul. The nascent soul would take the soul to become a celestial stage. Absolute immortality would be achieved when a cultivator reached the level of emptiness. One with the universe. But all must start with the Chi gathering. 

From creation, mortal soul was placed in a permanent limbo. Blinded to the light of enlightenment. That was made by the incarnation law of creation. A mortal soul lived and died in order to live again. That was the mortal rule of incarnation. Forever subjected to the wheel of reincarnation [the samsara circle].

It was Chi, the vital force, that could bring out the mortal soul from limbo and place it at the navel area. After that, it would transform the mortal soul into the orb of Chi essence which would then connect to the heart area through the chakras where it would change into a nascent soul. From there, the nascent soul would link with the upper dantian where it would transform into total emptiness.

Although there was no level of measurements to the amount of Chi a cultivator could gather into the dantian, the quantity of Chi was still based by the size of the dantian and the availability of the Chi energy.

For Ju Feng, he had been a little fortunate from womb. His mother had used the Rainbow Womb spirit pill when he was still a foetus. And since he was a young child, he had been using the Timeless Soul technique to cultivate along with the occasional needle-edge size blue crystalline to supply him with refined Chi. Now recently, the Heavenly Root spirit pill which had taken him to the first stage of Ningchi. He knew it could only get more difficult for him to advance due to the amount of refined energies needed, especially the stygian energy for his cultivation, but he was more than happy about everything he was experiencing in life. Albeit the demons and the atram energy experience.

He gathered himself up, and walked towards the hall of the path of light. Light was only a minor element of his manifestations which meant he couldn't bring out the power of light, but he still preferred to acquire all the knowledge he could on light element. Despite it being a minor element of no significant value, he had the privilege to attend the teachings of the path of light. He was still a light cultivator. Arriving there, he quickly exchange greetings with the twins and other disciples before moving to his seat. Shortly afterwards, elder Cao Wang Xiu entered the study hall, holding a small box.

"Sorry everyone, something that needed a quick attention."

She said as she placed the box on her table.


She began when she suddenly broke off.

"Oh, I see."

Elder Cao Wang Xiu uttered as she glanced at Ju Feng.

"Today, It's all about sword intent. How it relates to a swords artist. Please follow me. All of you."

Elder Cao Wang Xiu took them through the back of the study hall to the path of light training field. Stationing herself at the opposite front, she continued.

"Weapons intents. What does it mean to a weapons artist? Everything is within your power, and your power is within you. This is the willpower. Every cultivator has it. The power to choose your own actions, and assert your own volition. How are we able to use this power? The are things that propel the willpower inside us."

She raised one finger to indicate.

"The first is the desire. Desire is the strong wish we have for something to happen. Will is easily associated with desire, the fuel that propels it."

Elder Cao Wang Xiu added another finger to the raised one.

"The second is the ability. Ability is the power that enable you to do things you do. With ability comes the will. They go hand in hand."

Then, she had three fingers in the upright position.

"The third is Perseverance. This means persistence to do something. The trait of not giving up. The will of forging ahead no matter what."

Hitting her fist against her palm, elder Cao Wang Xiu looked from one face to another.

"But the question is, why? Why do we have all these attributes? It's simple. They are compelled by the need to survive. The need to live. The innate driving force. This is the intent of a cultivator. And just like a cultivator, every weapon has an intent. The innate driving force imbued into the weapons during their forging. Since weapons are extension of a weapons artist, a weapons master will give specific details of the needed weapon to the weapons forger. And the weapons maker will be in the specific frame of mind when making a weapon to imbue the necessary intent into it."

Elder Cao Wang Xiu paced up and down, then stopped in front of the new disciples.

"You see, there are many intents that can be imbued into a weapon. Evil intent, bad intent, specific intent, good intent and so on. Most weapons masters prefer the general intent with more of a specific. You should all pay attention to how you make your sword. The intent of your weapon will reflect on you and your intent will reflect on your sword too. Why? Because your weapon is an extension of you, a part of you.

She materialised her sword, and held it slightly to the front.

"This is my sword, Light Shield. I can simply use it to heal the heart of my enemies if the heart was a tormented one. Not all your enemies deserve death, as a matter of compassion. And I can easily draw healing energy from my sword in extremely critical times. The reason is because it was made based on the healing intent, and coupled with the items used in making it. Nonetheless, it can easily kill if it is really needed."

She turned from them, and with a single step, arrived near a giant dummy used for mystical training. With a single horizontal slash, she cut the dummy into two parts.

"We will continue next time. Study hard, and practice harder."josei

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