God of Tricksters

Chapter 1221 Test

Chapter 1221 Test

Chapter 1221 Test

Theo sucked a cold breath when he witnessed this scene with his own eyes. He closed his eyes as if he felt ashamed to be born as a human.

"After that, three other Saints got involved and solved this problem fifty years later. However, the Mountain Saint turned out to be underestimating the power of the radiation. He didn't die, but the Mutation Order somehow changed him, making him lose the qualification to wield his Order and Authority anymore.

"After teaching the future King Class Monsters and World Class Monster that would replace his position, the Mountain King passed away as a mountain."

Theo clenched his fists and bit his lips, having no words to say.

"Is this the reason you said 'loved' instead of 'love'?"

Once again, the world ignored his question. It seemed she didn't really want to talk about it.

"I hope that this can teach you why the world needs balance."

"Yes, I know." Theo nodded in understanding. Of course, he would protect the balance because it certainly had the potential to cause a disaster beyond everyone's imagination.

"However, what I'm worried about is that… There are several areas in human society that have this level of radiation."

"!!!" Theo gulped down. "Nuclear Power Plants like Chernobyl, Fukushima… Or Nuclear Weapon testing sites like New Mexico, Ocean…"

"Each civilization has its own problem. I have no intention of breaking my own system to interfere in this matter. I have never expected my child to fix the past mistakes, but I only expect you to not make the same mistakes."

"Then, does that mean the Fist Saint and the Death Reaper have met you too? After all, whether it's humans or other creatures, they will meet you when learning about Order! Does that mean they're breaking the rules?"

"There is no rule. Everything is what you decide. I don't and won't give you any restriction because restriction itself can become a manipulation technique to interfere with all the process…"

Theo fell silent when he heard this answer. He realized that the world itself wouldn't do anything other than follow the system. Whether it would turn for the worse or better, the livings were the ones that would answer this question.

"I understand." Theo nodded after taking a deep breath. "I have my own answer."

"Then, it will be your answer. How it will affect all the lives of me… No one knows that answer. Still, from now on, you're going to affect yourself, the people around you, and even the environment… For that, I need to end this introduction and start the test."

"There's a test?"

"Of course, there is. This is the test that you need to undergo at least once as the master of Reality power. Whether you're ready or not, I shall start the test."

The darkness started getting brighter and brighter.

When Theo opened his eyes, he saw a familiar ceiling.

"Ah?!" Theo raised his body and looked around, realizing he was inside the hotel's room. The room was dark because he had turned the light off earlier.

"This is… Have I returned to my body?" Theo tilted his head in confusion and pointed his palm forward, using his power to affect the illusion, albeit nothing happened.

The possibility of him returning to the real world had increased, but he couldn't be so sure because he was dealing with the world, the one that gave him his power. She might have sealed his power or used something even stronger to the point his power couldn't affect it.


Suddenly, a huge explosion occurred outside as the black smoke rose to the sky.

Theo hurriedly rushed to the window and dropped his jaw. "What is this?"

The building in front of him was pierced by a huge tree from the ground. Although it was still standing, there was blood splattered all over the building and trees, showing how many people had died.

When he lowered his vision, he saw all vehicles had been either abandoned or destroyed. But that wasn't important, he saw monsters roaming around the street, killing any humans in sight.

"What is happening right now?" Theo narrowed his eyes and took out his Skylink. Since Skylink's connection came from the satellite instead of any connection tower, he should be able to get a signal.

Hence, the moment he saw the signal was gone, he knew this wasn't the real world. Instead, he was still under a powerful illusion that he couldn't remove.

"So, that's how it is…" Theo narrowed his eyes and looked at the window. "In that case…"


Theo shattered the glasses and jumped outside while saying, "The hotel surely won't blame me for destroying the glasses."

As soon as he landed on the ground, he took a look at his surroundings to see what was happening.

On his left, he saw a couple running away from a monster. In the opposite direction, there was an elderly that fell down in front of the monster.

Without hesitation, Theo summoned hundreds of swords and used them to attack the monsters, saving those people.

He also took out his own spear and prepared to face the monsters in this area.

"Still, I should ask the people around. Since the illusion is so freaking real, they might have some information as well. It's better if I can gather some information to solve this trouble." Theo nodded in agreement.

He went to the couple first, but when he was about to ask his question, the couple vanished in the blink of an eye.

He turned around, and the elderly had also disappeared.

"What? What's wrong?" Theo frowned, not knowing what was happening. Even when he tried to maintain their form with his Reality Order, he couldn't stop them from disappearing.

"It seems that solving this trouble is far harder than I expected…" Theo squinted his eyes. While he was assessing his situation, a monster just broke a wall of the hotel and stood before him, planning to pounce on him.

At the same time, Theo got the last wake up call he needed to understand the situation.

[Mission: Solve the trouble before your eyes.]

[Reward: Reality Eyes.]

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