God of Tricksters

Chapter 1009 Formation

Chapter 1009 Formation

Chapter 1009 Formation


His original intention coming to Australia was to recruit Felix. Never in his wildest dream that he would get someone with a blessing from a notorious hacker.

It showed the potential hidden in her body. That was why Theo decided to invest in Millie's ability, but he also made sure that she trained her body so that she wouldn't be too weak, keeping his promise to Felix.

Now that he had left Millie with some money to buy the top equipment for her talent, he finally left the house with Felix.

Theo took the car to meet Isaac while Felix followed him on foot.

Felix knew one of the reasons why Theo wanted him to stay hidden was due to the ambush. From Isaac's condition, it was clear that some experts were hiding to harass him.

Hence, Felix needed to hide and eliminate those hidden dangers first.

In other words, Theo was actually using his life as bait.

Having such a daring boss truly made Felix get excited. Usually, the people he assassinated in the past would send numerous subordinates to stop him from assassinating them.

They could only stay back because they didn't have the boldness to stand up. In the end, he managed to assassinate them after killing his subordinates.

Different from them, Theo even came to him by himself, fully aware that he could die in his hand. Yet, Theo ignored that kind of threat and continued healing his daughter.

Although he wanted to call him reckless, he managed to do whatever he wanted as though there was already a calculation behind the scenes. So, he thought Theo could become this bold because he already knew what to expect.

There was no way a person like him would fall easily. Hence, he chose to follow his every command, knowing Theo must have considered it carefully.

All he needed to do was to think about the reason behind his order.

This was the example. Because of the numerous hidden dangers, he needed to go to the site as soon as possible and eliminate them before Theo arrived.

Hence, he used his fastest speed and his power to make himself hard to spot with this sunlight.

Yet, not everything went smoothly.

'What is this…' Felix narrowed his eyes, feeling the gaze from the people around him. No one should realize his position, yet he could feel he was being watched.

Previously, Theo had mentioned something about the beggars, who seemed to be everywhere and had a strange technique to observe them. He even confirmed that it wasn't a skill from the other side.

'So, this is what he meant by being observed. As expected, he is being monitored.' Felix narrowed his eyes. 'If it's not a skill, then it should be something like an Original Technique. Is it an Original Technique that can be easily learned by the masses?

'In that case, we should assume there are thousands of people using this original technique, creating a network to observe their target. With that number, you can easily cover an entire city…'

As expected from the man who was in the similar line of work, Felix understood how the beggars worked in an instant.

'Still, they're lacking compared to Mythical Rank Experts… At most, they are Supreme Rank Experts. From this kind of presence, I felt 45 percent of the gazes should come from Champion Rank Experts, 35 percent should be Hero Rank Experts, and the rest are either Supreme Rank Experts or newbies like Elite or Normal Rank.'

Felix thought for a moment and changed his approach, using his power to blend himself in.

"!!!" Even the beggars who were using their techniques to monitor him were shocked when Felix suddenly disappeared.

Still, they had gained quite good data from Joker. They ended up reporting to their boss about their finding.

'Joker has gained an unknown Mythical Rank Expert's protection.'

While they were reporting their finding, Felix suddenly called Theo and informed him what he did earlier.

"I see. So, that's the case…" Theo muttered in a low voice, looking down as though something was in his mind.

"Do you know anything about it?" Felix asked.

Theo maintained his silence, recalling the time he spent with his grandfather.

"A formation?" Theo tilted his head in confusion.

"That's right." Leonardo nodded with a smile and drew a circle on the ground. "You should know some ancient formation, right? We form a few lines of soldiers to receive an enemy because it has the most stable form. If we take it on with another formation, they might collapse."

"Yeah, I know. But doesn't a formation need many people? Unlike a simple formation like the triangle or rectangular formation for a small group of six like the usual hunter group, this type of formation is hard to monitor." Theo explained his knowledge about this topic.

"Do you know why I always asked you for a match in chess or real life simulation?"

"Isn't it to train my tactics?"

"Yes. But that's not all. When you are fighting against me, you will think a few steps ahead, right? No. Instead of 'think,' I should use 'imagine,' for this context."

"Imagine…" Theo narrowed his eyes before coming to a realization. "Are you telling me…"

"Yeah. I am training your imagination. It's hard even for a commander who has fought a hundred battles to understand the formation, the battlefield, and their movements. So, I train your imagination so that you can grasp the gist of the situation even without looking at the battlefield or getting the report."

Leonardo then drew an arrow piercing the circle before closing the circle again and said, "So, when there's a disruption, you can react instantly and deal with the problem. And boom, you trap your enemy.

"And this is only one formation… What if you create the formation like a hexagon instead of a circle? Then, you add another one connected to it… After that, we add a few more and form a line of hexagonal formation."

"It's a chain." Theo answered with an amused expression.

"Yes. What if I stack a few more chains on top of it?"

"It's going to be a net."


"But won't the formation become extremely weak because of the lack of command? It's hard to command something like this. You need a huge amount of manpower."

"Not necessarily so." He pointed at the edge that connected four hexagons at once. "Just this point is enough."

"Only one person is needed to supervise them. If we use this, we can lower their number by at least ten times…" Theo narrowed his eyes.

"Exactly. It's hard to escape from a trap like this, but if you know the pattern, you should be able to escape from it." Leonardo explained.

Leonardo's words put a smile on his face. He never thought it was possible to arrange such a huge formation, but now that he understood how it worked, Theo could see how to bypass this formation.

'Grandfather is truly the top strategist. Maybe, he has been holding back when fighting against me this whole time…' Theo thought with a smirk before saying, "Felix. I need you to do something for me first. There's something I want to try."

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