God of Tricksters

Chapter 1028 Order vs Order

Chapter 1028 Order vs Order

Chapter 1028 Order vs Order

"!!!" The troll widened his eyes when he saw his own black ball getting cut by Theo's sword.

If it was directly, he would believe the sword cut it. But Theo did it at a distance.

"I have learned a lot from you." Theo smirked and raised his left hand.

Suddenly, the darkness that enveloped the entire cave disintegrated as though a random force dispelled it.

The light gradually returned to the cave, allowing Theo to see again. He was certainly delighted when he saw the dumbfounded expression on the troll's face.

"You…" The troll was speechless. He didn't know what actually happened. "What did you do?"

Theo looked at the troll and smirked. "What do you think? Why don't you find it out?"

"Human!" The troll roared and formed multiple black balls in his surroundings, launching them forward.

Theo snorted and slashed the air again, resulting in all these black balls being cut like tofu.

There was no reaction from Theo as though cutting this power was normal for him.

"Why? I have used my Order to swallow all the Magic Power…" The troll's eyes widened, staring at Theo in fear.

He truly couldn't understand Theo. Even this whole time, Theo acted as if he wasn't in a bad situation.

The proof was the constant mockeries he threw as if trying to anger him.

"No, wait. You provoked me to see more of my power." The troll came to a realization.

Theo's real intention was finally revealed.

Yet, Theo simply uttered one word as his response. "So?"

"So?!" The troll gritted his teeth and ran forward, brandishing his bat to Theo.

Theo pointed his left hand to the bat. josei

As soon as he clutched his hand, the darkness that enveloped the bat started to shake before it gradually disappeared.

Theo took this opportunity to cover his sword with Magic Augmentation and Magic Power Expansion.

"Not good!" The troll widened his eyes, noticing the Magic Power fluctuation in Theo's sword.

The moment their weapons clashed, the power from the Magic Augmentation and Magic Power Expansion exploded, blowing the bat away.

"Kh." The troll gritted his teeth, trying to withstand the force, not letting his bat go.

However, Theo took this opportunity to close in.

He jumped to the troll's body as his sword struck him a few times.

"Noooooo!" The troll screamed in pain as he shook his body to launch him away.

There were several cuts on his armor. And Theo's sword seemed to have penetrated his skin.

Still, as expected from a thick armor and skin, Theo could only deliver superficial wounds like this. The troll might not be affected by this kind of wound too.

"How do you cut my power?" The troll gnashed his teeth and waved his club to make Theo leap away. He needed time to think about what had happened.

'I think I can understand one of the advantages of having the thirteen big Orders…' Theo thought while narrowing his eyes, observing the power from the troll's power. 'Although the troll's Order hasn't fully manifested, he can still bring out its power.

'But it seems that the thirteen big Orders have priority over other Orders. If not, the power from my Order will clash with him. And I won't be able to cut down his darkness power.

'Of course, I think it can become this effective due to his Order being incomplete.' Theo examined the current situation. 'If we have the same condition, I can cut the armor down, but I need to attack the same spot multiple times. And he won't be able to stop my attack… Those kinds of priorities.'

Theo's expression became serious as he planned to try to utilize his own Order completely this time.

As if having the same thought as Theo, the troll suddenly sucked a cold breath as he said with a shocked face. "Don't tell me… You… You also have an Order!"

Theo didn't answer him since there was no need for words to be exchanged anymore. Since the situation had become like this, it would be his Order vs the troll's Order. Or so what he thought.

With a fearless charge, Theo approached the troll and released several sword energy, trying to take advantage of the troll's confusion.

However, the latter took a step back and poured his Order into his bat again, stopping Theo from doing whatever he wanted.

Theo raised his hand to shake the power of Order again, but the troll somehow maintained the Order.


'I guess it won't be that easy.' Theo narrowed his eyes and saw his sword cutting half of the energy that covered his bat. 'It seems the troll is recklessly using his Order and Magic Power to withstand my power.'

"I don't have enmity with you. Why does someone who possesses a Holder come here?!" The troll gritted his teeth and pushed forward, trying to pin Theo to the ground.

Meanwhile, Theo used his Blink Skill to appear on top of the troll.

The troll immediately took a step back to avoid him. However, his giant body was an easy target for Theo.

He cut down the armor with all his strength, including the Magic Augmentation, Magic Power Expansion, and Thunderclap Fist.

Still, as expected from another Order, even though Theo's Reality Order had a massive advantage, the Order still managed to absorb a portion of his Magic Power.

However, the remaining force was enough to cut the body, creating a giant wound on the troll's chest.

"Aaarrrgghh!" The troll screamed in pain as he raised his left hand. His shadow suddenly expanded and turned into spikes.

Some of them went straight to Theo, blowing him away.

While panting, the troll glared at him, asking, "What Order do you have?!"

"You're really talkative this whole time. Do you think anyone has time to entertain you?" Theo snorted as he prepared to defeat the troll.

But everything didn't go as smoothly as he thought.

When Theo was about to charge forward, a monster suddenly entered the tunnel and roared.


The monster looked like a fox. Its body size was similar to that of a troll but with white skin.

The golden tail suddenly rose as electricity started sparking.

"Hahaha! Do you think you have lured all of them out?!" The troll suddenly smiled when he saw this monster as though there was still a way to win.

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