God of Tricksters

Chapter 1038 Found Out

Chapter 1038 Found Out

Chapter 1038 Found Out

"It will only take two hours from here." Theo said while checking the maps in his Skylink. "Now that I think about this, I haven't asked this question yet… Where does the Frost Saint live?

"Considering they're aiming for the Frost Saint, won't they make a base close to it." Theo squinted his eyes and glanced to the side, "Do they know about the Frost Saint's whereabouts?"

The Shadow King hesitated for a moment since it was better for Theo not to find out about it.

"If this job requires me to bring you to the Frost Saint, I will answer that question." The Shadow King shook her head.

This might be the first time he had a closer look at the Shadow King. Her body features truly looked like a human, but it was covered by a pitch black shadow so that others could only see her lines.

She looked similar to Syk, so Theo thought Syk took after his mother instead of his father… Though, he still couldn't imagine how the big Dark King and the small Shadow King could reproduce.

"How is Syk? Is he still sleeping? Is that guy doing something to him?"

"Don't worry. Syk is still sleeping. As for the Dark King…" Theo paused for a moment as his clone searched around, finding the Dark King standing on top of the cliff. "He was standing on top of the cliff."

"Good. Gently rub his cheek for me." The Shadow King commanded with a serious tone.

Even Theo could only chuckle as he followed the order. Syk was taking a nap on Theo's lap after all.

In those two hours, the Shadow King kept making requests to Theo, spoiling Syk all the time. He somehow thought that there might be a reason why the Dark King actually kidnapped their kid. josei

If Syk continued living in such a spoiled way, he might become a good-for-nothing. Though, he couldn't say much since he wasn't in the position to interfere with their family.

As soon as they were about to reach the base, the Shadow King finally stopped and pointed at the ground. "You stay here. I will check the facility by myself."

"I understand." Theo agreed without hesitation as he stayed here.

On the other hand, the Shadow King soon disappeared, heading straight to the base with all her strength.

As expected from the Shadow King, the moment she arrived, she could feel the people hiding around this place.

'Hmm… Ten, no… There are even more people around here.' The Shadow King thought while hiding inside the shadow of a tree. 'There are a total of 16 people standing by here. Although they have no Order, they are quite strong. No wonder 5 people that the humans sent couldn't go back.'

She then gradually approached the base by jumping from shadow to shadow. Whether it was a tree, a grass, or a bush, she could hide within them. This was why she was the perfect person to investigate this base.

The moment she reached the nearest tree from the base, she even used her Order to move through the shadow.

There was nothing between the tree and the base, so it wasn't possible to use that shadow to reach the base. But the Shadow King went one step beyond and used the shadow of the soil, slipping through the shadow that appeared in the dirt's pore.

With this, nothing could stop her from entering the base.

Inside, she could clearly see a giant weapon being built. Although she didn't know what that was, she could simply find it through Theo later.

For now, she remembered everything about the details before leaping into someone's shadow.

And whether it was fortunate or unfortunate, the shadow she entered was none other than the supervisor's shadow.

"Sir. We have the data ready. After another check, we should be able to run the simulation." One of the scientists came to him while giving him a paper.

"Good. Continue with your work." The supervisor nodded while reading the paper.

'Someone has been building this facility without our knowledge?' The Shadow King was quite surprised by what she found.

Although she was a King Class Monster, it didn't mean she was omnipresent. Even the Lightning Authority didn't know there was an experiment lab in his land if not because of the disruption of the goblin as well as Leonardo.

However, everything changed soon when someone came, informing the supervisor. "Sir. You are called to the main room."

"Main room…" The supervisor's face turned pale before letting out a long sigh. That was the room that the Fist Saint had been using, and it was quite tiring to accompany the Fist Saint since he was too dumb to even understand his explanation.

At the same time, he couldn't refuse this request, resulting in him walking to the main room with a long face.

'Should I focus on this facility first, or should I stick with this man? The person in the main room seems to be important enough because he can call this person who seems to be the boss of these people. The boss of the boss…' The Shadow King thought for a moment before deciding to go with the supervisor first. 'I can easily explore the rest of the facility later. For now, let's see the leader of this facility.'

However, she soon regretted this decision when the supervisor finally reached the room.

Even before entering, she could feel an amazing Order being hidden inside the room. She didn't feel it earlier because the latter had been suppressing it, but now that she was closer, she could clearly sense the Order emanating from this room.

She never thought that someone at this level would be hiding in this facility. Unfortunately for her, before she could leap away, the door had opened, revealing a bald man inside.

He was sitting leisurely until the supervisor greeted him.

"Hello, Sir. How can I help you?"

The Fist Saint soon put on a smile as he said, "Oh, you've come. I want—"

Before he finished his words, the Fist Saint suddenly stopped and frowned.

"Hmm?!" The bald man raised his eyebrows and turned around, looking at the supervisor next to him.

"Sir?!" The supervisor was bewildered by his action, wondering what he did wrong to get this kind of gaze from the Fist Saint.

Surprisingly, the bald man approached him while examining his body with a grim expression as though he had found something.

"Is there anything wrong, Sir? Have I made any mistakes?" The supervisor gulped down.

The Shadow King was sweating profusely while maintaining her calmness so as to not release a single fluctuation.

'This man is strong. He should have at least an Order, and his achievement is exceptionally high too. I'm afraid I won't be his opponent…' The Shadow King thought and recalled the man in their home. If it was the Dark King, he might be able to fight this man.

Luckily, the bald man stepped back and said nonchalantly, "No, it's nothing. I thought there was something wrong with you, but I was wrong."

"I see. I apologize for the inconvenience. What should I do to fix it?" The supervisor didn't even understand what he was talking about, but he also didn't want to get into trouble, so it would be better to ask him as soon as possible.

"Nothing." The Fist Saint waved his hand and returned to his seat.

"I understand. In that case, I shall go back." The supervisor nodded and took a step back, planning to leave this room as soon as possible.

Even the Shadow King felt relieved when the Fist Saint stepped back. After the supervisor returned, it would be the time she left his shadow since she couldn't afford to get found out by him.

However, when the supervisor was about to pass the door, the Fist Saint suddenly pointed his palm toward him. The fist tattoo on his right arm suddenly glowed as he said, "Strengthen!"

The supervisor was confused and turned around, wondering what the Fist Saint said.

"Sir?!" He asked while tilting his head in confusion.

However, a big smile soon appeared on the Fist Saint's face as he looked down, precisely at the supervisor's shadow.

Following his line of sight, the supervisor dropped his jaw to the ground as he found something unscientific in his eyes.

His shadow looked so different that it didn't resemble him at all. In fact, he could clearly see the curved lines beneath his chest.

"Well, well, well…" The Fist Saint rose from the seat as he stared at the shadow. "To think there is a rat sneaking here."

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