God of Tricksters

Chapter 1041 Appearance

Chapter 1041 Appearance

Chapter 1041 Appearance

"Hurry up! We might not have enough time." The Dark King shouted, asking Seelzik to run even faster. They had been crossing numerous terrains since the Dark King was worried about his wife.

However, Seelzik already did his best. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't increase his speed further than this.

Even the Dark King already knew that.

All sorts of emotion had been creeping around his heart, afraid his wife would die when she fought against an Authority Level Figure.

Although his power wasn't enough to handle that kind of person, he should be able to stop him for a while, allowing his wife to escape.

Yet, even with their speed, he still had five minutes left before reaching that place.

As for the Shadow King, her situation couldn't be worse.


She was launched to the ground, skipped a few times, and crashed into a boulder.

"Gah!" She spat a mouthful of blood as her right arm was broken. If this continued, she would die soon.

And the Fist Saint had reached her, standing in front of her as though he planned to end her life right now.

"Kh." The Shadow King gritted her teeth, glaring at the Fist Saint and wondering when everything went wrong.

A few minutes earlier.

"Die!" The Shadow King shouted, releasing numerous whips from the ground, trying to pierce the Fist Saint's body.

The whips even stuck to each other, creating a drill that should be enough to deal with the Fist Saint's body.

Unfortunately for her, the gap between a King and a Saint was too big. Even after coating the whip with her Order, it broke upon contact with the Fist's Saint skin.

"It's useless. No matter what you do, it's impossible to hurt me?" The Fist Saint snorted as he spun his body, hitting a monster's head with his fist and making it explode from the sheer force alone. "What? You want to hurt me through some soft spots like eyes, neck, or other regions?"

He smirked, having enough confidence that no one could penetrate his defense. At the very least, a King Class Monster wouldn't be able to hurt him.

The only reason why he hadn't killed her yet was due to the monsters. They sacrificed themselves to block him, hoping the Shadow King could leave this place with their help.

However, the Fist Saint's advance was swift, allowing him to catch up to her no matter how hard she escaped. Even if she entered the shadow, he was able to corner her and force her to go out by strengthening her Order.

Even Theo, who could only watch the battle from afar while hiding behind the tree, was stunned.

'What kind of Order is that?' Theo squinted his eyes. 'He can turn everything into a weapon by using that Order. Whether it's sand or his fist, they're strong enough to repel everything.

'If I make a prediction, the Dark King should still need at least more than ten minutes even if he goes at full speed.

'At the same time, if I join the fight, it might worsen the situation. How do I know there is such a man hiding inside that base?'

Theo bit his lips while slamming the trunk. On one hand, he wanted to escape from this place. On the other hand, he couldn't afford to leave, considering he was the one bringing the Shadow King into this mess.

No matter what, he should save the Shadow King from the Fist Saint. But the big question was 'how?'

He never saw a Saint utilizing their Authority to the absolute limit. Even if he tricked him, the absolute power could easily crush it.

'Think. Theodore Griffith, think! You need to find a way to help the Shadow King.' Theo gritted his teeth, making his brain work even faster.

He even made a hundred simulations within three minutes, but none worked. The Fist Saint obliterated everything.

The situation became even worse as the Shadow King started losing her advantage. There were already two hundred monsters dying in his hand, so their number was thin enough for the Fist Saint to go through that gap and reach the Shadow King.

And the conclusion came all of a sudden.

"Got you!" The Fist Saint smirked and grabbed the Shadow King's arm, finally catching her.

"Kh!" She tried to manipulate her own body with the shadow, but the Fist Saint used his 'Strengthen' to stop the movement of the shadow.

He raised her body and gathered energy in his fist, punching her.

The Shadow King used her other arm to stop it and ended up getting it broken.

"Gah!" She screamed while getting launched away by the sheer force behind that punch, crashing to a giant boulder. "Uh…"

She felt her consciousness disappear for a split second after that punch, never thinking she would be in this situation.

If her opponent was only an Order Level Figure, she should be able to buy some time. But the Fist Saint was truly one of the people that had Authority. It was impossible for her to fight against him.

The Fist Saint walked to her front, looking down on her. "This is it. Even though you're a King Class, you are weak. I guess you are better at espionage instead of fighting… You almost fooled me after all. You can take that praise with you when you die!"

He raised his hand, preparing to deliver the killing blow.

However, he soon stopped in his tracks before raising his head, feeling something.

"As expected of the Fist Saint, even a King Class Monster couldn't injure you." A young man with blond hair appeared out of nowhere. He had a cheerful smile on his face.

It somehow stopped the Fist Saint as he was shocked to find another human here. He thought the presence he sensed earlier came from a monster, but it turned out to be a human.

And that person actually appeared before him with the strength of a Supreme Rank. It was nothing but an insult to him, considering the Mythical Rank should be the lowest power to even come to talk to him.

Whether it was fortunate or unfortunate, the man, Theo, thought the same thing. 'Shit. What the heck I am doing here… I'm fucked up.'josei

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