God of Tricksters

Chapter 106 – Enchanter

Chapter 106 – Enchanter

Chapter 106 - Enchanter

Clone Theo headed straight to Laust Lange.

"!!!" Laust widened his eyes and took a step back. He wondered what kind of surprise Theo would bring, but he also didn't want to see it at this time.

"Laust. Be careful!" Iv shouted when he found a glowing blue ball in Clone Theo's hand. "That clone can use skill!"

When Phyrill saw that skill, he dropped his jaw in surprise before a huge smile appeared on his face. "I shouldn't say a diamond anymore… What is more expensive than a diamond? Ah, I don't know. Just say, it's moon rock!"

Even the others were shocked because they never saw a clone using a skill before.

"Magic Bullet." Theo released all his Magic Bullet simultaneously so he could reach his destination without any interference.

Seeing this attack, Laust gritted his teeth and leaped to the air before there was another blue glow above him.

Laust hurriedly raised an Elemental Shield like Theo, but he skillfully created a huge screen to prevent any of these ice attacks from hitting him.


The ice attack exploded when it hit Laust's Elemental Shield, but the burden of that ice was far heavier than he expected.

Laust soon fell to the ground while maintaining eye contact with Theo to avoid getting hit from behind.

It seemed Clone Theo didn't have an intention to hit him because he only had his fist, so Theo decided to regroup with Ellen first.

"Give me five minutes. We will handle this." Ellen raised all five fingers with a nonchalant tone in order to provoke Laust, but the latter seemed to have cooled down after getting defeated by Theo previously. She clicked her tongue since the cheap provocation didn't work. "You too have grown, eh… Such a shame. What are you gonna do now that your enemy has evolved too, Theo?"

Laust obviously wanted to shut him down, so he charged again.

However, before the fight restarted, Laust halted his footstep and turned around, finding an object flying to them.


The spear magnificently returned to its original owner. On the opposite edge, Sihan extended his hand to the limit as he threw that spear from one edge to another.

"Oi, oi, Sihan! Are you trying to kill our Theo?" Ellen complained with a pout. "Take a look at the spear, it impales the wall."

Sihan snorted. "Just be grateful that I return it or I will impale your head with that spear next time."

Hearing Sihan's comment, Phyrill laughed out loud. "Our Sihan has finally followed up a joke. Now, this is nice." josei

"…" Theo himself didn't say anything and pulled the spear as quickly as possible.

Jay, on the other hand, clenched his teeth, knowing it was his blunder. He never expected Sihan to throw that spear back to Theo. With the addition of Phyrill's second sword, Clone Theo now had one weapon that could slowly suppress Laust with Ellen's assistance.

"I will be helping you." Ellen smiled and raised her staff, summoning a few more blue lights above her head.

Clone Theo didn't respond to her for the time being and maintained his focus on Laust.

The latter started running toward them while knowing it took all of him just to buy time against Ellen, and yet, Theo now had a weapon.

Theo also charged forward and thrust his spear to Laust's neck while the latter used the same lengthy weapon to cut his neck.

Both of them used Elemental Shield at the same time, parrying each other's weapons.

"…" Theo and Laust looked at each other without any expression. The moment they got separated, Ellen would be using her skill to bombard him, so his best shot to buy more time was to remain close to Theo.

Knowing this reason, Theo tried to leap backward. Laust responded beautifully and followed him straight within one to two feet away from him. He widened his eyes as veins bulged on his forehead. He was angry at Theo for several reasons, but he certainly felt frustrated to see Theo leading this battle.

Even so, winning remained his priority, so he swallowed that anger and maintained his distance.

"I think you are underestimating me… I'm still an enchanter, you know." Seeing Laust try his hardest, Iv Rith smirked and dropped to his knees before a golden circle shone below his feet. It expanded and shone brightly until it covered the whole room. "My job is always the same. To increase everyone's strength."

"Boost. Leu Aran (Enhanced Talent)."

Theo widened his eyes while Ellen and the others knew this possibility. Unfortunately, they couldn't do anything to Iv because Theo hadn't experienced fighting an Enchanter.

When the light hit Laust, a circle that looked like a bracelet appeared on both wrists and ankles.

In that instant, he felt an amazing power swelling inside his body. He raised his sword and slammed it on Theo without hesitation.

Not wanting to die yet, Theo raised his spear and blocked the attack. But… Theo clenched his teeth soon after feeling Laust's boosted power. "Kh."

Laust didn't play with him anymore and launched him several feet away before turning to Ellen. "Now, this is more like it."

With Laust's new strength, the situation started getting worse. Yet, it didn't end on him.

When the light hit Kong, he received the same power as Laust and slammed his sword to Phyrill.

Phyrill, who only had one sword, used both hands to hit his sword, but despite the increase of strength from his transformation, he was blown away.


It was Phyrill's turn to get slammed into the wall.

"It's your loss."

The same applied to Jay. He took advantage of the additional strength to push Sihan back despite being a magician.

Sihan then raised his shield because Jay already summoned a twister flying toward him. Surprisingly, the twister got enchanted by another power until it got compressed right in front of Sihan's shield.

As soon as it hit, the compressed wind burst and created a powerful shock wave, shaking the field. At the same time, Sihan was pushed back twenty feet away from his original position and left a huge trail on the ground.

"…" Sihan narrowed his eyes and checked everyone's situation, wondering if he should regroup to do another thing.

Iv also took this chance to talk down on Theo. "You think you are great? No. The fact they chose you is due to luck. If they had Alea, their team would have already won."

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