God of Tricksters

Chapter 1076 Mark’s Trump Card

Chapter 1076 Mark’s Trump Card

Chapter 1076 Mark's Trump Card

"Humans?! They're assassins!" Mark shouted, recognizing them loudly to inform the rest even though they already knew their identities.

"I have informed Joker with that gunshot earlier. He should know that we're ambushed and rushing back right now," said Maya while looking at one side, finding ten people. "I will take care of our left. They're at a distance… This narrow space should be enough for me to overwhelm them with my firepower for a while. You take care of the rest."

"Understood." Mark nodded with a serious expression. He directed his attention to the group above them first since they would arrive before those from the side.

Without hesitation, Mark raised his hands and formed a glowing green sphere, shooting it upward.

The five assassins from above also used their own skills to counter-attack. Five lights appeared from their hands as they shot out their own spells, aiming for the green sphere.

These five skills should be enough to neutralize Mark's power, but Mark had grown far stronger than before.

The moment they neutralized the wind sphere, the huge shock wave that had been stored inside the wind erupted. josei


It caused a huge roar to the sky as the shock wave pushed all those five people back to the top.

"What is that?!" The assassins were shocked as they punctured the cliff with their weapons and grabbed it to cling on the wall, looking at Mark.

It seemed they had underestimated Mark's ability.

However, as an elite that had worked in this industry, none of them was scared. They exchanged looks briefly before nodding their heads.

In that instant, their movement patterns changed. Instead of directly coming toward them, they jumped around the cliff wall to confuse Mark.

Unfortunately for them, Isaac released his ability, aiming at all those five.

"Gravity. Drop… my apples." Isaac smirked, considering those five people his apples.

"!!!" All five assassins suddenly felt a powerful pressure coming from above, pushing them to the ground. Because they were still airborne, they had nothing to stop the fall.

And Mark used this to his advantage.

With a wave of both hands, he used the wind to gather all these five people to one spot.

"Wind—No, I can't." One of the assassins that had the same affinity tried to affect Mark's wind, but it was simply too powerful. Even though they both were Supreme Rank Experts, one was a top 10 expert while the other was too old to even make a name for himself. It was clear there was a huge gap between their strength.

Due to the failure in disrupting Mark's power, the wind carried them away as Mark tossed them toward the other side so that Maya could focus on buying time from those ten people while he and Isaac took care of the rest.

They only needed to wait for Theo to appear before eliminating them, so they had some assurance in their mind.

"Isaac. Prepare to support both of us," said Mark as the wind gradually covered his body. This was the wind armor that he always wore when fighting seriously.

With a single wave of his hand, a powerful horizontal tornado came out of his fingers and expanded until it was the same size as the gap.

Three of the assassins raised their blades and used their skills to cut through the tornado.

But the tornado soon got enveloped by another light. The moment their blades reached the tornado, those three were pushed back as if they got hit by a giant truck.

Even the other two leaped back despite having prepared to attack as soon as the tornado disappeared.

This was Isaac's ability, the motion law. By using it on the tornado, the latter would continue to move forward without any deceleration. As long as Mark could maintain its form, the motion law would be able to give enough power to push them back.

"We need to wait for the rest," one of them said while pushing forward to buy some time. They only had one or two minutes before Theo appeared. Even with the group buying some time from Theo, they needed to finish this operation within five minutes.

And half a minute had passed.

A few seconds later, the rest of the assassins had reached the edges of the gap.

Suddenly, three huge circles appeared on top of their heads. These three were the abilities of magicians.

Without hesitation, Mark raised his hand and sent another tornado to push all of them away. However, the assassins took this opportunity to cut through the tornado on the ground since Mark couldn't maintain it properly when splitting his focus.

Isaac glanced to the back and realized Maya used all her firepower to suppress those ten. He believed she could hold those ten for two more minutes before they reached their position. Within that time, Theo should have appeared and messed with their formation.

In other words, the side that he was supposed to focus on was Mark's side. As long as they could take down a few of them, their jobs would be easier.

Hence, Isaac said, "I have finished calculating their status. Their levels are approximately 600-700. According to the distribution, three magicians, two knights, fighters and enchanters, four assassins, and two healers.

"Maya. Your side is the same. But they have two for each job… knight, fighter, magician, healer, and assassin. Be careful."

"Got it." Both of them nodded their heads.

Knowing the job distribution alone could take a huge portion of their burden, considering they knew how to suppress each job. Isaac truly did a good job as the team's support.

After knowing the party's distribution, Mark suddenly waved his hands to the opposite sides, scratching the wall for no reason.

"In that case, I don't need to hold back anymore." Mark stomped the ground with his right foot and pulled his left hand, lowering his body. After that, the wind gradually grabbed all those rubbles that were scattered around, forming a huge dragon head next to him.

In other words, Mark used his wind to carry those stones and create this shape, allowing him to add more power to his wind.

If he could carry wood splinters as a sharp object to harm his enemy or if he could carry the sand when he fought Theo for the first time to blind him, he should be able to fight better.

This was Mark's secret weapon that he had prepared this whole time.

"I have all the resources around me. It's a waste not to use them." Mark couldn't help but smirk as he finally let out this move in the open for the first time.

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