God of Tricksters

Chapter 1105 Finding

Chapter 1105 Finding

Chapter 1105 Finding

After taking a bath and a two-hours nap, Theo finally returned to Millie's room, finding no paper on the table.

"I have found two more people in 20 people. But I don't think they're more unique than the first two." Millie explained while showing their information. "They are a Ranger and a Healer. The first one is known to have the ability to shoot numerous rounds because of his Control that allows him to wield multiple guns at once.

"The second one is a Fighter-Healer. His Healing Ability is more suited to his body, so he uses that ability to fight in the front line…. Mhm, like an undead who will keep coming at you unless you destroy their head." Millie explained.

"I see. They're unique too… For now, I'll get all their data first and confirm their intention to see whether they want to join me or not." Theo nodded. He had no prejudice about their uniqueness. As long as they looked unique, he would try to find them.

"In that case…" Millie immediately printed the document, and Theo sent the data to Agata next.

"Okay. We're done." Theo nodded and turned around, planning to leave the room.

However, Millie suddenly grabbed Theo's sleeve as if asking him to not leave.

Theo turned around, confused. "Yeah?"

"Actually, I have something to tell you. For now, I have been training my body with my father as well as some Martial Arts. I'm planning to do some leveling soon, so…"

"Do you want me to accompany you?"

"No, no. I don't want to disturb you. I just want your permission. My father will go with me as well." Millie shook her head. "My father wants to confirm my potential in fighting. As for my main focus, it will be this…"

Millie pointed at the Skynet and continued. "That's why I need to leave the mansion. My father wants me to ask you."

Theo looked down, contemplating. On the one hand, he didn't mind Millie going out since he didn't want to lock her here. On the other hand, the situation wasn't that good.

Although no one knew much about Millie and Felix, he didn't want to get into unnecessary problems.

After thinking for a while, Theo said, "Two months later, I'm planning to go on an International Mission. In other words, I'll be away for a while. You can use that time and go with your father. josei

"And since I'm going to remain in this house for two months, I'll also help with your training. How's that?"

Millie nodded without hesitation. "Okay!"


"But you mentioned you're leaving for a mission… Are you going to get more people?"

"Yeah," Theo admitted. "I'm going to need your help. The search this time is going to be harder."

"Don't worry. If it's only their normal information, I can do it." Millie pumped her fists, feeling excited. "Leave it to me."

"Haha…" Theo smiled and patted her shoulder before turning around. "Okay. I should be going."

"Yep. Make sure you get some rest too."

Theo waved his hand as a reply and left the room.

Since it was still 3 pm, Theo headed to the garden first and found Isaac and Felix talking.

Felix was holding a notebook containing the task Theo asked for previously.

When he saw Theo, Felix immediately greeted him while handing him the book. "This is the knowledge about Australia's style of Five Aspects as well as their unique martial arts.

"To be honest, the Five Aspects are already a general knowledge. However, Australia is a country known for its unique Endurance. You should know that most of our people live on the coastline, right?

"That's because of the unsuitable atmosphere in the middle of Australia. Only those near the gates are bustling with people.

"However, that kind of environment is suited to train your Endurance. From the temperature to the poison…

"That's why Endurance in Australia is leaning toward Heat and Cold. Using the heat to burn your body and using the cold to freeze your body… That's why the strongest man in Australia is known as Flame Lord. He's a man who can turn his body into Fire… not many can even touch him." Felix explained.

"I see." Theo nodded with a serious expression. He wondered if his Order could remove the fire element. Still, even if he removed the Order, the Flame Lord should be able to counter it by producing more power from his Order.

It would be a battle of Endurance since they couldn't neutralize or produce fire for eternity.

However, Theo remembered that Jormungand was thrown to the sea. The seafloor was cold since the sunlight couldn't enter.

'Can I use the temperature Endurance training to make my Supernatural Snake Body stronger?' Theo narrowed his eyes, curious. Since the serpent didn't answer him, Theo could only find the answer himself.

"For now, I'll take this book. I'm curious what kind of training you did there. Thanks." Theo grabbed the book and turned to Isaac. "By the way, since you can see the Magic Power even better than me, I have a task for you."

"A task?"

"Yeah. I want you to observe people's affinity. The Magic Power in their element and other stuff like that."

"Ah, is it knowledge to improve your ability to erase their power?" Isaac asked, remembering that Theo could remove someone's affinity easily.

"Something like that," Theo confirmed, but the real truth was that the knowledge was more useful to the creation of that element instead of removing them. Though, he didn't lie since knowing more about elements would improve his understanding of Order.

"I can do that. In fact, that's what I've been doing this whole time. I am planning to find an equation that can describe the element…" Isaac smirked. "I have several notebooks about them, so I can show them to you later."

"That's great. I'll finish this one first."

"By the way, who is the next person?" Felix opened his mouth, curious about his next comrade. After all, he needed to see their loyalty and the potential harm they would cause to his daughter.

"I'm not very sure. I am checking their background and other stuff right now… I'm waiting for the result."

"Okay. We're still going in 2 to 3 days, correct?"

"Yep. Look forward to it." Theo waved his hand and walked away.

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