God of Tricksters

Chapter 1127 Realization

Chapter 1127 Realization

Chapter 1127 Realization

"!!!" Theo saw the Time God on the side and immediately turned back into his human form. After that, a spear formed in his hand as he stabbed the Time God in the stomach.

Unlike the sword, the spear had a longer range, so he thought he could somehow reach him. However, it was still the same; there was nothing he could feel.

"Tsk." Theo clicked his tongue, wondering how he fought against this invisible enemy. Whenever the Time God touched him, it felt so real. Yet, whenever he tried to hit the Time God, the latter felt as if he was a ghost.

'What's wrong with his body? He's not controlling the space, so it's impossible to do it.' Theo narrowed his eyes, wondering how he should approach him. 'Since he's not planning to kill me right now, I'll take this opportunity to fight against the Time God, getting as much knowledge as possible.'

Theo took a deep breath and started formulating his plan on how to hit the Time God. It was clear that the Time God before him was real, but there seemed to be something hidden from him.

'I don't see any notification about his skill, so this means he's using his Order, not skill…' Theo thought, wondering what kind of power the Order could use. 'Since it's time…'

When Theo was about to come up with an idea, the Time God disappeared from his vision.

'Where is he?' Theo looked around before his Awareness picked up his presence. He immediately turned around and raised his spear upward. The Time God appeared above him, pushed the spear away, and punched Theo in the face.

The force from the punch twisted his body a bit and ultimately pushed him to the ground.


The clone fell to the ground and caused a small crack.

However, the clone didn't even spout blood despite getting hit with enough force that could result in some broken bones.

"I see… The clone doesn't have bone or blood, so no matter how injured you are, you can keep fighting. This clone is too great to be true if it's not a B Rank Skill, that is…" The Time God assessed Theo's power, not knowing about Theo's ability to rank up his Clone Skill.

Death Avatar.

Theo summoned his Death Avatar on top of the Time God and smacked him. With Theo lying down on the slightly lower ground due to the crack, the Death Avatar should only hit the Time God, not him.

To his surprise, the Time God actually disappeared instead of becoming invisible and letting that palm go through his body.

'Hmm?' Theo picked something off. There were two occasions where the Time God actually avoided an attack. The first one was when the dragon was about to swallow him, while this was the second one.

'An attack that has a wide range?' As soon as he thought about it, he rose from the ground and waved his hand.

Numerous Magic Bullets were summoned on top of him as Theo shot the Time God as well as the ground next to him. That was right. He spread the bullets to create a wider attack range.

Yet, his guess seemed to be wrong as the Magic Bullets still pierced through his body.

'It's a mistake? No… let's try this one.' Theo waved his other hand and formed a huge barrier of Magic Power. He swiped the entire barrier from left to right, trying to push everything.

This time, the Time God raised his hand and stopped the barrier with it.

"!!!" Theo realized one thing after this attack.

And the Time God also knew Theo had realized the weakness of this ability.

"Heh… You adapted so fast that it shocked me." The Time God smirked, feeling a bit excited. However, Theo made the wrong move. By inciting the Time God, the latter would become serious.

After a smile, the Time God disappeared from Theo's vision again.

This time, Theo could easily see the Time God approaching from the left, so he waved his right hand while spinning his body, but he felt even more strange.

Despite his eyes looking at the Time God approaching him at a low speed, his body seemed unable to keep up with his movement. Before his sword reached the Time God's body, the latter had struck his stomach and blew him away. josei



His body skipped on the ground a few times before landing a hundred feet from the Time God.

Theo shared his senses with the real body to understand what was going on because the pain didn't bother him in the slightest.

After sensing that pain, Theo knew this wasn't a special realm or something that was controlled by the Time Power. Hence, he had some chance to attack the Time God.

'It seems that I was right… Instead of a body that can be pierced through, he is manipulating the time of his body. In other words, the Time God is speeding up with that power, avoiding the attack and returning to the same spot. It created an illusion of my attack going through his body… It's just his after image…' Theo clicked his tongue.

Although he hated to admit it, he couldn't be compared to the Time God in any way. His ability was far too strong.

'Wait a minute… Time? How did he bring me here?' Theo widened his eyes, coming to a realization.

Meanwhile, in Theo's mansion, specifically in Theo's room, the real Theo was hiding inside.

He was planning to meditate until his clone came back, but he suddenly opened his eyes as if he had noticed a loophole.

"Wait a minute… I lost contact with my clone for a few hours. I couldn't even recall my clone during that period as if the time of my clone was frozen…" Theo muttered in a low voice before squinting his eyes. "Don't tell me…"

Theo took out his Skylink and opened the time, finding what he was looking for.


"Ten minutes almost passed? Even with all the talking, it felt like only five minutes had passed… Don't tell me… He can even manipulate the sense of time? That bastard is manipulating my perception of time. That's why he looks like he's lagging or too fast…" Theo gritted his teeth and put the Skylink in front of him as his eyes focused on the time.

Meanwhile, Clone Theo lowered his body while raising his spear, pointing it at the Time God.

Both Theo and his clone smiled.

"It's time for a counterattack."

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