God of Tricksters

Chapter 1173 Low Rank Skills

Chapter 1173 Low Rank Skills

Chapter 1173 Low Rank Skills

The question appeared in Theo's mind as he himself couldn't accept any skill below B Rank now because they were useless.

Still, it was surprising that a lower rank skill as well as the blade's sharpness could actually cut down all the threads he summoned earlier.

Curious, Theo formed another sword and sent it to him, trying to test it out.

Sojuro squinted his eyes before he struck the blade from the side, knocking the blade away before leaping to Theo.

On the contrary, Theo still maintained his calm because there was one last defense line Sojuro needed to challenge before reaching him.

The Death Avatar emerged from Theo's shadow and summoned a giant blade, waving it toward Sojuro.

The latter raised the sword with both hands and received this attack.


The impact was so powerful that if Ryoichi didn't put on a barrier, the ground would turn into a crater.

However, Theo found that oddity once again.

Skill: Stone Feet (D)

Effect: Increasing the hardness of the muscle in the feet to strengthen them.

After receiving this attack, Sojuro took a deep breath and slashed his sword diagonally.

"!!!" Theo was shocked by the sudden Magic Power fluctuation. It was as if the sword cut the air itself.

Suddenly, the Death Avatar was split into two.

"Tsk. So, that's a Divine Technique?" Theo squinted his eyes, observing Sojuro's blade.

"You also have a similar thing… What's the name of that blade? That blade has a solid Magic Power… I don't think your Perfect Control alone can achieve it." Sojuro asked while observing the blade that had returned to Theo's side.

"No name." Theo clicked his tongue.

However, it turned out Sojuro was surprised by Theo's answer. Even the Sword Saint and Rea were startled by this answer, looking at Theo as if he was a fool.

"Huh?" Theo frowned, not understanding why they suddenly looked at him this way.

"You don't know the importance of the name for a technique?" Sojuro asked before facepalming, never realizing that his opponent was a disappointment.

"A name is the second most important thing that you need to have a good Original Technique. Just using your imagination alone is not enough to make an Original Technique. For example, if you don't have a name, you need to imagine what kind of sword you want to make. But if you have a name, you just need to recall that name, and your brain will instantly remind you of the shape, the Magic Power, and other stuff instinctively. This is the reason why a name is important. It will be able to affect you at the instinctual level.

"Instinctual level?" Theo narrowed his eyes. He almost forgot one fact. If Italy was the home of Awareness, Japan was known for their Technique.

"How is it? Do you want me to name that blade for you?" Sojuro smirked.

"No need." Theo harrumphed.

"My sister is more knowledgeable than me. How is it? Do you want my sister now? You can get more information from her instead of me." Sojuro smiled.

"Why did you even promote your sister?" Theo's eyebrows twitched.

"So that you can be more serious in this fight! Give it your all! This is not enough!" Sojuro's smile became even bigger as he was fired up. Even he could feel Theo still holding back that large power within him.

However, Theo shook his head. "Then, you can try fighting me with all your abilities. Maybe if your strength is at a certain level, you can force me to use all my strength."

Sojuro harrumphed and disappeared again, using his fastest speed.

Theo turned around, following Sojuro's speed. Soon, he found Sojuro appearing behind him as Theo stomped the ground.

The moment Sojuro swung his sword, he suddenly threw himself to the side, barely avoiding a spike that came out of the ground.

Even the back of his left palm was scratched by the spike.

"…" Sojuro gritted his teeth, realizing Theo was baiting him to make that attack.

Meanwhile, his sister, Rea, sucked a cold breath, thinking, 'He is injured first? Impossible. This is the first time I've seen my brother get injured first in a fight. Is Joker a greater man than reported?'

"You're good, really good." Sojuro smiled despite getting injured. This was the battle he had been waiting for. There was no one who could match him before, so Theo's appearance was truly a perfect opportunity to let go of all his power. "I don't need to hold back anymore since I know you can take it. Let's make this battle even more exciting."

"No. You can continue holding back and underestimate me since it's better that way for me." Theo retorted him while finding another low rank skill.

Skill: Front Leap (D)

Effect: Using all the strength from the lower body to create an enormous leap.

Theo suddenly waved his sword downwards, striking the air. However, his blade soon hit another metal, which turned out to be Sojuro's blade. Even before Sojuro disappeared, it seemed Theo had managed to see through his skill.

"Kh." Sojuro used all his strength to push through, but Theo had the height advantage, allowing him to pin him to the ground.

After that, Theo kicked Sojuro in the stomach with his Thunderclap Fist.


The thunderclap shook the dojo, but surprisingly, Sojuro remained in his position instead of getting pushed back by the shock wave.

Sojuro smirked and raised his head, headbutting Theo.

"I got you! My head is stronger than anyone else! You shall fall because you're underestimating me!"


"Impossible." Rea covered her mouth with her hands, not believing what she saw.

"Gah…" The one who was injured was actually her brother, Sojuro. Theo's mask opened a little bit, showing his forehead and hair. However, there was a snake skin that protected him on his forehead. And after hitting Sojuro, the mask recovered itself, allowing him to protect his identity.

"The mask…" Sojuro gritted his teeth, feeling the pain on his forehead as if he had just hit a rock. But when he took another look, the mask remained unscathed.

Theo waved his blade, planning to use this blow to finish him. However, Sojuro grabbed the sword with his hand as the last attempt to win this exchange.

Since the Sword Saint would do anything to stop the match before it got dangerous, Theo didn't hesitate to swing his sword right at Sojuro's neck. In other words, he was going to cut through Sojuro's hand.

However, the moment the hand caught the blade, Theo couldn't move his sword anymore before realizing there was overwhelming energy in Sojuro's hand.

"My body is my sword! Since I know that you have that powerful skin, I don't need to hold back anymore, worried about accidentally killing you!" Sojuro roared as he used his other hand to reach out to Theo's neck, even if it meant letting his sword go.

"Fool. Why do you throw away your sword if you're a swordsman." Theo used his other hand to grab this hand while using the Supernatural Snake Body to cover his body. josei

However, he soon realized that Sojuro's strength was beyond his expectation as he felt a sharp pain coming from his palm.

"!!!" Theo glanced at his hand for a split second and realized the sharp energy in Sojuro's hand could cut through the Supernatural Snake Body.

"Got you!" Sojuro smirked as he continued pushing forward to cut Theo's hand.

"No. Fuck off." Theo clicked his tongue and used the Invisible Vortex to hit Sojuro's stomach, this time knocking him back.


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