God of Tricksters

Chapter 1197 Illusion

Chapter 1197 Illusion

Chapter 1197 Illusion

"Okay!" Ergene nodded and stepped forward, charging her electricity on her sword before striking a huge bear.

The bear was fifteen feet tall. With its size, a smack from him would crush all the bones in Ergene's body. The paw was even covered by black-colored flame.

However, the moment Ergene struck the paw with her lightning sword, the lightning dispersed in all directions, extinguishing the black flame.

After that, Theo and his clone moved toward them.

The beat immediately spread its paw to hit both Theo at the same time. Ergene took this opportunity to duck down and slash the bear's feet.

As a Mythical Rank Monster, the bear still managed to react to this attack. It covered its body with the black flame to block it.

This was the time Theo took him by surprise. He snapped his fingers, removing the black flame from his reality.

Ergene's sword should be sharp enough to cut through the Magic Power no matter how dense it was.

However, Theo clicked his tongue when he saw the black flame appear again right after it was extinguished, receiving the impact from Ergene's sword.

He and his clone ended up stopping and leaping away to regain some distance.

"Kh." Theo gritted his teeth.

They had been fighting together for two months. Theo's level had even reached 670, only twenty levels away from his goal.

But even with his current strength, it was still hard for him to remove everything.

Unlike the curse in Millie's body, whose caster was already dead, the bear was still alive. Because he only removed the element, the remaining Magic Power could still be used to reignite its power.

And the thing he learned from the past two months was that someone at Mythical Rank had its speed double as well. Not only could it use a move twice the strength with half the effort, but the speed of completing that ability was also quicker.

Even Theo had a hard time removing them. His Order worked, but not that effective.

"I'll play with the bear first. You will wait for the right time to launch an attack." Ergene shouted as she rushed to the bear, keeping it company.josei

Meanwhile, Theo observed their movement while furrowing his eyebrows.

'As expected, unless I'm a Mythical Rank Expert myself, I will still find some trouble in fighting against a Mythical Rank Monster. There is another difference between humans and monsters. When fighting against humans, I'm fighting against their intelligence. However, monsters, especially Normal Class Monsters, use their instincts in the fight. That's why their response is extremely fast,' Theo thought.

'How I wish to be a Mythical Rank Expert right now… I can use the Magic Power in the environment to keep the 'Attribute Removal' before killing the monster.'

After learning about Technique, Theo didn't name only the Irregular Guardian. He also gave a name to his Order's technique, Attribute Removal.

Due to him using his Order continuously, he also gained another ability for his Order, specifically the Illusion vs Reality.

Using the concept of what the Mind Elder used to fight against his parents, Theo utilized his Order and Illusion Manipulation to recreate this extremely powerful illusion ability.

"Ergene. I'm going to use a new thing. It will also impact you since I don't have enough control to focus on a single target right now. Tell me how you feel after this, okay?" Theo smiled.

"Got it." Ergene nodded.

Theo then placed his hand on the ground and retracted his clone so he could focus better.

Without anyone knowing, he had placed a Covenant Seal on the ground like the Frost Giant and the Dark King.

With this seal, the Magic Power in the environment would start to get sucked by the seal and released into the air as a Magic Power contaminated by his Order. This way, he had another supply of Order Energy to wield this power.

Theo then snapped his finger.

Suddenly, the bear and Ergene widened their eyes as they looked down, finding the ground started to split.

"This is…" Ergene gasped. She couldn't see through the illusion due to the Covenant Seal giving enough energy to turn the illusion into reality.

"The ground split?!" Ergene glanced at Theo, who was outside the range.

However, before she could say anything, the ground was fully opened as the bear and Ergene fell into the darkness.

"Aaaahhhh!" Ergene screamed because of the shock, while the bear had the same reaction.

But soon, the two landed on the ground with their feet. The fall lasted for ten seconds, so when they landed, there was a sharp pain in their knees due to the fall and body weight.

"Kh!" Ergene gritted her teeth and saw the bear fall to its knees.

However, the bear had yet to give up and waved its claws, hitting Ergene from the side.

Ergene raised her sword, but because of the shock, she didn't have enough time to take a deep step to receive this attack. In fact, even the black ground felt like muddy ground.

Ergene ended up getting blown away and crashed into a hard object in this darkness. Even though it was filled with complete darkness, the bear was still visible with her eyes, to her surprise.

She felt like she was floating on muddy ground with only her and the bear existed. But she also noticed the hard object that caught her and turned her head, finding a black stone.

"What is this place?" Ergene gasped, looking around to find Theo. But she couldn't see a single creature other than the bear. "What did he do to cause all this?"

The bear was also confused by what happened, but it still attacked Ergene since she was the only prey it could kill.

Unbeknownst to them, Theo hadn't even taken a single step from his previous position. And in Theo's eyes, Ergene crashed into a tree while the bear just started moving from his original position.

That was right. The feeling of falling, the darkness, and everything was the illusion Theo created. And it was even impossible to see through due to his Reality Order.

'Well, the first test is a success. They didn't realize they were standing still when falling because I manipulated their senses… but I need to experience more like the wind resistance when falling and other stuff. If I can't recreate every single feeling, the enemy will realize it sooner or later. It's not at the level of the Mind Elder, but it's good enough for my first time, I guess…' Theo smiled.

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