God of Tricksters

Chapter 148 – Two Ideologies

Chapter 148 – Two Ideologies

Chapter 148 - Two Ideologies

After arranging the mission for Phyrill, Theo returned to his post, not having the intention to help them at all. Instead, he kept observing them.

This whole incident was just too absurd. First, there was a sudden movement from the monsters in the forest when they fought the mammoth.

And before a single day passed, there was this incident where the group MIRACULOUSLY reached this place.

He felt there was a connection between the group and the monsters' appearances. Hence, he didn't want to let his guard down.

There were also a hundred monsters in the information. Even if they tried to aim for the easiest monster, there were many choices because the mammoth was considered one of the hardest, especially its defense.

At the same time, with a team like them, they shouldn't have enough strength to face the monsters in this area, making this entire situation even weirder.

Hence, Theo sent Phyrill to check whether their tent was around here and the trace of the monsters. If they didn't set up a tent or something, it meant this group had a hidden intention.

Alea noticed his expression and approached him, wanting to apologize.

"You don't need to say anything." Theo shook his head and sighed.

The two people who were in the front earlier walked behind Alea.

Theo seemed to be the leader of this group since even Alea asked his permission before letting them in, so they introduced themselves to him.

"I am Sonia," said the female with a bitter expression, knowing Theo didn't want them here.

"I am Lex." The male introduced himself too, but Theo ignored both of them.

His expression was cold as he raised one finger. "One night. You and your group can only stay here for one night. You will leave as soon as the sun comes out. Even Alea asks me, I won't change my decision."

Theo looked cold and heartless at this moment, making the others feel uncomfortable. After all, they were students from the same school.

Theo couldn't care less about them. Even among the students, they didn't mind killing him just to get money. With how coincident all of this happening, he had his right to be suspicious of them.

Seeing how unfriendly Theo was, the two awkwardly looked at each other before stepping down.

Theo looked at Alea and sighed, "It must be hard for you to be a good person. No wonder it's easy for a bad guy to take advantage of a good person."

"Don't say that." Alea felt embarrassed and shook her head. "What if it's you in this situation? I will definitely help you. I know that you have no family, so you won't know how it feels to be in their situation. Sometimes, humans will move their body instinctively and sacrifice their lives to protect their loved one."

Theo shook his head as he couldn't agree with her. "If the monsters were smart enough and told me humanity was trash, I would totally agree."

"That includes you, you know."

"Who said I'm not?" Theo shrugged.

Alea looked at him for a while without saying anything. Her expression became sad soon after.

Theo frowned and asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You… are trying to act logically, right?" She let out a long sigh.

"Of course. Don't tell me you don't? No wonder you are doing things like this."

"That's sad. You are thinking of yourself acting logically just to convince yourself." She shook her head helplessly. "You have lost hope in humanity. Despite the darkness you have faced so far, there will be a time when the light will come and shine brighter, eliminating all the darkness in your heart. Theo… Don't get lost inside that darkness…"

Theo's expression turned cold as he said, "Alea, there is no need to lecture me. You and I can't see eye to eye on this matter."

Alea closed her eyes and sighed, "I won't disturb you anymore. But… Thank you for giving us the opportunity to vote instead of making the decision for the entire group by yourself."

Theo looked away without a change of expression. Alea helplessly returned to the group while adding, "Don't worry. You can return to your tent and we will help them in the other two tents."

Theo didn't reply and continued watching. Half an hour later, Phyrill had returned and told him about the things Theo wanted to know. He thanked Phyrill afterward.

Phyrill made a twisted expression when Theo's killing intent leaked from his eyes. He retracted it soon, so no one felt it, but Phyrill already understood that Theo was angry. He wondered how this situation would be resolved.

After talking a bit with him, he returned and informed them that their place was safe with a smile on his face.

Theo watched the group for another few hours since it was his shift before retiring for the day.

After entering the tent to rest, Theo put down his arm guards and Skylink to the side. He gently stretched his body a bit to make his muscles relax before laying down.

Meanwhile, the girl that was next to the captain this whole time came out and looked for water. She turned her head around and saw Ellen and Sihan.

Ellen noticed her and asked, "Do you need anything?"

"Actually… I can't sleep, so I think hot water will help me." josei

"Ah, I have one. Let me grab it for you." She smiled and entered her tent.

When she was with Sihan alone, she quickly dropped to her knees and coughed uncontrollably.



They suddenly heard Ellen's voice coming from the tent, saying, "Sihan, she might still experience the shock and anxiety. Can you help me bring the medicine?"

Sihan didn't say anything and quickly rose to help Ellen searching for medicine to calm her down.

Since the two had gone, she smiled and acted as if nothing happened and made her way to Theo's tent.

On the other hand, Theo had closed his eyes, ready to sleep. When he thought everything was over, his vision suddenly turned darker than he used to feel.

He instinctively opened his eyes and saw a shadow coming to his tent.

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