God of Tricksters

Chapter 1550 Discussion

Chapter 1550 Discussion

Chapter 1550 Discussion

"…" People were staring at the news to learn about the current situation. All the media were sharing the same thing.

There wasn't even a threat from Flora. If they didn't share this kind of news, they would be destroyed sooner or later by the public. And they would be a fool if they didn't share her speech since it was the most trending topic.

That was why those who were watching something on Skynet soon found out about the speech and their current situation.

"I think I have to go fight for humanity."

"I don't want to die, but if I don't fight now, I'll die anyway."

"Flora Wegener is the fourth strongest person in the world. Since she's going to lead the army, I'll join as well."

"That's right. We should forget about our grievances first. We have to stand together as one to defeat the enemies."

"If we don't fight, we'll perish."

"Let's destroy the mutated monsters as well as the Griffith Family."josei

"The Griffith Family is the world's enemy."

The people's spirit rose. Whether it was due to the threat or simply because of their patriotic heart, many people volunteered to fight.

The union also prepared the transport to send them to war. Even the companies and organizations gave their vehicles to bring everyone. It was truly a sight to behold as the hundreds of thousands of people stood together as one.

Maya was staring at the Skylink with Ruth, watching this movement. "What do you think, Ruth?"

"There is nothing much to see. If they don't fight, they die. So, they have no choice." Ruth shook her head with a calm expression as if not expecting anything.

"Do you think the union will survive?"

"I'm not sure. There is one person that might make a difference if he knows about it."


"Yes. I have received a call from Rea. She told me they were preparing something. So, I guess we have to wait."

"Such irony. They have thrown away the person who has fought for them, and now that person is going to be the one saving them." Ruth shook her head in disappointment.

"Haha. I guess everything has been calculated by Theo. Either way, the situation will continue to go like this, and I don't know if they're strong enough to handle those monsters or not."

"What do you mean? There should be around one million people ready to fight those fifty thousand, right?"

"Yes. But the problem is… do you think it's an easy fight for them?"

"Mutated Monsters might be able to fight a few monsters of the same level, but their number is twenty times. So, I think this is enough."

"If that's the case, why do you think Theo brings five King Class Monsters as well as all of his people in this fight?"

"!!!" Ruth widened her eyes. Theo never underestimate anyone, but five King Class Monsters were truly too much. Theo wouldn't do that unless the enemies were far stronger than he expected. "It seems that… I still underestimate them."


There were five people sitting behind a round table, staring at the video that showed Flora's speech.

"What do you think about this, Sword Saint?"

The Sword Saint shook his head. "It should be fine. I think we'll be able to witness something extraordinary in this battle. So, sit back and relax, Heavenly Sovereign."

"But the union has Flora Wegener and Leonardo, right? They should be doing fine."

"Daemon. The situation is more complicated than you think. We're talking about the casualty. Even if they can repel them, the weapon will be hard to reproduce and the casualty will be high. Seeing this situation alone, the union will surely suffer a lot like us." The Sword Saint shook his head.

Of course, he was implying the leaked radiation from the power plant in Fukushima. They had fought against the mutated monsters themselves and even a King Class one on top of that. However, they managed to join hands to eliminate them.

"What do you think about this, miss Zhao? You are the head of our command center." Daemon smirked.

Zhao Jia closed her eyes and simply stated, "I believe that you should ask that question to the person next to me."

"…" All three of them looked at the female beside her. She was none other than Agata. She would be able to live leisurely with the Sword Saint and the Heavenly Sovereign's protection.

However, Agata didn't want to be always protected. She wanted to contribute to society as well and she didn't want others to look at her as a weak woman who could only rely on her husband. That was why she had joined the army for a bit as a special adviser in the command center.

Zhao Jia could receive anyone's opinion when looking at the situation, but she would take special care when Agata was the one suggesting a plan.

"…" Agata scratched the back of her head with a weak smile as if she didn't know what to say. "Well, I don't know. I haven't even received a call from him. Though, Rea told me that Theo would bring some reinforcement. Though, I don't know what reinforcement they're talking about…

"I don't know how big he is planning, but I'm sure that we'll get a surprise during this battle. After all, Theo's objective is one thing." Agata paused for a moment to raise the tension.

"Come on. Don't stop there!" The Sword Saint sighed as his curiosity got better of him.


"Acceptance?" Daemon narrowed his eyes.

"Acceptance, huh. This guy is truly good." The Heavenly Sovereign understood her meaning not long after, while Zhao Jia got it a bit later. Since the others were still confused, she explained, "Acceptance means Theo will become the hero of the union. With that kind of reputation, whatever he is going to do in the future will be seen as a good thing.

"For example, if the hero claims that he destroys something for the people's good. Most people will believe it. He only has to provide some facts to convince the rest. In other words, if he wants to trick the whole union, he only has to say a word in the future."


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