God of Tricksters

Chapter 1570 Killing Alexej

Chapter 1570 Killing Alexej

Chapter 1570 Killing Alexej

It didn't take too long for Flora to actually return to the battlefield. Theo had predicted that the original Theo would be informing Mason about the retreat even without his clone.

And with his clone following right behind the original Theo, he confirmed the retreat. As soon as he noticed Mason regrouping with the original Theo, he instantly retracted his clone, not wanting to waste any more time with him.

It was a shame that he couldn't kill the original Theo or Mason, but he certainly had eliminated all the Griffith Family.

Theo and Flora met for the first time. Theo's expression was cold as if reminding her of her fault.

"…" Flora couldn't say anything to Theo. Theo never had an obligation to participate in this battle, but he still helped the union fend off these beasts.

If she dared to berate him, she would be attacked by the public. If she thanked him, she would have no more face to keep up.josei

So, there were no words exchanged between them. Flora could only return to Leonardo's side while Theo walked away.

Flora asked Leonardo awkwardly, "What's the situation on the battlefield?"

"I'd like to ask you to handle that zombie dragon. The troll can't hold it too much longer. After that, we have to eliminate the monster that the other Monster Kings handle before wiping out the monsters."

"Will they release radiation after I kill them?"

"There's no telling. Though, one of the King Class Monsters has died, resulting in no radiation. Or that was what it looked like. We haven't confirmed anything due to the lack of personnel."

"Got it. Let's conclude this battle as soon as possible."

"Yes. That's the plan." Leonardo nodded in agreement.

As soon as she got the confirmation, Flora headed to the zombie dragon to help the rest.

On the other hand, Theo immediately went to Felix, who had been keeping Alexej in one place.

"!!!" Alexej widened his eyes in shock when Theo landed next to Felix.

"Felix. I'll handle the rest. You get some rest first because we have to eliminate the rest of the monsters after this."

"Understood." Felix nodded. From the looks of it, the one coming this time was his clone, not the real Theo.

As Leonardo said, the real person was too exhausted to fight, so he just wanted to recover some power to continuously summon his clone to keep fighting on the battlefield.

Hence, Felix immediately headed to their group's location to make sure everyone was safe. Of course, Aisha had been taking care of the injured.

"Welcome back. Come and sit down here. Let me treat your wounds." Aisha waved her hand, asking Felix to sit down next to the others.

Felix smiled and followed her instruction.

Meanwhile, Theo was glaring at Alexej and said, "I'm here to pay you back for everything you've done."

Alexej gritted his teeth and shouted, "I have no choice. The Griffith Family was the one forcing me."

"You don't have a choice? You helped the Griffith Family spread that fake video, and now, you're helping them as an enemy of humanity. And you're telling me you have no choice? This is the most idiotic sentence I've heard in a while." Theo chuckled.

Alexej clenched his fists, knowing that he wouldn't be Theo's opponent with the abilities he had shown not long ago.

Although Theo had used most of his power, it wouldn't be that hard to kill him.

Alexej and Theo were staring at each other as if waiting for the other party to move. The tension rose as the atmosphere between them became cold.

Alexej was the first one to make his move, knowing that he had to escape like the original Theo.

Theo didn't hesitate to chase him. Unlike the previous chase, he didn't have to hold back anymore, knowing that his opponent was just a King, not a Saint.

Alexej first summoned his screen and summoned numerous weapons of all kinds.

Theo waved his blades two times, one downward, one upward.

"!!!" Alexej's body trembled before his body leaned to the side. But because of his abrupt movement, his hands were the last ones to get to the position, causing his fingers to be cut.

"Kh!" Alexej endured the pain and created another screen as a shield because Theo's second strike almost reached him.

Luckily, he was still fast enough to react to the second strike as it only hit his screen, cracking it.

"…" Theo furrowed his eyebrows. That strike should destroy the screen, showing how much Theo's Magic Power was left in his body. He also had to deal with the numerous weapons coming at him.

Since they were already far away from the battlefield, Theo used his Blink to slip past them, causing a bit of misunderstanding in Alexej's head.

Thinking his screen might be effective against Theo, Alexej clapped his hands, summoning numerous missiles.

Theo smiled, snapping his finger.

World Re-Creation.

He expanded the reality toward Alexej, causing his missile to hit him instead of Theo.

"What?!" Alexej was dumbstruck but still managed to react at the last second. He covered his head with his arms as the missile exploded, blowing him away.


"Aaaahhhh!" Alexej screamed in pain and crashed to the ground.

Theo reached him right after and summoned his Irregular Guardian. Without his Mirage World, Theo couldn't utilize this Irregular Guardian as a Divine Technique.

But he now could imbue an element to his Irregular Guardian.

With a single wave of his hand, the Irregular Guardian turned into a spear as lightning began to spark on the tip of the blade.

"Go!" Theo threw the spear.

The lightning erupted, causing a shock wave as well as cracking the ground below the spear.

"!!!" Alexej hurriedly threw his body to the side to avoid this attack because the spear could now destroy everything in sight.

"Kh!" Alexej gritted his teeth and summoned his screen again, but Theo recalled his Irregular Guardian and turned it into a shield.

He jumped forward and put the shield in front of him before coating the shield with the wind.

Alexej shot another missile from the screen, hitting right at the center of Theo's shield.


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