God of Tricksters

Chapter 172 – Nart And Radvils

Chapter 172 – Nart And Radvils

Chapter 172 - Nart And Radvils

Fifteen minutes ago, Nart suddenly left his store and locked it up for a moment while looking at the front even though his mind wandered somewhere.

There was one thing Theo didn't know. The fact he realized the problem was one particular monster, he should also know the reason such a monster attacked this place.

He indeed didn't move because he wanted to give an opportunity to the kids and other people. But there was another reason he stayed in his store.

It was to search for the cause of the monster outbreak.

After identifying the monster and its connection to the source of the problem, Nart let out a sigh and looked at the sky. "This is going to be troublesome."

He disappeared from his shop, heading straight to a certain dark valley before finding another person appearing before him.

"Hmm… To think you're here." Nart Eilric squinted his eyes and smiled. "For what reason does the great Radvils come here?"

"Nart Eilric…" Radvils narrowed his eyes and looked at the dark valley. "I come for the same reason as you."

"Ho? Even though you followed me here?" Nart had noticed his presence this whole time and just let him do whatever he wanted. josei

"As expected from the number two Awareness user of this country…" Radvils smiled. "Using your unparalleled Awareness, you managed to locate the source of the problem. No, should I say the connection between the Unending Tree and the source?"

"Hmph. You are taking advantage of my ability." Nart smirked. "Well, I'm planning to give the source back since I've found it… Even though I want to let my granddaughter and her team take advantage of this situation for a bit longer, since the Unending Tree has made its move, I'm afraid it's going to be more troublesome than the army originally thought so it's better to end it here. Still, I wonder what the thing these people stole from the Unending Tree is…"

"My aim is just the people. I have no intention of partaking in this situation." Radvils shook his head.

"Well, I will let a famous Special Forces member do his job." Nart shrugged and turned back to the Alley, walking inside before finding a small circular manhole that led to the sewer system.

Radvils had also disappeared.

Surprisingly, the manhole suddenly opened by itself as Nart jumped into the sewer without hesitation. The moment he landed, he saw the big circular tunnel. The foul smell began to fill his nose, but luckily, he used his own wind power to isolate his nose for a while.

He raised his head and looked around. Since there was a lamp built inside the tunnel, even though it was a bit dark, he by no means had a problem seeing every single detail in the tunnel.

He ignored the green water next to him and walked forward as if he already found his target.

A minute later, he saw two people wearing a black mask and robe that made one couldn't see anything other than their eyes, camouflaging in a small dark spot.

Unfortunately for them, Nart had used his Awareness to spot them and looked at both of them, saying, "I don't care your reason, but I need you to give me the thing you've stolen from the Unending Tree. And I'm serious."

They didn't move or anything and still maintained their position, hoping Nart was just bluffing. However, their hearts started racing because they felt he wasn't.

"It seems that two youngsters are underestimating me…" Nart narrowed his eyes and sighed. "Since you don't want to show yourself, then I will kill you first."

When he raised his hand, the two men wanted to move to avoid his attacks, but their feet suddenly lost their strength as their bodies suddenly fell to the ground as if they suddenly lost their feet.

As soon as they looked down, they saw a scythe cutting both their feet in an instant without them realizing it. And the bag they hid inside the robe got exposed and flew to Nart's hand.

"Wha—" They couldn't help but utter their confusion and saw a shadow appearing next to Nart Eilric. The shadow gradually formed into Radvils as he pointed at the bag. "Anyway, that's your thing. You can go back now since I'm sure you don't like to see all the things after this."

Nart's laugh echoed in the tunnel as he turned around while saying, "Since the famous Special Forces' Shadow wants to do something big, then there is no need for the old man to be here… If I didn't see you when you were small, I wouldn't have known anything about you. Sometimes my eye for talent is… it's almost frightening."

"Shut up, old man." Radvils snorted and saw that the two men panicked as they tried to activate the suicide chip they had inside their bodies.

But little did they know, there was already a black knife made of shadow pierced their chest. On the tip of the blade was a small chip that was used to destroy the heart if something happened.

They just couldn't believe it when they saw Radvils taking out their suicide device in an instant without even killing them.

Nart, on the other hand, turned around while teasing Radvils. "Oh, such scary precision. As expected, you're good at torture too, since you know human anatomy to such a scary level to the point you can locate the suicide chip… I'm scared… Hahaha, anyway, I have bought you enough time. I should get going right now."

"…" Radvils was speechless as everything indeed as he said. He snorted and found the two tried to kill each other by piercing their hearts, but Radvils waved his hand as another blade appeared from the dark spot in the tunnel and slashed their hands.

"Don't be so fast to commit suicide. I would like to thank you for giving such a blessing to the kids, allowing them to increase their levels quickly… Hence, I want to give you a present…" Radvils' lips curved like that of a devil as he continued, "Of course."

Meanwhile, Nart jokingly shuddered as he came out of the hole while muttering with a weird expression. "That guy indeed has a screw loose in his head. What kind of person giving torture for a present… Those guys will surely remember it for the rest of their life. Though, it's not like they're going to live past the torture. Such a scary lad."

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