God of Tricksters

Chapter 181 – Misunderstanding

Chapter 181 – Misunderstanding

Chapter 181 - Misunderstanding

All people's eyes were focused on Theo as they simply didn't expect that Nart Eilric would be greeting him. And his reason for visiting the school seemed to be related to Theo.

"Isn't that Theodore Griffith?"

"Don't tell me…"

"No way, he is just a mere first-year that happens to be lucky enough to enter the competition."

"No, no. You can't say that."

"That's right. He led the entire group. I witnessed it myself."

"I also saw it."

The situation turned into an uproar. Some people who had put Theo in high regard now put it even higher. Meanwhile, those who were jealous of him became more envious. They simply thought that the fact that Theo could meet Nart Eilric was due to Alea Eilric, unwilling to admit that his strength might play a role here.

Not wanting to make this even bigger, Nart Eilric said with a smile. "How about we go somewhere else? We need to discuss something."

He just confirmed that Theo was the one he was looking for and the voices ringing on their ears just got bigger.

Theo, on the other hand, nodded with a calm expression. "Yes. We should."

Everyone instinctively made way for Theo to go with Nart Eilric, leaving the school. That momentary silence turned into another uproar as they discussed the relationship between them.

"What? He is the one Nart Eilric is looking for?"

"No way. What is the topic they want to discuss?"

"It must be about his training and recruitment to the Eilric Family."

"But there is Alea in the school… and he even commands the group himself, including Alea Eilric. Don't tell me… This is going to be an engagement talk?"

"What?! There's no way that's going to happen. Alea Eilric will only marry someone with the same status."

"Still, right now is an era where strength rules… If he can become strong enough, doesn't this mean he is qualified to become the head of the Eilric Family?"

"No, no. That's just your wild imagination." josei

"But what if Theodore Griffith was just faking his bullied self… All for this?"

As one would expect, the students started gossiping about this discussion as those two who were responsible for the entire chaos had left the school.

But a few important people had seen them together, especially Radvils and Theo's group.

In his room, Radvils furrowed his eyebrows and remembered Theo said Nart would meet him soon. It seemed Theo had something special to the point Nart would directly involve himself in this situation.

Although he felt uncomfortable with his involvement, it just meant his choice in Theo wasn't wrong.

Radvils leaned on his chair and smiled, "It seems my choice is not wrong. Even if everyone is disqualified, you need to become a member of the Grand Gaia team, you shrewd little devil."

At the same time, Alea and Ellen happened to see those two leaving the school together when they passed by.

Listening to the people around, Ellen smirked and said, "So, what's this all about, Alea? Is it true that they're going to discuss your engagement?"

Alea tilted her head in confusion and looked at her without any clue. "I doubt even my father knows about this…"

"…" Ellen was the one surprised this time. Her father would be the current head of the Eilric Family, so he must know everything about engagement. However, seeing that there was no clue, Ellen didn't know what they planned to do.

Still, it didn't mean the teasing would stop. Ellen made a smug smile and continued, "It may be his desired grandson-in-law. It's true that he is the only one who can handle you in this school. Maybe your grandfather has seen that quality and wants him to be your husband, so you don't destroy your own family?"

Alea furrowed his eyebrows and shook her head. "I have no plan in marrying someone this early. It's normal for people to marry in their late twenties or early thirties. I'm only a nineteen years old girl and still want to explore the world."

"Yeah, but yours is an only child and has a big family." Ellen shrugged.

"Either way, I will just run away from home." Alea harrumphed and pushed her to the third building to practice, but her eyes lingered at the school gate where Theo and Nart passed.

While they were guessing Theo and Nart's relationship, The two had arrived in a restaurant that Alea once invited him to discuss the battle plan with Hontar.

They had a personal room to talk freely.

"Hoho, how about it? Do you find becoming famous interesting?"

"No. It's just taking my time and privacy away. You only get the attention while sacrificing something that you need the most… It's dumb." Theo shook his head, knowing the reason why people actually wanted to lay low.

"Haha. Doesn't this mean no one is looking down on you anymore? You can start having a relationship with powerful people and getting as many beauties as you want." Nart laughed even though he agreed with Theo that staying low was actually more efficient. "Those who are young like you have their ambition to become popular."

"They just have too much hormones." Theo shrugged. "Anyway, let's go back to the topic."

Nart nodded and opened his Skylink before Theo did the same, so he could transfer the document to him.

Theo quickly opened the document and started reading it while Nart explained the few important parts. "Actually, the contract is mostly filled with… First, you can't tell anyone of any information related to the nest. Second, you are to leave the place within one week. Third, you're to avoid using it or leading anyone into it again with your own knowledge. And fourth, everything you get from there will be yours."

Theo narrowed his eyes and kept reading. As he said, the important points were those four, he could see a few more, but all of them were just formalities to make sure no one other than the Eilric Family knew and used the artificial nest.

"I can understand the condition." Theo nodded and kept scrolling down. "I can agree with all of them and I don't think there's any problem with the others too. I can convince them."

"That's good. Anyway, I'm sure people misunderstand our relationship." Nart laughed.

"Whatever. They can guess as they like, but they won't get anything from me." Theo shrugged and continued, "And I need the information about the artificial nest."

"Of course. This is the information." Nart sent another file.

Little did they know, when they were discussing this kind of agreement, Theo and his group actually received another help from a certain group.

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