God of Tricksters

Chapter 196 – Flowmotion

Chapter 196 – Flowmotion

Chapter 196 - Flowmotion

The next day.

Theo woke up and felt refreshed. All the fatigue from one month of training had gone away. In fact, he felt a bit more energetic than his usual self and finally had the time to think about his next move.

He opened his Skylink and sent a message to his assistant from the temples, telling them that he wanted to update his status.

Surprisingly, Sarah, his assistant from Warrior Temple, replied that she was free and could do the update today. The other one required three days to finish his job before he could make time for his update.

After telling her that he would arrive at the Warrior Temple after lunch, Theo rose from the bed and took a shower.

He walked outside his home and took a bus to the Assassin Temple. He still remembered how Phyrill, Laust, and Sihan killed a Hero Rank Monster. Although it was a bit disappointing as there was no leap in their performance other than their overall ability from level up, he felt it should be enough for the time being.

On the way, he sent Alea the record of him killing monsters, especially from his Assassin ID Card. Theo also searched for missions to submit as soon as he arrived at the Assassin Temple. After all, both identities couldn't share the contribution points, so he chose to do it for his Joker's identity.

Upon his arrival, he quickly went to the receptionist to submit the missions he just picked.

Name: Joker

Level: 24

Attributes: Strength B, Endurance D, Agility C, Vitality D, Magic Power C

Health Problem: -

Privilege: -

Kill: 2021 (+)

Zils: 720,000

Contribution Points: 2000 (2000)

Obviously, the one who helped him with the missions was dumbstruck when he saw a Level 24 hunter was able to get two thousand contribution points. He even asked Theo for an update, but Theo said he had an appointment with his assistant three days later.

After that, he quickly asked the receptionist to update his privilege level and guide him to buy skills.

The receptionist was more than happy to guide him while Theo thought how good it was to have so much money in his account. He hadn't even sold every Material Cards in his possession.

Even after settling his debt with Nart, he should still have five hundred thousand left. He needed to start saving his money for a house and a Hero Rank Weapon.

The receptionist then handed him a catalog for the skill of an Illusionist. He was stunned when he saw so many illusion techniques.

Blurry Vision (E)

Sweet Poison (D)

Mental Retribution (E)

He swiftly looked through the catalog until he stumbled upon one skill, a perfect skill to replace his Haste.

Skill: Flowmotion (E) - Upgradeable

Upgrade: Fuse 10 Rank E skills

Effect: The user can use the environment to their advantage, allowing them to perform feats such as kicking off almost any surface.

In that instant, he believed, instead of speed, flexibility was his top priority since he could combine this move with his Blink, making it more unpredictable.

Theo quickly bought the skill for 300 Contribution Points and left the Assassin Temple.

He then grabbed a bite before coming to the Fighter Temple to meet his assistant.

Surprisingly, Sarah had been waiting for him in the lobby and approached him as soon as she saw his figure.

"Hello, how are you doing? I'm glad that I can do an update for you." Sarah offered her warmest smile. She had seen so many people not coming back after a mission, so she just felt relieved that Theo wasn't like them.

Theo smiled and shook her hand. "I'm great. How are you?"

"Awesome. Do you want to do the update right now or do something else?"

"I will do the update."

"Alright. Let me guide you."

She led him to the previous room, where his status was made. And fate decided to let him meet the same person who issued his status.

"Mister An, can I ask you for help? I would like to do a status update." Sarah smiled and called the middle-aged man.

"Ho?" Mister An widened his eyes in amusement. "If I am not wrong, you're the guy from a few months ago…"

"Hello, I'm back here again."

"That's great. At least, you're alive." Mister An nodded with a relieved expression while handing him the same black crystal he used to measure his status. "Just touch it."

Theo didn't hesitate and touched the crystal before Mister An dropped his jaw to the ground. He raised his head and stared at Theo in disbelief, confusing Sarah.

On the contrary, Theo had expected this kind of reaction since he did almost the impossible. He leveled up from Level 24 to Level 193 within six months after all.

"You… You… I don't know what to say anymore." Mister An shook his head helplessly while wiping the sweats on his forehead.

"Mister An? What happened?" josei

"No, no…" Mister An refused to answer and completed Theo's update before handing her the ID Card.

Sarah took a glance at Theo's ID Card and subconsciously dropped it to the ground.

Name: Theodore Griffith

Level: 193

Attributes: Strength A, Endurance C, Agility B, Vitality C, Magic Power A

Health Problem: -

Privilege: -

Kill: 0

Zils: 0

Contribution Points: 0

Sarah hurriedly picked it up with her shaking hands.

"I-I'm sorry." Sarah apologized and blinked a few times, not knowing what to say. Just like Mister An, she was completely speechless of this sudden increase. She never heard someone getting 170 levels within six months.

"…" The old man looked at Theo with a troubled expression. He hesitated for a while but still asked one question. "You brat, you're not doing bad practice, right? There's no way that you're not submitting any missions…"

He had a suspicion that Theo's level up was due to other people weakening the monsters while he delivered the killing blow, but he asked this question purely out of concern.

"No." Theo shook his head with a calm expression. "And I'm submitting my missions normally."

Hearing his answer, Mister An let out a long sigh. "Two identities, huh. In that case, I won't say much. I just hope that you don't limit your future just for the sake of levels."

"I understand. Thank you for your advice." Theo politely thanked him with a smile. Mister An must have a long experience and since the latter advised him out of concern, Theo had no reason not to take it.

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