God of Tricksters

Chapter 2021 Run Away

Chapter 2021 Run Away

'What is she doing?'

No one could understand what she was doing. After all, she had to take care of her own position.

The Four King Class Monsters decided to follow her, trying to prevent her from doing anything else.

However, she wasn't the only person who tried to do something different.

"!!!" The King Class Monsters fighting Leonardo was shocked by the sudden action from Leonardo.

Leonardo had been using his chess pieces to form a defensive formation, stopping any attacks from the King Class Monsters.

But this time, Leonardo suddenly dismissed two Bishops from the formation.

Three King Class Monsters charged at his formation as usual, trying their best to break it. They slipped past the pawns skillfully while gathering their strength to deliver a killing blow on Leonardo.

There was also a barrage of Magic Attacks coming from above.

Leonardo didn't even spare them a single glance as he used his rooks to block them. The two rooks formed a barrier to stop the attacks. Meanwhile, the knights moved toward one of the King Class Monsters.

They used their long spear to stall the monster as long as possible.

Now that the rooks and the knights had been used, there were only a few pieces that could stop them.

The remaining two King Class Monsters sped up, trying to slip past the bishops.

They could destroy the bishops first, but this was the first time they had gotten so close to Leonardo, so they had to take advantage of this opportunity to at least wound Leonardo.

Of course, the bishops were doing their best to stop them. They gathered the Magic Power in their staff to shoot the monsters down. But the enemies were too fast this time. They didn't have enough time to aim for them.

"!!!" Leonardo looked surprised when he saw the two incoming King Class Monsters.

Meanwhile, his shocked face served as a fire in their heart. Both King Class Monsters sped up to the very limit to the point they couldn't control their direction anymore.

And this was the opportunity Leonardo had been waiting for. His shocked face suddenly turned into a smirk as if telling the monsters that they had been tricked.

The monsters didn't have any expression due to them being made by slime. However, with their minds, they could clearly feel shocked once they met such surprising action.

After all, the Queen and the King, the two pieces Leonardo had been saving this whole time, had begun to move.

As expected from the Queen, she was an omnipotent piece in chess. She moved swiftly and precisely.

She positioned herself between Leonardo and a King Class Monster. She wielded the Magic Power to form a barrier to isolate herself and the King Class Monster.

"…" The King Class Monster couldn't comprehend her action, but he was still confident enough that a single queen couldn't take him down. So, it charged toward the queen, planning to kill the queen first before Leonardo.

At the same time, the King piece stepped in front of Leonardo. The King piece symbolized Leonardo himself, so it had been standing behind Leonardo this whole time, protecting him.

Since there was a target closing in, the King stepped forward and gathered all the Magic Power in his sword. The amount of energy was similar to the strike that Leonardo used to help Theo in the past where he cut a small hill with a single slash.


The King Class Monster realized that the king wanted to kill him with this slash. Speed might be his forte, but he was confident in his strength as well.

In addition, Leonardo had spread his Magic Power to all sixteen pieces, so it was clear that the King piece couldn't use its full strength.

That was why the King Class Monster dared to challenge the King piece.

The moment they reached each other's position, the King waved his sword while the monster swept his paw.

The collision between the two caused a massive shock wave that startled the battlefield. Even the Queen's barrier cracked because of its shock wave alone, and the King Class Monster isolated inside took advantage of the moment to strike the barrier, destroying it.

The Queen looked at the monster that came after her as soon as he destroyed the barrier. The monster opened his mouth and tried to destroy her armor with its sharp and hard fangs.

But when it was about to bite her neck, the Queen disappeared, causing him to bite nothing.

"!!!" The King Class Monster put too much strength, so it caused his jaws to hit each other, creating a vibration that ran through his body. Luckily, his body was made of slime, so he could easily recover from such a thing.

But more importantly, the moment he looked around, all sixteen pieces Leonardo had laid out earlier had disappeared.

The King Class Monsters were completely confused. Although Leonardo had the ability to summon his chess pieces multiple times, summoning them took more energy than maintaining them, so he shouldn't have removed them at any cost.

Still, there were two King Class Monsters outside the formation. If there were monsters that could react to this kind of action, it would be them.

As expected, the two monsters immediately turned around as they found Leonardo. They jumped toward him, preventing him from going forward.

Despite knowing he wouldn't be able to get past these two, Leonardo actually smirked.

"!!!" The two monsters suddenly raised their heads when they noticed the surge of energy above them.

To their surprise, there were Magic Bullets above their heads. Each Magic Bullet contained a lot of power. It seemed that Leonardo had poured at least ten percent of his Magic Power just for this one attack. It was a reckless move, considering the battle had just begun, but Leonardo had a reason for it.

As for the result, due to the amount of Magic Power, each bullet felt like a cannon, raining them down. Even though they weren't enough to kill them, these bullets should be able to injure them. So, the monsters moved to the side, avoiding it.

They ultimately gave a passage for Leonardo to cross.

"Hehe… Thank you." Leonardo smirked as he slipped past them.

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